Archmage Slacker

Chapter 20: Chapter 20

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First, he moved to a fast pace. After a couple of seconds, it accelerated a little more. And soon found himself running at a terrifying speed. This was a very optimal solution when a squad of thugs tries to strike up a conversation with you by throwing a thick knife at the back of your head.

The blade crashed into a wooden post and sank into it to the very guard. Zee did not begin to find out the reasons for such an eccentric gesture, and now he was suffocating, running away from his pursuers. The four figures that occupied the entire width of the street were running very fast for such a warped creature. Three emitted something between threats and a growl, the fourth hissed softly.

The chase had been going on for several minutes and didn't seem to end. Zee tried to use the acceleration, but only pierced the fruit cart through, turning into a ball rolling on the ground, gushing with various food and pieces of boards. This could have been his end, but the brave seller thought that the bandits were to blame for everything and blocked their path, giving Zee a chance to catch his breath. A heroic act, but extremely stupid. The trader's head sank into his shoulders, shortening his stature noticeably and taming his fighting spirit as the thick club fell from the sky.

Squeezing through the crowd of the main street, Zee noticed a secluded lane and turned into it. But experienced robbers seemed to feel it. He was sitting behind a box, breathing heavily, when a huge hand landed on his head.

- " Heee , hooo , I caught the boy" - The giant lisped, lifting him into the air, holding his skull. The rest stood out from the crowd, slowly approaching the prey.

There was no time to think and plan, so Zee used [Quick Kick]. And without that, the few teeth of the robber were finally reduced to a single one. It is this tooth that will stay with him until old age, and later turn into a happy amulet on a string, successfully lost in cards by his grandson.

The chase started again. There were not many obstacles on the way, people, too, seemed to have evaporated from this place and Zee accelerated, breaking the distance. He abruptly changed direction and crashed into something soft. And hairy.

The two of them flew into the building, knocking out the wooden door. When Zee tried to get up, someone pinned him against the wall and covered his mouth.

It turned out to be an extremely scary man, whose face can scare away dragons. And it’s impossible to draw it at all, the last artist who tried to reproduce it tried to burn the picture at least ten times until he was exiled to another region for voluntary forced labor. The drawing was later corrected so as not to scare people away by giving the person a helmet. Very, very closed helmet.

Wild, blood-filled eyes met the archmage 's, but vanished as the stranger lifted his head and peered out the boarded-up window, trying to assess the situation between the boards.

The robbers looked around. Their attention was drawn to a stocky man running down the street. The younger Shrinks , who did not want to waste time, made a fatal mistake, grabbing the runner by the chest and lifting him into the air.

His mouth began to open, with the obvious question of the kid running away, but before the sound had left his throat, a fist was there. Judging by the size of the hand, the runner must have been a couple of meters tall. Such fists looked ridiculous compared to his physique, but he skillfully used them.

A brawl, common for these places, ensued. Daggers flashed. There was a loud screech. Bone crunched. One. Another.

Soon peace and order reigned in the street. The runner walked away, not wanting to attract too much attention. And from the dark nooks and crannies stretched small figures, concerned about the condition of the beaten, as well as the contents of their pockets. In truth, only the contents of their pockets...


- “We'll have to sit here. I have a fucking premonition. And you too” - The monster spoke, finally removing his hand – “Well, what's your name? Here I am Bor, glad and happy, our acquaintance”

Zee was still breathing hard as he looked at the man. He was a short, covered in mud from head to toe. His disheveled hair and beard hid almost his entire face, which seemed even scarier from the effect. The clothes were covered with holes and patches. It was repaired so many times that Zee involuntarily remembered Theseus' ship. It was obvious that this robe did not fit him at all. It gave the impression that it was one of the poorest dregs of the city, but in contrast to this, it was the fat of the poor. His figure was rather dense, but the bottom of his shaggy belly peeked out from under the edge of his shirt.

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While he was looking at Bor, he fished out a dusty bottle from somewhere, opened the cap and began to drink greedily. Wine dripped down his black beard, falling onto the dusty floor.

- “Want some? Excellent wine! I stole it from... Found it on the street. Happens!” - Bor chuckled as he handed the bottle to Zee.

- “Thank you, I'll refuse. My name is Zee , I'm just a traveler. Thanks for helping me hide, I'll probably go…” - He started to get up and went to the broken door.

- “Yeah, sure. After all, everyone here carries the brand of this sick bitch, Airiya” - Bor settled on a wooden chair, which emitted a long creak, taking the weight of his body.

- “How did you know?!” He stopped abruptly and turned around, trying to assess the situation

“Damn, if it's one of her followers, I need to run. Run away from the capital. Fuck, they found me too fast. Asura, I’m need to warn her.” Thoughts swirled in his mind.

- “Boy, don't panic like that, you heard she's a bitch! Hahaha , you think I'm her henchman? You know, it even sounds insulting, because I helped you ...” - Bor made a sad face and twisted his finger along the dusty armrest – “Well, okay, I'm not touchy. Especially since you have bigger problems, boy. But so be it, old Bor will not leave you in trouble! What the hell is in your eye? I just can't remember... Some familiar mark, although it looks more like a curse. Ooohhh, if someone bought me another bottle of booze and fed me ... I think only this miracle can restore the old man's memory” - After finishing his speech, he glared at Zee, waiting for a decision.


“Bla, blah, blah! What to do? If he's not lying, everything sucks. If he lies, it's even worse. Why am I so unlucky?! I just wanted to buy one fucking rock. Maybe try knocking him out and running away?”

Zee opened the status menu, and began to examine the spells, pretending to think. It needed something local to stun him, but not kill him, and without too much noise.

A shaggy head hung over Zee 's shoulder .

- “Wow! So you are not so simple. Such stats ! A true chosen by the Goddess. Or do you swing yourself to become the new Lord of Darkness?” -  Bor stared stupidly at the inscriptions floating in the air.


- “Of course, what am I, blind in your opinion? So, did I earn trust for dinner?”


Zee sighed heavily and went to the hotel, accompanied by a new companion.

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