Archmage Slacker

Chapter 28: Chapter 27

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The center of the city looked a little like the square of human cities. The trunk of a huge tree, acquired the outlines of a throne at the foot and went up to the very clouds, where the pores of the wind were lost in the evergreen foliage. Under the very crown of the tree, the trunk was divided, forming a ring, in which there was a huge castle, wrapped in hundreds of lights, motionless in the air.

On the throne at the foot, sat a stone giant. Covered in moss, a clump of grass peeking through the folds and crevices of his age-old skin, he slumbered, inhaling slowly. Air was not necessary for him to live, but the giant liked the smells. They drifted into his unhurried dreams, giving them more reality.

Artram's blade touched the huge thumb and made a ringing that grew louder and louder, rolling over the huge body. The giant opened one of its eyes and looked down. There were elves, those who gave him a home in exchange for protecting the city. But his favorite job was to lift visitors to the palace. Little creatures, always so worried, standing on his hand. Their emotions swirled around. He remembered them, so similar yet so different.

His hand went up, startling a flock of birds and irritating a fairy hovering nearby. Hand sank to the ground in anticipation of passengers.

The armor clanged against the stones, giving out a simple melody. His eye was already beginning to close, pacified by the atmosphere, as something touched him. Something is wrong!

A wave of trembling passed through the giant's body.

Distant memories, impossible for other beings, stirred in his brain.

These emotions, this strength, they are like the death of his kind. The end of the era of giants. After thousands of years, they returned to this world again!

The giant's eyes widened. Boy. He is stamped. You need to tell them. Need to say!

The hand lifted them into the palace, with unprecedented speed for him, rushing into the sky and practically throwing them off.

The bad feelings are over.

But they must know.

A large owl fell down from the crown of the tree and sat on the giant's head. Their thoughts united. After sitting for a few minutes, the bird soared up.

The giant's eyes closed again. This time, his dreams were full of anxiety.


Zee 's legs ached from the long walk. He hardly understood what was happening around, focusing on internal sensations. The whole body ached, badly obeyed. It looked like he was going to pass out at any second. Only the soft hand supporting him kept him from falling to the floor and falling asleep.

“How tired I am… I need to sleep… just a few minutes”

Even his thoughts slowed down, it was so hard to say anything. And understand what others are saying.
He heard a scream, judging by the sound, the girl was quarreling with the man.

“I wonder what's going on there…”

Warmth and support vanished, Zee did his last strength not to fall, rocking in place. The next moment, someone ripped off his blindfold.

A bright light hit his eyes, causing a headache that lasted only a second before a pair of thumbs lowered his eyelids.

A flash of pain shot through the archmage 's head , ripping a short scream from his chest. He seemed to be lifted by the head, squeezing out his eyes. Plunging long daggers into his skull.

The head was about to explode. As suddenly as it began, everything was gone.

He stopped hearing the voice. The pain is gone. Only silence remained. Blissful and calm.

The barrier around his mind collapsed, shattering into a million shards of glass, slowly evaporating, leaving behind a blue glow.


- “Satisfied?” - The old man sat on the floor, next to the lying guy and coughed – “Why is each of your next discovery worse than the previous one? First, a lizard that breathed fire. Then that stone, which turned out to be a dried slug. It was my dress robe! I barely mended a hole in it from the flames, and that thing ate it and broke my favorite flower vase ... Flowers, flowers, I don’t even want to remember how you dragged a bouquet, with a horde of Kargat bees!!!”

- “But uncle...”

- “Wait! Not this time!” -  The old man raised his cane and struggled upright, his knees cracking loudly. Or back. Most likely both.

- “But uncle, this time will not work! You're not a little girl anymore” - He mimicked her – “I knew that you would bring a useless guy home. But a man cursed by a goddess?! Wouldn't you like some drunkard who's drowning in debt with three kids? Even that would be better! Look at your dad, you're breaking his heart!!!”

Uncle's cane pointed to a wooden throne. A middle-aged man sat on it, although his hair was touched by gray, his body was still young and seething with strength. His eyebrows were drawn together, his hands folded. Without blinking, he slowly shifted his gaze from the princess, to the body sleeping on the floor, to the maid, who was held by a dozen magic chains.

  • "Fuck” - he said softly. Then got up and left the room.

Ophelia started to follow him, but the old man grabbed her hand.

- “We'll talk tomorrow, go and rest. Don't worry about your boyfriend, I'll look after him” - Uncle winked at her with a smirk.

It was difficult to say who experienced more negative emotions. Ophelia, who was called a lover of people. Or Asura, whose master was entangled in a vicious relationship.



Zee opened his eyes, staring at the simple decoration of the room for a few seconds. It was warm, a soft blanket wrapped around his body. Despite the cool autumn, the room was warm and dry, but the fireplace was nowhere to be seen.

When he regained consciousness, he immediately felt a fit of panic, trying to find a bandage and pull it over his eyes. But it was nowhere. Then the door opened and an old man entered the room, leaning on a wooden cane. Nature did not endow him with outstanding growth, and because of his hunched back, he seemed like a dwarf. His face lit up with a smile, and his ears twitched...

“Ears?” flashed through Zee 's head. The old man had a pair of white fox ears on top of his head, which was thickly covered with hair.

- “I see you're awake, boy. Don’t get up, you have become very weak during this time, you need to observe bed rest” - the old man gently stopped Zee, who tried to get out of bed – “You are just like Ophelia in childhood, you never wanted to be calm, you always ran outside to play with other children. Remember, after all, you need to know your beloved”

- “Beloved?” – Blood rushed to the face of the archmage

- “I still do not discard this version. She talked for a long time about how you are a young genius, an incredible magician who can save our small town. I didn't immediately believe it, but when I sealed your mage, I had to sweat. My respect, such strength at such an early age”

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Zee tried to open the menu with a wave of his hand, but nothing came of it. The spells were not available to him.
Embarrassment was replaced by fear.

- “Don't worry, it has a reversible effect. The only thing you should worry about is whether Ophelia's dad wants to give you a warm welcome. Sometimes he makes them so warm that even the bones are gone” - The old man laughed hoarsely and took two cups of tea and a plate of cookies out of the air – “My tea is not bad, but I do not recommend cookies. Once I read that it is customary for humans to serve something sweet for tea, and then I bought them. I remember like yesterday that it was a great sunny day. Ahh, what was life, just two hundred years ago. In general, guests of people to whom you can serve cookies are not often found here...”

- “Sir, tell me, where is the girl who was with me? Her name is Asura! I have to find her” - Zee tried to stand up again, but the strength quickly left his body. The old man handed him the cup and made him take a sip. The archmage immediately felt better, the tea of a strange taste turned out to be an excellent tonic.

- “I usually don't approve of mistresses until the third century of marriage, but you did the right thing with this lady. Already three guards have gone to the infirmary, despite the fact that there are so many chains on it that you can hold the whole fleet in place in a terrible storm! Well, let's add some vigor to me too” - He took a small vial from his pocket and poured a pinch of powder into his tea. Coughing into his sleeve and blushing notably, the old man continued - “She’s fine, we don’t keep her in such comfortable conditions, but nothing threatens her life. I give you my word. The first thing you need to think about is meeting the king. I don't like hearing the same thing twice, so think carefully about what you're going to tell us. I strongly advise you not to lie, we will understand. Remember, if you are useless, you will be executed; if you are dangerous, you will be executed. Find the middle. You have a few more hours. For now, I'll leave you”

- “Your name. What is your name?” - Zee asked.

- “Eric, but you can call me uncle” - The old man winked at the archmage and closed the door.



That evening, a squad of guards tied Zee 's hands and brought him to the throne room. They pushed him through the wide doors and went out.

The old man sat on a small stool near the king's throne. Nobody spoke a word.

Zee tried to speak, but his mouth snapped shut, and the old man pressed his finger to his lips.

A few minutes later, Ofelia entered the hall and stood next to Eric.

- “By the way, his thing is not as small as it might seem, I checked while changing his clothes. Great choice, Princes” - the old man whispered in her ear.

Zee didn't hear what they were talking about, but Ofelia suddenly blushed and, judging by the movement of her hand, she wanted to slap her uncle.

The doors opened for the last time and two guards rolled in a cage on wheels, where Asura was, thickly wrapped in chains, more like a skein of thread with a head sticking out.

- “Let's start!” - Loudly said the king – “My name is Aratir, the first and last of his name. Although how do you know about the etiquette of other races? Okay, I'll be brief. Why shouldn't I execute you here and now, man?”

- “Ummm” - Zee did not know what to say, he did not expect such a sharp turn of events at all – “You see, your daughter ... Ophelia ... I mean, Princess Ophelia, she said that you have a problem and that I can help, but I'm not sure what's the problem. She... She...”

- “Artie, the boy is right, calm down at least a little” - Eric interjected into the conversation.

- “Don't tell me how to communicate with a person! And what the hell, you dare to call me that in front of strangers?” - The hand of the king clenched on the wooden arm of the throne – “If it were not for your exploits, I would have already shortened your excessively long tongue.”

- “Father, uncle speaks the truth, this man can ... “- The king interrupted the queen who spoke.

- “Be silent! For your misdeeds, you have yet to answer. Show some respect or this conversation will be extremely short!” - The king's complexion was beginning to approach crimson.

- “Aratir, you are our lord and must keep a cold mind!” - Eric got up from his chair and leaned on a cane, turning and looking in the face of the king – “The girl is right, she found our salvation, the hope of holding out for a few more years. The fate of the peoples has fallen on your shoulders, it's time to throw off your arrogance and grab the chance sent to us by fate!”

- “I'm sorry, Eric. Tell me what you think. I will remain silent, I give you my word” - The king's head rested on his hand and froze.

- “Khe, Khe. And so, young man, time for you to answer the question. Do you agree to help us or will you accept death?” - The old man turned to Zee. Ignoring the clatter of chains and the swaying of the cage as Asura tried to escape.

- “I don't understand what you want from me? If I choose between life and death, I will choose life. But how can I help you if no one even tells you why?” - Zee formulated this thought for half a day. And many others. Which so far have been completely useless. Trying to fall on your knees and ask for forgiveness for some sins was the second most ideal plan. And he kept this plan at the ready.

- “There is less and less magic in this world. Something is consuming it. Our tree, it can wither at any moment. We cannot lose the protection that shelters the inhabitants of our city. Another war will be our last. And from you, magician, we need energy” - Eric turned to the throne – “When I sealed his magic, I realized that the potential of this boy is limitless. If it weren't for my experience and knowledge, he could have reduced the entire city to powder with a snap of his fingers. Even now, maintaining the barrier is incredibly difficult. That is why we must make a decision immediately!”

Asura bit the chain, and immediately a detachment of guards and a prison mage rushed through the door. While the mage was trying to repair the chain, she continued to yell.

- “Just dare to touch the owner! You will all die!!! I swear. Master! Master!” - The chain materialized and sealed her mouth.

- “Not the most compelling argument in our dialogue. So what's your answer man? Do you agree to feed our city with your power, swear to serve until your death?” - The king raised his head and spoke.

- “If you promise to let Asura go, I agree” - Zee bowed.

“Damn, you don’t have to choose. Maybe I can escape later, or life will be better here. The city is safe, people and church can't get here... I hope. They lifted the curse on me, I was finally able to sleep… Maybe they will even reward me?”

The thoughts in his head turned into a flurry, all sorts of options appearing and fading away. Without magic, he can't do anything. Finally they got to him. And the only thing he had left was hope.

- “Well, as soon as you take your place, we will let your companion go” - The king has risen from the throne – “Tomorrow you will become part of the core of the tree, this will save many lives, although you will lose part of yours. Know that you will lie with the greatest mage-kings of my kind, your sacrifice will always be in my memory”

- “Wait! Will I lose part of my life? What are you speaking about?” - The archmage 's pupils widened.

- “Sorry to say this kid, but you’re going to fall asleep. Quiet and calm. As long as your body will give all the energy to our tree. It does not sound very pleasant, but believe me, this is the best way out for everyone” - A sad expression appeared on the old man's face, and his voice subsided with every word.

Princess Ophelia folded her arms across her chest, finally getting what she wanted the most. She saved her people by capturing the stupid man who would become an integral part of the city.

The king clapped his hands and the guards entered the hall ready to take Zee away .

Asura's eyes filled with tears. She tried to break out of the cage with all her strength.

The archmage fell to his knees and covered his eyes with his hands.


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