Archmage Slacker

Chapter 30: Chapter 29

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Eric was staring straight at the monster next to him. It was impossible to delay, any second could be the last. He surrendered himself completely to the potion, the time that mercilessly ruined him turned back. His back arched, covered in stripes of thick red fur. He stood two heads taller than the king, whom no one would call low, even the tallest of people.

Muscles regained their former volume and shape. His gray hair was once again dyed in bright colors and fluffed out to the sides. Everyone around was attracted by these changes, even Airia watched the transformation with interest.

The old man's clothes were torn, under the rampant growth of flesh. Only pieces of pants, hiding a huge ... In general, they remained intact.

Sharp claws ripped through the padded shoes and touched the floor, leaving scratches on the marble slabs.

A few seconds later, Eric the Bloody returned.

- “And what are you?” - He turned to the Goddess. His voice also changed, there was no hint of friendliness, kindness, only steely notes of arrogance and anger.

- “None of your business, child of bestial incest!” - Airia replied and struck naked. A slashing attack was met by a Bloody arm that shot up. The forearm twitched, but stopped the blow. A thin web of cracks spread across the tiles.

- "Then get ready to go to the Gods" - His fur stood on end and changed colors again. As if filled with blood, it turned scarlet. His pupils dilated and he attacked.

Having made a lightning pirouette, he threw forward a clawed leg. Airia barely managed to avoid the blow, only the very tips of the blades touched her cheek, leaving not deep furrows from which stone chips fell.

- “It will cost you dearly, you bastard!” - she screamed, deafening everyone around her, but that didn't slow Erik down. He was already preparing to jump and like a snake, slipping under the fist of the Goddess, struck her with open palms in the ribs. The stone body was thrown into the air, just for a few moments, but the fox managed to hover over it, roar and use ancient magic. His palm was enveloped in a bloody haze, taking on the shape of an animal paw. The blow landed in Airia 's stomach and she broke through the floor with a monstrous roar, collapsing to another floor.

Bloody's figure lost its outline and disappeared into the resulting hole.


Zee 's head was spinning as the barrier that limited his magic fell. Energy flooded his body, the spells he had set working to full effect, healing him. His heart was beating wildly, filling the revived muscles with blood. It seemed that from this wave of power, he was about to vomit.

But he managed, succumbing to an adrenaline rush and casting a haste spell as he dodged the king's blade as it flew past his head. The column that was in the path of the swing broke into two parts.

The elf king proved to be an impressive swordsman. Despite great speed and an attempt to hide his presence, Zee found himself cornered, covered with many healing wounds. A pair of fingers were missing from his left hand, forming a pink stump.

The king felt the speed of victory and slowly drew back his blade for a final thrust at the archmage 's heart .

The menu was spinning at breakneck speed, approaching with offensive spells.

- “Splash! Material Spikes!” – yelled Zee , throwing his hands forward. The firmament under his feet became like water. Drops of wood and stone clustered together to form spikes, and like a tsunami hit the king.

Its emerald blade fluttered through the air, sweeping the projectiles into the dust that filled the air. Zee pulled his leg out of the rocky bog with difficulty and tried to slip out of the corner, but was pierced by the blade. The flesh was stained with blood dripping from his leg. The bones were cut, becoming a perfectly sharpened blade that cut through the muscles.

- “ASURA!” - he yelled as the menu stopped at the summon.

From the opened portal, the maid fluttered out, accompanied by a stream of broken chains, and lowered her fist at the King. He managed to raise the blade and cut off her hand. But Golems do not feel pain, doubt, fear. They are the ideal of war. Absolute soldier.

Asura's stump surged forward, slicing through the king's tunic and breaking his ribs. His body flew to the throne and froze.

The maid picked up the owner and ran to the door, where the guards were beginning to accumulate. Leaping into the air, she landed on the head of one of the soldiers, crushing her helmet and crushing her skull. Pushing away from her, she flew over several dozen creatures and disappeared around the nearest bend.


The goddess spat on the floor. It wasn't necessary, but she liked the gesture.

- "So you're not as weak as the others. But that doesn't change the fact that you're already dead, motherfucker!" - She said and again rushed into the battle.

There was a hole in the center of her abdomen, and her body was covered in new scratches. Airia moved close to the floor, being next to the fox, she carried out an uppercut, from which he easily left and hit with his tail backhand. Wool, which became needles, like steel, left a new portion of cuts on the hand.

The goddess cursed, but did not stop. She pursued Eric, moving through the rooms, mercilessly breaking through the walls. The former old man, took with speed, not allowing crushing blows to overtake him and inflicting retaliatory attacks, slowly but surely, destroying the opponent.

Once again, Airia missed and the Bloody raised his hand to strike, as something flashed in her eyes, and a smile cut her face. A flash of light as thick as a hair pierced his palm, immediately shattering it into small pieces of flesh.

- " Baa'l Arak" - he roared and the blood flowing in a stream, took the form of a huge scythe. The serrated blade latched onto the back of the Goddess and, pulled by the centrifugal force, she flew forward, punching through wall after wall that were still intact in a circle.

The heels of the fox made the tree smoke as he continued to spin the creature.

Finally stopping, he rushed to the goal. The blood took the form of a hammer.

As soon as Airia lifted her head from the rubble, the hammer came down on her, slamming the Goddess into the floor.

Eric hit again and again, putting all his power into these blows. Not feeling the fading of life, he changed form, giving the hand the appearance of a cleaver and again delivered several crushing blows.

The fist of the Goddess shot up and broke the spell. Filling her mouth with rocks, she spat into his chest. Bloody's body was thrown to the end of the room. Small fragments tore off the skin and dug deep into his muscles.

- “ Consararum !” - He said and the scarlet river spilled.

On the floors above, invisible spears pierced people. Blood rushed from their bodies in torrents, forming soaring streams rushing down.

The seething current surrounded the Blood Fox and began to change its shape, taking on the form of blades, spears, hammers and axes. A hand made of blood replaced the one that had been lost, gripping a staff studded with thorns tightly.

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- “You think this will stop me?! SEE MY TRUE POWER, POOR MORTAL!” - Her body filled with a glow, as if her bones were white-hot. Airia took a step and broke the sound barrier. Once. Twice. Three times. Ten times!

The weapon of blood shattered into many fragments, only the staff survived. Spinning with great speed, he repelled the attacks of the goddess.

It became faster and faster, with every second exceeding the capabilities of any living being hundreds of times. Finally seeing the weak spot, she pushed off the floor with her hands and kicked Bloody in the stomach.

The impulse transferred to the body of the warrior made him fly to the last wall of the palace, leaving behind a huge tunnel.

When he tried to get up, Eric realized that all that was left of his lower body was a shattered spine. It was necessary to regenerate, to continue the battle, to collect more blood.

A large hand grabbed his head and lifted him into the air. Losing the last of his strength, he tried to absorb the blood that now hung in the air under his mangled body.

- "I warned you, you fucking shit-eater!" - Airia tensed her hand. Eric screamed in pain, but a few seconds later there was a crunch and his skull burst, splattering the contents through the goddess's clenched fingers.


Zee and Asura flew out of the see-through room and into a wide tunnel. There was a crunch to the left. The girl turned to them. Petite and beautiful, dressed in scraps of cloth that did not hide her nakedness.

The girl's body was similar to that of Asura. A stone that gives the impression of flesh, but is covered with many damages that reveal its essence.

- “Master, run…” - She managed to say before the girl’s glowing fist pierced her chest.

An explosion of great power scorched everything around. The magical flame, playing with colors and shades, engulfed the living quarters. Slowly devouring the palace itself.

Asura's body limply fell to the ground and began to crumble. Her features, like a castle made of sand carried away by the waves of the sea, were erased. For a few moments, even her silhouette was unrecognizable.

Airia 's hand unclenched , dropping a shattered orb to the ground.

- “Here you are, my little, naughty shitbread . What do you think will happen next? Try to figure it out with your stupid head, in which there is nothing but sheep shit” - She flexed her shoulders and moved slowly towards the shocked Zee - “I warned you many, many, many times. Tried to be kind. But it seems there is no point in re-educating such motherfuckers. Time to go to hell!”


Zee didn't know where that scream came from. It seemed to sound right in his head. The body moved as if in a dream. Everything was so slow.

His hands opened the menu on their own and went looking for it. At the bottom. Where he reached only a couple of times, showing curiosity, the finger stopped at something.

“…Gravity…” – He managed to read, but the mana had already rushed out. Fatigue did not appear. On the contrary, he was full of energy. Every cell of his body decided to give the last resource for what must be done.

All objects around flew up into the air. The goddess hesitated, finding herself a couple of meters from the floor. And then his hand went up.

The heavy blow reverberated throughout the city, causing new collapses.

Airia 's body slammed into the floor with a crash, breaking her ill-knit fingers to pieces.

- “Acceleration: Limit!” - Said Zee and pounced on the seemingly fragile body.

His fists shone with an unearthly light, distorted and refracted. Everyone who saw it saw in his own way. Perception was distorted, each blow played with a new palette.

He beat and beat and beat. Turning everything around into clouds of dust. Things flew up to fall down. Even the thousand-year-old tree, unable to resist, lost its mighty branches falling on the city.

Airia mustered her strength and plunged her whole hand into the stomach of the archmage . He continued to resist as stone fingers cut their way to his heart. And he stopped when the middle finger touched the pericardium and scratched it.

Then he grabbed the shoulders of Airia , who was rising, and using all his strength, tried to push her away.

- “Looks like you've reached your limit! First I will rip your heart, and then Godri 's ass, for giving you too much power!” -  She laughed, victory was on her side.

The emerald blade pierced the stone flesh and emerged from her chest, practically touching Zee 's throat.

Behind the Goddess stood the Elf King. Pale, leaning with difficulty on one leg, he grabbed the sword and twisted the hilt.

The blade split. It grew and changed, turning into a crystal tree. Branches entangled Airia's body , tightening her arms, restricting her movements. A small blade popped out of the hilt and the King drove it into his body. His skin stretched and began to burst, sprouting a large number of shoots, wrapping around the body of the enemy like a cocoon.

- “KILL HER!” he shouted, looking into Zee 's eyes.

Still squeezing her shoulders, even though the branches of crystals left deep wounds that reached to the bones, the Archmage poured his life into this blow.

A crown of strange light surrounded his head. The waves lit up the whole city.

The creatures trying to save their lives stopped and looked up at the tree. The center of their city. The center of their lives.

Zee slammed his forehead into Airia 's face with a scream . Cosmic energy swirled down on the divine essence.

The tree split.

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