Are You Okay Being With Me, A Plain-Looking Girl?

Chapter 10: 10 – God’s Blessings On This Wonderful Life

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(Kazuma POV)

It's been week since our school days has started and everything seems going on pretty smoothly. Nothing big has change in my school life. Well, except for this part

"Wake up Kazuma-kun or you'll be late for school!"

A stunning blonde-haired girl enters my room every morning, as you can see. Shinomiya Mutsuki is the person who just appeared in my life out of nowhere. She has been coming closer and closer to me ever since, and that has worried me. I don't mind being awakened by a lovely female every morning, but come on, I'm a guy, you know? I have some.... business to attend to, if you know what I mean.

The drowsiness that had been consuming me before has disappeared as a result of the gleaming blonde haired girl's abrupt appearance, so I carefully rise out of bed.

"You know you don't have to do this to me everyday you know, Shinomiya-san?" I reason out to the girl in front me as in my opinion, it would be a waste of time for her to do this when she can just go to the school by herself.

"And you already know that it is my decision to do this Kazuma-kun?" Shinomiya gently responded at my seemingly already-have-been-answered question. What she said is true. She bravely admitted to me the day after we first met that she had made the decision to visit my house to wake me up and walk to school with me. She makes a decision so quickly that I begin to doubt her sanity when I consider why she would do this to a man like me. She hasn't explained to me why she would spend her time waking me up, but I assume she has her own reasons. I still don't understand why she would do this for me, though.

"And you know," she goes near at my right ear and whispers, "I always wanted to see your cute sleepy face whenever you're asleep and it's worth it~~"

As she said those words at my ears, I feel my face getting hotter and hotter due to my blushing. I mean, who doesn't get blush when she said those kinds of words?

"Now, you should go clean yourself and dress up. I've already prepared breakfast for you~~"

I don't know if I should be glad or be sad at this sudden blessings that God has given to me I thought to myself.



I-- I mean, Shinomiya-san and I have reached our destination, which is our school and our classroom is filled with a few classmates of ours. We aren't the first to arrive here obviously but I've always wanted to go to our room when there aren't any other people there and happily take the seats you wanted. Or maybe it's just me.

As we entered the classroom, Shinomiya-san was being sorrounded by a flock of people, asking about something like the latest trends in fashions, TV shows that was aired last night, and there are someone who just wanted to have a chat with her. And of course, I immediately went to my seat and grab a book that's in my bag in order to not disturb them.


A few minutes later


"Sniff After all those years, they finally end up together. What a great way to end the series" As I just completed reading the book, I could feel liquid oozing from my eyes and slime oozing from my nose. The author's use of a good twist in the ending made it awesome.

"You look like crap bro, what's up?" My shoulders are suddenly grabbed by someone, and I can think only one person who would do it to me. I turn to my side to check where the hands are coming from. Kenji was there.

"Have you read read this bro? I just finished reading it just now and I can't believe that was the ending" I showed him the book at his field of vision.

"Oh, Re:Living? Isn't that the one I recommend to you a week ago? Wait, is that why you're crying right now? And how the heck did you finished it in the less than a week!?" 

"Don't underestimate the power of otaku, brother. when I start something, I'm gonna finish it whatever it takes" I gave him a smug face. Whenever I get hooked up by something, I'm not gonna stop doing it until I see the end of it.

"I've already seen the ending of that one and man, it was one heck of a ride, you know what I'm saying?" says my friend while grabbing the book that's in my hands. 

"Still, I can't believe you just finished this. You should give yourself a rest sometimes, you know?" my friend shows his concerns to me. I'm glad to have a friend like this.

"Of course I do rest. Can't have this body of mine gets weakened. I don't want to miss any books. And thanks for the concern, by the way" I gave him a genuine response.

"Don't mention it. That's what friends do right?"

The school bells suddenly as if it tells us to stop doing what we're doing and go back to class.



12 PM

Bell ringing


Lunch break has finally come and I feel like my entire energy has been drained. Morning subjects has Math and Science and those two requires a lot of thinking so it's not surprising that the energy I had from breakfast was quickly depleted. I'm not awful in those subjects; I just don't enjoy doing challenging tasks.

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"Man, I'm starving. I wanna eat Shinomiya-san's cooking again" as if the predator has found his prey, Shinomiya-san, who was with the group of people, quickly approached in my place as fast as the wind. The said people gave her a shocking looks as if they saw a ghost.

"I've heard that, Kazuma-kun~I'm glad I brought a bento for lunch" Shinomiya-san speaks as she was trying to get the bento that she mentioned just now. How in the hell did she hear those words of mine? Is her hearing is as sharp as a dog?

Setting aside those thoughts of mine, she takes two rectangular-shaped wooden box from her bag, both of which was wrapped by a stylish cloth and put it over my table. 

"This one's for you. And this one's for me" 

She gives one of the bento for me. Even though my hunger is telling me to devour the food immediately, I keep my sanity as it would a rude thing to do in front of the who made this. I can't even imagine on how much work on making one.

As I opened the bento, inside of it fills a simple yet delicious meals: a white rice with a "heart" shaped seaweed on top of it, tamagoyaki, green beans, carrots, a meatball and a sandwich. 


I first take the tamagoyaki and devour it. The sweetness and the fluffiness of this food is a blessings from above! Delicious! Next is the meatball. the crunchiness of the meatball's crust and the juiciness of the meat inside of it is very good. 

"So? How is the food Kazuma-kun? I made those bentos with love and care~~" the blonde haired girl beside me asked me those questions. She hasn't started eating her bento as she was looking at me while I was eating. It's kind of embarassing when you're eating and someone looked at you.

"This is the best lunch I had in my life. You could be a great wife you know" 

As I give her my honest reactions of her creations, she makes a flustered face and tries her best to hide it.

Ah, I just blurted out something embarrasing I thought.

"I'll make bentos everyday f-for you Kazuma-kun i-if you l-l-like" Shinomiya-san told me this with her stuttering words.

"You don't have to do that for me Shinomiya-san or I'll feel guilty about it" I responded her seemingly tempting offer. It's true that I want to have a homemade bento, let alone being made by a beautiful girl in the class but making bento sounds like it needs a lot of work.

"I don't mind if it's you, Kazuma-kun" she stares straight into my eyes as if she was looking deep into my soul. 

"Are you sure?"


"Are you really sure?"


"Are you really, really sure?"

"No matter how much you asked me Kazuma-kun, my answer will never change"

No longer possessing the means to turn the tides, I gave up and sigh deeply.

"Fine. Do what you want"

As if my words acts as a trigger, she leaps and hugged me in front of my face.

"Thank you Kazuma-kun!"

I could have warned her to be careful to prevent our bentos having spilled but her medium-sized chest distracted me, and as it now smacks in my face, I can feel how soft it is.

Shinomiya's boobs is so soft it's like I'm sleeping a marshmallow pillow.

This is a man's dream so I need to cherish this moment. She should've done this action when we're alone because I can feel the boy's stares as if like daggers being stabbed in the back. I'm sorry guys but you'll have to find one if you want to experience this kind of thing.



Author's Note:

Hey, hey, hey I am finally back in writing! Exam ended a week ago and I was supposed to post a new chapter but then I was catching up and rereading some novels in order to release my stress (procastination hits me like a hammer lol). Anyways, I have finally reach Chapter 1o! A HUGE achievement for me! Yeyyy~~ Never have I thought that I've reached this kind of chapters even though I'm still ameteur at writing. I always stopped at around 3-4 chapters before and then forgets my other work (I still have it archived in my laptop and I'll remake those writings of mine if my writing is as decent enough oof) but nevertheless, it's an amazing achievement for me~~ Thank you as always for all those who have read this work of mine and as always, I'll see in the next chapter~~

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