Are You Okay Being With Me, A Plain-Looking Girl?

Chapter 13: 13 – We’re Going On A Trip

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Time has passed in a blink of an eye and golden week has started today. Nothing much has happened in the past few weeks other than Mutsuki always barging in my home, waking me up and always makes breakfast for the two of us, which I am forever grateful for. 

I don't have anything particular to do today other than doing my homework and finishing off the novel that I haven't finished reading. The weather forecast says that today's weather is going to be a hot one and it's the best day to go into places that you wanted to go without having to worry about sudden downpour. Right now I'm currently watching an anime that airs only on Saturdays. It's one of the things that ,aside from reading novels the whole day, I was looking forward to. 

As I was having a good time watching TV, the sound of a doorbell ringing inside cuts off my concentration.

"Kazuma, can you open the door for me?" said Mom while she was making something in kitchen.

Doing her request, I lazily get out of the couch and went in the door to see who was the one ringing.

I opened the door and in front of me is a figure of a seemingly tall, beautiful blonde haired woman.

"Good morning Kazuma-kun hehe~"

Mutsuki seems to wear a rather long sleeve shirt with frills at the edge of her arm sleeves and around her neck. Seeing her in a casual outfit is a surprise for me as she usually wear her school uniform whenever she comes into my place.

"Uhhh... Good morning Mutsuki-san"

"How many time did I tell you no adding honorifics in my name" says Mutsuki in rather scolding voice and shows a pouting emotion

"Yes, yes Mutsuki"

"Fufufu. Hearing you saying my name makes my fatigues from my trips instantly washed away"

Besides her is a large traveling luggage. Does she needs to go to somewhere today?

"So what brings you here? You haven't message me on LINE about your visit today"

"Actually, I wanted to show you this" she takes a piece of paper from her shoulder bag and gave it to me. 

"This is..."

"A ticket to a hot spring. I got it from my father and gave it to me saying that I should go a trip with a friend from my school" 

In my hand, there are two tickets. That means that---

"We're going on a hot spring trip just the two us~~"

A hot spring trip with only me and Mutsuki? Isn't the development this story kind of too fast? I don't know if I should be happy on this development--- no, I should definitetly be happy in this type of development. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I don't even know if could get this kind of opportunity next time.

"Who was ringing the doorbell Kazuma---- oh, it's Mutsuki-chan" 

"Hello Kazuma-kun's mom" 

"Wait, you know Mutsuki, Mom?"

"I met her here inside of this house. I was wondering who was using the kitchen when I went home from work and it was her. And she says that she's your partner. And that's how I met her" my Mom explained on how did she know about Mutsuki. Wait, she wasn't surprised on Mutsuki's way of barging into our home?

"You're so lucky that you get a girl like her Kazuma. You should treat her well"

"Yes, yes Mom I know" 

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"And I'm expecting a grandson or a granddaughter"

"Wait, Mom!???" 

"Oh my. It seems that your mom has already approved of our relationship Kazuma-kun fufufu~~" when Mom said those, Mutsuki made a wide smile on her like se can't contain her happiness

Wait I haven't approved of this! And isn't this development way too fast????




After those silly conversation that we had, I asked my Mom if I could go on a trip with Mutsuki and she immediately gave the 'okay' sign. I haven't prepared on what to bring on our tip so I let Mutsuki come into our house to let her stay for a while as I was to prepare the thing that I need to bring on our trip.

"A hot spring huh..."

I only see hot spring on TV, the internet or in animes, mangas and novels but I've never been to one of those even though I live in a place where hot spring is pretty much common. It would be my first time going into those kind of place so I feel excited when thinking about it.

"Okay I think I packed what I need" T-shirts, shorts, a towel, toothbrush, lotion, a phone charger and my underwear. I put all of them in my luggage bag and I'm ready to go. What about bringing a book, you asl? Well, I'll a take a break of that and enjoy the trip to the fullest. It's not everyday that I could go to a hot spring with a cute girl.

I went downstairs with my luggage and thankfully it's not that heavy. I see Mutsuki sitting at a chair in our dinner table with Mom. Both of them seems to be chatting with each other. Now that I take a good look at her, seeing her wearing those frilly clothes makes her really pretty. 

"You didn't forget anything, Kazuma?" my Mom asks.

"I'm done packing what I need" I replied at her rather concerning tone. She's a kind mother, I tell you.

"Well then, shall we leave now?" 

This is gonna be a great trip. I can't wait!





Hot spring Arc here we gooooooo!!!!

Btw, I have a new writing titled: The Only Way To Communicate With The Angel Is By Writing. If you're interested in reading it, check it out by clicking this

Holy crap, 'Are You Okay BEing With Me, A Plain-Looking Girl?' is at Top 17 in Otaku tags REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Thank you for everyone who supported my work. Without you, I cannot reach this place. Please continue to support me in the future *bows*

And as always, thank you for reading!

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