Arena – Book 2 : Rebels

Chapter 51: Chapter FIFTY ONE

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The next morning, the couple woke up slowly around ten o’clock, but it was out of the question for Mia to get up immediately. No, she wanted to take advantage of her morning to laze around quietly and cling to the young man who growled every time she gesticulated a little too much since he was still trying to sleep.

The couple had welcomed them all smiles the day before, Irina throwing herself on the two soul mates to hug them. Mia was starting to get tired of all these displays of affection but still responded to her hug, unlike Ethan who couldn’t even hide his half-annoyed, half-exhausted air. They had, however, had the good taste not to disturb them for long and had let them go up to their room after having made them promise to recount the operation in the smallest details the next day at noon.

At eleven o’clock, she finally lost her patience. Ethan still wasn’t waking up, so she decided to just go downstairs and join Irina who had to start preparing lunch at this time. Keeping busy would do her good, especially since she was beginning to feel the aftereffects of all the stress accumulated over the past few days. She had had a particularly refreshing sleep, but the extreme relaxation of her body after the success of the operation had shown her how much her muscles were bruised by the worry and anguish of recent events. That, plus the flights of several hours on Taure’s back, she found herself with painful aches, although not very disabling despite everything. She wasn’t healing as fast as Ethan.

“Have you already returned from your secret mission?” inquired with suspicion Liam who was having fun in the living room with his magic toys.

“Yes,” she laughed at the suspicious look of the child. “It was a quick mission.”

" Mia?” Irina’s voice called out to her from the kitchen. “Are you already awake?”

The young human walked towards her host, smiling. She was cutting many vegetables into small pieces. Mia grabbed a knife from the drawer provided for this purpose and a cutting board to help the cook, as she had started to get into the habit of doing it the few days before the operation.

“Ethan is catching up on several nights of sleep, I think,” she explained to Irina. “Adam is not here?”

“He was summoned to HQ this morning to participate in discussions on the future of the war. He should be home for lunch.”

“Are they already debating the next operations? We haven’t even done our individual report yet.”

“I know, but Zerkan and Andrei must have told them most of the operation. I’ll be the last to know!” she grumbled, feigning a sad pout.

“If Adam was briefed, I can tell you what happened now. Anyway, I don’t think Ethan will have anything more to add to what I could narrate.”

So Mia and Irina spent the next hour cooking to the rhythm of the blonde’s story, followed by some adventures of the former Sentinel who seemed almost nostalgic as she brooded over her hectic pre-childhood life. The feeling did not last, however, it was clear that she was fulfilled in her current life and that being a mother was a role she particularly cherished. She had risked her life for decades enough before that. She deserved her calm and conflict-free life.

A little before the announcement of the meal, Ethan ended up pointing at the tip of his nose while yawning. When his gaze fell on his soul mate, he smiled, relieved to see that she was indeed present with him. Five minutes later, the front door opened to let Adam through with his deputy’s cape, which he unhooked on entering the house. Irina poked her nose out of the kitchen and smiled at her husband, indicating at the same time to the small group that they could settle in the dining room. In a few minutes, the dishes the two young women had prepared were lying in the center of the table and everyone was enthusiastically helping themselves to fill their plates.

“So? What are the news?” asked Irina, who had waited patiently for them all to be seated to inquire about the conclusion of the debate.

“Ellana wants to recruit en masse and form a larger army to counter Impervia’s. Recruit outside of Callis.”

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“She wants to bring all the pro-humans together?” wondered Irina. “Humans have allies, yes, but it doesn’t mean they will choose to fight and die for our cause... And alongside other races!”

“Impervia did a good job of uniting all races under its purge ideology,” Ethan commented. “If she can do it...”

“Yeah, but it’s easier when they think they’re joining the winning side,” Adam objected.

“How does she intend to convince all these people? asked his wife, skeptical. “Between the peoples who hate each other, and those who have no cohesion within their own species... Most do not even wish to take part in the conflict, and the others have allied themselves with Impervia. Just because they’ve allowed us to continue to trade with them for all these years doesn’t mean they’re willing to sacrifice theirs for us...”

“Before being able to convince them, it would be necessary to be able to reach them and communicate with them,” added the young Vila. “That’s a lot of individuals to reach, and we don’t even know to whom their allegiance goes. Talk to the wrong person and the city is done for.”

There was something bitter and embarrassing about the silence that followed everyone’s advice. Adam was hiding something from them and didn’t seem to want to let go. He watched Ethan and Mia take turns for a few seconds until the understanding hit them all together. Ellana had included them in her plans again without asking their opinion. Finally, Adam sighed and agreed to meet their questioning and impatient looks.

“She wants to send a low-key diplomatic convoy to our established trade allies to convince them to incite the rest of their countrymen to fight alongside us. Or not ally with Impervia at the very least.”

“And she wants to send Mia and me along it,” Ethan interrupted, finishing what his big brother was about to announce.


A sigh escaped the Vila’s lips. However, he didn’t comment and simply stared at his soul mate, as if waiting for her to choose for him. He had already resigned himself to continue fighting if Mia wanted it to. They were way too involved now, there was no point in lying to themselves.

“She won’t make you leave the city in the next few days,” Adam reassured them. “The time to decide who will accompany you, to define the list of allies to visit, to notify them of your arrival and all the other formalities so that the trip is properly prepared, you have a few weeks ahead of you. But she needs your answer quickly.”

I escaped death several times, I can still tempt fate a few times, right? thought Mia who had actually already chosen her side the moment her finger had pulled the trigger in front of Ethan’s mother. For us to be able to live in peace.

“We’ll do what it takes,” she promised, looking at her soul mate who nodded to confirm that he supported her decision. “We will fight.”

And with this chapter book 2 is over ! :(

I didn’t start writing book 3 as I’m working on another story currently that is half done. I’ll probably post it here too. It’s a paranormal romance story about Egyptian gods. Anubis and a human in Ancient Egypt. If you feel like you might be interested, follow my account to keep updated :)

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