Armageddon Book 1 Evolution

Chapter 1: CH 1 A Small Push At The Right Place can do A lot of Damage

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8 months after the events of Chapter 0

5pm Georgia State

Currently At the Top of an Industrial Type Building

Liam's POV

A section of Liam's face is visible to us as a strong gust of wind pushes his partial dreadlock
hair to the side. A mask covers the remainder of his face.

The man is of brown complexion but yet his skin still seems a little bit pale.
His dilated white pupils contrast the baggy bloodshot eyes.

His mask covers the rest of his facial expression, but the look on the large man's face is...
concerning. Even under the custom made Kevlar mask you can see it, its not anger,
its not envy its not sadness. Its just a mixture of disappointment and pain.

Its evident all over the mans face in his stare in his forehead and even in the way his eyes
naturally gaze into the distance, distracted permanently by his troubled mind. Disappointment
appears to be a natural part of him, as though it defines him.

The large man looks at the city aimlessly. He remarks, " It's better to strike at night blood spilled in the day will cause panic, panic causes unnecessary casualties".

Every human on this earth should value there lives, if they don't I will value it for them, not because I love or care for them, but because they are key pieces to
my New World Order, I need them.

It's only been a few hundred people I've killed, I haven't impacted the world yet. So why do I feel soo finished... the man says in a disappointed sigh.

Liam tries to go deep within to find the resolve he needs to continue but he is interrupted by the sound of the door behind him opening.

A nervous middle-aged man opens the door Liam looks behind him as he mumbles "Security is back"?

The fidgety man says I-I-I'm sorry but can u please get off the roof it is against the law to be up here... past certain hours.

Liam walks over to him he pats him on the head and smiles when he talks at a normal pitch the sound of his voice passes through the amplifier in his mask
making a inhumane reverbed deep dark voice effect. "You may have simply said that; carrying all that company is unnecessary; despite my appearance, I'm harmless.

Yes, it's just that- Liam cuts the man off as he grabs his face.

Liam shouts "I asked you to bring me 1 police officer and you carry 8?"

As the door opens Police Officers armed with melee weapons walk onto the 100x100 flat roof.

I felt threate- The landlord tries to beckon.

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Liam once again not giving the man a chance to speak he points in his face

"Listen to me you little shit I'm saving your fucking life by just existing so don't you dare disobey me."

Calm down there vigilante, A man with an Australian accent speaks. Kuro, the leader of the police core gets in-between Liam and the Landlord.

I am NOT a vigilante. Don't you ever disrespect my work like that again.

Cool voice effect but is that a threat? Big guy.

"I don't make threats."

The Officers chuckle, Just who the fuck are you? Another Officer asks

Liam takes notice of the disrespect in the mans tone, already in a terrible mood he masks his anger.

A voice in his head tries to get him to attack, to set an example, to set the tone, but pointless that would be, His logical intuition ignores it.

"Only animals act off emotion after-all Liam thought to himself"

"I must utilize my instinct not my emotion, once focused no man poses any threat to me.

"Follow" Liam demands as he walks further down the roof behind some junk.

Liam walking from the very end of the roof to the middle of the roof sees the blood leaking behind some junk, all the officers are following.

A shaken up an officer tries as he pulls for his knife, clearly intimidated by Liam's height and stature.

The man is 6'10 after-all and his muscles can still be seen even through his battle gear that has armor paddings.

The officers whisper to each other as they try to figure out just who this man is "That outfit is pretty high tech, but a little edgy don't you think another Guard takes a sip of Coffee."

"He could not have built that by himself he's a criminal, thats for sure" another one says

"Why don't we bring him in for questioning?"

"Without any evidence that's illegal dummy"

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