Around Two Worlds and Back

Chapter 15: Not A Morning Person

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"Morning sleepy head." Paps said smiling as I entered the room. Siting down at our dining room table, I began to help myself to fresh bread and jam that Synthia had prepared for us. "Your mother and I are planning on going out today, we'll be back in the evening."

"Ooh very nice, where are you off too?"

"Just heading into town, we wanted to have a nice lunch; do some shopping, and have dinner in the new restaurant the company just signed."

Mama then asked, "What are you up to today then honeybun?"

I actually had to think about an answer for this. I hadn't really been up to much other than reading or going in for my shifts at the library.

"I'm not sure.. I might go out of town and practice some magic, and maybe go and see Marc." Marc was a friend I had made a couple of years ago, we'd met in the street by accident, I was rushing around with a pile of papers and he decided to absentmindedly walk into me. A large explosion of papers ended up scattered all over the street, which somehow led to us becoming friends after we spent the next twenty minutes picking it all up.

He was my only proper friend around my age, undoubtedly due to how my mind worked, most of the people I'd interacted with over the years tended to be adults with businesses, so I guess it was natural I hadn't met many kids my age.

I loved to spend time with him when I was stressed, bored, or just needed company. Hours would seem to pass in seconds whenever I was around him.

Getting up from the table, I headed for the door, "I'm going to go and get changed and head out. I'll see you both either this evening or tommorow depending on when you get back. Also, Mama, can you please stop doing the housework. It makes Synthia uncomfortable."


"I can't help it! I feel bad making her clean up after us!"

Our maid had an uncomfortable look on her face as plates were being taken into the kitchen for her by my mum.

"Lady Julia, p-please stop, I believe Ms Olive is right" she stammered, "You pay me do do this job, and I truly enjoy working for your household. I understand your unease, however I am trained to be of your assistance… I don't quite know how to act if there is nothing I can do to help."

Sheepishly putting down her plates, "Sorry Synthia. It wont happen again."

This only made her feel more uncomfortable, "Ma'am! Do not apologise to me. This is your house. If I ever overstep my boundaries like that again, please dont hesitate to fire me"


Before I could hear the end of this conversation, I rolled my eyes and left the room. This was the second time this week something like this had happened.



Around an hour later, I was headed into town towards Marc's house. I was wearing a simple outfit, just a pair of dark grey trousers, with a white loose white shirt and thin black jumper over the top. My messy hair, was in a bun, a few loose strands waved around my face in the wind. Passing the high street, I saw 'Black Heart' from a distance, the very buissness I had built from the ground up, stood proudly, people flowing in and out of its doors. It was nice to see it like this,  all my efforts had paid off. I took a left, and started an uphill walk, and before long I was stood at the doors to a small detached house, made from a pale white stone. Ringing the bell, the door soon opened, I found myself welcomed by the overjoyed smile of my best friend's mother.

"Good morning my dear! So lovely to see you again, and so soon!" Ushering me in the door. "Come in come in, make yourself at home, I'll call down Marc." She then hurried off out of sight. "MARCC! OLIVE IS HERE!" reverberated around the house.

The thumping of feet soon followed from above me, as Marc, who likely had just woken up, undoubtedly began to frantically get ready to come downstairs.

Whilst I was waiting, I took some time to appreciate the well decorated hallway I was standing in. The attention to detail in the furnishings was exquisite. The walls were painted a lovely pale cream, and hung on them were paintings in light wooden frames, which matched the floor, fitting the aesthetic perfectly. The skirting boards were a milky white, making the small space feel much more open somehow. 

Shifting into the living room, I took a seat and waited for Marc on the sofa. I was treated with some tea during this time, provided by their housemaid.

"Nice of you to finally arrive," I said, feeling a presence behind me.

After a brief yawn, "Yeah yeah, I'm not a morning person. Make fun of me all you like."

Sitting down on the sofa opposite me, he then went on to ask, "So. What brings you to this wonderful household so early in the day anyway." Marc looked at me with a tired expression. He really is no good in the morning. As he yawned again, his black hair shifting slightly. It was only short, no longer than down to his eyebrows, but had enough volume to flop around if he moved too much. He was quite tanned for someone this far edgeward, making him stand out a little against the normal look of people in the area. Staring at me, He cleared his throat. This was when I realised I was just gazing at him thinking, not answering the question he had just asked.

"Uh…clearly to spend time with my best friend that I haven't seen in a long and arduous three days." I waffled.

(Sometimes I really am no good at thinking on my feet.)

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"I'm your only friend."

"So the plan for today", I quickly changed the topic. "How does joining me in a little magic practice sound? I wanted to go somewhere remote and use a new spell I learned last week. I've been pretty lazy the last few days, I want to go and do something adventurous." finishing my cup of tea, I got up and started to head for the door.

"Sounds good! I'm down for anything, what spells are they by the way?" Marc followed.

We stepped out to front door and began to walk down the street before I replied.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see."



"Are we Nearly there yet? How far do you intent to drag us away from town" came a groan. Marc wasn't the athletic of people, his mana core had only formed recently, so he had pretty much no affinity for magic at all. This wasn't uncommon, some people just couldn't manipulate mana.

"Just a little further, I want to get to somewhere no one will be passing by. I've studied some maps of mountains this side of the city, there should be a well hidden glade not to far from here."

Making out way further along the craggy mountain path leading upwards, we took a left off the trail and headed into a narrow crevase that lay behind some foliage. Thirty seconds later, It opened up into an open area around fourty meters wide in each direction, surrounded by steep cliffs. Looking over at Marc, his eyes were wide in fascination.

"I don't quite understand how it is that you manage to surprise we over and over without fail. I thought I'd be used to what you throw at me by now. Where on the disk did you manage to find a map showing this place on it!?"

"The library," I replied rolling my eyes. "You should actually try reading sometime. 'You learn things'" I waved my arms around with my eyes wide, mocking Marc, who looked at me with a deadpan expression.

"NO? Reaallyy?" He mimicked my expression, making me laugh.

"The spell I've learned is quite unique. It'll take a while to master it though because of this." stretching and taking a deep breath, "I won't bother explaining, just watch."

I proceeded to move towards the center of the field, when there, I sat cross legged and closed my eyes. Calling mana into my core, I began to recite the incantation I had memorised under my breath.

"Hear my call wanders of the wind…" The air around me came to a standstill, all the wind and ambient noise stopped. I felt the sensation of mana enveloping my body, and releasing from my palms, "Grant me a veil of silence. shield my secrets and be still." Opening my eyes, the spell was finished. Looking up, I could see Marc stood at the edge of the glade, mouth agape.

"What..was….that" he mouthed. Yet no sound came from his mouth, instead, It was absorbed by my spell.

Cutting off the mana emitting from my core, I stood up grinning, "What do you think hehe? "

"That was amazing, what on earth was that? It felt like my voice was being sucked from me, and there was no noise from anything but me! Even breathing became more difficult. How does it work?"

"It's a little complex, I can only use it for a very short period of time and this effect is only over a small area." I explained, "Basically. I stop the air where it is, and hold it in place. Whenever it is disturbed by a noise or a movement, the particles are held where they are, thus dissipating the noise. Naturally with a loader sound, or with someone moving through the air, this easily breaks. Thats why you were able to breathe and hear your own voice. Anyone more than a couple of feet from a noise will be unable to hear it."

"Ah okay, seems to make sense, if you were to become more capable with the spell, would you be able to suffocate people then…?"

"...I guess so… not exactly the most pleasant thing to think about to be honest though Marc" I gave a concerned glare.

"Ay, ay, It's not like I want you to be able to do that, I'm not a psychopath you know."

"..I'm becoming more and more sceptical each day…Are you sure," taking a step back, I pretended to look scared.

After a brief silence with locked eyes, we both giggled. "As if I could ever picture a softie like you turning out like that, you can't even clear a spider out of his closet without help, let alone hurt anyone."

Slightly offended, Marcs giggles were cut short, "In my defence it was MASSSIVE"

"Sure it was."

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