Around Two Worlds and Back

Chapter 20: A Strong Hand

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Following the short-statured man, I entered the gap between the double doors. What lay behind them was the largest indoor space I had ever seen. Standing on a long dark red carpet, all I could do was stare in awe at the magnificence of the hall around me. The ceiling stretched to an impossible height, and large stained glass windows on each side of the room showed the portraits of the royal family; lighting the room in a variety of rich colours. The lord sat on a raised stage at the far end of the room, watching in silence as his attendant and I strode towards him.

Despite looking to be in his late fifties, the lord was still very well built. His strong gaze gave him a powerful aura that emanated outwards making me a little squeamish; as if I wasn't worthy of being in his presence. Through my excessive reading, I had covered a lot of political history and royal relations, giving me a good understanding of the topics as a whole.  Lord Barstoke's rise to power was an interesting one. Born as a cousin to the current King Julian, naturally, he was born into wealth. With this, he had successfully commanded armies and fought many fierce opponents in his time; having been said to have killed more than one dragon singlehandedly. Eventually, he retired from duty; settled down here in Edgeton; had a family and ruled over his land. One thing my reading had not taught me, was what kind of a person he was. This is what worried me the most.

Now reaching the stairs beneath the stage, I got down on one knee and lightly bowed. Crossing one arm to my chest with an open palm, I ushered the words, "My Lord." as I did this, sweat rolled down my forehead. With bated breath, I waited for a reply.

"Be at ease young one," came a deep and soft return, "You are in no trouble. I simply wish to talk with you." the authority of the voice was neither loud nor quiet; Yet in its softness; confidence seemed to boom, carrying it to fill the massive room with ease.

"To t-talk?" I mustered, "What could one as prestigious as yourself possibly have to talk about with a commoner like myself?"

As Barstoke opened his mouth to reply, he was cut off, "You dare question the lord 'Girl'?" came an enraged outburst from the stubby man who had walked me in, "I'll have you puni—-"


The room became still and lifeless, "This 'Girl' you speak of is my guest. She has plenty of reason to question her summons. Especially on such short notice. Refrain from overstepping your place any further Synon. Leave us be."

"Yes, my l-lord" he squeaked feebly, before scuttling off and out of sight.

Now standing from his throne, "Please take a seat Ms Blackheart." he was gesturing to a table across the floor of the stage.

"Olive is just fine" I replied whilst following him.

Settling down opposite each other on the wooden surface, we sat in silence. I certainly had nothing more to say. Waiting for answers was, at this point, the best course of action. I watched as the lord sat and observed me. His facial expression was unreadable, making me even more anxious than I already was.

Taking a while before speaking, words finally left his lips, "I've had my eye on you for a while Olive. What you've managed to achieve in the last few years is nothing other than outstanding. You're a successful businesswoman. You are highly intelligent; multi-lingual, proficient in mana arts and gods know what else. Calling you a genius would certainly be an understatement."

After these words, I too didn't respond immediately. Instead, I looked hard into the Lord's eyes with a serious glare. This look was mirrored in a staring contest that went on for about ten seconds.

Eventually, I gave in."Thank you, my lord, I feel honoured to have been recognised with such high praise. However, I do not quite understand why you would go out of your way to invite me to your castle…. I'll rephrase…Surely there is more of a reason for this visit other than the fact I have piqued your interest."

Chuckling to himself, "Well said girl. It is true. We aren't here just to simply exchange formalities. The reason for your invitation is due to the proposition an offer I have for you. One I don't think you can refuse."

"As in, the offer is in my favour? Or is the offer one where refusal is not an option?" I grated.

"Let's say that it was the latter..." The lord and I locked stares again. This time I couldn't back down.

"What would you do if that was the case?" He mused.

"If you are threatening me my lord; know that I do NOT take such remarks lightly," I growled, almost subconsciously outputting mana from my core, rising from my seat.

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I was instantly knocked back into my chair, winded by the force of a mana output that came from across the table. The weight pushing on me made me feel as if I was going to be crushed, this aura was like nothing I had experienced before. Not a spell, but pure unfathomable power that overwhelmed me. Making it hard to breathe.

Releasing his stern expression and mana, a laugh echoed, "Hahaha, I'm beginning to like you girl" the lord relaxed his stature further, leaning back in his chair. Looking at my scared expression he added,  "No Olive, it was not a threat, just a little test of your resolve." He looked at me as I regained my composure. "Before making any more rash decisions, would you like to hear my offer?"

Without speaking, I huffed and gave a look of disapproval as an answer to his explanation. Before encouraging him to continue with a nod, after he had cleared his throat.

"You are well acquainted with my very good friend Hearth Sandon are you not? He informed me of your interest in ancient texts and the mana ruins. I too have been fascinated by these for a long time, gathering and researching artefacts and relics of the lost ages, hoping to uncover some truth in their existence. Maybe even finding a use for them. I would like you to work alongside me as a part of my research team. Your intelligence would be an incredible asset."

This proposition would have shocked me had I been told at any other time, but the last few weeks have been so unpredictable, I just took it in stride. Thinking, I quickly came to a conclusion. The main issue with this offer was, however good the proposal seemed, trusting the word of a Lord. They could bend the law, cover things up and twist their words. The fact he was good friends with my boss and mentor did put me a little at ease, but Lottie's words still echoed in my mind. 'Keep your cards close to your chest.'

Being careful with my reply, I asked, "Is there a catch? If I were to take up the offer… what would be in it for me?"

"No catches. You can work when you want, where you want; as long as you are productive and bring in results there will be no issues. The only real requirement will be a quarterly report on the team's progress and findings. This will not be your responsibility alone though. You will have access to my entire research collection; my financial and political backing as one of my researchers, and my protection." raising his chin pompously at the offer he had given Barstoke looked at me proudly, "Any issues with that?"

"No issues of such, only that I expect to be paid for the time I put into research."

"Of course, I will have that written into the contract. Anything else?"

"Just one. Would I be able to travel, in the name of the research, around the continent? I've wanted to look into the ruins in more detail, ideally visiting each one." The words flowed from my mouth with ease now, as I quickly and rationally came up with intelligent responses to keep the conversation flowing in my favour.

"Yes, you may. but only if you were to be escorted by at least one member of my elite guard. Your safety would be of top priority, especially when outside of the protection I can provide within the human kingdoms."

"I am capable of looking after myself my Lord. Having a guard, in my opinion, would only draw more attention to me. It would also take away from the feeling of adventure I would like to feel whilst travelling."

Considering my words deeply, Barstoke scratched his chin. "I understand, It is only natural that you want to travel and live your youth as you wish; but I cannot let you go out unprepared. I am aware this 'adventure' of yours won't be taking place for another few years. You are far too young to be out on your own." taking a second to think, he continued, "Instead of a guard, I propose that you receive training until your leave so that you are as prepared as possible for any eventuality. I will ensure you will be taught by the finest and most capable within my ranks."

Liking this idea, I stretched my arms over my head in a casual way, "That sounds like a fair compromise. Please send over a copy of the contract to my house for signing. If there is anything else you would like to mention, please don't hesitate to come to me directly."

Nodding at me, "It is settled then. Please come to the castle again next Monday to begin your training."

"I will see you then my lord. Now, please excuse me for my rudeness, but I think I will be taking my leave. I have lunch to attend with a friend of mine, which was unfortunately interrupted. Thank you for your hospitality." Rising from my seat, I bowed.

Laughing at my curtness and honesty, "No. Thank you for coming at such short notice. From now if you could refer to me as Avalon in conversation, that would be appreciated. You are dismissed, I will see you next week."

"Thank you, 'Avalon'", I bowed again, before making my way over to the stairs at the stage's edge, starting the long walk back into town. Lottie was likely still waiting for me at the cafe hopefully she'll still be there.

The discussion Avalon and I had held, undoubtedly ended in my favour. I had used the stong hand dealt to me very effectively. Of course I was used to this, discussing contracts and deals was an easy task to me. As I thought deeper about how things would be in future, the mix of exitement and nervousness crept into a smirk. I couldn't wait to tell Lottie about what had happened. I made my way around the corner of the highstreet and saw her sat outside the cafe reading a book. Putting it down as I came into view, she waved at me. "Glad to see you're okay, I was considering coming to get you if you were much longer. It went well I take it?" catching onto my beaming grin.

I laughed. "You could say that..."

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