Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 23: CH 23

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Gu Yingjie laughed. Xu Yanchang pretended: “Forget it, since you’re not interested, I’m hanging up ah.”

“Hey, wait.” Gu Yingjie couldn’t help it, he came to Yongkai today to meet Qin Yufei in the name of official business but didn’t meet up. And he also felt that Qin Yufei must be avoiding him on purpose today. He asked, “What is she doing?”

“Who?” It was Xu Yanchang’s turn to ask the question back.

Gu Yingjie hesitated again, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed, in case the one Xu Yanchang saw was not Qin Yufei at all, wouldn’t he make a joke? ” Not who. I mean the one you saw.”

“Oh.” Xu Yanchang deliberately did not mention who it was.

“Is it Qin Yufei?” Gu Yingjie still guessed. Today did not see her, his heart is quite uncomfortable.

Xu Yanchang laughed on the other side of the phone. Laughed so much that Gu Yingjie quickly said, “My friend called me, I’m going over, bye.” Not waiting for Xu Yanchang to speak, he hung up the phone, feeling a little hot in the face. Nothing is embarrassing for a man and a woman to love each other, as a veteran of love affairs, Gu Yingjie has always been generous in expressing his feelings, but he and Qin Yufei, well, indescribable, very complex. He didn’t want to go against her wishes to let everyone know about them until he was completely settled with her, and he didn’t want to upset her.

Gu Yingjie looked at his phone, there was no longer Qin Yufei’s number or record there, Qin Yufei deleted it thoroughly and cleanly, but in fact, it was too easy for him to get the number, he just didn’t want to do it. She deleted it, so she should add it back for him. Gu Yingjie looked up and saw Yin Ting and Qiu Zhengqing over at the table seemingly inadvertently looking up at each other, and then each looking down to slay the food. Love affairs ah, Gu Yingjie heart a sigh, walk over.

Back in his seat, Gu Yingjie had no desire to stay, he quickly finished his meal and then said that his friend had just said that he had something to ask him to go over, he had to go first, he would get the bill and let them both enjoy themselves. Yin Ting and Qiu Zhengqing of course said yes. Gu Yingjie also said to Qiu Zhengqing, can he please send Yin Ting back after dinner, a girl alone is not very safe after all. Qiu Zhengqing had no problem with it and agreed.

Yin Ting looked at Gu Yingjie and couldn’t help but have red eyes, look, look, Prince Charming is considerate and gentle, so envious of the woman who was finally married by the prince! Qiu Zhengqing looked at her reaction and felt that his guess was right.

On this side of the salon, Xu Yanchang, who was hung up on the phone, couldn’t stop laughing, then he took his phone and secretly took a picture of Qin Yufei, who was propping up her chin with a bored look on her face. Xu Yanchang sent the photo to Gu Yingjie.

Gu Yingjie’s car was halfway through the journey when he heard the sound of a message coming from his cell phone and took advantage of the red light to look at it. It’s Qin Yufei! She looks a bit bored and pathetic. Serves you right! This stupid woman! Stupid woman!

When a car behind him honked, Gu Yingjie realized that the light was green and the car in front of him was already moving, so he hurriedly drove. Through the intersection, to the next intersection, he was in the traffic, but his mind was full of Qin Yufei.

Xu Yanchang waited for a while for Gu Yingjie’s reply, so he laughed again, he understands this hardcore buddy of his too well, it seems that something is happening.

Xu Yanchang looked at Qin Yufei again, she had finished doing her nails and was sitting on the sofa looking like she was waiting for someone. He walked over and greeted her, “Hi, long time no see.”

“Hi.” Qin Yufei was a little wary, was she familiar with him? He came to greet her for no reason, it couldn’t be at the request of Gu Yingjie, right?

“Have you seen James recently?” asked Xu Yanchang again.

Qin Yufei was even warier, “No.”

“I haven’t seen him for a while either.” Xu Yanchang smiled: “This guy has recently become a workaholic, so busy that he can’t see his tail, he didn’t even come to the gathering of his buddies.”

Qin Yufei did not say anything, not sure what Xu Yanchang meant. Xu Yanchang then said: “Dragon Boat Festival holiday, I wanted to ask him to go with the yacht, but he said he did not want to go out, he wants to work. I think he was stimulated by something, though you would know it.”

Qin Yufei was so upset that she glared, fiercely: “How would I know! Am I familiar with him?”

Xu Yanchang didn’t say anything, Qin Yufei had anger in her heart and added, ” By the way, I’m not familiar with young master Xu either.”

“Yes.” Xu Yanchang said coolly, “We are so unfamiliar, so I will not invite you to sail on the yacht.” That tone, Qin Yufei angry until her teeth itch as if she is desperate to go, did she never go on a yacht? Didn’t she ever play at sea? She also has a diving license.

Xu Yanchang finished his disgusting words and walked away, leaving Qin Yufei behind him with a glare. Xu Yanchang’s heart head snickered, this woman similar to a cannonball, just a little bit then lit up, and that man’s head similar to a gourd, if there is something to say then say it, well, this trial is to make sure, there is something is happening.

Later this day, Gu Yingjie received a call from Xu Yanchang. He thought Xu Yanchang was going to talk to him about Qin Yufei, but he did not. Xu Yanchang only confirmed with him about using his family yacht to go sailing together during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. This was agreed upon half a month ago, Gu Yingjie has no opinion, the matter is to Xu Yanchang and Zhang Luo. Xu and Gu Family’s two yachts are placed in the neighboring city beach yacht club, everyone can go fishing, swimming, and barbecue on the island, the club’s resort is also on the island, and there are still many fun activities. Bring several friends, and book a few rooms, Gu Yingjie is too busy to care about these, but Xu Yanchang asked him will stick to the plan, right?

Of course not. He was angry with the woman this time and tired of working as a dog. He did not know if he was gambling with Qin Yufei, he really worked hard at work, didn’t even know for whom to see, and the woman did not even see him. Anyway, he also needs to have fun and rest.

He wanted to pretend to meet at work today, and then by the way to invite Qin Yufei and her colleagues and friends to go play together, she is defensive, and last time after said the harsh words, he wants to take his time slowly, with colleagues and friends as a cover to make her image look good and can create some opportunities.

Gu Yingjie thinks Qin Yufei has a point, the reality of her situation, is if he can not be sure to go on with her for a long time, then why did he bother to provoke her. He has failed in every relationship and is simply a scum in her eyes. He originally didn’t think so, but he felt a little vague when she said so.

The last time he also said harsh words, after saying his heart is very comfortable, but after the comfortable feeling he also carefully thought, he loves her, he does not want her to be hurt, so at least he should have confidence in himself before taking action, have the confidence to be with her for a long time before taking action, and also let her have confidence in him before taking action. But the precondition is that they must not be strangers to each other. He wanted to see her, and originally intended to create a meeting for work to meet the situation, but she ended up hiding.

The more Gu Yingjie thinks about it, the angrier he is, it seems that really can not be too polite to that woman. When he returns from the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, he will find her to negotiate! He does not accept being convicted like this. He, is, not, a womanizer!

Two days later, Qin Yufei invited Yin Ting to dinner, during the meal Yin Ting kept talking about Qiu Zhengqing.

‘Please be serious’ is a high-level person, whatever I talk to him he brings up to work. I told him things were delicious, he said that to be a gourmet chef must work very hard. I told him that my father’s printing factory is quite large and busy every day, he said then you still do not work harder to help your father take care of business. I complimented him on his youthful achievements, and he said that if you work hard, you will have a career. In short, no matter what you say to him, he will tell you to work hard.”

Qin Yufei laughed out loud.

“He’s so pathetic.” Yin Ting shook her head, “I’ve never seen a man who deserves so much pity.”

Qin Yufei couldn’t help but laugh again, if Qiu Zhengqing heard this comment, he would probably vomit blood.

“Later he sent me back, it was embarrassing for me to bother him, so I said that perhaps it would be better to send me back to my brother’s, and I would buy him a drink on the way so that he could also enjoy the bar atmosphere. Would you believe it? He never went to the bar, he said it was too noisy, did not want to go, discuss business and do business don’t need to go there.” Yin Ting furrowed her brows, “That’s pathetic.”

Qin Yufei laughed so hard that tears came out of her eyes. No wonder Qiu Zhengqing’s expression was a bit strange when she saw him at work yesterday, so that day with Yin Ting there was this part, probably he also felt Yin Ting’s sympathy.

Yin Ting said about Qiu Zhengqing for half a day and then turn the topic back to the fun. “Yesterday Ah Lin called me, said to go play yacht in B city for Dragon Boat Festival holiday, asked me if I want to go, she said she will also look for you.”

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“Well, she did call me yesterday too.”

“Then let’s go together, we haven’t played at sea this year, I’ve just gotten my body in shape, it’s time to show it off. Now the weather is also hot, the time is just right.” Yin Ting holds her chin, previously when she chased that boy, thinking of the summer, she would wear less, can not ignore the body problem, and the result of the efforts is a thin waist and round chest but didn’t get the boy. Can not waste hard work ah, need to quickly find the opportunity to show off the body.

“Okay.” Yesterday Qin Yufei had hesitation because she asked, the event was organized by Xu Yanchang so that a group of people is in the same circle as Gu Yingjie. But she thought about it, anyway, Gu Yingjie does not go, and Xu Yanchang’s attitude towards her that day made her very upset, he did not want her to go, but of course,  she must go. After going, Gu Yingjie’s friends told Gu Yingjie that Qin Yufei also went there, so Gu Yingjie, who only cares about work and not play, won’t be angry? He deliberately came to intercept her, but she went to have fun with his friends.

“Go!” Qin Yufei decided. “Must go!” Pissed Xu Yanchang and Gu Yingjie to death!

Saturday, the first day of vacation. Early in the morning, Qin Yufei and Yin Ting took a friend’s car and went straight to B City Bay Pier. There was no problem on the way, and when they arrived at the place there were already many friends waiting there, and everyone was chilling and greeting each other, beautifully dressed women, competing with each other.

Yin Ting looked at the situation and said to Qin Yufei, “You’re right, ‘please be serious’ should not be interested in this kind of activity.” The other day, in a moment of enthusiasm, she told Qin Yufei that she should invite Qiu Zhengqing to come along. As a result, Qin Yufei said with certainty that he would not come. If he sees a group of rich kids showing off their wealth and having fun without thinking about it, he will die of anger. Yin Ting is also not insisted, although feel what Qin Yu Fei said somewhat exaggerated, also dismissed the idea. Now look, it is right not to call Qiu Zhengqing. Everyone’s topic of conversation is watch, clothes, car where to play, no one talks about work. That “please be serious” will certainly feel super bored. At that time let her be responsible, then she would be in trouble. Forget it, good people can’t be reckless.

Qin Yufei’s eyelids have been jumping today, always feels as if there is something ominous foreboding, but from getting up to going out all the way went smooth, she thought the reason for this psychological effect because she was too tired. She had a dream about Gu Yingjie last night. In the dream, he did not do anything but look at her until her heart beats fast. This kind of heartbeat is happen throughout the night, it’s strange to sleep over without being tired.

Qin Yufei took off her sunglasses and was rubbing her eyelids when she suddenly heard a delicate voice shouting, “James, hold this for me.”

Qin Yufei stiffened, and the hair on her neck stood up.

Many people call James. But this James ……

Qin Yufei turned around and saw a car that had just arrived not far away, Gu Yingjie was waiting for someone with two duffel bags in his hands, a girl was standing next to him, another girl was bending down to fix her shoes, and another guy was getting off the car.

In Qin Yufei’s eyes, everyone else faded away in transparency, only Gu Yingjie the womanizer with two girls together like a framed picture in front of her.

The rage is burning.

Too busy at work to come out and play? Bah! It’s not enough to come out to play, but still hugging the right and left!

The dead womanizer, the stinking womanizer!

The Gu Yingjie at the other end turned around and was about to take his friends towards the yacht when he saw the angry but beautiful Qin Yufei.

Four eyes met.

The next time we meet again ……

These words jumped out of both of their heads at the same time.

Qin Yufei glared at Gu Yingjie, not hiding that she was getting angry. She lifted her chin proudly, in a queenly pose.

Then Gu Yingjie laughed.

This is what his Qin Yufei should look like.

He smiled to reveal a mouthful of white teeth, smiling so much that Qin Yufei inexplicably lost her momentum. She suddenly became weak, busy putting the sunglasses back on the bridge of her nose and then fiercely glaring at Gu Yingjie, silently turning her head to the side.

Don’t! Care! About! You!

The author has something to say.

Little theater.

Author: Ah Jie, Ah Jie, look at your wife’s attitude, too arrogant, glaring at you, this you can tolerate?

Gu Yingjie: I have tolerated you for being annoying for so long.

Author: ……

Gu Yingjie: My wife let her do whatever she likes.

Author (sigh): Ah Jie, come, come, let’s talk about it.

Gu Yingjie: What for?

The author: you say, I write the male lead into such a jittery virtue, will the readers abandon the novel?

Gu Yingjie: ……

Author: ah, I was wrong.

Gu Yingjie: It’s good to know the mistake.

Author: The word “jittery” is too unimpressive, I should say, the male lead is strategically pretending to be a wimp!

Gu Yingjie: ……

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