Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 26: CH 26

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Gu Yingjie took Qin Yufei straight to the hotel.

They went through the lobby and got into the elevator, encountering no acquaintances along the way, or perhaps they didn’t even notice. He turned his head in the elevator to look at her, and she was looking at him, her eyes like water, her face like a peach blossom.

He pulled her into his arms, held the back of her head, and lowered his head to kiss her.

He originally intended to have a good talk with her, but from the moment he saw her under the fireworks, he no longer knew what to talk about. The restlessness in the heart smoothed out, holding her hand, reassured and excited.

What else is there to talk about, they love each other, going round and round, hide and seek, but, just to make them more sure that they love each other, it is so simple. He believed she felt the same way, he could feel it. Her resistance and dodging, in the end, are just to let her know about this.

“Ding”, the floor reached, and the elevator door opened. He let go of her, her lips were kissed red and glowing with charm. He pulled her towards the room, she didn’t say anything, she foolishly followed him.

The moment he closed the door, he couldn’t wait to press her against the door panel and kiss her passionately. She stood on tiptoe and responded to him with unbridled passion. He took her lips, stroked her waist, and called her name.

She laughed with ticklishness, shrank into his arms, and kissed him harder.

She was like a fire that burned his entire being.

“Qin Yufei.” He called her name, a man’s self-control is unreliable, and he needed her to stop him.

“Gu Yingjie.” She also called his name, while shouting and pecking his lips, her hand reached in through the hem of his shirt and stroked his chest. She had held back from touching it when she saw it in the sea, and now her hands were out of control, and she didn’t want to control it at all.

He muttered a complaint about her and she laughed, finding his expression amusing. She nibbled mischievously on his chin and he grunted, holding her hips and pressing them against himself, showing her that he was a man and quite dangerous.

She continued to laugh, loudly, jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist, this time to bite his ear.

That’s his sensitive zone, and he knows she knows it, she did it on purpose.

So what else is there to talk about? He couldn’t think of anything at all, didn’t want to talk about anything.

He took her slightly rough to the bed, her eyes amazingly bright, her cheeks pink and full of a charm that fascinated him. He leaned down and kissed her, his hand diving into the hem of her skirt, calling her name: “Qin Yufei!”

Qin Yufei gasped and got goosebumps from the heat of his big palm. There were no lights on in the room, only a flicker of smoke and fire outside the window.  Was she looking for him to say something? She couldn’t remember. She closed her eyes and hugged him tightly.

She couldn’t see anything, but her mind was imprinted by the way he looked at her.

She didn’t know what she was going to do, only that she needed him, badly. No matter what happens tomorrow, no matter what happens later, she needs him now. She pulled off his T-shirt and kicked his pants.

“Gu Yingjie.” She called his name and suddenly felt her eyes burning.

She didn’t care about tomorrow, okay, didn’t care about the future, okay, she just wanted now. It is good to be happy now! What does it matter? Anyway, she has always been capricious, superficial, and heartless.

Ah, the lack of white rich beauty girl. This word is important.

She giggled.

She felt crazy.

If you’re crazy, then let it be!

She ripped off Gu Yingjie’s T-shirt and he took off hers. He kept calling her name and she found him so annoying, “Shut up!” She yells at him.

Gu Yingjie glares at her and she glares back. What do you want?

He pushed in, she was not prepared, “ah” screamed out, she slapped his arm, he bared his teeth in pain, under the movement of the body, see her knitted brows, he smiled a little smugly. She hugged him tightly and hid her face in his shoulder to keep him from looking, and deliberately shouted, “Gu Yingjie, you are so slow, faster, faster.”

That’s enough! Do you still want to piss him off at a time like this? Gu Yingjie pressed her back to the pillow, she was the one who should shut up. He kissed her and she stopped talking because his kiss was gentle, so gentle that she didn’t want to mess up again.

She heard the sound of fireworks, she heard his gasps, and she heard her own.

Qin Yufei did not know how long they had been doing it. The fireworks outside had stopped and the crowd seemed to have dispersed. Only when she and Gu Yingjie finished did she notice that it seemed to have quieted down outside. She was so tired that she didn’t even want to move a finger. She closed her eyes and felt Gu Yingjie kissing her face and fixing her hair. He also teased her that she was “only fierce with her mouth, but not useful at all”.

She wanted to glare at him and scold him, saying who is not useful? If it’s not useful, why do you keep getting excited? But she is too tired now, when she gets up after a sleep, she must scold him, men are the most annoying, and they are still selling their good behavior. She thought so, felt him kiss her forehead again, and then she fell asleep.

Gu Yingjie sat on the edge of the bed, turned on the night light, and quietly watched her for a while. She was asleep, sleeping like a child. Curved eyebrows, bare forehead, soft, serene, carefree look. He held her hand and looked at her sleeping face, and that feeling of satisfaction filled his whole body. He thought he could just keep looking at her like this, but he was hungry now.

Thinking about this day, just searching for her and thinking about her, did not eat more than a few bites. Gu Yingjie put on his clothes and decided to go out to look for food, she would be hungry later, he bet she didn’t eat anything today to avoid him.

He left the night light on for her, and he went out gently. After entering the elevator and looking in the mirror, the man in the mirror smiled like a fool, he rubbed his face, but could not help but want to laugh.

The restaurant had already closed, Gu Yingjie ran to the barbecue area over there, there are still a lot of people drinking and chatting and playing cards all night, and the grill is also still grilling things. Gu Yingjie did not say anything, took the plate, and put everything that can be eaten. Xu Yanchang, who was chatting in the crowd, saw him and ran over: “Where did you go just now?”

Gu Yingjie smiled and found a bag to put things up. Xu Yanchang looked at his expression and also smiled: “With Qin Yufei?”

Gu Yingjie looked at him, and then looked around, there was nobody, so he said, “You lied to her?”

“Yes.” Xu Yanchang did not deny it. “Thank me?”

Gu Yingjie nodded, and Xu Yanchang laughed, “You should also hold back a little.”

Gu Yingjie also smiled, “It’s not time to announce yet, I’ll bring her along to invite you to dinner later.”

“Forget it, I’m afraid she is fierce.”

“It’s possible.” Gu Yingjie also does not deny, Qin Yufei that temper, whether she will scold Xu Yanchang is not certain.

Xu Yanchang glares at him, which at least shows some manliness, do you have the courage to admit that you can not press Qin Yufei? “Are you serious?”

“Yes. This time it is a bit serious.”

“You say that as if you were not serious the last time.”

“It’s not the same ……” Gu Yingjie thought of how to describe it, “It’s just that, kind of want to be serious regardless of everything.” Even if her personality is not too good, even if her past is not too good, even if her mindset is not too good, even if she …… Anyway, no matter how she is, he has been serious, he wants to be with her.

Xu Yanchang still wanted to say something, but Gu Yingjie said: “I have to go back, if she woke up and did not see me, she would overthink, talk to you later.” He finished taking the food and hurriedly ran away, Xu Yanchang stared at him in the back, damn, it was still the beginning and they already reached this stage.

Gu Yingjie went back to the room, Qin Yufei sleepily opened her eyes, and he asked her: “Awake? Do you want to get up and eat?”

” Be quiet.” She was so sleepy that she lost her temper, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

Quiet then, Gu Yingjie sat to the side to eat. She didn’t want to eat then he ate himself, he was hungry, he was happy, he had a super appetite. A large plate of food was swept clean and when he was drinking, Qin Yufei climbed up to go to the bathroom, after back from the bathroom, she climb back to bed naked and covered with the quilt, and after a while, she slightly awake, turned her head to look at him, suddenly said: “I also want to eat.”

Gu Yingjie was stunned, he was so happy that he ate it all. “I’ll go get it for you again.” He had to say.

She blinked and seemed a little more awake. “You ate it all?” A tantrum.

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Gu Yingjie rubbed his nose, blushing at the scolding, it was his fault, how could he have eaten it all. “I’ll go get it for you again.”

“You’re not even wearing that !” She suddenly changed the subject but continued to play nasty.

Gu Yingjie froze, yes, he completely forgot about that thing. He looked at Qin Yufei vainly, she frowned with an unhappy face, well, she was sleepy and didn’t sleep well, her awakening anger is really big. Gu Yingjie resigned himself to walking over and sitting next to her on the edge of the bed: “I’m sorry, it was my mistake.” There’s some distress, do not know if she is now in a safe period. He usually doesn’t make this kind of mistake, but he ended up making it twice with her.

Qin Yufei reached out and punched him, not painful, Gu Yingjie was cooperative and deliberately pretended to be in pain, but Qin Yufei did not believe it and gave him a blank stare.

“Do you have any medicine?” She asked.

“No.” How could he have brought these things with him, he was not a plucker, he did not even prepare a condom, because he did not intend to spend his vacation having a sexual affair or something like that, did not know she would come.

Qin Yufei pouted, was hungry, did not sleep well, and still have to take medicine, which all make her uncomfortable. It is self-induced, really regret that moment of indulgence. She rose to find clothes, he was busy picking them up and handing them to her. “I’ll go get something for you to eat, okay?”

“Not in the mood.” She put her clothes on, and he stood by to wait on her. She casually had to slap him again, “Nasty.”

“Okay, it’s my fault, I won’t do it next time.”

“There’s no next time!” She glared at him, fierce.

He did not say anything, but in his heart, he said of course there will be a next time and many times.

Qin Yufei pouted her mouth and froze for a while and asked him, “Where can I get medicine here?”

Gu Yingjie was embarrassed and guilty, indeed he did not know where to get it. “Why don’t I ask the hotel, there is also a resident physician here for emergency care, maybe they have it.” The more you say, the more you hush, because his Miss Qin glared at him again.

How can you get the after-morning pill from the emergency care? And if he went to ask, everyone would know that he had slept with a girl, and then the circle of friends would gossip, where she could put her face.

“Forget it, forget it.” Qin Yufei went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and comb her hair. No one is to blame, just herself. “I’m going back.” She turned her head and saw Gu Yingjie leaning against the door looking at her. Couldn’t help but give him another glare, but he laughed.

His new girlfriend had such a bad temper when she got up and threw a tantrum like a spoiled brat.

“What are you laughing at?” She was so angry and wanted to slap him so badly. But last night she was too impulsive, her heart was a little weak, and she didn’t dare to be too fierce.

Gu Yingjie didn’t answer, but came over and hugged her tightly. It felt so good that they were together.

“Hey.” She patted him on the back. “I’m going back. Back downtown.”

He flinched, “For the pill?”

“Take it for peace of mind.” She was panicking about this, more than about being in love.

“I’m sorry, it’s my fault.” Gu Yingjie blamed himself quite a bit.

“Can you help me arrange the boat, can we go now, I don’t want everyone to know, save them from asking around.”

“Okay, in ten minutes, I’ll wait for you in the lobby. You go get your bag.” Gu Yingjie promised to be quick, and Qin Yufei felt quite uncomfortable in her heart. But on second thought she is not in good spirits and is a bit depressed, so she really can’t feel at ease.

Qin Yufei went back to her room. As soon as the door was opened, Yin Ting, who was lying in bed, woke up and jumped up. When she saw Qin Yufei coming back, she rushed over and hugged her. She said that she was looking for her for a long time, and she didn’t bring her cell phone. She was afraid that something would happen to her, but Xu Yanchang said that the place is small, and if there was an accident, someone would know and told her not to worry. This is a good place to talk about love. Many people didn’t go back to the room, so she should wait until morning. Yin Ting didn’t dare to publicize it, so she went back to the room and waited.

“I just walked around and look at the night scene.” Qin Yufei felt that this lie is embarrassing and that Xu Yanchang, she has not yet found him to settle accounts, what do you mean by a good place to talk about love, many people did not return to the room.

“It’s great if everything is okay.” Yin Ting does not analyze the truth of Qin Yufei’s words at all, she is too sleepy to open her eyes, turn around and go to the bed. “It’s good that it’s okay, it’s okay so I can sleep. I’m scared to death.” Yin Ting lay down, and also told Qin Yu Fei: “You wandered all night, quickly go to sleep too.” After saying that, she closed her eyes.

Qin Yufei lost her smile, really envied Yin Ting’s thick nerves, if only she was like this. “I have some things to do at home, I have to go back first. You have fun, we will meet again when you come back.”

“Oh, I see. Then you take care on the way.” Yin Ting waved her hand, not suspecting anything, and slept at ease.

Qin Yufei breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, it was Yin Ting, who would not ask questions and pester to follow her. Because it is a three-day trip, so she only took a small bag, there is not much stuff, quickly packed. She took a shower, changed her clothes, took her bag, and went downstairs.

After showering and feeling better, she went downstairs and saw Gu Yingjie in a better mood. Then she saw the duffel bag next to him.

She was surprised for a moment when Gu Yingjie pinched her face: “I’ll go back with you. You wouldn’t think I would let you walk alone  in the middle of the night.”

” So troublesome.” She purposely resented him, but there was a little joy in her heart.

Gu Yingjie helped her get her bag and led her to the pier. “We’ll take the yacht back, so we can watch the sunrise on the sea and then go back to the city. Then the yacht comes back again without delaying the others to have fun.” Gu Yingjie arranged it in an orderly manner, and Qin Yufei had no problem with it at all.

The yacht’s staff was already on the boat and ready, the two went up, and the yacht soon started. Not long after, breakfast was placed in front of Qin Yufei. Qin Yufei ate a full meal and finally felt her spirit and mood had recovered. She ran to the deck and waited to see the sunrise. Gu Yingjie followed out and took a blanket to wrap her up.

“It’s going to be cold in the early morning.”

“Oh.” Qin Yufei responded in a good manner.

“Where’s your phone?”

“What for?”

Without answering, Gu Yingjie went back to the cabin to find her bag and took out her cell phone. Then he came back to her side, wrapped her in his arms from behind, and entered his number into her phone front of her.

Qin Yufei lowered her eyes and didn’t say anything, her heart started to get nervous.

After Gu Yingjie finished entering the number and name, he took his phone out and shoved it into her hand: “It’s your turn.”

Qin Yufei bit her lip, held it for a while, and squeezed out a sentence: ” As a boyfriend, you don’t pass.”

Gu Yingjie stared, actually used this trick.

Qin Yufei counted to him one by one: “You open a single room, are you waiting for an affair ah? You’re chasing me while you seduce other girls to confess to you. I was so hungry, you ate all the food in front of me. No consideration for girls, no safety measures.” With so many bad reviews, it’s not too much to say that negative scores rolled out, right?

“I opened a single room because I want to sleep alone, many people open a single room ah. I rejected her confession, how did I know she would suddenly say those words, I am not even familiar with her. The latter two are my fault, I would change.”

“But now I don’t satisfy yet.” Qin Yufei was very intentional.

Gu Yingjie was annoyed. Simply do not say anything, catch her hand over to input the number, she does not cooperate, he simply change her phone, using her hand to dial his phone, and then he changes the phone, catches her hand over to store the number, enter her name.

“You’re pretty busy.” She flirted with him.

He tilted her face and kissed her.

The rising sun jumped out over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the sparkling waves.

“Good morning, girlfriend.” He said to her.

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