Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 32: CH 32

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Qin Yufei spent the night at Gu Yingjie’s house.

She had a very pleasant day.

In the afternoon, she sat on the sofa watching TV, while Gu Yingjie held his laptop on the coffee table and worked. He went out to buy takeout for dinner. Originally, she was a little reluctant to let him go out, saying that she could just call for delivery, but Gu Yingjie still went out. When he came back, besides food, he also bought a lot of women’s daily necessities, including toothbrushes, towels, underwear and pajamas, and even night sanitary napkins and so on.

“Stay here tonight, okay? I can take care of you.” Gu Yingjie said.

Qin Yufei pursed her lips and smiled. Honestly, her parents and maids at home are better than him here. Not to mention, the food stocks in the refrigerator are many times better than his single man’s home. But Qin Yufei was very happy to say “yes”.

After dinner, Qin Yufei stayed on the sofa as usual, Gu Yingjie sat at the coffee table and worked overtime. Qin Yufei was not interested in the TV, sneaking a few glances at Gu Yingjie from time to time. Actually, workaholics are not that annoying. Look at her Gu Yingjie, how handsome he is.

This night the two went to bed early, just sleep, did nothing. Gu Yingjie hugged her and talked a lot about the funny things that happened to him when he was a kid, about his brother and sister, about how cute his nieces and nephews were, about the things he did with a few friends. Qin Yufei listened with great interest, occasionally interrupt a few times, and then jokingly warned him, “Never talk to me about your old lovers, I’m a small-minded person.”

Gu Yingjie laughed out loud and took her into his arms.

Then they fell asleep.

The next day, when Qin Yufei woke up, Gu Yingjie had already gone to work. He left her a note with a key pressed on top of it. He said it was her key to open the door to his house. She could come and go as she pleased, and she could come and stay if she wanted to. He also said that breakfast is ready, just need to heat it up. If she doesn’t like the food, she can call the takeout delivery. He already posted the number on the refrigerator door.

Qin Yufei held the key and kept giggling. It was “her key” that could “open his door”. She thought this sentence was so beautiful.

When she had laughed enough, she jumped out of bed. Refreshed. It was a very comfortable sleep, and even if they didn’t make love, but just stayed with him, she felt very comfortable. It was as if they were meant to be, naturally. So maybe the foundation of their relationship isn’t so vulgar and fragile, right?

Have faith. She said to herself.

Qin Yufei happily washed up, brushed her teeth, and took a shower. She didn’t feel so embarrassed and shy when she threw the sanitary napkin into the trash. It feels like this is her trash can, this is her bathroom. She went for a mid-morning snack and then rolled around on the couch. Took out her phone to text him, “What are you doing now?”

After a while, Gu Yingjie replied, “In a meeting. Are you awake? Have you eaten? Does your stomach still hurt?”

Qin Yufei held her phone and giggled. So many questions that made her feel so happy. She texted back again, “I’m fine. I still want to stay here today.”

Gu Yingjie looked down at his phone and smiled. “Okay. Then I’ll go back from work early.”

She also returned: “Okay.”

One at home and one at work, looking stupidly at the phone and laughing.

After the meeting was over, Gu Yinghui asked his brother, “Are you in love lately?”

Gu Yingjie rubbed his face. “Is it so obvious?”

“Yes.” Gu Yinghui laughed: “It’s close to carving the words silly man in love on your face.”

Gu Yingjie showed a silly man’s smile and didn’t admit or deny it.

Gu Yinghui asked again, “Who is it this time?”

“Ha ha ha.” Gu Yingjie giggled again, “When it’s stable, I’ll bring her to meet you guys.”

Gu Yinghui raised his eyebrows, this time actually different. Previously asked him about love, he would generously say which girl, but did not say that he would bring her home. This time is the opposite, did not say which girl, but said when they were stable, he would bring her home. Gu Yinghui looked at his brother seriously. Maybe this time it really is different.

Gu Yingjie went back to the office and touched his face again. Would it really be so obvious? But yesterday the marriage was mentioned, and today the brother asked, which made Gu Yingjie take the issue seriously. Qin Yufei said she wanted to have a good outcome with him. If they can really go that far, then he still has a father-in-law to take care of.

He knew that Qin Wenyi was an open-minded elder, but he had also heard that Qin Wenyi was very strict in picking his son-in-law. That strictness is not about the family background of the other party, but must be capable and talented. Everyone gossiped that because Qin Yufei was not business material, Qin Wenyi would give the family business to his son-in-law if possible.

So there was a time when many unmarried young men in the social circle were interested in Qin Yufei and jumped at the chance to pursue her. But then they couldn’t bear her Missy aura, plus they finally realized that Qin Wenyi, a sharp old man, it’s difficult to get some advantage from him. Over time, this “trend” also passed. But Qin Yufei’s reputation for being arrogant and domineering spread in the circle, and Gu Yingjie was always impressed by her because he heard all kinds of rumors.

It was not until they met at Qin Yufei’s birthday party that they really got to know each other.

Gu Yingjie did not want to take charge of the Qin family’s Yongkai Group, their own Huade are too busy, but he was and Qin Yufei could really take the last step then.

Gu Yingjie suddenly missed Qin Yufei so much that he dialed her and said he had finished his meeting. “What are you doing?”

“Checking your house.” Qin Yufei said as she lounged on the bed hugging Gu Yingjie’s pillow.

“What for?”

“Check to see if there are any things left by other women. If there are, I will throw them all out.”

Gu Yingjie laughed: “So did you find it?”

Qin Yufei did not speak, actually she really had a thought before, but she did not dare to act. The first reason is that if she really turned Gu Yingjie’s house upside down, he would be furious. The other is because if she steps over the line, she is afraid that it will get worse in the future and cannot be retracted. She thought it was better for her to be more restrained.

“Aren’t you going to stop me?” She asked.

“Is it useful to stop you?” He asked in return.

“Well, at least come up with an attitude.”

“Well, my attitude is that I don’t have any of my ex-girlfriend’s stuff at home, and a breakup is a breakup, and I won’t leave a souvenir. So you don’t have to bother going through it. You’ll be more annoyed if you can’t find it.”

“That’s true. If I can’t find it, I’m sure I’ll think about where you’re hiding it. How can it be so precious?”

Gu Yingjie laughed: “So why don’t you use that energy to think about what do yo want to eat later? Don’t always stay at home. If your stomach no longer hurts, you can clean up the trash at home and take it downstairs to throw it away, take a walk, move around to get better.”

“Hey, we haven’t married yet. You’re already asking me to throw out the garbage for you. I am not an old woman, don’t need walking to get fit.”

Gu Yingjie was going to continue to say something, but he saw his brother Gu Yinghui walking to his office door and made a gesture to go out for a meal, asking him to come along. He told Qin Yufei that he was going to eat, that Qin Yufei shouldn’t be hungry, and that he would return early from work in the afternoon.

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Qin Yufei rolled on the big bed, really wanted him to come back from work now. She stayed in bed for a while longer, then got up and cleaned up the room and sorted out the trash to throw. She really felt like this was her own home when she did these things.

There was nothing special happening in the afternoon, Qin Yufei was eating, sleeping and reading, she didn’t bring her laptop, so she simply didn’t want to do any business at all, just called back to the company to ask about the work situation, and explained that the secretary and Robert can handle it on their own.

Gu Yingjie was quite busy in the company, and he wanted to finish everything before the end of the day, so he was very efficient. At four o’clock, he received a call from his friend Sun Yian, saying that a certain mutual friend of theirs had returned to China, and that they were going to give him a welcoming reception in the evening, asking if he could come. Gu Yingjie thought he had a date with Qin Yufei, so he refused Sun Yian, saying he would call the friend and that he would treat him to a reunion another day.

Just hung up the phone, the phone rang again. Gu Yingjie looks, it was Sun Yixue. The two siblings are really one after the other. Gu Yingjie answered the phone, Sun Yixue is talking about the same thing, she said she did not drive today, if Gu Yingjie want to go in the evening, can she come to him, like last time, ride his car and go with him. Gu Yingjie politely declined, saying he didn’t have time and had just spoken to her brother.

“I see.” Sun Yixue’s voice sounded a little disappointed, but said nothing more and hung up.

Gu Yingjie thought nothing about it at all. He turned his head and went back to work, looked at his watch. He should be able to leave before six o’clock. But just after five o’clock, he received a call from Qin Yufei. Qin Yufei said her mother asked her where she was and asked her to go back for dinner.

Mrs. Qin not only told her daughter to go back for dinner, she also gave her daughter a lecture. Why is she still running around when she’s not feeling well, and there’s no need staying with friends for two days. She told Qin Yufei to go home and rest, not to play outside. Qin Yufei dared not disobey because she could not explain that she was at her boyfriend’s house.

“Then I’ll go home first. I’ll look for you in a couple of days.”

Gu Yingjie was disappointed, but there was nothing he could do. After hanging up the phone, he no longer wanted to work and was in a bad mood. After thinking about it, he called Sun Yian and said that he was now available again and could join the party in the evening. Twenty minutes later, Sun Yixue’s call came. She heard that Gu Yingjie had changed his mind, so she repeated the proposal to go together in his car, and Gu Yingjie agreed.

Nothing happened that day, and for a while after that, Gu Yingjie and Qin Yufei could not meet. Because Yongkai side of the raw material supply problems. The main contract between Ming Rui and Yongkai expired and was not renewed, but the contract of two products was still within the term, so it was still cooperating with Ming Rui, but Ming Rui suddenly picked the fault of the contract and suspended the supply, and Yongkai side was surprised. Xu Wenzheng found Mingde in the night, hoping to save the emergency.

Gu Yingjie and Wang Cheng were naturally obliged to do so, especially Gu Yingjie, who treated this as his own business. The whole company mobilized, working overtime to catch up with the work, Wang Cheng focused on the production of products, while Gu Yingjie ran around the city and other provinces to find a suitable OEM factory, and with Yongkai together seek short-term outsourcing solutions. But this is difficult to do, from Ming Rui’s obstacle, plus the Yongkai product requirements are also high. These raw materials are also rare in the market. It took many days of running around without results. Finally, Gu Yingjie launched all the surrounding resources, and finally found a suitable source of goods in a foreign friend, who had a batch of goods suitable for each other, and not in a hurry to use it, so they could be transferred to them first.

Gu Yingjie and Xu Wenzheng together took a trip abroad, the goods are indeed just right, although the cost of shipping to the country is higher, but can provide goods in a timely manner, to preserve goodwill, that is more important than anything else.

This solved the big problem, Xu Wenzheng even praised Gu Yingjie competent, Qin Wenyi also please specially invited Gu Yingjie and Wang Cheng dinner. Later, the batch of goods arrived smoothly. Wang Cheng led the entire company to work at full speed to help Yongkai smoothly through this minor crisis.

Gu Yingjie’s side, busy with the matter of Mingde, thought that finally can breathe a sigh of relief. He arranged a meeting with Qin Yufei, but did not expect there’s a sudden business trip. Originally, it was not his business, but his sister-in-law was sick. Gu Yinghui was worried about leaving his wife, so Gu Yingjie automatically asked to take the trip. Before going to the airport intentionally went around to the underground parking lot of Qin Yufei’s company, Qin Yufei ran down to meet him.

“So tough on you.” She sat in his car, greedy to see him a few more times.

“It’s okay. It’s quick this time. I’ll be back in three or four days.” Gu Yingjie said, while coughing twice.

“Are you sick?” She touched his forehead.

“Nothing, probably talking too much these days. My throat is a little itchy.” He looked at her. He really couldn’t let go. “I’ll be back soon. Be good. Don’t imagine anything. I’ll call you when I get there.”

“Okay.” Qin Yufei answered and probe her head to kiss him. But Gu Yingjie tilted his head: “I’m coughing, you might catch it.”

“You don’t want a kiss?” Miss Qin is fierce.

“Kiss the face.” He handed his face to her.

“No.” She refused, turned to open the car door.

“Okay, okay, this makes you angry?” He was busy pulling her back, probing over and pecking at her lips. “Such a temper, so spoiled.”

“One more kiss.” She lifted her chin and gave orders with a commanding look.

Gu Yingjie muttered really too spoiled her, this is so bad, while still gathered her close and kissed her lips again. She deepened the kiss; he surrendered and kissed her deeply. But the time is running out. Although he couldn’t let go, Gu Yingjie still rushed to the airport and flew away.

Gu Yingjie’s business trip took four days, every day he and Qin Yufei would talk on the phone and video when he had time, he even took the computer and shot a round of the room for her to check, jokingly proving that he was absolutely clean and only allowed Miss Qin to visit. Qin Yufei laughed out loud. Waiting for his return, anxious and somewhat sweet.

The day Qin Yufei attended her girlfriend’s party, she was in a good mood at first because Gu Yingjie was coming back tomorrow. She planned to tell her mother that she would go to a friend’s house and then go to Gu Yingjie’s for a few days. But halfway through the party, gossip from her friends turned to Gu Yingjie.

“By the way, I heard that Gu Yingjie has got a girlfriend.”

Qin Yufei’s heart stirred.

“I heard it started when we went to the yacht last time.”

Qin Yufei almost spit out a mouthful of water. But the friend who spoke was talking with great interest, not looking at her at all, and did not look like she was talking about her.

“It was the girl who confessed first. I saw them both last time I went to a friend’s reception banquet, and I took a lot of pictures of the banquet, which included them. Two days ago I had dinner with friends, just ran into the girl and her friends are also in, we all are familiar, eat at the same table. Chatted up to learn about this matter.” That friend said, take out the phone. A table of women circulated it one after another, and they were very curious about the Third Young Master Gu relationship.

Qin Yufei vaguely knows who it is. There is indeed a girl who came to confess her love on the yacht. She caught once after they have been together. Is there more after that? Her heart sank.

The author has something to say.

Little theater.

Qin Yufei: author, you get out.

Author (back against the door to resist): No one in the house!

Qin Yufei: you dare to provoke us, you dare to open the door?

Author: It’s not a question of whether I dare, it’s a question of whether I’m happy.

Qin Yufei: Do you want to die?

Author: I’ll give you a cuteness, okay?

Qin Yufei: Crazy!

Author: Why are you bothering with a psychopath?

Gu Yingjie (really can’t stand it): wife, forget it. This author has no face and no modesty, so you don’t expect her to have a brain. Let’s go, ignore her, let’s go back and act ourselves, don’t listen to her.

Author: I’m not satisfied! What is the logical relationship between cheek and brain? If you have the guts, come back and argue ah! Hey, really came back! (Hurry and close the door)

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