Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 40: CH 40

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Gu Yingjie giggled at the phone. Mrs. Gu couldn’t stand it and said: “Ah Jie is very busy lately. Do you need to discuss business matters over a meal? Why don’t you go out and make a phone call and come back in when you’re done? It’s not polite to play with your phone at the dinner table.”

Before Gu Yingjie could say anything, Mrs. Gu’s best friend hurriedly intervened: “It’s okay, business is important. We are familiar with each other, no need to be polite. It’s good that Ah Jie is working hard. You are really lucky.”

Gu Yingci laughed at the side, and Gu Yingjie also hurriedly said, “Yes, my mother is lucky to have three children who are all very good.”

Mrs. Gu laughed and glanced at her son. “You are so thick-skinned.”

Gu Yingjie gave his mother a dish: “Here, mom has worked hard, enjoy the dish.”

Mrs. Gu’s best friend laughed at the side: “This is not called thick skin, this is confidence for young people. My Tingting is just too shy and always like to stay at home. She likes to cook, and she takes care of everything in and out of the house. There are things that the maids can handle, but she prefers to do it herself. I can be relax me about the house matters, but she has too few friends, a girl should fall in love, and go out more.”

The girl named Tingting was listening to her mother while laughing, looking modest and generous, very decent.

Mrs. Gu hurriedly took over: “Yes, it’s good for girls to make more friends, Ah Jie often goes out to play, let him ask you to go out together.”

“Sure.” Gu Yingjie smiled and replied, “I’ll introduce my girlfriend to you, then. She has a lot of friends, all girls. She is much better than me at shopping and buying clothes and those girl things.”

When Mrs. Gu heard this, her face was almost unbearable. Tingting’s mother was also a bit stunned and was looking over at Mrs. Gu when Gu Yingci spoke up: “Yo, Third Young Master actually has a girlfriend? You’ve hidden it well enough.” While saying this, she secretly kicked his younger brother, daring to tear down his mother’s stage. Does she want everyone to have a bad time after returning or what?

Gu Yingci’s words helped Mrs. Gu out, implying that Mrs. Gu and her friends arranged this “dating party” on the premise that they didn’t know their son had a girlfriend.

Gu Yingjie also went along with this step. Anyway, his purpose has been achieved, he still knows how to say some words. “It is not yet time to do so. And my girlfriend is timid, very shy, I want to wait until the time is right and then tell you guys, take her home to sit down. I’ll talk to Tingting when the time comes, we’ll go out together, she has an outstanding personality, you’ll like her. My mom’s friends are my friends. Don’t be polite to me.”

“Okay, thanks in advance then.” Although Tingting was a little surprised, but he already said so. She couldn’t behave badly. Taking care of the image is always necessary.

Mrs. Gu was a little upset and couldn’t help but complain, “What kind of girlfriend do you have? Don’t fool around with the greedy and unreliable things. From one after another before, none of them are worthy.”

“Mom.” Gu Yingci interrupted Mrs. Gu, which was furious, speaking without consideration, wanting to introduce his son to a girlfriend, but ended up saying in front of the woman that his son had a series of girlfriends. What nonsense is this? “All right, eat more. Ah Jie knows how to behave. There is no such thing as ‘one after another’ and ‘unworthy’. He didn’t tell you in time is his fault. I will criticize him when we go back.”

Mrs. Gu knew she was out of line, muttered a few words, and then said to her friend, “Okay, ignore him, this is a big deal to make friends, if you make a good one, it’s good, if not, it’s terrible. In the end, we as parents have to help them monitor them.”

“Yeah.” The friend was respectful and agreed.

Gu Yingjie said again: “Mom, don’t worry, this girlfriend of mine is different this time. You will like her. She has a good family background, good looks, outstanding personality. She is different from the previous ones. I like her a lot. She is very good to me and very sensible and can control me. She said, if I dare to cheat, she will beat me to death. So I’m being honest, working hard to improve, and saving you guys a lot of headache.”

“Pfft.” Gu Yingci on the side almost spurted a mouthful of water. Beaten to death? This kind of love words should not be said in this kind of occasion ah, he really wants to be killed, but the one who did it is mom, not his girlfriend.

Mrs. Gu raised her eyebrows, was furious with her son. “Is this something to be proud of? Sounds mean and uneducated.”

“How it’s possible? She’s cute. But now let’s eat, everyone eats more. I’ll bring her to you later. You’ll like her. I felt quite proud to have chased her.” Gu Yingzhi smiled, giving her mother food and smiling at Tingting and Tingting’s mother, greeting them as they ate their food.

Gu Yingci changed the subject, asking Tingting where she bought her earrings, and then naturally chatted about skin care and some life chores. Mrs. Gu has been a little unhappy, and rarely said anything later, nor did she pay much attention to her son. Gu Yingjie flattered her, and poured her food and wine the whole time, and told a lot of interesting stories to liven up the atmosphere. Tingting and her mother were amused all the time, and the gathering was considered a “happy one”.

However, the initial purpose of this meal no longer exists. The male lead declared that he already has a girlfriend, then the female side certainly can no longer have any intention. Only glad that they did not say things so clearly at the beginning, so they did not lose face. They consider this meal as an ordinary friendship gathering, which can be dispersed after the meal is done, and no one is interested in continuing to chat.

Gu Yingjie sent a text message to Qin Yufei, saying that his side was almost ready to leave, asking her how things were going over there, and whether there was a chance to meet?

Qin Yufei quickly replied, “Two minutes, the bathroom.”

Gu Yingjie took a sip of tea, then politely said he would go to the bathroom. After waiting for a while in front of the restroom, he saw Qin Yufei coming over.

“My dad is having a pleasant chat with his friend. He can’t leave yet for a while.” Qin Yufei said.

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Gu Yingjie reported, “Don’t worry, I have clearly told them I have a master.”

“Good boy.” Qin Yufei is unhappy.

“Really, I’m not lying. I said all what you told me to say to make sure they have no more evil thoughts.”

“Good, really competent.” Qin Yufei meant to return a smile. She believed what he said, but did not believe that he said it according to those she said. She guessed that Young Master Gu was still taking the gentle route, politely excused a few words. But she will not give him a hard time. The matchmaking thing is not his initiative, she can understand. It’s just that her mood isn’t too good and she can’t help but throw a little tantrum at him.

“You go back quickly. If you take too long to go to the toilet, your mother will get suspicious.” She said to him.

Gu Yingjie laughed and stroked her head. She was just tough-mouthed, but actually in her heart she would still worry about being displeasing in front of his mother. “Okay then, I’ll go back first. Call me when you get home after your side is over, so that I can feel at ease.”

The two said a few more words and parted ways on this. Qin Yufei went into the bathroom to fix her makeup and ease her emotions. In fact, she has been very nervous, fear that Gu Yingjie wouldn’t dare to reject the blind date to save his mother’s face. Now that he said it was clear, she was relieved.

Hopefully, it’s really made clear and his mom will stop arranging for him. And hopefully, find a good time to meet the parents. Speaking of meeting the parents, she felt nervous again. Take a few deep breaths, and then look at herself in the mirror. Very nice, young and beautiful, she is excellent, the most important thing is that Gu Yingjie likes her. That will do.

Qin Yufei returned to the room and received a text message from Gu Yingjie not long after. He said they had left.

Twenty minutes later, received another text message from him, he said they had arrived home. He continues to stay at home tonight. Qin Yufei returned him a few sentences, let him go to bed early. After thinking about it and being uneasy, she asked him if he had told his mother that his girlfriend was her.

Gu Yingjie quickly replied, he said the occasion today is not the right time. He demolished his mother’s stage, and his mother is angry, so it is better to wait. He originally intended that if his mother asked him privately after the meal, it would be bad for him to hide it, then he would say it. However, his mother did not ask, as if she had never heard of it, and she was still unhappy. So he waited for a later opportunity to say.

After sending this, he quickly sent another text. Let her not worry, he will see the opportunity to act, must pick an auspicious day to fix this thing.

Qin Yufei returned with a stiff mouth. “I’m not worried.” The words are so, but she also knows after Gu Yingjie broke the dating scene and Mrs. Gu can still calmly did not force a confession, then it must be a cold attitude to show that she does not care who her son’s girlfriend is, and she does not accept anyone, anyway.

Qin Yufei thought and was furious at Gu Yingjie, how flirtatious this guy was in the past, so his mother did not have a good feeling about his girlfriends. Now with ‘Young Master Gu girlfriend‘ name tag but did not earn a good impression, it is all his fault.

“Womanizer !!!!!!!!!!!!! “She got angry and sent him these words, followed by a series of exclamation points to show her displeasure.

“Baby, don’t worry, I’ll work on it.” Gu Yingjie sent a text message over to express his heart. After a while, he sent another message. This time it was actually a voice note. Qin Yufei did not dare to listen to the voice at the dining table. She took the phone out and peeked around the corner of the aisle and clicked on it.

She placed the phone in the ear and clearly heard the voices of Gu Yingjie and his mother.

“Mom, don’t worry, this girlfriend of mine is different this time. You will like her. She has a good family background, good looks, outstanding personality. She is different from the previous ones. I like her a lot. She is very good to me and very sensible and can control me. She said, if I dare to cheat, she will beat me to death. So I’m being honest, working hard to improve, and saving you guys a lot of headache.”

“Is this something to be proud of? Sounds mean and uneducated.”

“How it’s possible? She’s cute. But now let’s eat, everyone eats more. I’ll bring her to you later. You’ll like her. I felt quite proud to have chased her.”

After the broadcast, just three sentences.

Qin Yufei was dumbfounded, completely in disbelief. She listened again, then again, then continued to listen again.

A few times in a row, she finally two hundred percent confirmed that the man really said to his mother that his girlfriend was going to beat him to death.

Ahhhhhhhhhh, Qin Yufei freaked out and simply had to scream. Where’s the IQ? Did he lose his IQ? Only a fool would tell his mother that my girlfriend was going to beat him up! And beaten to death! Even if it’s a joke, it’s still idiotic ah ah ah ah ah! No wonder his mother didn’t even want to ask who this girl was! If she had been the mother, she would have told her son to find this woman and fight her, to see who dared to touch a single hair of my son.

Her image ah! She is a gentle and virtuous lady, ah!

She really wants to kill him now! It’s unbearable!

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