Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 42: CH 42

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Cats translation12-15 minutes 21.07.2022

chapter 42

Qin Yufei was driving home with this idea in her mind and had a mental struggle in the garage, although she was now in a much better frame of mind, but she was still very nervous about doing this big thing.

She called Gu Yingjie.

“If I come into the house later and my mom asks me where I went last night, I’ll tell her I have a boyfriend.”

“Okay.” Gu Yingjie replied quickly, but after a second later he said, “Wait, then your mother will tell your father ……” He went through his recent performance in his head. Thinking about it, after he met Qin Yufei, his performance seemed to be decent in the eyes of the parents. He also helped Yongkai solve the raw material problem some time ago. It should be able to add points. “Okay, no problem, you say it. When you say it, remember to tell her that your boyfriend is called Gu Yingjie, Huade’s Gu Yingjie.”

“Wait a minute.” Qin Yufei’s flinch a little. “If my mother knows, wouldn’t your mother also know? Is this the right time? Your mother already didn’t have a good feeling about your current girlfriend, and now she knows you snuck out of the house last night and were abducted by me. Wouldn’t she hate me?”

Gu Yingjie thought for a moment. She actually said some sense. He was already making up last night’s getaway as Xu Yanchang asked him to go out, and he also made a deal with Xu Yanchang. Later, when he arrived home to change clothes and get his computer, if he ran into his mother asking, he answered her like this. “So, what are you going to do?” If she hides it from her mother, then he will cooperate, and if she wants to tell the truth, then he will throw away the words he made up and say that he was with his girlfriend last night, or else one day the two parents meet and find out that one of them is lying then it will be an additional crime.

“Let me think about it.” Qin Yufei’s bad habits are back. Gu Yingjie answered “yes” and waited patiently for her to decide.

“What do you think I should do?” Qin Yufei ended up throwing the question back at him after a while.

“Why don’t we just say it and choose the day rather than crashed. I think it is impossible that our parents will arrange a blind date to set us up, so it’s hard to say when the time is right.” Now that she is bold enough to do it, hurriedly persuade her.

Qin Yufei clenched her teeth, “Okay. Then, if your mother is angry with me, you must take full responsibility.”

“Don’t worry, my mother is very soft-hearted, her words are harsh, but in fact, it’s not that much. Just coax a little, it will be fine. Besides, she will be afraid that in case she doesn’t agree, you will really beat her son to death in a fit of anger ……”

“Shoot! You’re talking nonsense again. I am a gentle and virtuous lady, okay?”

“Okay, okay, you are gentle and virtuous.” Gu Yingjie laughed, “So, have you decided yet, noble lady?”

“Well, let’s put up a good fight. Anyway, sooner or later is also the same. Besides, if my mother finds out, she may do nothing, and she may not like you either.”

“Hey, hey!” Gu Yingjie protested. If she doesn’t have the confidence, why drag him into the situation?

Anyway, the matter is settled. Qin Yufei hung up the phone, took a few deep breaths, prepared mentally, and entered the home.

The home is silent, no one in the foyer. The butler was cleaning up the table with the maids. When the butler saw Qin Yufei coming, asked her, “What would you like for breakfast, Miss?”

Qin Yufei froze. Did no one know she was out all night?

Seeing that she didn’t answer, the butler asked again, “Thousand-years-egg and lean pork congee, fried egg, dough fried stick and vegetable salad, is that okay? Master was also eating these just now.”

Qin Yufei came back to her senses and nodded her head in response. The butler pulled Qin Yufei’s chair and served lemon tea while asking the maids to hurry and serve breakfast. Qin Yufei asked, “Where is my father?”

“Master just went upstairs after breakfast.”

“Oh.” Qin Yufei wanted to say something else, but he heard Qin Wenyi talking on the phone while going downstairs, he wore his clothes for going out, came down and told the butler to tell the driver to prepare the car, he was going to the airport to drop off a friend.

The butler went to call the driver. Qin Wenyi saw his daughter sitting there and went over to kiss her: “So early today, it seems you don’t have to be late.”

Qin Yufei crumpled her face. “Thanks for the compliment, Dad.”

Qin Wenyi smiled and was in a good mood. “Then work hard at the office. I’m leaving.”

Qin Wenyi went out. Qin Yufei hurriedly asked the butler, “Where is my mother?”

“Madam hasn’t woken up yet.”

Qin Yufei looked at her watch. It was really a little early. Usually she got up late, just in time to have breakfast with her mother. Today, she came back early, but she couldn’t meet her. She was bitter, so, one just went out, one hadn’t got up, and the butler didn’t notice she wasn’t at home last night. She encouraged herself to confess for half a day, but it was all in vain?

The maids brought up breakfast and withdrew, and the butler left the dining room. Qin Yufei hurriedly called Gu Yingjie when no one was around: “Emergency report, I do not have the condition to confess, you should also stabilize your side.”

Gu Yingjie asked her what was going on, and she whispered the story. Gu Yingjie sighed: “God didn’t think today was a good day to tell the truth. My parents on my side didn’t even get up. No one noticed I had left. But I’m in a hurry to get to work, and I can’t show them my romantic feelings.”

“……” Qin Yufei was confused for half a day and fumed, “That’s why I said getting up early is the most annoying thing ever.” Not only will be sleepy but also a waste of feelings.

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Qin Yufei went to work with a stomach full of unhappiness. Qiu Zhengqing saw that she actually entered the office before nine o’clock and raised his eyebrows: “The sun clearly rose in the east today.”

Is that funny? Is it humorous? Qin Yufei gave him a big glare.

Back in the office, the more Qin Yufei thought about it, the more upset she became. She had really plucked up half a day’s energy and psychological construction, but when she relaxed, all the energy she had plucked up had leaked. But now if she has to tell her mother that she is in a relationship with Gu Yingjie, she feels it is not appropriate. It turned out that if she was not at the critical moment and was not forced to reveal the truth, her courage was still not enough.

But this can’t just be forgotten. Qin Yufei thinks she has to think of a way. If they didn’t dare to report directly to their parents, they could take a detour and make a rumor. If the rumor spreads to her parents, they will definitely come to ask her, and then she just needs to say ‘yes, that’s right’. This seems to be quite good, a good idea.

Qin Yufei thought of it and wanted to do it. She made an immediate decision and sent an invitation to Qiu Zhengqing, asking him to join her for lunch.

“What kind of bad things did you do?” Qiu Zhengqing asked her.

“Although I am a superficial rich white girl, I am not doing bad things.”

“Okay, may I ask if there is anything that I can help you with?”

This is really the right question, right on the spot. Qin Yufei quickly armed, pretending to be careless. “You think too much. There is nothing I can not do. Why do I need your help?” She paused, in order to avoid his continued questioning, spoiling the big event, she simply said, “Aren’t we are colleagues? I have to praise you occasionally, have a chit-chat and enhance the relationship, so that we could have tacit understanding when working together.”

Qiu Zhengqing frowned: “It sounds to me something bad happened.”

“Just say you are afraid to have lunch with me.” Qin Yufei grabbed the words, strengthening her temperament to force him.

“Of course I dare.”

“Then it’s settled. We’ll go out together at twelve.” Qin Yufei put down the words, did not give Qiu Zhengqing the opportunity to nag again, hung up the phone.

At noon, Qin Yufei and Qiu Zhengqing sat face-to-face in the restaurant, and she had already rehearsed this conversation strategy in advance. After ordering the meal, she pitched in to talk to Qiu Zhengqing about her work and expressed some views on the industry market. Qiu Zhengqing was careful to respond. But until the meal was served, Qin Yufei did not show any unusual condition. Qiu Zhengqing slightly rested his mind.

Halfway through the meal, Qin Yufei asked, seemingly inadvertently, “Mr. Qiu, what do you think of Gu Yingjie?”

“Very good, young and promising, down-to-earth, good workability.” Evaluation finished.

Qin Yufei slightly narrowed her eyes. Why she is so unaccustomed to these adjectives on Gu Yingjie, her Jie is obviously handsome and generous, gentle and understanding. Well, now is not the time to be calculating. Qin Yufei added: “Well, I was going to say that I’m in a relationship with him.”

“Oh.” Evaluation finished.

Qin Yufei really wanted to knock on the table. This person’s reaction was so cold, no gossip spirit at all. Then how can she go on? Okay, now is not the time to be calculating, no need for him to give a reaction. She can go on, anyway, her face can survive. “I haven’t dared to tell my dad and mom yet. And I don’t know what my dad thinks of him. If he knew, he wouldn’t oppose us, right?”

“Mr. Qin speaks highly of Young Master Gu and has praised him several times in front of me. I don’t think you should have to worry about that.”

Qiu Zhengqing’s response this time made Qin Yufei slightly satisfied. Well, now Lord Qiu and his Lord Qin should have something to talk about. He always talks to her father from time to time, complaint and criticizing her badly, now that he has her gossip in hand, he must use it!

Qiu Zhengqing asked again, “You invited me to lunch just to inquire about Mr. Qin’s opinion of Young Master Gu?”

“Of course not.” Qin Yufei couldn’t admit it. It would make her look much more wimpy and unconfident. But fortunately she was prepared for this topic, “Actually, it’s because I want to talk to you about Xiao Ting.”

Qiu Zhengqing raised his eyebrows: “What’s up with her?”

“The thing is, I heard that last time Xiao Ting came to the company to look for me. When she passed by the conference room, she saw you and Gu Yingjie inside, so she invited you to dinner in passing. Gu Yingjie felt she was very enthusiastic about you and invited you first. He misunderstood Xiao Ting was interested in you. I know you and Xiao Ting didn’t know each other and it would be a surprise to you if she invited you to dinner like that, and I was afraid that you also had some misunderstanding about her, so I invited you to lunch to explain.”

“What misunderstanding?” Qiu Zhengqing said in his heart that he actually misunderstood that Xiao Ting was chasing Missy’s current boyfriend, but it’s better not to say anything about this. Save Xiao Ting from being bullied by this spiteful Missy.

“It’s asking you not to misunderstand that she has any improper thoughts about you. That time it was because I had a falling out with Gu Yingjie and didn’t want to see him, so I asked Xiao Ting to come over to help get you guys to leave.”

Qiu Zhengqing frowned: “Are you saying that you were at the company but ignored my instructions, refused to come to the meeting, and brought in outsiders to interrupt my conversation with the client? Qin Yufei, where is your work attitude? Can’t you be more serious and responsible? Bringing personal feelings to work is a very unprofessional performance.”

“Stop, stop.”

Unfortunately, Qiu Zhengqing ignored her. He continued to lecture, what ‘fortunately it was not an important meeting, but it is wrong to act like this’ and so on and so on and so on and so on. Qin Yufei suddenly lost her appetite, annoyed.

‘Please be serious’, oh no, should be ‘please don’t be too serious’. What is the point of this conversation? The point of the conversation is that Miss Qin is in love with the third young man of the Gu family. Please hurry and fly to your big boss Qin to report!


Qin Yufei felt she had sacrificed a lot, and this lecture must not be in vain. She must remember this debt, and must pay back twice as much in the future.

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