Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 44: CH 44

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Cats translation17-21 minutes 22.07.2022

chapter 44

Mrs. Gu did not recover after a while, and after a long time she remembered to ask: “Son, what else do you have to tell me?” It is best to say everything at once. She is too old to withstand the scare.

“No more.”

“Are you sure?” Mrs. Gu was cautious.

“Sure.” Gu Yingjie was a bit puzzled, “Mom, what else do you think there should be?”

Mrs. Gu thought for a moment and weighed her words, “That is, how far have you gone?”

“I just said that we want to meet our parents. We are now very stable, we have confidence in each other, we think we can meet our parents, we should determine the relationship between each other.”

Mrs. Gu didn’t want to inquire about this, she pondered, “I mean, the two of you are, well, quite close, right?”

Gu Yingjie understands after a moment. His mother was really euphemistic. Although he had many girlfriends and was quite playful, it was the first time he talked to his mother about this kind of thing. He couldn’t help but blush and be embarrassed, but he had to admit: “Well, we are very close.” Actually, she wanted to ask if they had slept together. Can’t believe she asked this.

Gu Yingjie reacted for a while, suddenly understood again, hurriedly said: “She is not pregnant. It’s not because of this that we intend to inform our parents. We just naturally came to this step. It’s time to talk to the family. Not pregnant or something.”

“I see.” Mrs. Gu didn’t know what to say. This is so unexpected, very unexpected. She and Qin Yufei’s mother gather from time to time to play cards. They are friends in the social circle, and she has not thought of setting up her youngest son with Qin Yufei, because she thinks this girl is not suitable. And the two families met several times, and even just yesterday met again, but did not see any unusual.

By the way, when we met yesterday, she was arranging a blind date for Ah Jie. And Qin Yufei saw it.

Mrs. Gu’s heart was very uncomfortable. How can this matter be so jammed up?

“Mom, what do you think?” Gu Yingjie asked, trying to strike while the iron was hot.

Mrs. Gu was silent for a while. How else could she think? She didn’t think they were suitable, but her son was very much in love with her. The relationship was stable; he wanted to meet the parents and wanted to get married. His attitude is also so determined. She can not say against her heart that she is very happy, but if she immediately opposed, will not it make her son look bad? It would be bad to upset him and stalemate the mother-son relationship. She’d better handle it carefully.

“I’ll just digest it a little more.” Mrs. Gu said so.

Although Gu Yingjie had been prepared, he could not help but be a little disappointed. He only had to say, “Okay, when you have the chance later, we will have a meal together and hang out. You can get to know her more and you will like her.” If Mrs. Gu had wanted to meet Qin Yufei, she wouldn’t have said something like “digest”. Gu Yingjie understood.

As expected, Mrs. Gu only nodded at her son’s proposal and did not say “yes”.

Gu Yingjie held his temper and stopped talking about it. Mrs. Gu concentrated on watching TV, and no longer mentioned this matter. Gu Yingjie is disinterested in the TV, do not know what is playing on it, he only encouraged himself to be patient, do not rush. This situation is not bad, at least his mother gave face to not object. Slowly grinding on it. Even such a twisted and difficult Qin Yufei he has caught up to fix, it is certainly no problem for his mother.

When you think of Qin Yufei’s difficult, when they played the childish trick of deleting phone numbers, not answering the phone, give him a scowl, avoiding him, but will sneak a look at him, he caught several times. Now that he recalled it, her expression, it was so cute. How can it be so cute? The corners of Gu Yingjie’s mouth rose and he couldn’t help but smile.

Mrs. Gu secretly observed her son, and suddenly saw him smiling, is the happy, intoxicated smile for no reason. Mrs. Gu put her head to the side, really did not have eyes to see him.

After Gu Yingjie returned to the room, he wanted to give Qin Yufei a call, but worried that if he told her he had confessed to his mother, she would be frightened. After all, there is no result to this follow-up. His mother did not express her opinion, which should belong to bad news for Qin Yufei, right?

Forget it. This woman is timid, thinking too much. In order to avoid her restless sleep tonight, it is better not to say it. Wait until Qin Wenyi summons him and then reports to her together.

The next day, Qin Yufei waited for another day, but Qin Wenyi still did not talk to her about it. At noon, she was called to eat with him. She was nervous and went to the meeting. However, Qin Wenyi told her that the elders of the family’s distant relatives were going to celebrate their birthday, and the family will have to go there, so let Qin Yufei buy some gifts. Because it has been a long time, so besides the birthday gift, they need to prepare gifts for the whole family.

Then no more.

Qin Yufei wait and wait, there is actually no other explanation behind? And no other questions? Qin Yufei carefully asked if there was anything else? Qin Wenyi glanced at her: “You’ve been having a good time lately, haven’t you? You want dad to make up something for you?” Qin Yufei shook her head. However, her heart was puzzled. The father’s psychological tactics are now so sophisticated? Is he trying to hang them so much that they can’t stand it and break their psychological defenses before attacking?

Qin Yufei waited for another half day. Finally, she can’t hold back when it’s almost time to go home and go directly to Qiu Zhengqing. Asked him if he had told her father that she was in love with Gu Yingjie.

Qiu Zhengqing looked a bit surprised: “Mr. Qin knows? It wasn’t me who said it.”

Qin Yufei froze. “You mean, you met with my father for half a day and didn’t mention me and Gu Yingjie at all?”

“Yes.” Qiu Zhengqing has a serious face. “That is your private matter. If you need to let Mr. Qin know, it should be you two to tell him. I am an outsider. Why should I mention this? I don’t know how your family affairs are handled, so what’s the point of gossiping about you?”

He looked at Qin Yufei’s expression and suddenly reacted, “You’re not deliberately telling me about this so that I can talk to your father, right?”

“Of course not!” Qin Yufei huffed, turned her head and walked away.

This damned ‘serious’, really useless ah ah ah!!! Expecting him? How could she think that way? She’s such a pig, stupid!

She was angry when the phone rang. She picked it up. It was Qiu Zhengqing. “Manager Qin, if you need me to help you convey this matter to Mr. Qin, I can help.”

“No need.” Qin Yufei hung up the phone. This Qiu Zhengqing, really infuriating. She had been on guard for two days, and it was all his fault.

She called Gu Yingjie and angrily complained about Qiu Zhengqing’s ‘crimes’. Gu Yingjie coaxed her: “Okay, don’t be angry. Look on the bright side, Mr. Qiu is a serious and non-critical person, trustworthy, isn’t he? It’s a good thing that your father hired such a capable and trustworthy professional manager and that you have such a friend.”

“So annoying.” She just wanted to throw a tantrum. “So what now? So do I go home tonight and tell Dad?”

“As long as you think it’s OK.”

Qin Yufei sighed, “Gu Yingjie, if my dad makes a request from you, don’t be intimidated.”


“If he has other requests and didn’t respond happily, you shouldn’t be intimidated either.”


“Then I’ll find a chance to talk to him tonight.”

“Okay.” Gu Yingjie could hear the tension in Qin Yufei’s heart, so he didn’t mention his mother’s matters. After hanging up the phone, he thought about it, packed up the things, and left work early.

Gu Yingjie went to the mall and called home while shopping, saying that he would not go back for dinner today, but would go back to stay at night. This is the moment to stabilize the Lord Mother, let her feel at ease. He understands this logic. Mrs. Gu became very sensitive after last night, and as soon as she heard her son say that he would not go home for dinner, she asked him, “Are you going on a date with Qin Yufei?”

“No. I’m out of office, I don’t have time, I’ll go visit Mr. Qin later, didn’t I tell you yesterday? We were going to meet the parents.”

Mrs. Gu opened her mouth and held back from speaking. The son’s meaning by saying this, is it to imply that the female side’s family asked him to meet, while she, the male side family, did not want to meet Qin Yufei. Isn’t it inappropriate? Mrs. Gu hung up the phone and pondered.

Gu Yingjie strolled around and bought a box of cigars. He had seen Qin Wenyi smoking them and knew he liked them. He had seen this brand in his office. He was a little pressed for time today, so it was too late to prepare anything else, so he bought this first. After buying the cigars and a designer silk scarf for Mrs. Qin, the gift was complete, and he felt secure, so he called Qin Yufei.

Qin Yufei has just returned home, restless and had a headache over her love affair. Finally, she decided to talk to her mother first in the evening, so that she could then talk to her father. Was rehearsing the topic, the phone rang. Look at Gu Yingjie. She hurried to pick up, as soon as she spoke, said: “Do not rush, I plan to talk after dinner. Start with my mother first.”

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“There is no need to fight separately. Let’s do it together. Wait for me after dinner. I will go to your home to visit.”

Qin Yufei froze. “What are you coming for?”

“To meet my girlfriend’s parents.” Gu Yingjie was unpleasant, this fool. That’s why he can’t assure her of doing such a big thing.

Qin Yufei finally reacted. “Ah, you’re coming over?”

“Yes. I’m at the mall. Just finished buying gifts. I’ll come over when you guys are done eating.”

“So, what are you eating?”

“Just find a random restaurant.”

Qin Yufei’s heart ached. He worked hard to buy gifts and had to eat alone. She was heartbroken. “You can come to my house to eat.”

“Without an appointment in advance, it’s not polite to go over for dinner.” He thought about it.

“What does it matter? You can come. I’ll have the kitchen add dishes for you.” Qin Yufei jumped up, her face already flushed with excitement. “You must come!” Her voice was so excited that it made Gu Yingjie laugh.

“Alright then.” He said, “It doesn’t have to be too much trouble. Just add a pair of bowls and chopsticks. Then I’ll go over now.”

Qin Yufei hung up the phone and rushed down. It is impossible to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks. Gu Yingjie’s first visit to her house must be well entertained. She almost fell when she ran down the last step, but she couldn’t help but smile. He knew she would be nervous, so he was coming himself, and she felt so happy that he was really nice.

Her eyes were red and her nose was sour as she ran to the kitchen. How could he be so nice? So nice that she wanted to cry. “I’d like to add two dishes.” She said aloud, straight to the point, and her voice choked. The Qin family chef jumped in shock. What’s going on here, Missy cried and wanted to add a dish. They had to add it at all costs! The chef hurriedly opened the refrigerator to list the ingredients and asked Qin Yufei what she wanted to eat. Qin Yufei was completely unaware that she had scared the chef. She was thinking about Gu Yingjie and picked two dishes that he loved to eat.

It was almost dinnertime and Mrs. Qin was watching TV in the living room. Qin Wenyi had just come down from upstairs and was surprised to see his daughter wandering around both the kitchen and the foyer. Asked her, “What are you doing?”

Qin Yufei blushed: “A friend is coming.” Just got through the phone, Gu Yingjie was already parking.

Qin Wenyi didn’t care. Having a friend over was a matter of adding a pair of chopsticks, and he only said to his daughter, “Fussy.”

The doorbell rang.

Once Qin Yufei heard the voice, she raised her head and chest in excitement and said loudly, “It’s the boyfriend who is coming! Boyfriend!!!”

Qin Wenyi was surprised. Qin Yufei smile widely and ran to the door. Excitedly, she pulled the door open.


There was a Mr. Courier standing outside the door.

Qin Yufei was dumbfounded.

The courier asked her to sign for the package and she did not even respond. The butler on the side stepped in and took care of this. Qin Yufei turned around and looked at her father’s shocked face, as well as her mother’s surprised expression when she heard about it, and said sarcastically, “It’s not him. He’s not my boyfriend.”

The courier, not knowing what the family was doing, finished his delivery and left. The butler was just about to close the door when he saw a young man pass by the courier and stand at the door.

After parking the car, Gu Yingjie stood for a while, because the mood was too intense. He needed to calm down and ease the relief, and after preparing himself mentally, he took a breath, and then walked towards the Qin family gate. Seeing the courier delivering from afar, he didn’t stop at his feet and walked over, just as the butler hadn’t closed the door yet. Then Gu Yingjie was surprised to see the Qin family all standing at the door, from near to far away, in order, Qin Yufei, Qin Wenyi, Mrs. Qin.

What kind of formation is this?

Qin Yufei’s face turned red, and when she saw her actual boyfriend coming, she couldn’t even say anything. The big blunder just now made her opening momentum all gone. She stared mournfully at Gu Yingjie, who looked puzzled.

Qin Wenyi said nothing either. He had just recovered from the shock of his daughter having a courier boyfriend when he saw Gu Yingjie. This time is not a shock, but very surprised. Only Mrs. Qin responded fast. “Young Master Gu, come in.” After she greeted, secretly glared at her husband. Regardless of the status, how can you stand at the door like that? And all of them go into the house.

Qin Wenyi also returned to normal and nodded his head in greeting. “Ah Jie.”

Gu Yingjie politely, “Sorry for not greeting in advance. This is a gift for Mr. Qin and auntie.”

Qin Wenyi and Mrs. Qin politely responded, and the butler went forward to collect the things. Several people lifted their steps together towards the dining room, and Gu Yingjie felt relieved to have completed the first step. While they were lagging behind, he asked Qin Yufei in a low voice, “What happened just now?”

“Humph.” Qin Yufei played a small temper: “It’s all your fault.”

Qin Wenyi’s ears were sharp in front of him and his face twitched. His daughter was being unreasonable. He didn’t need to bother, right? Then he heard Gu Yingjie’s reply.

“Oh, it is good that it is okay.”

Qin Wenyi was speechless. This young man, pretty good at pretending to be stupid, ah, this trick used well.

The Gu family.

Mrs. Gu called her eldest son back for dinner and grabbed him to watch TV with her after the meal, then while no one was around, she revealed to her eldest son that Gu Yingjie claimed to be in a relationship with Qin Yufei. “There are some things I can’t talk to him about, otherwise it makes me look bad as his mother. You two are brothers. You find an opportunity to ask him the details and see what he actually intends to do. Persuade him not to be impulsive. Love this kind of things, is all good when you are in love. After some time, they will see clearly, and then they can make a long-term plan.” Actually, the point she wants to say is this last sentence.

“OK.” Gu Yinghui agreed in one breath. “But, Mom, Ah Jie is such a big man. He has his own plans. You should not worry too much. There are some things I ask too much is also inappropriate, so take it easy, I will talk to him later when I have the opportunity, please do not rush me ah.” The main point of the son’s statement is also the last sentence.

Mrs. Gu thought about it and finally sensed what was wrong. “Ah Hui, aren’t you surprised at all?”

“Surprised by what?”

“Ah Jie and Qin Yufei ah. Without a sign, suddenly said that he is in love, the partner is her.”

“Oh. I bumped into them.”

“When?” Mrs. Gu’s voice went an octave higher.

“When Ah Jie was hospitalized, the time you injured your back, I went to bring him soup. Miss Qin was in the ward.”

“So, did she go to see him?” Mrs. Gu muttered, in fact, what she was most uneasy about was still Qin Yufei’s big temper, and she didn’t look like a person who would care for others. The complaints she made before were all sincere, and his girlfriend didn’t go to see him when Ah Jie was hospitalized, and his home was a mess with no one to take care of it. Such a girlfriend. When they got married later, she can not be assured. The maid is still a maid. If the wife is not considerate, even ten maids can not make up for it.

Gu Yinghui can’t help but laugh when he thinks of the situation. He was really hiding in a corner and laughing for a long time after excusing himself.

Mrs. Gu is not happy. What is her current aura, ah? Why is her son seated next to her are like a psychopath? Inexplicably laughing on his own.

Mrs Gu glared at her son. He touched his nose and had to explain. “When I went over, I saw that Miss Qin was holding Ah Jie’s feet and was cutting his toenails.”

Mrs. Gu froze. She couldn’t imagine what kind of scene that would be at all.

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