Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 62: CH 62

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The group of losers were happy to learn that Gu Yingjie could come to the party. Everyone gathered at Sun Yian’s house to discuss how to fix Gu Yingjie, the womanizer. Punish him to drink a bottle, undress and singing.

Sun Yian slapped one of them: “My sister’s party, stripping my ass! All of you preserved a little. I’ll beat you to death if you mess up my sister’s party.”

Sun Yixue laughed at the side. “No, it’s fun to be lively. Otherwise, what is the point of having a party? The most important thing is that everyone is happy. Play whatever you want.”

“That’s right.” A friend at the side hurriedly said: “Shirley was right. Sam, you learn from your sister.”

Sun Yian gave the other party a glare. Sun Yixue laughed again: “But I have to bet you guys can’t get him to take off his clothes, haha. James will lose his face.”

“How dare he! How long has he been out of group activities? Found a girlfriend like he found a mother. Who doesn’t have a girlfriend, but still brought her here to play with us? Is his girlfriend so valuable that she can’t see people? I thought, what is going on? He did not show up for so long. It turns out that this is the case. Shit! I will say nothing if he’s going to work hard for his career, but he’s got a girlfriend and he doesn’t want his friends. How can this work?”

“I don’t blame James either.” Sun Yixue looked persuasive. “He must also have hardships.”

“Suffering the hell. It’s just Qin Yufei, isn’t it? If a woman like this really controlled him, what face does he have? This time, he must be properly educated. He must be a good friend after being corrected.” A friend called out.

“Come on, you guys just want to go crazy. Friends, my ass.” Sun Yian unmasked them.

“By the way, don’t tell Jason yet. That guy is too close to James. He’ll reveal it. We have to catch him off guard.” A friend said, and everyone agreed. Everyone felt that this time, they should make him cry out in order to have fun.

“What if he brings Qin Yufei?” One guy suddenly said.

“Didn’t you say she wouldn’t come?”

“I mean, what if, after we set the scene, and he brings Qin Yufei, how bad is that?”

“Bring her then, it’s better. If she comes, we have to educate her and help James establish his authority. Let her know James has the backing of his brothers.”

“Why do I remember that these brothers just keep saying they want to kill him?” Sun Yian coolly spat at them.

“To fix him is to fix him, to help him is to help him, two different things. That’s what we call brothers.”

“If I say, if James brings Qin Yufei here, everyone should be more polite to others. Don’t make things difficult for James. It’s one thing to persuade him privately and scold him, but in front of his girlfriend, he must always save his face. The rumors of Qin Yufei spread around, but in fact, people who really know her are very few. James is not a fool. If she was terrible, James can’t be with her.” Sun Yian helped Gu Yingjie to speak. Sun Yi Xue listened and frowned.

“Then again.” Sun Yian continued, “All of you saw the last of Abby’s incident. Qin Yufei is difficult to mess with. If there’s a fight, James’s reputation is lost. Everyone argued with a woman. And how can we save our faces? Think about it another way, if it is your girlfriend was not liked by the brothers, was not treated politely by the brothers, how do you feel in your heart?”

Sun Yian’s words made everyone speechless for a while.

Sun Yixue hurriedly said: “Oh, brother, you are too exaggerated, it is not so serious. We are just kidding around. I think Qin Yufei will not come. If she was willing to come, James would have agreed to come in the first place. It’s because all of us went out to invite him. This attitude is obvious, right? James may secretly come on his own. Besides, if Qin Yufei wants to come, James will definitely announce to everyone in advance, so that everyone has a psychological preparation. He said he would only come by himself. So I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.”

A buddy said, “Sam has a point. Anyway, James came by himself. We will fix him according to the original plan, otherwise we really can’t swallow the anger that he abandoned us for so long. It’s better if Qin Yufei doesn’t come. Sam is right. Let’s talk to James in private if we have anything to say. Who is Qin Yufei? No need to care about her.”

Another man called out, “Okay, okay, hurry and set the plan. What’s game should he play? I can’t wait to see his shocked expression.”

The group discussed enthusiastically. Sun Yixue jokingly gave ideas from time to time. Things were not going as smoothly as she thought, and she couldn’t instigate too much. She just hoped everything would go as smoothly as she thought.

Saturday night at 8:30, as Sun Yixue’s eagerly awaited, Gu Yingjie arrived!

When Sun Yixue saw Gu Yingjie walking through the door without Qin Yufei beside him, she hurriedly called out, “James,” and welcomed him.

As soon as the others saw that Gu Yingjie had arrived, they immediately exploded. Many people swarmed to the door to block him. “Shit, how dare you come!” “Hmph, you really came. I will shoot you if you didn’t come.” Everyone was scolding and pushing him, laughing.

Sun Yixue stood in the middle of them, just beside Gu Yingjie, and saw how handsome and dashing he was, with a gentle smile, and couldn’t help but be blown away.

“Where is my gift?” She asked.

“Of course.” After Gu Yingjie punched back the other friend, he lifted the gift bag in his hand, “It is from me and Yufei, wishing you good luck in your work and every step of the way.”

He actually had to say that it was from him with Qin Yufei. Sun Yixue lowered her eyes to hide her displeasure and smiled. “Yes, thank you.”

A friend asked, “By the way, speaking of that Qin Yufei, where is she?”

“She’s busy today. I’ll set up a party with her later and invite you all. You guys must come.”

“We’ll wait!”

Gu Yingjie laughed.

Xu Yanchang squeezed over: “Okay, okay, James has arrived. You guys quickly reveal that big box of gifts. I am so impatient.”

Gu Yingjie was surprised: “What gift should wait for my arrival before opening?”

Sun Yixue pursed her lips and said, “You are the ones who were given by them. Of course, we have to wait for you to arrive.”

“This is too bad. I’m too popular and accidentally become the protagonist. What if you make the real protagonist cry?”

“F*ck you. I’m telling you, if you don’t perform well today, a few brothers are going to end friendships with you.”

“The friendship of brothers is so fragile, then I will cry.” Gu Yingjie laughed and flirted, not taking it seriously at all.

Xu Yanchang urged again. He was eager to know what it was. This time everyone embraced Gu Yingjie, walked to an oversized round box and asked him to remove the ribbon to uncover the lid. Gu Yingjie stared at the box for some time. “Why do I feel some ominous premonition?”

“Shit, hurry.” A buddy next to him punched him.

Sun Yixue stood properly and quietly raised her phone.

Gu Yingjie ripped the ribbon, uncovered the lid, and a half-naked young dancer suddenly jumped out of the box, flower petals spilling out, and she fiercely opened her arms around Gu Yingjie’s neck and placed a kiss on his lips.

Gu Yingjie was startled, subconsciously pushed her away. The crowd screamed. The dancer fell back into the box, crying out a few times in pain, but no one paid attention to her, and she get up again, smiling at Gu Yingjie.

Gu Yingjie subconsciously took a few steps back and pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his mouth. This woman’s lipstick rogue is disgusting.

“You guys have played enough. I don’t remember I’m getting married tomorrow. Isn’t it a little early to get a farewell bachelor party tonight? I remember it’s Shirley’s party,” Gu Yingjie said to his friends, and was not happy about this surprise.

“Yes, it is indeed Shirley’s party, so we have to prepare a program for her. The original program was scheduled for you to perform a strip show, but we agreed that watching you stripping is disgusting. We still like girls more. So find a dance partner for you.”

The dancer has climbed on the side of a steel pipe, rotating a circle, throwing a round of winks. The crowd next to him burst into laughter again.

Friends continued to Gu Yingjie said, “Well, in order to punish you for your unscrupulous behavior of putting sex before friends, we decided to let you have a pole dance with her, and then punish you with three glasses of wine, and this grudge will be over.”

Gu Yingjie grinned: “Quite creative.” Then followed a sentence, “Who cares about you?”

The crowd refused to accept it, so they rushed up and racked their brains. They must ask Gu Yingjie to accept the punishment. Gu Yingjie is naturally reluctant. Xu Yanchang watches and laughs.

Sun Yixue took advantage of this to hide in the corner and hurried to look at the phone, using the software to process the picture, and cut a photo of Gu Yingjie was hugged and kissed, and checked again. She looked up and saw that a bunch of men were still messing around. Her hands were shaking a bit, afraid of being discovered by others. She turned off her phone, replaced it with a newly purchased card, opened it again, then sent that photo to Qin Yufei’s cell phone number, and wrote the address here.

After sending it, her heart was beating wildly. Sun Yixue looked up at Gu Yingjie, who was ruffling his own hair that had been rubbed, and somehow the group negotiated, and everyone stopped making a scene, while the dancer had danced alone.

These are not important. What matters is Qin Yufei’s reaction. Sun Yixue bit her lip, really wish Qin Yufei was in front of her right now, so she could see her reaction. Sun Yixue’s mind was spinning when suddenly her phone rang. She looked down and saw that it was actually Qin Yufei calling. She panicked and hurriedly cut off the phone. But after rejecting, Qin Yufei immediately called again. Sun Yixue was so frightened that she hurriedly rejected again. This time it was still rang after being rejected. Sun Yixue rejected again.

But then came a text message from Qin Yufei: “Who are you?”

The simple three words made Sun Yixue shiver. She quickly turned off her phone and switched the phone card back, and threw this new card into the trash. “Shirley!” Someone was calling her. “Why are you hiding there? Come on!”

Sun Yixue looked at the trash can, and then agreed to her friend, and then walked towards the crowd.

Her heart was beating fast, and she was panicking. It turns out that no matter how excited you are beforehand, when you really do it, you will still be weak and scared. Sun Yixue gritted her teeth and couldn’t regret it. She just hoped that everything would be as she wished. Qin Yufei found everyone spurned her, then angrily broke up with Gu Yingjie and never interacted with each other again.

If that’s the result, it would be great.

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Now, the things she wants have been done. It is up to Qin Yufei.

Qin Yufei was applying a face mask at home. After having a relationship with Gu Yingjie, she paid more attention to dressing and taking care of herself. She feels it is one of her responsibilities as a girlfriend to make herself beautiful and make her boyfriend more comfortable. But when the mask was applied halfway, the phone rang. She thought it was Gu Yingjie calling to report on how the party was going, but it turned out to be an unfamiliar number.

The message sent was an MMS message, accompanied by an address information. Qin Yufei knew that the address was the location of the party.

Qin Yufei clicked the picture. A photo of Gu Yingjie kissing a half-naked woman instantly stabbed into her eyes.

Qin Yufei took a breath and then felt angry.

Not for this kiss, because of the ulterior motive of sending this photo to her.

Qin Yufei took another look at the photo and quickly dialed the number that sent the message. The other side quickly cut off. Qin Yufei continues to dial, the other side cut off again. After this, Qin Yufei sent a text message: “Who are you?”

When sending the text message, Qin Yufei felt calm. Her heart still felt angry, but her mind was clear. She knew what she need to do, and she knew what she had in mind.

The other party did not return the text message.

Qin Yufei dialed the phone again, and she was suddenly convinced. She trusted Gu Yingjie.

That number was turned off.

Qin Yufei looked at that photo two more times and became more determined to believe in Gu Yingjie. Then she threw the phone on the bed, got up, removed the mask, washed her face and put on moisturizer. She acted quickly, but was not in a hurry. She pulled her hair up, put on a heavy makeup suitable for a party, put on diamond earrings and a necklace, and picked out a silver glittering bag. Finally, she wore a mini silver dress with the same color high heels, then looked at herself in the glasses and felt satisfied.

When she picked up her phone and looked at the time, twenty-eight minutes had passed since she had just received the message. Qin Yufei threw the phone into her bag and went downstairs.

She was angry, but she didn’t panic. On the way to drive to that address, she was thinking about it again. The moment she saw the photo, what came to her mind was Gu Yingjie was not cheating, but he was being bullied.

Who dare to bully her people, cannot be tolerated!

The road was smooth, and the car soon arrived at the destination. Qin Yufei did not call Gu Yingjie, she just had to come over to see what had happened and who had sent the photos. Before entering the door, she dialed the number again, but it was still off.

Qin Yufei sneered and marched into the club with her head held high.

Sun Yixue has been distracted. She did not know what would happen to Qin Yufei and whether she would come over. She imagined over ten possibilities in her head, such as Qin Yufei does not come, directly call Gu Yingjie to find trouble, or tell Gu Yingjie to go back, or she came and quarrel with Gu Yingjie in public, or did not quarrel, just come in to question who sent the photos ……

In short, she was thinking, including the reaction of these gentlemen after Qin Yufei came, is silent or curry favor or crusade? She is now really at lost.

Sun Yixue’s performance was abnormal, and the others naturally noticed it. Sun Yian asked his sister what was wrong. Was she not feeling well? The friends also said they found her in low spirits. Gu Yingjie criticized them for making too much trouble and spoiling the main event.

When Gu Yingjie said this, several brothers are angry. By this time, they drank a lot of wine and began to scold Gu Yingjie.

Sun Yixue said: “It’s good that James can come. Don’t scold him.”

With this, it is natural to mention the girlfriend that Gu Yingjie has. When everyone was drinking with him, they mentioned a few things, but because of what Sun Yian said yesterday, everyone was still relatively restrained at first, but now that the conversation has been picked up, the few who are drunk can’t help it. Those old criticisms came out again.

Qin Yufei has a big temper, spoiled and brutal, capricious and self-centered, has no manners, and thinks she is the best. What exactly was the situation with Zhao Honghui last time? James, what exactly do you like about her? Do you have a problem with Qin Yufei? What did she do to you? Do you need any help?

This is a pleasant topic, Sun Yixue was relieved. Sun Yian asked her again in a whisper what was wrong. If she was not comfortable to say, why not go back to rest early? Sun Yixue hurriedly said it was okay. For fear of being noticed again, and to avoid suspicion, she excused herself to sit at another friend’s table.

Sun Yixue just got up and walked a few steps and then saw a bright figure coming from afar.

Qin Yufei, she recognizes her.

Sun Yixue subconsciously raised her head and chest, feeling that she must not lose.

Qin Yufei swept around the venue, dancing, laughing, and talking loudly. A bunch of people. Then she saw that girl, looks well-dressed, with a familiar face, but to be honest she did not quite recognize her, only knew that she had seen somewhere. But her expression was so interesting that Qin Yufei suddenly realized it.

She walked over while smiling.

That smile pierced Sun Yixue’s face.

There were still the voices of those gentlemen’s words angrily scolding Gu Yingjie and Sun Yixue felt very good in her heart. It is really God’s help her. Things are the same as she hoped. Qin Yufei came just in time to hear everyone’s comments about her.

Qin Yufei came closer and stood right in front of Sun Yixue. Sun Yixue believed that Qin Yufei must have heard it. She stared at Qin Yufei, but she couldn’t see any reaction from Qin Yufei. Her attitude was a little cold, and she was also staring at her.

“Enough of you guys. If you say it again, I’m going to get angry.” This was Gu Yingjie’s voice, but it had little power, and was quickly overpowered by the others’ voices.

“Shit, you’re still angry. You should be angry to show us, ah. You are just too good tempered. It is for your own good, for your own sake, or else we won’t care about you at all. We can’t control your girlfriend. Love is a good thing. Look at your previous ones. We are polite to all of them, we get along well. This one, not even willing to meet, was so arrogant. Such a terrible reputation, there is no smoke without fire, you think about it! Besides, how did the two of you get together? If she used any dirty tricks, and you feel obliged to take responsibility for it, you can say so. At least we can hear you spit out your bitterness. Everyone will help you with anything.”

“That’s right. You didn’t show up for so long. Exactly what’s the situation? That kind of Missy, don’t bother serving!”

Sun Yixue smiled and looked at Qin Yufei, you hear that? No one likes you! No one likes you at all!

There was a “bang,” sound, Gu Yingjie jumped up, slap on the table, growling loudly: “Shut the f*ck up, I said, if you said it again I will be angry! Think I’m joking?”

Everyone in the room fell silent, and friends at other tables looked over in surprise. Sun Yixue stiffened and couldn’t help but look back.

Gu Yingjie kicked over the chair and cursed loudly: “Never seen me angry? This is how I angry! I told you to stop saying that. I was not happy when my mother said bad things about her. You guys are nothing! How do we get together? Listen carefully! I had to work very hard to chase her down. It’s none of your business if you think she’s bad. You keep talking on and on. What do you want? You want me to break up with her? Why? Because you heard she’s not good enough? Do you really know her? When you call her self-righteous, think about your own face and whether you are self-righteous. She’s spoiled and has a temper, so what? I’m willing to spoil her! I am happy to spoil her! No one else can spoil her!”

A group of people are dumbfounded, with the expression of ‘are you possessed’?

Xu Yanchang reached out to pull Gu Yingjie: “Okay, you calm down. We’ve all had too much alcohol, so calm down.”

Gu Yingjie’s anger is hard to calm. “I had a strange feeling from the moment I entered the door. You badmouthed her now and then, and I put up with it because we are brothers. You are doing me a favor, but there is a limit, right? However, what kind of bullshit are you talking about? Even the worst words are not said, right? You’re giving me a face, aren’t you? What’s wrong with you guys? I’ll introduce her to you, let you know her, and correct your wrong impressions. But you guys, keep going on and on and on. How did she get her terrible reputation? It’s because those men who didn’t catch her didn’t have any virtue. Do you have to be like them?”

A friend helped to explain: “Everyone saw she controlled you to death, even can not attend the party, which is unfair to you. Like this time, I heard she won’t let you come because she won’t come, so everyone is angry.”

“Who said she wouldn’t let me come? Who said that?” Gu Yingjie asked.

No one dared to speak.

“All of you are f*cking sick. I really shouldn’t have come.” Gu Yingjie shook his head. “You guys have let me down. I don’t need to accept your like, I like her a lot, I love her, I want to marry her, that’s all. For the first time, I had the idea of wanting to marry a woman. All of you imagining that you are fighting for me. Screw it all.”

After Gu Yingjie finished speaking, he turned his head and left. Xu Yanchang was anxious, reached out to pull him. If he walked away like this, it would really be a deadlock with everyone. It would not feel good to meet in the future. But Gu Yingjie is furious, forcefully shakes off his hand, and insists on leaving.

After walking for a couple of steps, he stopped.

Qin Yufei was standing right there, a few steps away from him.

The power of Gu Yingjie was gone. Qin Yufei was expressionless, only walked over and said, “I have just come and you want to leave. You have such a big temper.”

Everyone was frozen. This is great, do not know how much she heard just now.

Qin Yufei walked to the table. Gu Yingjie obediently followed back, not leaving.

“Please make a space.” Qin Yufei said to a guy next to her, her voice is not loud, but the aura is very strong. In addition, the group was trying to say a lot of bad things about her now is weak. Gu Yingjie reached out to set up a chair. She turned her head to look at the one that fell to the ground and said, “Do you kick the chair?”

“No, just stand up and accidentally hit it.” Gu Yingjie somehow felt embarrassed to lose his temper and be seen by her.

Qin Yufei smiled at him, which made his face hot, pulled the chair over and sat down beside her.

“Hello everyone, I’m Qin Yufei, I’m Gu Yingjie’s girlfriend. I’m late, sorry. My boyfriend was rude and lost his temper. I apologize to everyone on his behalf.” Qin Yufei said gently, but everyone was quite wary. This aura is overwhelming.

And look at Gu Yingjie, sitting next to her without saying a word, as good as a kitten.

Shame on you!

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