Ascending the Heavens as an Evil God

Chapter 263: 605

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Gu Nan could not help being silent.

Before they and Morag, who have the ability to produce the origin of the original world, appeared, they could only catch the blind and could not find the origin at all.

Unless they are willing to cut themselves open, or find the next one ahead of time, before he runs out of the source.

"Before crossing, you also saw the history after?" Gu Nan thought about it and then asked, this is actually the most powerful force in the original world.

Lu Wen seems to have been determined to stand on Gu Nan's side and know all about his problems.

"Yes, in fact, I don't need to say much about this problem. I'll see it when you continue to break the wall of rules."

Gu Nan raised his head and looked at the broken wall, but saw something amazing inside.

There are fragments of the future, some about the heavens and some about the gods, but there is a clear distinction between them.

It's all about them. It's about these powerful followers, and there are also some small people who are peddlers and pawns. They have everything.

There are even some contradictory fragments, but with the development of time, one of the two will gradually die out.

Gu Nan seems to understand why Yuanjie's prediction of the future is extremely accurate, but only about the future of the single world.

"The essence of the wall of rules is indeed the plane wall, which is connected with the plane walls of the two worlds." Lu Wen's voice continued to spread, "but it has the power of prediction and can deduce the future of the two worlds on its own."

Once the future is deduced, it will fall into the original world and be acquired by some people in the way of memory. Some people use it to make films and literary works, which are eventually known by more people.

"But this kind of prediction is not completely accurate. The power of prediction will eventually incline to one side of the world, infer the future of one side completely, and the other side will disappear completely until the next reincarnation."

The next reincarnation is when the next passer-by appears.

Gu Nan nodded gently, and he understood the essence of their appearance. In the final analysis, it was the wall of rules, a special position wall.

Perhaps a long time ago, the primordial realm was just an ordinary plane, but it was only under the influence of the wall of rules that it was separated from the two worlds.

"The power of foreknowledge..." Gu Nan's eyes fell on the broken face wall, with a smile on his face. "As long as you destroy it, there will be no more passers-by in the future."

Lu Wen was stunned. Before he could speak, another voice had already started.

"No, it's mine."

The figure of Taoist Huang Quan slowly appeared beside Lu Wen. At this time, there was only a thin layer left on the wall of rules. Gu Nan could even see the fuzzy figure on the opposite side.

Lu Wen suddenly changed color, and his figure was far away for the first time. However, Taoist Huang Quan didn't actually look at him. He just looked at the wall of rules with enchanted eyes.

He is the one who has stayed in the original world for the longest time, and also the one who knows the wall of rules best.

"It's mine!" Taoist Huang Quan's face was quiet, but he said solemnly.

When he said this, his power of swallowing was already starting, and the target was the fragments of the wall of rules, which he quickly swallowed into his body.

Feeling the rapid consumption of the source in the body, Taoist Huang Quan is more and more excited.

His phagocytic ability can devour everything in the world, and the only limitation is that the source is insufficient. Moreover, the stronger he devours, the more source he consumes.

Now he finally has enough source, and the cost of swallowing the wall of rules is far more than any previous swallowing process!

Even if it is to devour the nine spirits, the power of nine seclusions, it will cost less than half of the current speed.

The wall of rules, after all, is the real source of the strangeness of the original world, and it is also the reason why everyone present can stand here.

"Power This is the real power... " Taoist Huang Quan's eyes flickered slightly, and the law began to spread all over his body, and constantly extended to the outside.

His law is very special, which makes everything stagnate.

Under the influence of the solidification law, not only the void gradually stops flowing, but also the wall of rules is restricted, and the change of future fragments is slowing down.


There seems to be a dull sound in the void. At dusk, the Taoist suddenly opens his eyes and sees Gu Nanzheng smash the wall of rules and walk slowly out of the original world.

At this moment, Gu Nan became the first person in history to leave the original world in a way other than spirit.

After the cracks appeared, the wall of rules began to disintegrate and melt rapidly, even leading to the collapse phenomenon, dissolving like snowflakes.

"No This is my It's mine Taoist Huang Quan's eyes were wide open with anger, and his forehead was full of blue tendons. The law of solidification quickly swept toward Gu Nan.

Gu Nan didn't even look at it, but he hit it with a fist. Taoist Huang Quan's whole body was frozen as if the law of essence collapsed in an instant, and the whole person flew out like a shell.

Huangquan Taoist absorbed most of the strength of jiupo, but even jiupo had no capital to stand in front of Gu Nan, let alone him.Gu Nan looked back and supported the crack of the regular wall with both hands. The shadow rule began to gush out rapidly, and the crack was expanding rapidly. In an instant, it had covered one fifth of the area.

In this process, his action stopped a little, because he found that there was a spirit left in the wall of rules.

That's Fu Cheng's spirit.

"It's fused into the wall of rules Is it because I came out too early, and the time of the previous passer-by is not over yet? " With Gu Nan's understanding of the wall of rules, he immediately understood why Fu Cheng was here.

If hundreds of years go by, she may be the next Gu Nan. Unfortunately, there is no chance.

With the breaking of the wall of rules, Fu Cheng's spirit dissipated completely at the same time.

"Gu Nan!" The voice of Taoist Huang Quan rang out again. He ran back from the void. He was already in a hair like manner, and his eyes looked coldly ahead.

"Stop, or you'll regret it." Huangquan Taoist shouts to Gu Nan, the power of swallowing is still swallowing the wall of rules.

Gu Nan has never been able to be shaken by words. He didn't even turn his head back. He was still tearing the original boundary quickly.

It can be imagined that when Gu Nan completely tore it apart, the original world would merge with the outside world, and there would be no one in the world to cross.

Taoist Huang Quan's face was slightly heavy. He suddenly turned to his height and cried, "Eugene, when are you going to wait?"

In the void, it seems to be stagnated. A golden light shines behind the south. It's Eugene, the long-standing Lord of war.

Gu Nan was perfect and had almost no weakness. Even if he banished Shenshu, he was trapped for a while.

But Austin's plan with the gods created a weakness in him.

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Gu Nan suddenly turned back and punched through Eugene's heart. The war leader didn't even have time to react.

However, he seemed to have expected this for a long time. There was no surprise in his eyes. Instead, he grinned and sent the golden light to Gu Nan.

In the golden light, there are four colors of light, which are composed of black and white, with a mysterious atmosphere.

"This is The essence of the two great gods? " Gu Nan's eyebrows picked slightly, and he immediately understood what Austin had done.

No wonder the power of banishing Shenshu was weaker than Gu Nan's imagination. It turned out that they didn't use their full strength at all.

In the golden light of Eugene's hand, the breath of the four top gods is gathered, and two divine kingdoms are used as bridges to truly integrate the strength of the four.

At this time, Gu Nan's life and death mark, which was about to disappear, suddenly lit up again.

This is Austin's last resort, triggering the mark of life and death with the power of the four gods. Banishment is just to paralyze the opponent, so as to achieve the effect of killing with one blow.

If Gu Nan didn't die after the blow, the four self sacrificing gods would never return.

Taoist Huang Quan looked at the scene coldly.

He has been hiding in the vicinity of the original world, and is aware of the great movements of the two worlds. Naturally, Austin and others can't hide from him.

"Gu Nan, your strength has not yet reached the whole, and you have not yet taken the last step?" The voice of Taoist Huang Quan rang out slowly, "if you hide in the original world and understand the wall of rules to get out of that step, maybe you still have a chance, but..."

With the voice of Taoist Huang Quan falling slowly, the golden light in the void becomes more and more dazzling, and even gives people a burning feeling.

Then the golden light quickly converged and all fell on Gu Nan's abdomen, which made Gu Nan's life completely cut off and there was no more life.

"It's over..." The figure of nine spirits appeared beside Lu Wen and shook his head slowly.

He thought that Gu Nan, who was walking too fast, no one could catch up with him. He didn't expect that he was finally turned over by Huang Quan and the gods.

Eugene covered his chest with one hand. A blow from Gu Nan before he died made him suffer a heavy injury and almost unable to move.

But it's worth it to be able to kill evil spirits.

Taoist Huang Quan continued to devour the wall of rules. Now no one can compete with him. The only thing that made him dissatisfied was that a large part of the rules had been destroyed by Gu Nan.

As for Gu Nan's dead body, he only looked at it, but he didn't pay attention to it any more. No matter how valuable Gu Nan's body is, it's not as important as his own strength.

However, at this time, Eugene's face suddenly changed, and the whole person seemed to be penetrated from the back by some great force, and was directly ripped open.

Eugene's body fell to pieces in the void. Gu Nan was wringing his neck and walking out from behind him with a grim smile on his face.

"The imprint is OK, the strength is a little poor." He touched the mark of life and death on his abdomen, and the power on it had almost completely dissipated.

Eugene collected the power of the four gods, and finally triggered the final blow of the mark of life and death. Although it had an effect, it also completely exhausted the power of the mark.More importantly, the imprint of life and death did not work as expected.

Taoist Huang Quan looked at this side in a dazed way. It seemed that he could not understand why Gu Nan, who had died, could be revived again.

In his eyes, Gu Nan just now is absolutely dead, even the spirit is instantly disappeared, the star world can't save him.

Gu Nan walks slowly to Taoist Huang Quan and looks at Eugene, who is torn up by himself. He shakes his head.

"If Austin knew that the time he spent fighting for his life was wasted by you, would he be angry and come to life?" Gu Nan said in a funny way.

He understood Austin's calculation. From the beginning, the God of light gambled that Gu Nan would conflict with other powerful people sooner or later.

When he asked Eugene to make a move at a crucial time, he hoped to activate Gu Nan's imprint of life and death, and then completely destroy Gu Nan's body.

If it is normal time, his calculation is not wrong at all, the Taoist of huangquan will absolutely kill him, and will not give Gu Nan any chance.

Unfortunately, it's unusual now. The wall of rules is in front of us. Where can Taoist Huang Quan take care of others?

Austin didn't expect that even if the power of the four gods was gathered, the transformation of life and death was only a small piece.

Gu Nan has been resurrected, and Huang Quan's talent can stop and retreat.

Gu Nan just stepped out, instantly broke his solidification space and came directly to him.

By this time, Taoist Huang Quan's mind disturbed by power seems to have slowed down, and his face gradually calms down.

"You It's one step away, right? I have a way to help you. " Taoist Huang Quan lowered his head and tried to make his voice sound the same.

Gu Nan didn't speak. Taoist Huang Quan said to himself, "you may be the same as JIUPU, but now it's destroyed."

"So what?"

"I can help you!" The voice of Taoist Huang Quan suddenly rose, "I know the original world best, and I know how to bring out the power I want..."

"If you leave the wall of rules, you will have the chance to take the last step and find someone who brings out the same thing as you. And you can stare at me at any time, don't worry about my threat! "

The more Taoist Huang Quan said, the more he became more smooth. It seems that he even convinced himself.

At this point, he pointed to Lu Wen and Jiu Po and said, "they are the same! As long as you keep an eye on us and keep us away from the source, you don't need to take any risks! "

Looking into Gu Nan's eyes, he said in a low voice, "think about it. In your present state, as long as you go further, you can see the ultimate of the world, the ultimate of truth, the ultimate of power Why? "

When Taoist Huang Quan came to the end, he finally saw that Gu Nan didn't seem to listen to him. The shadow law had quickly invaded the wall of rules and completely destroyed them.

"How's it going? Is your phagocytic power gone Gu Nan looked back at him. He didn't smile until he saw Taoist Huang Quan's sudden change of color.

It is for the purpose of verifying this that Taoist Huang Quan is kept.

All the special abilities of the passers-by come from the wall of rules. Even after they leave the original boundary, this kind of connection still exists.

Now Gu Nan destroyed the wall of rules, which means that they are completely out of control.

Even Gu Nan himself felt light on his body, and the fragments of the evil Temple melted into his body seemed to disappear at this moment.

"Why?" Taoist Huang Quan looked at him in disbelief. "You could have gone further. Why..."

"I've won." Gu Nan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "the winner doesn't need to gamble any more."

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