
Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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The room was quickly filled with time and all fifty students started to wait for teacher.

Ranly and mike were sitting in the corner chatting.

Just then, the door opened and three people entered. One woman and 2 men.

One of these three people was familiar. Mr.john is Ranly and Mike's martial arts instructor at the academy. The other two were complete strangers.

“Line up! Line up! everybody get in line,” the woman shouted.

When everyone quickly lined up, the Woman stood in front of everyone. Apparently, this Woman was the instructor the Facility had assigned to them. The other man was most likely the Martial arts teacher from the other academy.

"Yes, my name is Eva, I'll be your 2-week trainer. Let's get started quickly. Which of you has watched an F-dungeon clearing video before?"

All 50 students raised their hands at once.

“Beautiful, beautiful,” the woman said, looking straight ahead.

"Now I want you to forget everything you've watched."

These words caused a buzz among the students. Everyone was confused. Many of them, including Ranly and Mike, analyzed these videos like crazy. And the trainer in front of them was telling them to forget these videos.

"I suppose you're wondering why I said that."

Many people nodded their heads.

"The people you see in the video who successfully complete the dungeon are all winners, survivors, lucky bastards. Do you know why the death rates are still at 50% despite such huge facilities. Because the first dungeon is difficult to clear, especially entering a dungeon without inheritance is complete madness. But the videos you watch are always the winners. Have you ever come across losers?...   No?....   Why not? Because they're all dead."

"Get rid of the things that give you false hope. Now let's get to the facts. At the end of 2 weeks, statistically half of you will die. Although I'm a good trainer, I can probably reduce this number to 20, but still it's 20 people. So you better practice everything I say as if your life depends on it. Because it really is.”

All the students were staring at Eva with all their attention.

When she was sure that everyone's focus was on her, she continued speaking.

"Follow me, let's see how many of you will survive if you enter now."

Eva turned around and walked towards the door. But no one reacted in time to this sudden order and remained where they were.

Eva noticed this and turned around.

"Fucking follow, Are you guys waiting for invitation."

These words seemed to have woken everyone up. And they began to follow Eva quickly. 50 people went out into the corridor and started following Eva.

Ranly pondered Eva's words, trying to understand what she meant. Would they go to the dungeon now? But these questions in his mind soon gave way to bewilderment,

Because the room they entered was so big that he could not imagine that a closed area would be so big. Also, the room was not completely empty. Capsule-looking instruments lined up side by side as far as the eye could see.

Eva turned around and began to speak.

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"Yes, now you will enter the capsules, the Capsules simulate the F- dungeon that you will enter later. Since there are 50,000 students at the facility, each student will be able to use it for 2 hours a day."

Eva checked the time on her wrist computer. "Okay, scan your wrist computers and enter the capsules.... and Anyone planning to enter the dungeon with team?"

Hearing this question, Ranly immediately raised his hand. Of course, Mike followed. Only two of them raised their hands among the 50 people present.

But this was understandable. The dungeon was dangerous, and you usually never want to enter with people you don't trust. also, there was another disadvantage of entering the dungeon with two people. If the two people entering were not close to each other in terms of strength, the stronger one would have to carry the other. No one would want to carry another person in a place where the risk of death is so high.

Apart from these, if more than one person entered the dungeon, the dungeon would become more difficult.

Eva looked at Ranly and Mike from head to toe. "Okay, select 'multiple entry' once you're in the pod." she said and turned around and started talking to martial arts instructors.

Ranly looked at Mike. He had the same excitement in his eyes as him. Both had dreamed of this day for years. Even though it wasn't real, it was their first time entering the dungeon.

Ranly nodded to Mike. and walked towards one of the empty capsules. He held his arm-computer up to the capsule's screen,.


The lid opened upwards.

The inside of the capsule became visible. Its interior was gray in color and looked like it was made of a carbon-based material rather than metal. Also, in the middle of it, there was an area that looked like a seat.

Ranly sat down in the seat. As soon as he sat down, the lid started to close slowly. When the lid was completely closed, he heard a sound.

'Starting simulation...'

Ranly's eyes grew heavy and closed slowly.

WAfter a few seconds, he opened his eyes again, and he was in a completely white room.

"Welcome to the TS-x48 dungeon simulation, please choose your entry method."

A translucent bluish screen appeared in front of Ranly. It had the words 'single entry' and 'Team entry' on it.

He tapped the 'Team entry' text and another screen appeared in front of him. There were about 100 names on the screen. After looking around for a while, he found "mike" and sent him an invitation,

When the invitation accepted, mike appeared right in front of him.

"Man, this is crazy." said Mike.

"Yes it is, but focus! This is important. Although the structure of the dungeon and the traps change with each entry, this simulation will give us a reference point, we must do our best." said Ranly in a serious tone.

Mike nodded and suddenly turned serious.

"Please choose your weapons." The robotic voice spoke once more. As he spoke, rows of weapons appeared on the walls of the white room. Arrows, maces, axes, swords and shields.

Of course, there was no shortage of hot weapons. long-range guns, short-range guns. But neither Ranly nor Mike even looked at these modern weapons and went straight to the cold weapons section.

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