Ascension (Tentative title)

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – Layered

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"Divine grade cultivation technique." The Black One said as she rode her horse. They saw the fresh skin while she held the reins. They heard the change in voice. They could also feel the fluctuations of dark energy that seemed even more pure.

"No one says a thing." The Black One said on the way back to Aros. "I am as I have always been, The Black One." The Black Guards looked at her, but were unwilling to voice out the truth. She was not as she used to be. She was now stronger, and almost radiated the dark elements just by existing.

"As you say, Mistress." The four Black Guards said, now almost unwilling to draw her attention. The death elements were scary enough, but they knew what they got with it. Now, the dark elements made them uncomfortable.  They didn't know what she could do with such a pure cultivation base.

"Her abilities would draw too much attention, but no one can deal with her. She can sense life, and kill rank threes solo. The Magistrate would need a group of five on par with his power to do that, and there would still be casualties." She didn't need to elaborate.

"She has helped Underground Black. That is enough for us." The Black Guard leader said firmly. They had loyalty built into their bones, and all members of their forces were well taken care of.

One had to know how the clans and the nobility treated the soldiers to understand how the guards were treated, and how grateful they were. The guards and soldiers under the clans and nobility of Thules Kingdom were paid, but not high wages. They were expected to provide their own equipment in order to even join the guard force.

Within the clans, guards were only given a tunic that had the clan emblem, while kingdom guards were given a leather sash and belt assembly that had the city's symbol on it. Only the Capital had uniforms, unless the local lord had enough tax income to outfit his people.

Within a clan, and the kingdom, if a guard was injured, or disabled, they would be given a small payment, and dismissed.

Within Underground Black, their uniforms and gear were provided, as well as their housing. Their wages were at least twice that of other guards. If disabled while doing their duty, they would be given medical attention, until they were able to take up their roles again. If unable to return to active service, they would be given a regular steady pension, or a job within one of the businesses they owned. If they died while on duty, their family would also be given their pension.

Underground Black was an exclusive area, dedicated solely to the Black One, her sister, and assorted less reputable services, such as assassination, and information gathering. They had an exclusive gambling establishment, which provided the services of a lady's company, as long as one was willing to pay the fee.

There were only a few brothels in Aros, while the casino had them on staff. The ones who wished to make silver off their bodies could do so, though it was rare. Most were sold as slaves, or lost at the tables. The ladies were well taken care of, and not allowed to be abused. If they were, the punishment would be extreme. The ones in the brothels greatly desired to be under their care.

Even the ones who gambled there were impressed. No cheaters as they had the means to find them, and deal with them. Unlike other casinos, Underground Black did not need to cheat their customers to make coin. Their tables allowed some gamblers to make a small fortune, while the hall made large fortunes.

The gambling hall had an entrance outside of Underground Black, and only one controlled entrance to this undercity.

The guards would not want to jeopardize their future, or their families. Punishment was as lavish as their benefits for working there.


  * * *


The gates were opened, closed quickly when they returned, and the sister in white waited at the door for the Black One when she returned.

"Inside." She said quietly, and the Seer knew it was important. It wasn't until their door closed and they retreated to her sanctum that her hood was pulled back.

"Sister!" The shock was obvious.

"We need to get rid of the zombies, and the cages. It is poison to me. We'll need a light practitioner to cleanse the area as well." The Black One sounded excited, which made her sister frown. It was many years since her sister was so excited.

"But I thought you needed the dark elements."

"It isn't dark, dear sister. It's death. She showed me, oh, I can't even begin to explain it all!" She sighed and sat down. "We do things wrong! I can absorb the dark elements at nighttime! It occurs naturally!"

The Seer sat down, and while her sister explained it all to her, and how Aila explained it, the shock she felt penetrated right into her spiritual sea.

A divine grade technique, taught by a girl no more then two decades old, and her knowledge flipped the old wisdom on its ear. To make the matter set in stone, her sister who had long been deteriorating and dying, was now young and vital again. There could be no doubt.

Their treasured knowledge, passed down from their ancestors, was all based on lies, or guesses at best.


* * *

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Aila tilted her head as she continued to refresh the stone of the manor. Things were revealed to her as she used her elemental essence that were not readily available to others of this world.

"Why? I'm a visitor from another world, so why can I see these things but they can not?" Aila had that one fundamental question, but the answer was not given to her. The disease that tried to kill her was now cured, and not only was she healthy, but her physical strength and mental strength continued to grow by the day, and by the night.

Aila had begun to realize that her body was starving for elemental essence. She devoured it voraciously, either passively without her focus, and actively, while she used it to repair, or shape wood, stone, and metal.

She felt the truth of the world, and how it was built with the elements. She could also see the layers that were overlaid upon the world, which was divided into different realms.

The area she was in used to have only one layer of elemental essence, while just over the mountains, there was a deeper layer, as though two lands were stacked on top of each other, and did not slide side by side.

On Earth, the plates were side by side, and only when the plates impacted each other, did they interact. That caused earthquakes, mountains, and volcanoes.

Here, the plates appeared to be side by side, but did not crash against each other. The plates also appeared to have multiple layers that would give the inhabitants a bit of an edge. However, she can tell that the layers weren't always this way. The layers are fluid, unlike the plates. The layers will move according to certain rules, in order not to allow the native inhabitants to become extinct.

The weaker the native races become, the natural essence layers slide away, and less becomes available. The stronger they become, then the layers build up in strength, which allows stronger spirit beasts to be born, as well as migrate into the land.

In the recent past, clans became more isolated, and protective of their cultivation secrets. They punished clan members harshly for deviations from traditional methods, and any improvements were abandoned.  It was like there was an invisible hand that kept this portion of land weaker for a hidden purpose.

"A second layer settled on this land few dozen years ago, but the cultivation of the natives is so polluted with impure methods, they continue to regress, while the spirit beasts grow stronger." She pursed her lips.  An invisible force that prevents growth, as though it waited for something. Or someone.

"So why am I so different from everyone else?" She turned, struck down a rank four black panther that attempted to sneak up on her, and slid her fingers in between the ribs. She swallowed the beast core and sighed as she felt the infusion of energy. She ran her hand along the black fur.

"Your fur will make a nice blanket. I have a suspicion that I will need the extra blankets soon, though I do not know why."


* * *


"Mistress, you sent for us?" The two guards who accompanied the Black One to, and inside the manor now stood before her.

"You saw the condition of her manor. I wish to send her some gifts. What is your opinion?" The Black One asked.

"If we sent materials, it would be next to useless. I saw some recently repaired portions of the manor, and it looked superb in craftsmanship. The woodwork was similar. What she lacked were fabrics." The first one said.

"I agree, but I saw something else she lacked. People." The second guard said. The Black One nodded.

"Agreed. Retrieve two tokens from Toral. Two pairs of slaves. It should not be too generous, as she did not ask for any compensation. However, people, and soft goods, like fabric, are things she lacks. I will send the Seer to her, as my ability to teach that Divine grade technique is far too lacking. It was only after her cleansing that I was able to learn. Hm, do we have any beast cores not currently assigned?"

"I'll have the steward check the stocks, Mistress." He said and bowed.

"Dismissed. Wait." She paused a few seconds. "Assign the appropriate party to watch over the Seer. She must get there and back intact, and alive. You know how important she is to Underground Black."

They all know how important the Seer is. She's the one who can determine if the gamblers cheat the dealers, and before they even sit down. She identifies them, they are watched, and they leave broke for the attempt. She also helps predict the locations of people that need to be found, and is the delicate balance needed to keep their dark mistress calm.

"We all do, Mistress." They started to shiver as the dark elements started to gather and roll off the Black One.

This was a warning. When it came to her sister, she would burn the world to the ground.

No one dared to disobey.


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