Ascension (Tentative title)

Chapter 19: Chapter 19 – Sincerity

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The officials sent to investigate were exhausted by the time they returned, but the Silver King ushered them into his side chamber to speak. This was a more private area, so they could speak freely.

"What is the news?" His trusted eunuch said at his side.

"We investigated all over town, and got the most readily available information. From eye witness accounts, she has flame, earth, and life elements. The life elements were used at the slave dealer, while she used flame to kill a boar, and the bear." The official said.

"Those three on their own are disturbing, but I assume there is more information."

"You are correct, your Majesty. She absorbed death elements, strengthened the Seer with Light, and the Black One with dark. That is three more. However, when we tried to confirm at the gate of Underground Black, the guards were strictly trained. The gate opened when we couldn't get any further information, and the Seer, as well as the Black One were waiting. They sent a message, as they said what you sought." The Silver King lifted an eyebrow.

"Not surprising that the Seer knew what we sought. What is the message?"

"Just one word. All." After only a few seconds, the officials were dismissed, and the Silver King rushed to his father's chamber.

"Father." He looked at his son and could see that he was agitated.

"Hm, that must be some news."

"We received a message from Underground Black. A single word from the Seer after she told us that they knew we sought to know the woman's affinities."

"I figured they would know. What is the message?"

"Just one word. All."

"Beast crap." His father swore, which is completely unlike him. "Send someone trustworthy, not arrogant, and someone who can understand the situation we may be put in if this goes badly. Tell them to be careful, for if this goes badly, he'll be skinned alive, and dipped in salted vinegar." His father's voice was calm, but his words were harsh.

"A minister?"

"No, she only has females around her. Do we have a disabled, or sickly...oh, my poor granddaughter!" He smiled, and stood up. "She healed the Black One, and the Seer!" His son took only a few seconds to catch on.

"I see. My daughter is important to the both of us. If she's escorted to Underground Black, with a gift for their Master, not only does it show our sincerity in letting her live in peace, but it also shows her we trust her with someone quite precious to us." The Silver King closed his eyes.

"See to it. This may be the girl's only chance to be healed, and to settle this mess." His father's voice changed, and for some reason, the Silver King shivered.

He didn't know why his father suddenly sounded disappointed, and tired at the same time.


* * *




'M-Master, the Silver King, at his father's suggestion, is sending his sick daughter, along with a gift, to Underground Black.' Alara murmured inside her mind when she heard her name, which sent a surge or warmth throughout her consciousness.

'Hm. Not a trap, or a test. Sincerity?'

'Yes, Master. She's quite precious to them, and on the surface, much loved by the entire family. They wanted to send someone who wouldn't be arrogant, and foolish. She's the only one they trust not to upset you.' She felt an intrusion into her mind, and shivered as those fingers brushed throughout her memories, and emotions.

'Hm, make's sense. You've healed nicely, Alara. When she arrives, let me know. It would be nice to know her affinity before she showed up, but I believe her existence should be protected from any investigation of Underground Black.' Aila said with a soft mind whisper.

'I can read the fabric of events, but the further away from this point it is, it becomes less accurate. Also, your abilities makes my sight less accurate. You put an abnormal amount of power into all your actions, which alters the natural flow of personal interactions.' She felt the brush of her fingers again, but this time, her fingers stayed within her mind, and tickled a little part of her sea.

'My precious little Alara.' She felt warm breath at her ear, and a deeper intrusion. Alara gasped as certain parts were stimulated, and caressed. Her lips, the nape of her neck, her belly, and her inner thigh. 'Some day, you won't want to live so far away.' It felt like Aila had not meant for her to feel that intrusion, those touches, or her whispers.  Aila's strength continued to grow, and she had no concept of the level of strength she possessed, either mental, physical, or elemental. After Aila swept out of her mind, Ivadra chuckled at her side.

"Don't tease me, sister!" She pouted. "Master's presence was so intense, I didn't want her to leave." Ivadra sat down, and slipped her hand into Alara's robe. Alara gasped as her fingers slid down over her mound, and fondled her button. She tensed up as she was already so close to a climax due to her Master's powerful presence within her mind, shuddered, and relaxed.

"Did she say anything?"

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"Only that some day, we won't want to live so far away." Alara pouted. "I already don't want to live this far away!"


* * *


"Father." A young woman, on a wheeled chair, was pushed into his chambers by a maid. The king waved the maid away, and went behind her chair himself. "Father? What's going on?"

"We're going to see your grandfather, Ava." The Silver King said, and groaned a bit when he saw the happiness in her eyes.  With her disability, her legs grew thinner by the year, her skin more pale, and even her breathing became more labored.  Her once thick jet black hair had almost turned all dirty blonde as she lost all color.

"Really? I haven't seen him in months! Is he okay?" She asked.

"Just gets cold often. Your mother hasn't been around lately. Is she okay?" His daughter turned quiet.

"I don't know, father. She said she had important things to do, but doesn't come visit anymore." Kohl, the Silver King, sighed and kept his opinion to himself. There was something foul in the courts, but his people have not been able to ferret it out. "Um, father? Is something going on? The Prime Minister said that if you send me somewhere to come find him." The Silver King grit his teeth.

"Ava, let's go see your grandfather. Tell him everything. Don't leave anything out, even if they say it's to help the kingdom, okay? I'm not as smart as your grandfather is, but you can see when someone is trying to use your hands to do something bad, right?" Ava turned quiet. "Ava, don't think too much about the politics around you." Ava then heard a gentle voice ahead of her.

"Ah, growing up as the daughter of the king is no life for a girl! Always having to be wary of other people, and smarter then they think you are." she smiled wide.

"Granddad!" He smiled wide at her.

"My little Ava. I heard the voices out in the hall. Did you have something to tell this old man?" Ava bit her bottom lip, but her grandfather had never steered her wrong yet. She told him the words of the minister.

"Hm, your father is right, Ava. They want to use your hands to commit a bad deed, and it won't help. If anything, it will hurt us even worse." Ava tilted her head slightly.

"I don't understand, grandfather."

"Grandfather, is it?" She blushed. "I'm only teasing you, Ava. You know of Underground Black?" She nodded. "Do you know that both the Seer, and the Black One were healed by the person we want to send you to?" The girl's mouth fell open, then she frowned.

"Healed? I thought they were powerful."

"Good mind, girl. Keep your wits about you when people tell you things, and always ask questions, or think of questions to get answered later." Ava smiled at her grandfather's praise. "They were powerful, but deep within that place, a Lich set up a sanctum." Her eyes grew wide.

"A lich? An undead?"

"Worse, Ava. An intelligent one. Centuries ago, one of their ancestors set things up so that each generation would fuel his power when they died. As his strength grew, our power to stop him dropped. If we moved, he would send countless zombies out, and the death toll would be high." Ava was horrified. "Yes, you should be scared. But that powerful person we are sending you to, she saw the damage to the Seer and the Black One, fixed them, then defeated the Lich. Now, the Black One, and the Seer, are even more powerful, but they are alive and not zombies." Ava let out a breath.

"So that person fixed our problem with the Lich." Her grandfather nodded. "That means she's really strong. Also, she healed them, which means she might be able to heal me. Is that why you wish to send me to her?"

"Yes, and no. You see, out of your siblings, the princes, uncles, ministers, or other nobles with enough power to show our respect to her power, all of them are too arrogant, and think too much of themselves."

"Oh!" Ava said.

"Yes, Ava. Your father and I trust you most of all. You are someone who won't anger the woman that watches our borders, and protects the towns from the spirit beasts." Ava frowned again.

"I don't understand. Protects us?"

"Yes, Ava. She killed a few Iron Tusked Boars, several flame wolves, and a few stone bears. Right now, a small family of stone bears sits between her, and us, so that people won't bother her. She can kill them at will. But also, she told the Magistrate that across the river, there are dark panthers who just came over the mountain." Ava's eyes bulged.

"Dark panthers? Aren't those..."

"Rank four spirit beasts. Without her help, we would be in a lot of trouble. So, do you now understand why we not only want to send you to her for healing, but why we don't send the ministers, or other nobles?" Ava's mouth closed, and thought about the eyes of the Prime Minister.

"Grandfather, watch out for that Prime Minister. He gives me the creeps." Her grandfather smiled.

"Like I said, our Ava has a good mind."


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