Ascension (Tentative title)

Chapter 41: Chapter 41 – Now It Makes Sense

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Countdown to the final chapter of 45, though it isn't the final chapter of the story. If you wish to read the revised edition, it is already being posted on my profile, and it is called The Ascension. No bloody A, B, C, or D.


"Sire!" A guard ran into the audience chamber in a panicked state. Eunuch Pall frowned heavily, while the king only rolled his eyes. His court was filled with traitors, but he hadn't made any headway on routing them out yet. He didn't care that they were fearful of something, as these people were the ones who had forced him to send his precious daughter away.

"And what would one of the royal guards be running around like a chicken, in fear like a child?" The king said, which made the guard stop in his tracks, until he remembered why he had panicked.

"There is an army approaching!" He said. The king sighed.

"From Teshele?" The king asked tiredly. He was ready to throw in the towel as it was mentally draining to try and right the condition of the king's court. There were so many traitors under the First Minister, Kohl felt that he was truly a blind fool to have let things get the way they were.

"No, Sire! It's an army of the dead!"


* * *


The king warily watched as hundreds of heavily armed and armored soldiers marched into the throne room, while thousands surrounded the castle, and tens of thousands surrounded the capital. It was an army that could instill terror in any ruler, and when word got to the Teshele king, he was glad he stayed away from the Kingdom of Thules.

Behind the dead soldiers, two stone bears accompanied a lone female youth whose elemental strength made all those within the court turn pale as the pressure forced them onto their knees.  Her grin was truly frightening to those traitors, while some were confused as to why she was there.

"You are one of the servants of the Master in the forest." The king said, which made her smile.

"I am. My Master sent me here, to guide someone important. I present to the court of Thules Kingdom, the Queen of Death." As Sol walked into the room, and her overwhelming presence kept many on their knees, her black eyes narrowed.

"Thank you, Elena. Interesting. Traitors do taste the best, don't they, Salia?" A youthful looking woman, as pale white as the Queen stepped out of her shadow.

"Indeed they do, mother. Since Master has said that we can have any traitor we wish, I wonder who Giel would say is the sweetest?" Salia looked around the hall, and her eyes traveled up to the throne.

"What do you think, your highness? We can take six of the worst right now. I'm sure that some would consider confessing, and behaving, once they realize that being a traitor carries a death sentence." The king began to smile.

"I do believe you are correct, princess." His eyes moved over the hall, and took in the frightened expressions of those he knew were traitors, and looked at the soldiers.

"Still not moving? Are you sure you don't wish to escape from the Queen's hand while you can?" As he expected, some started to run towards the exits, but were stopped by the extremely powerful dead soldiers.  Each of those were slammed in the forehead with the butt of their sword.  It placed a black mark on their head which had only one real effect.  A sliver of death element remained behind, and would force them to walk towards Aros, and become food for the Queen.  The smarter ones quickly grabbed the one who offered them a bribe to join the First Minister's faction. At least five soldiers grabbed each minister.

"Sire! These men offered us bribes to join the First Minister's faction!" They lowered their eyes. "We did accept their money though." Some said quietly. The Queen gestured with her eyes, and the dead soldiers swept in to take the ministers right from their hands.

"Hm, two more then expected." The Queen smiled a bit. Salia nodded.

"I agree, mother." The Queen threw one of the Ministers to her daughter, and watched the terror bloom with delight in her eyes. Salia gripped his head with one hand, his shoulder with the other, and bit deep into his neck. He could not cry out as his terror was so great, but also the weakening effect of the death element silenced any cries as soon as Salia grasped him.  His body quickly turned to dust as she drained the life elements and converted it into food. The Queen of Death sucked the life out of another minister's body, and he turned to dust.

"He wasn't bad. I hope their fear turns their flavor sweeter."  Salia said with a small wicked grin.

"I agree, Salia. Let's go. Oh, if you wish to begin clearing the court, send six of them to that town close to Master once a week. You can expel the rest if you so wish. Hunting is a lot of fun, especially when the prey doesn't realize they can't escape." She smiled.

"A word of warning." Salia spoke as her mother turned away. "If anyone attempts to get close to the forest, if they aren't already dead, they will be not long after." Salia said, and watched as her mother stopped. She was a bit surprised as she had only spoken her about what she felt to be true, and now she saw that her mother approved.

Sol turned, and her body radiated death element.

"Send that fake who stole little Ava from her parents to us as soon as you have her captured. She must be punished for what she did to Master's servant, Ava. I will let little Giel eat her. She can make her meals sing for hours." Sol left, and the rest soon followed her out.

The king's smirk soon turned into a chilling laugh, all the while, the hollowness he felt inside continued to grow deeper. He wasn't even Ava's father. Now all the actions his wife took began to make sense.

"I would make your choice quickly." He said in a low dangerous voice, as his temper was clearly at the end of his self control. "I can have the innocents moved out and leave the city for you to defend, but how can you keep an army of dead soldiers from doing as they please?" His grin stirred up their fear once again.

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"I would hate for the capital to turn into the Queen's personal farm."


* * *


'Sol, head north from the temple.' Her Master's mental voice was still strong, in spite of her being in her hibernation period. Sol felt that this mental wakefulness could be a problem later. 'There should be two places that stand out for you. One is for you, and one is for the dark elemental user.'

'Alright, Master. Just look for places that stand out?' She asked.

'Don't worry, Sol. It will not be visually. It will be an instinctive knowledge. This place will stand out like a beacon, and you'll know it as soon as you're within range of it.'


* * *


Sol's cheek twitched. She had already felt the eddies and chaotic currents of elemental essence in her own home, but they were a lot stronger here than they were on the other side of the mountain.

"We've already passed light, earth, flame, and dark. It has also been nearly a mile since I passed the dark currents. Oh, Master!" She called out in excitement.

'I see you've found the spot I made for you, my sweet Sol.' Sol squirmed as the warm affection of her Master came flooding through their connection, along with a spike in death elements meant only for her.

"Mother! This place! It's so rich!" Salia said in awe.

"This is the place Master made for us, Salia. Our home will be built right here. Our tower will be the pinnacle of her territory." Sol's eyes began to leak death elements as she growled.

"And let anyone try to get near my Master without my permission! I will erase them from all existence!" Salia could feel her mother's anger as her body began to hum from within.

"Mother, you're disturbing my stuffing." Salia said quietly.  Sol smiled a little, and licked her lips. "It will soon be Kana's and Bini's time, mother." Salia said, which made Sol turn serious.

"Yes, it will soon be time. Time passes so quickly, even for us." Sol lightly rubbed her daughter's belly, and scanned it carefully. "You'll need new stuffing soon, little one." Salia sighed.

"Necessity. We are what we are. Daughters of the Queen of Death." Salia said, but there was no regret in her tone. Sol sighed sadly.

"I'll ask Master, little one." Sol said, but saw Salia shake her head.

"Why would I want to be like you, mom?" She said, and watched as Sol looked a bit concerned. "You look after our lives within your own body." Salia grinned.

"You teased me?" Sol asked indignantly.

"Of course." Salia grinned wider. "Don't you know how much we enjoy our lives now, mom? We were used in experiments, beaten and whipped, or turned into toys for those stronger. Now, we are stronger, and they can not touch us."

Sol felt the gentle gaze of her Master on them, and realized that her Master had known of what she had to do so long ago.

What made her relieved is that her Master didn't blame her in the least.


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