Ascension: The Coming Storm

Ascension: The Coming Storm

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Ascension: The Coming Storm

Review: 9.9/10 from 17 ratings

Ascension; two souls sharing the same vessel. While most idolize this rare ability the ones that have experienced it know of its possible dark nature.

Tristal is a land with magic coursing through the ore underneath the citizen's very feet letting most enjoy the use of magic at every corner. Ascension releases something much more volatile, Etherea. Lifting a finger with magic could create a small gust of wind, doing the same with Etherea could wipe out an entire forest, if used in the right hands. This power comes at a heavy price, mentally and physically, but it's the only thing that can help humanity survive the onslaught of an army of Demons.

Dates are included in the book, all dates shown will follow the format of (Day/Month/Year).

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