Ashes Moving Castle

Chapter 1: C1

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“Call me Ash.”

The kitchen lady beamed as Ash slurped his porridge. It had been ten hours since he’d found himself here. One moment, he was crossing the road, and the next, …

Well, in any case he didn’t like to think about it. Ash spoke again, “I’m very sure I don’t know what affinities and levels are, and at the very least I’m certain I don’t have any.”

“Dragons be damned! That’s not possible!”, the kitchen lady exclaimed. The other lady in the kitchen, who was washing the dishes, glared at her.

“You’re teaching the boy bad manners. We don’t know if he’s just a child - he might just be one of those giants!”

“I’m not a giant! I’m completely human!”

Ash gestured frantically to the women. Based on what he understood, he had probably been isekai’d to another fantasy universe. And based on what he’d heard earlier that day, he’d very much rather not be broken down for parts by these humans. Apparently, slavery and cannibalism were a worry in this place.

“Don’t worry, Ash, was it? I’m Xinya and this is Cai. We’re both part of the Tian Settlement. The village head asked us to ensure you’re well fed, and we’ll do exactly that. Why, I think you’re coming is an omen from the Great Tian!”

“Who is the Great Tian?”

Ash was very curious about everything that was happening. When he’d arrived, he’d been arrested. He had panicked and told quite a few things about his situation to the clan head’s son, Huo. He was currently undecided if he regretted that.

Sharing all that did get me a warm plate of food and I *was* starving.

“How do you not know who the Great Tian is – he should be known across the thousand continents! He is the greatest dragon to have ever lived!”

“Stop exaggerating things, Xinya!”, Cai said, flustered with the other lady. She continued, “Tian is the name of the dragon who helped our clan head settle here. As the story goes, the clan head was a merchant, and when he was passing through this place, he was attacked by monsters. The Great Tian saved his life, but couldn’t save his pregnant wife. He did manage to salvage both his son and daughter, who are the lifeblood of this village.”

Xinya chimed in, “They’re dragon touched! The only reason this settlement survives is because of them. They were the ones saved you from the beasts chasing you last night!”

Ash lucidly remembered seeing those beasts – those monsters – chasing him. He must have run miles on end, but he would never forget the beautiful face that he rescued him. “Lingxin”, he spoke aloud.

Cai exclaimed. “Yes, Honored Lingxin and Huo! It’s due to them that we survive every day!”. At that moment there was a rustling sound and a girl appeared.

“I heard my name being called!”

Ash choked on his porridge and spilled some on the table. Xinya laughed. “Now, now, Mister Ash, we know you’re hungry, but you must pace yourself, the food is not going anywhere!”

Ash’s face reddened as Lingxin laughed with the ladies. She came and sat in front of him. She said, “Now that you’ve been fed, I would like to talk to you. I’ve heard.. Interesting things from Huo and I would like to find out more. Huo should be here any moment.”

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Just then, the flaps opened once more as Huo entered. “My, my! Am I disturbing something. What were you talking about with these lovely ladies, Ash?”

Ash’s face took on a cheerful disposition when he saw Huo enter. Huo continued, “My sister should be jealous to see you so happy to see me and not her.” As he said that, Lingxin swatted at him, and he adeptly avoided that. Huo continued, “I may just have the solution for your situation. I think it is the Dragon’s luck that you came to us, and you may just save this settlement.”

Xinya, who had started cooking once again in the background exclaimed, “I was just saying this to Ash! He is an omen from the Great Tian indeed!”

Huo chuckled, “Indeed! My friend, walk with me. I shall tell you more once we reach Father.”

The environment was slightly tense when they reached Guo’s hut. Ash could hear the sounds emanating outside the hut.

“Princess, I warn you, any action against the Great Tian is an action against the Tian Clan! For years, he has helped us live peacefully here and yet you would stir the hornet’s nest!”

The princess, seemingly oblivious to the new entrants, replied, “That may be so, but there was great magic done here last night. I know it, and every creature with half a head a day from here will be marching here to get a taste. If that isn’t your dragon god, then who did it?”

Another voice popped up. Ash noticed two elven girls standing in the corner. “We concur on behalf of Noe Valley. Faelenya herself saw this happen and sent us rushing here. Have you had any contact from the Dwarves at Gugbuldihr?”

Lingxin spoke aloud, “If I may, I know what might have happened - Ash here is an otherworlder, and we saved him from monsters last night. The magic that happened is likely the summoner.”

The princess frowned, “We know what happened, but we don’t know who did it. In any case, the dungeons around here must be stirring. I know how much they love this magic. You are all not safe here!”

“Oh, like you care! Are you not here to hunt our sacred Tian?”

The princess flushed, as if she had just hit her head against a wall. “Just because I came here for the dragon does not mean I don’t care for the people. I still think that this magic is all due to the dragon. If you know anything about his whereabouts, we will go hunt it! That may just save your settlement’s lives!”

The Tian clan head held his hands up, “I do not care to help those that would defy Tian! He is the lifeblood of this settlement. We have survived so far because of his help. If he has forsaken us, then so be it!”

At that moment, Huo chimed in, “Just a moment father, I do not believe that the Great Tian would forsake us so soon or that he would do such great magics that could bring us harm. Do you have any proof that the dungeons have stirred for this– for this magic?”

One of the elves beat the princess to the reply, “Our seer foretold us of the dungeons to the east making a move. That’s why we are here. Faelenya herself believes that nothing short of a miracle will save us.” She then turned to the princess. “Will you stay to help us or will you run away?”

The princess was quiet for a bit. Her escort, very clearly not happy with whatever decision she was going to make, was nudging her. She said, slowly, “I think it would be suicide to stay here. All of us should go somewhere else. We-”

Lingxin, in a panicked voice, shouted, “We don’t have time, they are here!”

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