Ashes Moving Castle

Chapter 3: C3

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Ash woke up to the smell of food.

“Oh good, you’re awake! You’re a genius! You saved us!”, Xinya beamed at Ash.

Ash, still groggy after his sleep, went and slumped at his chair. He had no idea what Xinya was talking about.

“Well, you wouldn’t know. You passed out at the end. After you set up your castle, it was as if everyone healed without healers! It was magic! It was–” Xinya quieted down a bit. “A lot of people – good people died. I don’t know why you didn’t do the castle trick earlier, not that it’s my place to judge. Maybe Cai and I should have taken you more seriously when you told us you didn’t know enough about affinities and perks.”

Ash had also grown more subdued after hearing that. “Can you tell me what happened?”

“I will leave that to the princess”, Xinya replied. Ash, noticing the change in Xinya’s voice, shifted the conversation. “You did say that you and Cai would tell me about affinities. Did you get any levels after the battle?”

Xinya grew more thoughtful. “Ah, I don’t think you know, having an affinity for a castle and all. Commonfolk don’t level, they depend on their liege for that. Like, both Cai and I have a [Kitchen] affinity. When we are in the [Kitchen], our room perks come alive. I have [Minor Fast Cook] and Cai has [Instant Boil]. Anyone in the room can use those perks to cook faster and cook better food.”

Ash didn’t want to pester her with the obvious question about how it made for better food. But he did have a question he wanted to ask. “Do the skills get better as your liege levels up?”

Xinya looked at Ash and made a face. “Sorry kiddo! I don’t know if it does. I’ve lived with the Tian clan since I first got my perk, and I don’t think my liege – Guo Tian – leveled up.”

“What about know? Do you feel a difference now?”

Xinya’s face scrunched up. “Guo is dead. I really think you should talk to the princess. Especially because, y’know…” Her voice went conspiratorially low, “you’re affined to her [Castle].”

Cai chimed in. “Not that that’s a bad thing! A lot of Kings and Queens do it. Not that you’re a King.” As she said it, she reddened.

Ash just gulped.

“I think I need to talk to more people.”

In the [Throne Room], a princess sat on the throne. An entourage of elves entered, facing her.

“I expected more blood and grime. You have a cleaning skill”, the elf at the head of the entourage announced.

“Nice to meet you too, Elder Faelenya of Noe Valley.”

“Princess Wyrmheart.”

The princess sighed. “Lingxin, I don’t know how you knew that the harpies were coming before  everyone else. We shall continue that conversation later.” Turning towards the elves she continued. “We can get rid of formality since there are more pressing matters. You’re here for help. We cannot help the [Forest] of Noe Valley. We can barely help ourselves.”

The old elf had a glint in her eye. “Ah, but you can, your majesty. Arcaena here told me exactly what happened. I’ve come here to offer my service to you, if you’ll accept it.”

The princess looked just as shocked as everyone else in the room.

“Me? Not the one with the [Rejuvenation]?”

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“Hah! I would rather fight that group of harpies buck naked on the open plains. No, your majesty. The offer is for you.” Her eyes glinted with mischief. “Although, I will say this, I never expected the coward princess to travel this far from home.” 

The princess flinched at the words. Faelenya continued. “Arcaena told me all about your actions during the fight. Just because… No, you can handle your father. And I don’t even have to mention this castle.” Looking at Lingxin, she continued, her voice much lower than when it started. “I know what my people saw. I did not expect the coward princess or the coward dragon to stay back for a fight.”

The princess’ eyes widened. Lingxin looked like she was having a heart attack.

“No, Princess Wyrmheart. The reason I come here is simple. For ages, we have been chased away, unable to settle due to one way or the other. My bones tire. I would rather make a last stand and put my people behind a life worth leveling. And after yesterday, I know we have a chance.”

And at that moment, Ash entered the [Throne Room] to a stunned silence.

“Oh good, you’re awake! You’re an idiot! You could have killed us all!” Faelenya broke the silence in the only way she knew how to.

Ash was already high strung because of all that had happened earlier. He’d rehearsed this multiple times in his mind before coming here. He would apologize for his actions.. And more importantly, he would ask the princess to resolve all ambiguities.

“Yes, I realized! I didn’t think that castles aren’t meant for aerial defense. Being boxed in with the harpies could have –”

The princess interrupted, “Don’t worry, Ash. Even though I thought it was a mistake at the time… no, it doesn’t matter now. We’re still alive and healing fast, thanks to you.”

“He’s Ash? Ha, all this castle needs now is an idiot dragon not in control of his Dragonfire, raining ashes all day.”

Lingxin wanted to crawl into a hole somewhere. “It was a long time ago! And I was learning!”

Ecaeris chimed in, “I just thought of the perfect name for this castle – the Ashes Moving Castle.”

Everyone stared at her. Ecaeris reddened. The princess cleared her throat.

“Moving on.. I don’t think we’ve formally met, Ash. I talked about you with the others. I’m Ashe, fourth daughter of King Edwyrd Wyrmheart, at your service. That”, she said pointing towards the elven entourage, “is Elder Faelenya of Noe Valley and her pupils. They took a big 

hit from the harpy attack. And that”, she said shaking her head, as if still in disbelief, “is apparently the Dragon Tian. We are here to plan how we will escape.”

She had a glint of sadness in her eye, but a smile on her face.

“Welcome to my [Castle].”

In the next few moments, the [Throne Room] Council would come alive. What happened would be one for the history books. But of all the things Ash could have said, nobody could have predicted this. Well, except maybe Faelenya.

“Will you marry me, Ashe?”

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