
Chapter 1: Prologue: Reaper

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A field of snow stretched all around a large gate standing alone. Black flowers poked out above the snow in contrast. The gate was a towering obsidian structure with golden patterns threaded throughout. Most people had never made it to this gate at the fringes of the world beneath. It is the only way into the land of the gods above. A group of 50 soldiers have finally made it to the entrance to salvation. They are all exhausted from their journey and their thick plate armor sports cracks and wear from the many battles fought to get here.

The commander of these soldiers stares ahead at the gate that stands imposing before them. The commander is just as exhausted as the rest of the soldiers of Nald. Their grand journey is reaching its conclusion, and now he couldn’t be happier as he grins from ear to ear. Finally he turns around to address his soldiers.

“We have finally made it to the gate of Arkus! The gods have kept silent, and still they stay at the lands above without giving us an answer! Well today they will finally listen to our plight! The lands beneath will prosper again, and we will go down in history as the ones who made it so! I know you are all tired, but this gate is the last challenge standing before us and the gods! We will continue ahead proudly! For Nald! For the lands beneath!” 

He raised his glistening sword to the sky as his men cheered loudly in response. The door immediately started to react to the noise the men were making. The golden patterns along the door shone brightly. The world around them started to rumble as the door started to open. They expected the other side of the door to be bright, but instead a dark hue emanated outwards from the opening. It was pitch black inside of that sacred space, and out of it a figure started to emerge.

A frail looking woman emerged from the other side of the door. Her skin was entirely pale and clung to her bones. She was beyond thin and the thin black robe she was wearing was extremely tattered. She was wielding a scythe longer than she was tall. She ran her finger along the side of the scythe’s blade as she emerged from the darkness.

The large gate behind her slammed shut as soon as she was clear of it. The soldiers all stood there stunned. This was way beyond any of their expectations. They had all expected something grander to welcome them. The commander's face formed a scowl as he looked at the woman with pure hatred. “You are an Ashen aren’t you? What are you doing coming from that hallowed place?” 

The woman smiled slightly as she opened her mouth. “Isn’t it obvious? The gods chose me for this duty. Indeed, I am the guardian of this gate and the last step before anyone can enter.”

The commander scoffed at her. “You are but a mere Ashen, and yet you are claiming to be The Gate Guardian!? Don’t make me laugh! Do you have any idea of the shit me and my men faced to get here!? Don’t you make a mockery of our resolve! There is no way you could be the reaper!”

“Then how would you explain me walking out of the gate? I answered your call, but you are a blubbering fool. You can’t see the evidence when it is right in front of you.” 

The commander chuckled for a bit as his men followed suit. He raised his hand to silence their laughing. “It matters not who you are. You stand in our way of reaching the gods, so you will be cut down.”

The woman nodded her head in agreement with the commander. “You are right. I haven’t whet my scythe with bones in quite a while. More than that, I will not allow you to shatter this grand illusion.”

Purple runes started forming along the blade of her scythe. Her bare feet dragged forward in the snow as she walked towards the group of 50. Despite the commander's previous attitude he took her as a threat. Immediately, he readied his sword in front of him. The purple runes on the woman’s scythe started leaking more magical energy than the commander had ever felt in his life. The tip of the scythe was even leaking a purple liquid onto the snow. 

He gulped as he remembered the lines of the scrolls he had to read to get here. The great door will glow forever in the snow. The champions shall come and sing as the guardian answers the ring. The scythe will start to cry, and the battle will not end until one side is to die…

The rest of the excerpt remained a mystery, but it was now clear to the commander that this frail woman was the real deal. He steeled himself, but it was too late. His eyes lifted from the snow as he finished thinking. The woman who was standing right before him was gone. He hadn’t even looked away for a second. His eyes flicked towards his men. His mouth dropped and his face filled with horror as his eyes widened. Around all of their necks was a sharp purple ring that instantly shrunk, severing all of their heads at the same time. He looked around wildly trying to find the culprit that could end their lives instantly. She finally appeared in front of him as his eyes shot back towards the large door.

He panicked as he started to prepare his defensive magic. “It is already too late, dear.” The woman said softly. He followed her eyes with his own. Once he caught sight of the purple ring around his neck he knew it was over. His head was severed as the reaper retreated back to the inside of the gate. As the gate closed slowly she sighed. “You wouldn’t have liked what you found anyways, but you can rest easy now.”

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