
Chapter 11: ♡ | VIII : Indirect Kiss

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Roughly speaking, me and the ladies have been eating away and gossiping for over half an hour and the men were nowhere to be found. At this point I was assuming several things happened. Option one, some weird bromantic homoerotic ooh la la~ moment happened and then they eloped? Ehhh, probably not. Next, option two, they got lost and ended up trapped in the bathroom? I shook my head thinking probably not, Jahei is too smart for that to happen either.

Option three most likely was the case, they were having some male bonding guy talk moment and Jahei was probably spilling tea and showing Xiao Bai around his new room. Yeah~ it was totally option three otherwise I’d be very concerned by now. Nonchalantly, I nodded to myself thinking it was better to just leave them be. Sometimes men have to do manly things and me butting in would be unnecessary. Eventually the boys would show up and it was nice having ladies time too so no point in worrying about pointless things.

“Did you hear the butcher’s daughter married a merchant?” Granny Suyin was going on about the lucky girl who landed some rich stud. Apparently, even though she was from a lower social class she was a drop-dead gorgeous beauty so the whole village was trying to ask her out. “Oh, she’s just lucky because she has fair skin and lotus feet! Those wealthy creeps just love tiny dolly type girls. As if a girl of her class would ever find a man like that without her looks!” Rui was going off too, she probably wanted rich man for herself I bet.


Come to think of it, I remember how she tried to hit on Jahei when they first met but quickly realized he would cut her tongue out if she didn’t shut up. Good times, good times. I began nodding to myself just recalling those events. “Ehh, lotus feet? Is that still a thing? They should stop binding feet it’s such an outdated practice and it ruins the girl’s health! Honestly, I hope that poor girl lives a nice life and gets treated well,” I went on, chiming in with my own two cents. The ladies agreed with me and we all sipped tea while waiting on the guest of honor to show up.

Speak of the devil, I heard the door creak and we all turned to see who was walking in first. “Oh, would you look at that,” Rui exclaimed, pointing at Jahei and Xiao Bai who just waltzed into the room simultaneously. Jahei was as dashing as ever, standing in his neatly groom outfit with his hair tie back. Then our young gentleman Xiao Bai came in standing beside my son, it was like watching two swans basking in the morning dew. They were both tall, good looking and had perfectly defined facial features.


Undeniably, they were so annoyingly flawless I was starting to feel like the black duckling in the room. “If you put them in dresses and lay on a bit of makeup, they would be the most beautiful women in the country!” I said in a teasing manner to myself while chewing on a rice cracker. No wonder Rui was fawning, Xiao Bai was wearing the clothes I bought for him.


Of course, a pretty boy plus a pretty outfit equals instant attention for nosy old ladies, I thought to myself while sipping some tea. It didn’t help that Xiao Bai looked nice in the black and red embroidery suit. Without a doubt, it complimented his long hair and slender figure very well. To an extent, his clothes were stylish and exotic like mine plus he had the perfect face to boot so of course he would catch eyes. Not to mention with his pretty face accompanied by my handsome son and his pretty face, yup these two were natural born lady killers! I was beginning to worry about these two and their future wives. Oh boy~

Hopefully they can be humble men, I mused while rummaging for the teapot. Ah~ I could see it now! Imagine if I put them on a busy street, I could have daughter in laws by the dozen at this rate! Oho! A full harem set of cute daughters-in-law to make me food, wouldn’t that be great? If only, IF ONLY! If only Jahei kept his mouth shut he’d be the hot stud in the room no matter where we went.


Knowing his true nature however, I sipped my tea in remorse as I watched my dreams of daughter in laws fade away. For now, I could only settle for watching Rui and Granny Suyin fawn over how cute Xiao Bai was and how charming Jahei looked. Bye bye dreams of motherhood~ I will never have a harem of free house keepers- I MEAN LOVELY DAUGHTER IN LAWS! Ehem! I almost choked on my tea while envisioning forsaken dreams that would never come to be.


Rather than joining in, I just sat there snacking away like a proud mother who raised two well behaved sons. That’s a high-ranking courtesan for you, even out of makeup he looks stunning. Just wait til Xiao Bai is in his twenties he’ll be as handsome has my Jahei at this rate. Maybe then, we can have a harem of daughter in laws? I amused myself with such wishful thinking. Hell, he may give my boy a run for his money too!


Just then, I started to recall how mesmerizingly gorgeous Kiran was and how angelic and lovely Kana was, talk about genetics at its best! Pridefully, I couldn’t help but nod as if I somehow was responsible for this masterpiece. Nostalgically, I couldn’t help but think Xiao Bai really does take after his father and mother in looks, my goodness. Engrossed in my thoughts, I didn’t even notice the boys already sat down, with Jahei to my right and Xiao Bai to my left. “Huh?” I gasped, a little flustered by them just popping outta nowhere beside me.

Like a fish out of water, I turned my head from left to right in a delirious manner while Granny Suyin heaped on mountains of food on Xiao Bai’s plate and Jahei sipped some green tea quietly beside me. “Mother, stop spacing out. I told the child everything just like you asked me to. I gave him the necklace with his grandmother’s hair too. He was crying a bit so we took a while but I showed him his room and explained the back story like we rehearsed. Now go play with the kid so I can get to work soon.” My cold as ever son beamed another mental message at me and I started to scowl at him like a moody cat.

RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY MOTHER-IN-LAW FANTASTIES YOU MEAN SON WHO WILL NEVER BRING HOME A WIFE FOR ME TO DOTE ON! “Jahei! Stop ranting in my head all day before I mute you! I was in the middle of my mother-in-law fantasy! Ehem! I mean, anyways, I’ll do my best so stop acting annoyed it’s going to make you constipated!” I growled in my own telepathic response.

“Ughh, give it up mother, I don’t plan on marrying a mortal,” he said in an aloof lazy tone as if he didn’t care one way or the other. Kids these days, I shook my head and decided to focus on Xiao Bai for now. If the big one is gonna give me nothing but heartache I might as well focus on the little one, he’s far more reasonable, I consoled myself in a dramatic fashion.


“How’s the food Xiao Bai- Eh?!” I turned my head to talk to the boy but one look was enough to get an idea of his answer. Poor kid was being fed everything on the menu by Granny Suyin! “Oi Granny! He’s gonna explode if you keep piling on so much food! Control yourself please!” I scolded her. “Heh, Xiao Bai it’s okay to tell her no, you don’t need to let the old lady push you around so much, your plate looks like its eating for two!” I said with concern as I stared at the mountain of food in front of him. How did it not spill over was the greatest gravitational discovery of the century!

To my displeasure, granny Suyin gave me a scowling face as if I just ruined all her fun. Meanwhile, Rui was in the kitchen washing dishes and Jahei just sat there blankly sipping tea as if he was some bottomless well for green tea! “Oh, it’s’ fine my lady. The food is really delicious so I am happy to eat everything,” Xiao Bai humbly responded, with a timid burp following his reply. “I’m sure it is, granny makes really tasty food. Just don’t force yourself, okay? I wouldn’t want you to explode haha~ We always have extra food laying around so there’s no need to rush,” I clarified in an effort to not disturb him. Politely, I poured a cup of water for Xiao Bai and he took it gratefully.

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“When you’re full, we should go to father’s office so he can examine you. What do you think father?” I asked both men who looked at me nervously. “Today?” They both said in union. “Yes, it is better if we get it over with sooner than later. Besides it’s not like you have any patients this early in the morning father. And Xiao Bai, you have a lot of injuries, the longer we wait the worst they might get,” I said firmly.


Evidently, I could hear Xiao Bai gulping his water and seeming uneasy while Jahei just got up randomly, saying he would prepare things for the examination before leaving the room. With that, Xiao Bai turned to me and confessed his concerns. “So, you really did see my wounds, didn’t you?” He seemed to regret how he acted earlier and was more docile now. Knowing if I left him alone it would cause him to brood, I looked at him with a comforting smile and began to speak.

“Yes, I saw it. I know it’s probably not something you want to talk about but it has me worried. You said you never saw a doctor before so it would be safer for father to examine you as soon as possible. I’m worried about your health. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you so please allow father to help you. I promise to stay by your side throughout the entire process if that will put your mind at ease.” I spoke to him sweetly and softly, hoping he wouldn’t try to avoid the checkup.


Earnestly, I was trying not to upset Xiao Bai and I only wanted help him recover. Without a doubt, I had a lot of concerns about his health especially because he was hiding his injuries, which meant something wasn’t right. Given his circumstances, it was not wise to pry and bombard him with questions either. Nonetheless, I could not ignore his medical state and I wanted Jahei to help him recover as soon as possible. “Mmmm, I understand miss. I’ll cooperate, so please don’t worry,” he replied submissively but I could tell he was tense.

From what I could tell, Xiao Bai was probably afraid to talk about how he got his injuries. I’m sure that recalling certain situations might bring up bad memories that would hurt him. In an attempt to put his mind at ease, I tenderly held his hand to draw his attention towards me and then I tried to feed Xiao Bai a rice cracker. “Ahh,” I insisted, hinting for him to take a bite. He grinned like a little puppy and bit off half of the cracker. My heart felt better when he took my peace offering and responded by holding my hand firmly too. “Thank you for the food,” he said genuinely, smiling at me with his dimples on full display. “You’re welcome,” I responded joyfully and then I stuffed the uneaten rice cracker half in my mouth.


As if his heart just sunk, Xiao Bai blurted out, “ ate the other half?” He then stared at me queerly. “Huh?” I mumbled, unsure what happened. I was puzzled by his reaction. “I’m sorry, did you want the other half? There’s more on the table?” I said politely, tilting my head in uncertainty and pushing the plate of rice crackers towards him. Maybe he really liked it? I thought with an ah ha face as if I solved the mystery but clearly, I did not. “Weren’t we sharing that one? Did you want more? Here you go,” I said while offering him another cracker.


Oddly, he kept staring at my face and his face got really flushed. Was it too spicy for him? Unsure, I licked one of the crackers to check but it was only lightly seasoned. That’s probably not it? Back and forth, I looked at him unsure why he was reacting this way. “Did I do something wrong?” I asked, still nibbling on the cracker I just licked. Xiao Bai covered his face with his hand and mumbled something silly. “ lady. Isn’t that like an indirect kiss?”


With a deadpan expression I sat there in awe. Huh? What’s that? Indirect... kiss? We didn’t kiss? I shook my head wondering what type of new slang he was referring to. Pondering as I was, I sat there confused and nibbling on crackers in deep thought. Things were pretty silent at this point until Rui, who was spying on us decided to interject with her own opinion. “Miss! You can’t just share food with boys like that! Kids these days consider it that sort of thing to be intimate. It’s like sharing a kiss but with food.” Rui was clearly trying her best to explain this term to me but I shrugged it off.

“Eh? That’s so lame. What’s that about? Me and father share food all the time, it’s no big deal. Xiao Bai don’t read too much into these things. People like to make every little thing dirty. I’m not interested in those type of stuff,” I stated nonchalantly, which made Rui and Xiao Bai even more concerned. “I see, I guess this type of thing is normal for you?” Xiao Bai said trying to make sense of my behavior.


“I guess? It’s just food. It’s not like I would go around kissing random people. I’m not familiar with social norms since I mostly lived with nuns all my life so, please don’t overthink my actions if they seem weird Xiao Bai,” I explained myself in the best way I could. He seemed like the type to know a lot about the world but still have a childish side. Although, I wasn’t going to poke at him too much lest he end up crying.


“Rui you can clean this up, I’ll go take Xiao Bai to the clinic now,” I ordered before redirecting my attention to Xiao Bai. I looked at him and we mutually decided to get going. “I kind of feel silly now. I was overthinking things my lady, please forgive me,” Xiao Bai plead, bowing his head to apologize to me. “Eh~ It’s okay. There’s nothing to apologize for, raise your head silly.” I gave him a friendly response and took his hand to lead him out the door. “Let’s go for your medical exam, father should be in his office by now.”


With that, we took a small tour around the house first and I showed Xiao Bai all my favorite spots on the property. Afterwards, we passed by the koi pond before we walked across the garden and down the courtyard to Jahei’s medical office. It was a small building about half the size of the main house with a sign that said traditional medicine and acupuncture on the entrance. Diligently, I led Xiao Bai into the building and told him to have a seat while I went to fetch my father.

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