
Chapter 16: ☾ | XIII : Gaharan Disciples

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In the midst of my subconscious, I could see a red dragon. Majestically, it was burning with intensity, like a fire storm in the desert. The dragon was killing the disgusting slave trader Rahu and his gang of buffoons. The dream was violent and vivid. I couldn’t tell who was pulling the strings behind this murder scene. All I knew was it reminded me of the Fire Goddess Raiszadah.

As if she was punishing the men who hurt me, as if she heard my prayers this dream felt like a premonition that justice was served on my behalf. Yet, in reality, I couldn’t help but deny this possibility. Doubting the dream, I could not believe the Goddess would truly do such a kind thing for a lowly human like me. While thinking of my dream, I kept saying to myself there’s no way a Goddess would burn those vulgar men to ashes for my sake. However, if that dream was true then perhaps something ominous would happen to them soon. Tauntingly, I could only smile hoping that this was the case.

“Bless the Fire Goddess Raiszadah,” I prayed with my hands cupped as I looked up at the ceiling. As I awoke from my slumber, I could see the bunny Jahei gave me slip out of my hand and roll next to my side. “May this dream manifest to reality, may those evil people die brutally,” I chanted while hugging the little bunny toy. Curiously, I wondered where the young lady went off to while turning my head to see that she wasn’t there anymore. Admittedly, I felt sad by her lack of presence but perhaps she was in her room or busy doing other things so I tried not to dwell on it.


While lost in my own world, my stomach started to grumble and I felt confused because I just ate breakfast. Thinking this was odd, I looked out the window and noticed it was quite already dark outside. How long was I asleep for? I pondered while trying to get up. “Ughh, I feel so hungry and weak,” I mumbled trying to sit up but my movements were hazy. Shifu did say the medicine could make me weak and dizzy for the first week so this was a normal reaction but still, it was uncomfortable.

As I swayed aimlessly, I could hear a pitter patter from the hallway. Suddenly, as if to read my mind the young lady knocked on my door with a soft tap. Eagerly, I allowed her in and she asked me several questions about dinner. “Ah, so it’s already dinner time?” I replied, trying to sit up and fix my bed hair. “Mhm! You slept right through lunchtime! I was feeling a little off too because it’s my moon cycle so I went to get some medicine from papa,” she replied with an awkward laugh.


Ahh, she’s really a young lady, no wonder she wasn’t here earlier. I couldn’t help but smile at her honest reply, her innocence was charming. To me, the young lady was so cute and lively I couldn’t believe she was already so mature. “Then, please sit my lady, don’t strain yourself during this time.” I offered her to sit beside me and she happily obliged. Her little frame was so delicate next to mine. I was already a slender male so, noticing how small she was took me by surprise.

“Xiao Bai~ how do you feel? Papa said it might be hard to move around right now. You’re still recovering, should I tell Granny and Rui to bring us dinner? Wanna eat with me? Or should I give you some privacy?” The little princess asked with her typical fairylike tone. Obviously, I couldn’t help but look at her with adoration, she really was precious. Every moment I spent with her made me feel more alive and content with life. It was as if all the pain and cruelty of the world faded away when I saw her bright face. She radiated like the full moon in a sea of stars.

“You’re so cute my lady,” I couldn’t help but blurt out this statement. “Oh?” She squeaked in response like a little chipmunk. “Mhm~ let’s eat together. Should I help you bring the food or-” I asked while pulling off the blanket in an effort to get up. To my surprise she told me to stay put and insisted I don’t get out of bed. Not wanting to trouble her, I did as she said. Then, with a loud exhale she began to raise her voice calling out to the maids with her shrill voice. Ah, she is truly not a sophisticated lady rather she was like an unruly kitten.

“RUI~!! Xiao Bai said it’s okay for us to eat in his room! Bring the food to Xiao Bai’s room, and mine too, we’re gonna eat together in here,” she spoke aloud. Despite her mannerisms, it was amusing to hear her high pitch voice grow ever higher. I felt like I was listening to a bird chirping. “I’ll be right there missy!” Rui called out in a similar fashion and then I could hear lots of clanking noises from the dining room.

“Are you ladies usually like this?” I asked a little taken back. “Hmm? What do you mean?” The lady questioned while looking at me like a curious little animal unsure of what she was doing. “Normally girls are soft spoken and don’t raise their voices so it’s a little surprising to see you behave like this.” I tried to explain hoping I wasn’t coming off as offensive.

Naturally, I just never saw such a wildly mannered family before. “Oh, well we’re a little rowdy I guess especially if you compare of to the women of this country. In this family we follow the Gaharan beliefs so women are more liberal. Many people in this country believe in Anunah or Milahi religions, right? Rui and granny are some of the few who also worship the Fire Goddess and practice Gaharan beliefs. But the Wind Goddess and God of Light typically teach girls to be meek and poise, right? Society scorns the Gaharan people for how controversial it is, but some people still practice it in this area,” the young lady explained.


Unfortunately, her response confused me because I was unaware of the terms she was using. Instead, I replied awkwardly to her explanation. “Milahi? What type of religion is that? I’ve only heard of Anunah and Gaharan followers in this region. But it does make sense I suppose. The Fire Goddess Raiszadah is a noble female goddess of war, she is very popular amongst women. Although in this area most of her followers practice sorcery,” I stated realizing I slipped up and mentioned a taboo topic. Before I could correct myself, the lady perked up and her eyes were glowing with enthusiasm.

“W-what is it my lady?” I fumbled on my words worrying if she heard the last part of my sentence. “You’re right! Gaharan people are amongst the three main religions that support shamans, sorcerers, and occultists! Normally people who worship the Fire Goddess are diviners and sorcerers. Are you a sorcerer Xiao Bai? Or a diviner? Or both? Do you practice occultism?” She asked me so intriguingly I was honestly stunned.

“Wait! My lady this topic is taboo! It’s against the law to practice those things, you’ll be killed if people find out!” I exclaimed trying to shush her. She smiled with glee and giggled playfully. “Xiao Bai, my entire family is full of taboo people. You don’t have to be shy, we know how to keep secrets,” she admitted while petting my head gently. “Huh? Really?” I mumbled feeling like this was a trap.

“Really, we have a huge shrine in the garden of the Fire Goddess! I’ll take you to see it once you’re better,” she stated proudly. I guess she wasn’t lying, but to think I was adopted into a family of occultists who worship the same deity as I do, it was an odd twist of fate. Up until now, all the people I’ve met were followers of Anuah and scorned other believers even though they were hypocrites who didn’t follower their own religion’s pacifistic teachings!

As my mind wandered, the young lady called out to me and I snapped back to reality. “Yes miss?” I shrieked, not realizing how easily I was spacing out. “Listen Xiao Bai~ let me give you a class on religions. There are six major religions in this world and various subcategories depending on the regions. Milahai is the most practiced religion in the world, afterwards is Ashanti. They are most popular in the Western continents. Then we have Anuah, which is the most popular religion in Asia. Gahar is more commonly found in the Middle East, South Asia, and several regions in Africa.


Lastly, there is Euria and Laila, these religions are forbidden by many societies because of their association with black magic and heretical ideas that opposed the Milahai teachings. Amongst these six religions Milahai, Ashanti and Anuah are considered socially acceptable around the world and promote balance and harmony. But political nonsense often twists these religions and mess it up so it’s hard to find true devotees these days.

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Especially with Milahai! The words of this religion were messed up for thousands of years because of politics and wars. So only the orthodox teachings are the truth, new revisions are nonsense! On the other hand, the most scandalous beliefs are Gahar, Euria and Laila because they are associated with occultism, controversial topics, and human rights. Typically, the people of Gahar don’t practice magic in most countries due to political laws but they still follow the teachings.

Many Gaharans are gifted with the sixth sense too so they should practice spiritual techniques but the governments discourage it. People who believe in Euria or Laila are by default killed and hunted since those teachings are heavily intertwined with occultism unlike Gahar which is more like a neutral religion. Are you following me so far? These are the basics of world religions and how they intertwine with human cultures and social behaviors.

That’s why many women of Gahar are outspoken and proud, we are taught that we are equal to men unlike the Anuah women who are often meek and never talk because they think being silent is correct. But really the political leaders use this peaceful religion to bully others. All people of Anuah should be peaceful but society just tells women to be quiet, it’s pure patriarchy nonsense!” The lady was teaching me so many things while going off on a rant.


Honestly, I was interested in her speech but she said so many things at once that I was overwhelmed too. “I umm, sort of get it but I might forget somethings since I’m heavily medicated at the moment,” I responded meekly. “Oh! Don’t worry I’ll teach you more later but I’m glad you are a Gaharan like me! I used to practice Ashanti when my mama was alive but after she died and I lived with Papa I changed to this religion. But both are special to me,” the lady explained with a sorrowful smile as if she was in a daze, reminiscing on things I knew nothing about.

“It must have been hard to lose your mother,” I said trying to comfort her. “Yes, it was very hard. Mama was my world,” the lady confessed, looking pitifully at her feet while she said this. My heart was pained upon seeing her make such an expression so I reached out to her and held her hand. She looked at me in awe and continued to speak. “Technically, me and you are quite similar Xiao Bai,” she began to say. I was perplexed as to why she would utter such words so I gave her a questionable look in response.

“You see, we both lost our mamas at a young age. And I also have no family except for Jahei but he isn’t my real papa either. He is my uncle who adopted me when I was a child after my parents and other relatives died,” Risa said with a sad face. As I listened to her story, I could see her quivering as if she was about to cry. We really are quite similar... I admitted to myself with regret.


Upon observing her, the young lady clutched my hand in hers and I pulled her into my arms for a hug. “I’m sorry my lady,” I whispered gently. As I spoke these words, I felt unable to think of anything else. With my arms wrapped around her tiny frame I urged her to continue her story and she complied.

“Mama died when I was a little girl. Baba was sad and killed himself because he couldn’t live without her. Then my older sister also committed suicide after murdering her husband. Sis had mental problems and accidentally hurt the man she loved. It really hurt her and caused her to go insane once he died.

In the end, I was left with my gramps who died shortly after I went to stay with him because he was old. After all that happened, I was the only one left and Jahei came for me. Sadly, I was a pitiful and weak as a child and gravely ill so he took care of me. Jahei became a doctor to help me too. He treated me all my life but he often travelled to study.
During this period, I would spend a lot of time in Gaharan temples near Nepal before moving to China with him. Recently, while he was traveling, I stayed at a temple near here before we reunited and he bought this home. It wasn’t a fun situation but I’m glad, I’m not alone anymore.” Risa confessed her grievances and stared directly at me with her tear-stricken eyes.


Remorsefully, I looked at her and softly I began to pat her head. She closed her eyes as droplets rippled down her cheeks and she nestled up close to me while I stroked her hair. “Thank you, Xiao Bai. I like head pats. When I was little mama would pat my head whenever I was a good girl or if I was sad. It makes me happy when I get head pats,” she said while looking at me with a tender grin.

In that moment, while we sat on the bed staring off into each other’s eyes and talking about religion and family, Rui came in the room with a small bed table to ruin the moment. We awkwardly released our embrace and sat up straight to prepare for dinner. “Sorry for the wait, the food is ready,” Rui called out while setting up everything. “I made rice porridge, bone broth soup, stewed chicken and some steamed vegetables,” Granny Suyin announced while serving us the food.

“Thank you, granny! Thank you, Rui~ I’ll help Xiao Bai eat so you gals can go back and eat with Papa,” the young miss instructed the two women and beckoned for them to leave. “Jahei? He’s already gone back to his room to work,” Rui complained while shaking her head in disgust. “Ah, he will probably eat later,” the miss replied paying no attention to her step-father nor the other ladies. Soon, everyone left the room and it was just me and the young miss again. She kindly offered to feed me but I was embarrassed so I declined politely.

After all the commotion, we ended up eating together and talking more about our pasts. It was a somber night and I learned a lot about the miss of this household. She wasn’t just some spoiled timid young lady; no, she was much more than that. Like me, she had her own story and her own scars from life. Yet, she continued to smile and live even after losing so much and hurting so much. More than anything, I couldn’t help but feel inspired by her. With the way she was, I couldn’t help but yearn to smile as brightly as she did someday.


After our meal, Rui came to clean up and the young miss helped her. They both scolded me and insisted I rest so I was forced to stay in bed with my rabbit. “I think they are being a little too overprotective don’t you agree bunny?” I asked the toy rabbit who was my only companion at the moment. Playful, I moved its head like a puppet so the rabbit could nod in agreement and I smiled to myself.

Living here was certainly an adjustment but it was peaceful and nice. I could only hope my life from now on would continue to be this way. From my perspective, I knew staying here with my lady and living by her side would be the best thing that could ever happened to me. My heart was elated and I felt grateful to the Holy Goddess for blessing me so much in the past few days. “Who would have thought something like this could happen to me?” I mumbled to myself in awe at my new life.

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