Ashita, Hadashi de Koi.

Chapter 7: 2.2

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“…Hey, aren’t you pretty bad at it?”

And now we’re in the Astronomy Club room.

Makoto took a deep breath as I struggled in front of the piano for nearly twenty minutes.

“Why can’t you play it correctly even once?” What was the deal with yesterday?”

“C-chill out!”

I wiped the sweat from my palms on my pants as I listened to Nito’s song on my phone once more.

“I was able to get by on the spur of the moment yesterday, you see… But right now, I’m having a difficult time relaxing, ha-ha…”

I can’t play it.

Nito’s song has a difficult melody that I can’t get right.

I wasn’t musically gifted, and the music she composed was complicated. I have to use both the white and black keys, which is difficult for an amateur.

But wasn’t it a miracle I could play so well yesterday?

“Oh man, what should I do? Should I prepare some kind of sheet music or something?”

“You don’t need to do anything like that. Anyway, a few more tries. Come on. Play, play.”

“Hmm, okay, fine.”

I played again.

Still, my fingers didn’t move the way I wanted, and I had to start all over again.

“It would be easier to play if there was some kind of prompt, like in a rhythm game.”

I muttered to myself as my fingers pressed against the keys.

“If the notes fall from the top, I’m confident I can do it without making any mistakes…”

“I’m sorry to break it to you, but that only exists in video games.”

Makoto folded her arms as she dismissed me coldly.

“I don’t have much free time either. If it takes too long, I’ll go home.”

“Come on, aren’t you free? You don’t have a part-time job, and you don’t have plans to hang out with friends, do you?”

“I still have plenty to do. I want to play Apex[1] and watch the archived livestream of my favorite Vtuber[2].”

Makoto’s expression changed abruptly after I said all that as if she realized something.

She then looked over at the keyboard and my hand.

“Didn’t something just… click?”


I took my fingers off the keyboard and focused my attention on the piano.

Makoto may be right. I may have just played making no mistakes.

“Yeah, something clicked—”

A flash of light blinded me.

Several wisps of light encircled me in the darkness.

It’s the same thing.

The same phenomenon as yesterday—it’s happening again.

Then the speed of the lights gradually increased, blurring my vision, and…


Nito was in front of me before I knew it.

“What’s the matter? What are you doing?”

Gleaming black hair and curious eyes.

A uniform that fits well with a straight back and a supple body.

“…O-oh, no, um.”

I looked around, stunned.

Sun-faded curtains and the smell of dust.

An upright piano, an old boombox, and a world map with Germany still divided into East and West.

Without a doubt, it’s the clubroom. It’s the clubroom of the Astronomy Club.

I returned on the day of the entrance ceremony, as expected.

“I’m just, well, thinking about stuff…”

I looked at Nito again.

“Sorry, I spaced out…”

This is the second time we’ve met. I saw this scenery the day before.

When I’m near her, my heart is unquestioningly full. Just knowing she’s present makes me helplessly happy because I’ve lost her before.

I’m not even sure why I’m feeling this way.

“Hmm? Hey, hey, hey, something’s fishy.”

Nito got closer.

The faint smell of shampoo and the warmth of her body…

“Did you space out because you were allured by me? The charge is 600 yen per second by the way.”

“No, that’s too expensive! One minute and it’s almost 40, 000 yen!”

“It’s a given. I’m not cheap.”

“Girls who aren’t cheap don’t put a price tag on themselves…”

We burst out laughing.

Yeah, Nito and I were always joking around and laughing like this…

“…Right. Um, I just wanted to ask.”

I stepped back and cleared my throat.

“What month and year are we currently in?”

“…It’s April 5th, 20xx.”

I expected her to be suspicious, but Nito responded more easily than I expected.

“I mean, you can see it on your phone’s screen.”

“Oh, I see! Of course. Ha-ha… Indeed, April 5th.”

I pulled my phone from my pocket. It was the latest model at the time.

The date that Nito had mentioned was displayed on the screen.

“I see. I knew it…”

I’m convinced of a lot of things as I put my phone away. This has answered some of my questions.

First, I know for certain that the trigger is the piano.

Then, to return to the present, I must play Nito’s song on the piano again.

I know it’s tough to travel back and forth, but it’s still reassuring to know that I won’t be in a situation where I can’t return home.

Next, about the rules of time travel and stuff.

Looking at the situation, I picked up where I left off the last time. Every time I play the piano, I alternate between the past and the present.

Also, time doesn’t appear to move forward in the other period while I’m in the other.

If that’s the case…

“Hmm, sounds easy enough…”

Then the past can be rewritten conveniently.


Nito voiced her discontent.

“What’s wrong with you? You’ve been acting weird, Meguri-kun.”

“O-oh! I’m so sorry!”

Oh crap! I was too preoccupied with my thoughts!

I cleared my throat and gathered myself.

“Um… I was just thinking about the future.”

“About the future?”

“Yes. I’d like to continue using this club room if possible.”

I nodded slowly to Nito, who was tilting her head.

“That’s why I was wondering if we could reorganize the Astronomy Club.”

If I’ll make a move, the sooner the better. I need to get right to the point with Nito.

I’ve done my research beforehand. I’ll tell Nito about the plan I’ve been considering in the “present.”

“As I recall, the minimum number of students allowed to form a club at this school and receive a clubroom is four. If you join, Nito-san, we can gather the remaining two members and use this room from the second year onward.”

We learned this when the Astronomy Club was disbanded.

The club was disbanded because the number of members fell below the required four.

That means I only need to overwrite that development this time.

“So I thought I’d do some recruiting. I know it’s still early in the school year, but I believe I can handle a couple of students.”

Actually, I’m under a lot of pressure to get those two students… It’s terrifying to approach people you don’t know…

But… Nito’s future is at stake. This girl’s life is at stake. In that case, I can’t just cower here. I’ve returned from the future, so I should be able to easily gather a couple of people.


Nito’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Sure thing, I’m in. No problem.”

“You’re truly a lifesaver.”

“But why did you have that sudden thought?”

I had anticipated being asked that question.

This question’s answer is also planned ahead of time.

“…Well, as you said before, Nito-san, it’s a very cozy place in here.”

I approached the clubroom window.

“High school can be stressful at times. I thought it would make me feel better if I had a place where I belonged. If that’s the case, this appears to be the best option for me right now.”


Nito then giggled softly.

“Given my behavior, I assumed you wouldn’t want to stay here. But if you feel that way, Meguri-kun, this could be a good place for you.”

“Right? And, uh…”

I stammered.

You are reading story Ashita, Hadashi de Koi. at

Actually, there’s another reason I’d like to reestablish the Astronomy Club.

My true feelings, which I couldn’t even share with Makoto. I want Nito to know.

“I… want to be an astronomer.”

I stated it clearly. Nito fixed her gaze on me.

“It’s been a childhood dream of mine. I’m curious about what’s out there in the distant universe. I want to discover and name my own new planet.”

A dream I had given up in high school.

It was a dream I had forgotten about as I spent my days with Nito. Looking back, I visited this clubroom for the first time hoping it would one day lead to my dream.

“So I’m hoping to get ready for it. It doesn’t have to be serious, but I hope that by reading literature and conducting astronomical observations, I can lay the groundwork for more serious study…”

Being by her side isn’t enough. I want to be someone worthy of being with her.

That’s why I have to rewrite myself.

I need to turn the three years I’ve squandered into something worthy of Nito.


Nito smiled happily.

“That’s a good thing.”

She intoned as she looked into my eyes.

Her moist, glassy eyes met mine.

And then…

“I like people who work hard.”

When she said, “I like”, my heart nearly exploded.

My body felt hot, and my mind numb.

“I see, yeah. Got it. We’ll work together to recruit members for the Astronomy Club.”

“Oh, thanks. It was going to be difficult for me to handle it on my own, so I really appreciate it.”

“I figured as much, ha-ha. Oh, but I have a request.”

Nito then took a seat in front of the upright piano.

She placed her right hand on the keyboard and played a melody in an unusual cadence.

“Let me play the piano after club activities. I actually do some music, you know. And I was thinking of making an original song video or something.”


“So, after club activities, I’d like to be able to play it.”

“I see…”

I might have given a dull reaction. It was probably because I already knew Nito does music. When I was told again, I almost inadvertently reacted with an “I know” type of response.

But, yeah, it was supposed to be the first time I’d heard of it. So perhaps I should try to be more surprised.

“…Seriously, that’s awesome! I admire people who can play the piano. It must be pretty hard to move ten fingers like that, right?”

I was having trouble just playing the melody a few moments earlier!

“Ha-ha, not really. Anyone can do it with enough practice.”

“No, no, that’s not true… In any case, I don’t own this clubroom, so you’re free to use it however you see fit.”

“Seriously? Nice.”

Nito sprang from her seat.

Then she came up beside me as I stood near the window and pressed her shoulder against mine.

“Well then… let’s do our best to gather members.”

She said while looking me in the eyes.

Then she drew her body closer to mine and…

“Looking forward to working with you, Meguri-kun.”

That was the first time in this timeline she addressed me in that manner.

My chest swelled with emotions.

I could feel Nito’s warmth through her uniform.

Nearby echoes filled my ears. A sweet scent tickled my nose.

Nito was well-liked by many people. Strangely enough, she didn’t seem to do this with anyone other than me—engaging in skinship.

I lost count of the number of times this girl’s behavior embarrassed me in high school. And now… I’m overcome with nostalgia.

So much so that it’s painful.

I’m reminded of how much I still love Nito.

My determination to save her and stand by her side was reaffirmed.

“Yeah. Me too, Nito.”

I nodded at her, putting all my feelings into those words.

“Let’s start tomorrow.”

And so, Nito and I recruited members for the club.

This time, I have a solid plan.

And it’s my second time through high school, so I’m confident we’ll be able to find enough members in a flash!


The next day.

“Sorry, no can do.”

“Me neither.” “Likewise.”

“Why not?!”


I approached Nishigami, Takashima, and Okita, members of the Nishigami clique, about the club during lunch break, but they turned me down within seconds.

I couldn’t help but get riled up and get up from my chair.

“It’s not like you’ll be working hard during activities! Come on!”

“Oh, no, that’s not it…”

Nishigami grumbled as he ate his mom’s homemade bento.

“You see, we’re about to start our high school life, right?”

“We’ll be very busy having fun and pursuing romances.”

“I’d like to draw a comic book or something.”

“So, you know.”

Nishigami then summed up their decision.

“We’ll pass. Sorry…”

“…For real?”

Pass, huh?

I didn’t expect them to refuse so easily.

I was hoping they’d at least consider it…

Hey, Nishigami, Takashima, and Okita! All that talk, only to do nothing for three years!

You’ll spend your high school years as slackers and members of the Go-Home Club[3]! I can’t say them out loud though!

“But it’s pretty fun to stargaze!”

Desperate, I refused to back down.

“It’s beautiful and romantic! Perfect for reminiscing about high school!”

“Hmm, stargazing with you guys, huh…”

“You gather at the railway crossing at 2 a.m. or so, right?”

“I’m not fond of going out late at night…”

You guys really lack imagination.

Also, the club’s members aren’t all men! But I don’t want the situation to get weird, so I’ll just keep that to myself!

“So, how about simply lending me your names? You don’t need to come to the clubroom. Add your names to the list to become ghost members…”

“Hmm? What do you think of that?”

“Doesn’t that sound fraudulent?”

“I think it’s better to follow the rules.”

You’re totally right! I’ve no excuses!

So you’re the type with a strong sense of ethics, huh? That wasn’t something I expected.

“…I see. All right.”

I’m really out of luck.

I gave up and sat back in my chair.

Then I sighed deeply.

“What do I do…?”

I’ve only been turned down once, but I already feel like I’m at my limit.

I guess I’m still the same old me…

I was ready to start the three years of high school all over again, and I was confident that I would succeed. I was all, “It’s New Game Plus!” Right.

“Well, that’s that. Hang in there.”

Nishigami chuckled as if to console me.

“You still have about a month to find new members, don’t you?”

“Ha-ha, well, yeah.”

This school’s clubs are currently recruiting new members.

Recruitment events occur throughout April, with club activities for the upcoming school year beginning in earnest in May.

The number of existing club members will be counted at that point, so if we can get two new members by then, everything will be fine.

“The other clubs are also scrambling to find new members. You should try to be as persistent as possible, Sakamoto.”

“…Oh, yeah.”

Well, Nishigami’s right.

This is not the time to be down in the dumps.

There’s still time, so I should put in a little more effort.

And… How should I put this?

While I couldn’t persuade Nishigami and the others to join the club, I’m somewhat relieved that I discussed it with them. I’m honestly grateful for their encouragement. No one in my previous high school life would ever say such a thing.

After that, I continued to eat my bento. Lunch alone isn’t bad, but lunch with friends is better.

[1] Apex Legends, often shortened to just Apex, a free-to-play battle royale-hero shooter game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. The game is highly popular in Japan.

[2] A Vtuber, or virtual YouTuber, is an online entertainer who uses a virtual avatar generated using computer graphics.

[3] Go-Home Club or kitaku-bu is a well-known Japanese slang and mildly derogatory term for students who aren’t actually part of a club or active in club activities, and simply go straight home once school is over.

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