Ashwood’s Journey of Surviving Two Dimensional Women’s Anger

Chapter 12: Ashwood Chapter 11 – Tsunade and the Pit

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"Mm~!! Mmn~!! Hmn~! Mnm~!"

"Mm~! Mmm~! Mmmm~! Mmm~! Mm~!?"

"Mm?" Ashwood looked at the guitar in his hand, tuning it, "maybe the problem is with the acoustics?"

He sat on a stone at the bottom of the pit. Since the others were slow and it wasn't their lives at risk, he decided to hurry ahead of them. He made a bee-line for the tenth floor, and even there he searched around for the Pit. On Tenth Floor, most enemies had reached 120 and higher. The bigger surprise was the Pit.

It had snakes, scorpions, most dangerous, poisonous of ants and frogs, among a few other creatures. According to the history, the pit was made by Pirate King, to create the strongest poison there was.


"Hm," Ashwood played a note, and a purple light flashed, making him look in that direction, seeing the snake cut into two. The snake's head fell in front of him, causing the mud and water above his head. He looked at the snake, the eye of the creature bigger than him. He watched his reflection in the green eye, "I better not let Irene seeee thisss~!"

"I better not~! I better not let Irene see thisss~~!!"

"I better not let Irene copy this~!"

"If she does she will be a beast~~!!"

"She will become something I can't beat~!"

"Before her I have two more problems~~!!"

"Tifa and Tsunade will soon come~!"


He watched the several purple lines through the air, and the monster heads dropped one after the other in the row. He opened his status screen, 'Yay! Finally, I finally have enough experience to reach Three Star!! That should help me a little.'

"Level up!"

[Level Limit Reached. Host is suggested to Level Up on his own.]

"What the fuc—" He looked up, gazing outside the pit, "Mmmmmm…I am so dead."

Ashwood got on his feet, dragging the coffin by the strap. He kept the guitar in his inventory before he jumped high, from one side of the pit to the other, zig-zagging until he was finally out of the hole. He took a deep breath, "uhhhh…feels so much better now that I am out of that shit hole."

He stepped on the edge, looking over to the massive hole hundreds of meters wide. He peeked in at the massive monsters, and as soon as he stepped back, tree roots appeared from all directions, covering the hole as if it wasn't there. He looked around a little before he turned to leave this deadly forest. Most of the Tenth Floor was forest, and a mountain. He jumped up the tree, finding the mountain in the distance. He kept the coffin on his back, jumping down the branch when a purple tail appeared from his bag, wrapping around the branch, and he swung from one branch to other.

He abruptly stopped, hanging on the branch. He swayed back and forth before he flung himself up, sitting down on the tree branch, 'Hm. Oh.'

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'I am tired,' Ashwood sat down on the branch that was enough to take his weight, leaning against the tree, 'I am exhausted. Getting thrown here abruptly…having Tifa chase after me like I am a mouse…force to sneak in the Dungeon…barely surviving the Sludges, nearly dying at the hands of the Skeletons…it's so tiring…I want to stop fighting…stop running.'

He looked below him, and an apartment got projected from his mind and memories, "World Merge."

He watched the flash of light, along with the crackling sound, and the apartment formed in front of him. He jumped down the branch, landing on the roof, and then to the door, looking at the room house number, "3417."

'Why didn't I do this before,' Ashwood opened the door, stepping inside the dark room. The gust of air went in, causing the papers to rise and back away, collecting in one corner.

He closed the door, sliding down against it, closing his eyes before he leaned forward, lying on the floor, resting, 'my house…my home…the only place I ever knew….'

He rose on his hands and feet, crawling inside, looking at all the diagrams, pictures, character art, 'I was crazy…about making this game…wasn't I?'

He smilingly turned around the corner, looking at his bed on the right, and the computer with VR chair, four extra monitors, and two keyboards with dials. He looked at boxes of binders climbing on the bed, and he curled up. A tail appeared from his bag, picking up the pillow and he placed it under his head, which he put his head on, 'if only I had the scanning ability, I could still have all of my data. Doesn't matter…I don't care anymore.'

He opened his purple eyes, 'I care…just…I don't really…what the fuck is this mess…what should I do? Should I just let them kill me…that way…the cause and effects that started when the system connected the videos, me and them…would disappear. An infinite number of lives…will be saved if I did…the Greater Good….'

He turned to his back, raising his palm to face the roof, "I…."

He put his hand down, falling asleep on the familiar bed, though it didn't take long when the his eyes snapped open. He looked above him, having heard the loud bang. The stones were falling down, along with the blonde woman, whose fingers were clenched into a fist, and her face covered in a twisted grin that wasn't natural for her. He didn't even move, but nine purple tails made of pure energy appeared out of thin air, covering him, blocking the punch from her.

His bed broke, and a crater appeared right below him. He floated in the middle of the mana, slowly blinking, 'this reminds me of something…what does it remind me of?'

Ashwood raised his hand, with his palm phasing through the collective mana. His palm faced outwards, with fire surrounding it, forming a ball of fire in front of it, 'Grand Fireball.'

In this world, the spells were divided the same level as the power levels were. From Level 1 to 40 was One Star, and so were the most basic spells. One Star Spells. Above them were Two Star Spells, and Three Star. Above them, the Spell Continued as Four, Five and Six Stars and so on, corresponding with Micro Natural Disaster Rank.

Becoming One and Two were common among humanity. Rank Three were the high-levels among humanity, the foremost Limit of Humanity, the same one that Tsunade was at. She had the power to destroy mountains, and Grand Fireball, being fed 25,000 amounts of his mana could destroy cities.

Which is why when it hit her fist, it destroyed his house to the point that not a speck of it remained, and the sea of fire spread in all directions, burning the forest, leaves, turning the ground, shoving all the materials above and below it aside, forming a layer of glass atop it. Above all, it wrapped itself around Tsunade, burning her clothes, skin, but before it could spread further, the markings on her forehead spread through her body, combating the fire, until the explosion passed.

"That hurts," Tsunade stood there, naked, surrounded by tainted bluish-black mana, which spread out. She took out a haori, donning it on her, looking at the ball of purple mana in front of her, "Why not come out of that shell?"

"I don't know you," Ashwood created enough space between the shell that his voice passed, "Mommy said not to talk to strangers."

"Strangers…? Don't you know me? Having seen the story? Made videos of me…me with my lover…my brother? My teammates…teacher…student…Naruto…even his son. You have no shame…you dare say you don't know me?"

'That's so weird hearing her say that...' 

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