Assault Colossus of the Nemesis Warfront

Chapter 56: CH 54

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「The recovery unit has met up with Kou and the others!」

This report was transmitted to all the troops.

「Understood. Let’s join up with the recovery unit as well. Main troops, get ready to withdraw from the battlefield!」

Jenny gave out her commands. The allied troops immediately started preparing for withdrawal.

They then gradually retreated from the battlefield. There wasn’t any sign of pursuit from the enemy. The enemy’s defensive line had also pulled back.

The damage taken by the allied troops was quite extensive. Several of Storm Hound’s Familiars were destroyed during combat.

The MCS of their armored vehicles have already been recovered. It was still unknown if they could be reinitialized once they made it back to base.

Two tanks and four armored combat vehicles were damaged severely.

Three of Metal Iris’ Silhouettes were also destroyed, but they suffered no human casualties. This was all thanks to Storm Hound’s Familiars covering for them.

「Jenny, you fought well. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.」

「What are you talking about, Rick? Without you guys, we would have been toast.」

Jenny got flustered after hearing Rick’s words of gratitude. She truly felt his sincerity.

「Hearing that makes me happy. It’s truly our blessing to have gotten a chance to work with a great Underground Force like you guys.」

「Ara, I’m willing to work together with you guys anytime y’know? We’ll talk more once Kou gets back.」

「Oya. So you were thinking the same thing as me then. That’s a great proposal. Is that your decision as the captain of Metal Iris?」

「It’s my choice as the captain of Metal Iris as well as my personal decision. So it’s both!」

「Then allow me to consider the prospect seriously. I do hope you’re not merely joking though.」

「No, it’s definitely no joke. But I’m sure our greatest obstacle would be persuading Kou himself!」

「True. Then how about we form a united front, Jenny?」


A new power was being formed without Kou’s knowledge.

The Asia rescue operation would undoubtedly be one of the turning points of the war in the Nemesis theater.

Both Metal Iris and Storm Hound were Underground Forces that have already been caught in the chaotic whirlpool. There would be no telling what would happen next.

Hence, the leaders of both parties came up with the same idea and decided to propose a merger.

In the first place, an Underground Force like Storm Hound that was composed mostly of Familiars was truly quite special.

They have all lost their beloved masters. They could no longer walk with those whom they’ve pledged their lives to serve.

Hence, they wanted to inherit the will of their masters instead. There were also those who fought for revenge. Each of them had various reasons for deciding to fight. Those who have lost such a reason would merely choose to deactivate for eternity.

But they, at their core, wanted to support humans and be of help to them. As long as someone still relied on them, they would continue to persist.

There were the Metal Iris members who fought with them in order to rescue Asia. Then there was the client who hired them – Kou. There would be no chance that anyone from Storm Hound would oppose such a decision.

「All units have left the battlefield!」

A report relaying the completion of battlefield withdrawal was received by both captains.

「Begin heading to the meeting point! Operation complete……」

『Thank you, everyone!』

Trailing Jenny’s words, Asia expressed her thanks once more.

Asia appeared on both Rick and Jenny’s monitors. She waved her hand at them after mischievously sticking out her tongue and giggled happily. This was her way of showing gratitude.

This time, everyone let out loud cheers.

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They really did it.

「The enemy forces have retreated. They have started withdrawing in earnest.」

「It looks like they finally gave up.」

Miles patted his chest in relief.

The enemy assault was fierce. They should have taken more serious damage than the other party.

There were also several casualties among them.

「It looks like we somehow managed to protect Fortress Area X463. This will help raise Captain Bardo’s reputation even further.」

He found it a bit strange that there had been no word from Bardo yet, but Miles didn’t think there would be someone capable of defeating their captain among the enemies.

They would need two full Silhouette platoons in order to go up against him. That meant at least six Silhouettes working together.

It was reported that five Silhouettes managed to infiltrate the Fortress Area. However, it seemed they had split up.

The Keres should have dealt with some of them.

There were no abnormalities in the sealed section as well. Miles was surprised that the self-destruct countdown timer appeared momentarily, but it quickly stopped.

There were also no reports from the control center.

Thus, Miles surmised that Captain Bardo had accomplished the job.

「Miles-kun. Hello, Miles-kun.」

An emergency transmission came from the Development Engineer named Alberto. It was strange because Miles was aware the guy wasn’t that interested in mercenaries. In fact, this was actually his first time getting a call from him.

He opened the comm line and accepted the call. He was shocked by what he saw. Alberto was actually inside a multi-cockpit. Miles was suddenly overcome by a bad feeling.

「What’s wrong, Dr. Alberto?」

「Bardo-kun got defeated. I’m heading to the sealed section to rescue him. You guys better be thankful. You owe me one.」

「Wha-! T-That’s…… Thank you very much! Please do rescue our captain.」

Miles couldn’t believe that Bardo had been defeated, but Alberto heading out to rescue him was even more unbelievable.

It just wasn’t like him. He surmised that the guy must have some other motive, but he at least ruled out the possibility of Alberto holding Bardo for ransom.

Hence, it was better not to poke the hornet’s nest. There was nothing to lose anyway.

「But then…… Will this Fortress Area actually self-destruct after all?」

「It looks like we don’t have to worry about that. The enemy might have failed their mission.」

Alberto replied without batting an eye. Miles immediately noticed that Alberto was hiding something.

But, technically, it’s true that they haven’t failed their own mission. So this must be Alberto’s method of offering a way out. Miles realized they had no choice but to board the other party’s pirate ship.

There might be a huge price to pay later on, but it can’t be helped.

「I see. I sure hope so. I don’t want to get caught up in a deadly explosion after all.」

「Me too kid. Well then, I’ll contact you again once I’ve managed to recover Bardo.」

After saying so, Alberto cut the transmission.

「Defense unit, form up with the surviving troops. Maintain a tight defense line!」

Miles gave out his orders to the rest of their troops.

「I don’t think there would be any more enemy attacks. –Now then, did we really accomplish our mission, I wonder?」

Miles muttered under his breath as he glanced at the former position of the enemy forces.

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