At least I died before getting Anime PTSD

Chapter 9: Act 2 Chapter 4

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I'm lying on the grass and look at beautiful sky. Sun , still high above , showers me with its warm rays , rewarding me for successfull completion of mission . Thank you , my silent witness.

What mission , if someone may ask ? Oh , that is confirming how true are old sayings of our ancestors. 

Curiosity killed the cat ? Yes , it is. Satisfaction brought it back ? Maybe. But in my case ,the satisfaction mentioned in that adage came from instant death. Boom. That's all. I haven't even had time to get frightened. No pain , no suffering . Perfect. Now I understand why one particular singer , capable of smelling teen spirits , has killed himself with shotgun. Nice choice ! My first time was a shotgun too...

 Well, mentioning dead people...I turn my head to the left to glance at one mutilated guy that is more unlucky than me . Hmm...interesting.  Does being killed by his own pokemon counts as suicide ? I hope not. 

Whatever. Time to get up . I stand up and look at my appearance. It looks like I have mistook meat grinder for a washing machine. My attention goes back to the blown up kid. Sorry , boy , seems like your fate is to help me in one way or another.

With such thought , I began checking his belongings . Looting is the best part in every game .

 Lets see , what do we have here . One red electronic device , similar to a smartphone . I try to turn it on , with no result . One more victim of the angry pokemon , pieces of which lying everywhere right now . Wallet with cards and , woohoo , paper money . Four banknotes with 10000 denomination . On every bill is pictured ugly as hell old man. Oh , it says " ten thousand chattles of Allied Kingdoms of Chatlania". Kingdoms , huh . Of course , what else should be in this very welcoming world ? And where is kingdoms there is nobles . And where is nobles there is problems. So be it.

 I check cards . Discount , discount , one more discount . And here is ID card . Victor Anderson , date of birth 45.09.81 A.P.D. Registered in city of Kalma. Adress xxxxx , xx, xxx. Rest in peace Victor.

 I continue harvesting . Nothing more in the  jacket , next is pants. There is four more pokeballs attached to the belt . I stop my itching hands with great effort. You don't need to know what is inside them , Andrew. Remember , a sapper makes mistake only once. I take them anyway. In anime ,  pokemons can be stolen and then be sold , so maybe something similar is possible here .

At last I check pockets in jeans and my final find is keys . Victor shouldn't be homeless bum unlike me , right ? 

I distribute loot inside my pockets and give  him my last glance. Below his now-should-be-pixelated-if-it-was-a-game head shines something . It's a necklace . Looks good , now its mine. 

Thank you for everything , Vic . I'd pray for you , but I know that this shit is useless , so nah. 

I go to the end of the clearing , looking for a path from which my sponsor came . Squashed grass here , broken twig there and at last I found a trod . So , lets move on.

After following that trail for nearly half a hour , I reached end of the forest . In my sight , several tens of meters before me stands a concrete wall around twenty meters high . I didn't think of anything better than to follow the path near the wall. And again , I walk until I could see a gate in the distance. From the gate there was a cobbled road along which people were walking somewhere.

Okay , Andrew , now is planning time.

Its reasonable to think that someone watches over the gate . And maybe , they are checking documents of visitors. What can you do in such case ? Honestly nothing. Except.... Playing the amnesia card.  

With nothing better to do than that , I desided to hide most of Victor keepsakes in roots of somewhat memorizable tree . Putting almost everything in the hole which I dug with my hands , I only kept with me keys and two bills . Only now I understand that I forgot my baseball bat inside the forest. Damn. Well no one is perfect , even me. 

I take a couple of deep breaths and go to the gate. Smile , Andrew , people love idiots. As I get closer and closer , some nearby bystanders clearly gawking at my appearance. Maybe , I'm just too handsome ?

Inside the gates , there is post with two armed guards . When I approach them , they are obviously surprised , judging that their brows almost reached middle of their foreheads. Keep calm, Andrew , and believe in military people . Believe in justice , even if not so long ago some policeman blown your head off.

"Hello , sir . Sorry for the inconvenience , but I need your help."

 "Uh , what ? I mean sure , what happened ?" says soldier A .

Second soldier lightly hits him with elbow and talks to me.

"Show your ID please"

"That's the problem , sir . I don't have any document that I could show you . More than that , I don't know who I am..."

Soldiers exchanged glances between each other and their faces became serious. Soldier B takes pistol out of a holster .

"Put your hands up and don't move. Sam check him."

I follow his orders and wait as soldier A , named Sam , pats everywhere on my body. At last he finds two crumpled money bills and keys in my pockets and puts them on the table . 


"Sir , is everything alright now ? Can I put down my hands ? "

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"Shut up . Sam , call up Janice , say that we have got an "Erased" on the west gate. She knows what to do."

"You mean THAT Janice ?" Sam's face slightly paled.

"Do you know another one ? Just call"

"Oi , guys , what's going on ?" I ask , because intuition tells me that I wont like meeting that woman.

"Just wait. We called medical personnel to give you thorough check up. "

Soon , she appears , followed by another two soldiers. Her figure is intimidating , with height more than 2 meters and muscles of bodybuilder on steroids. But her face is very gentle and beautiful , adorned with long blond hair. All in all , she looks like she was created by naughty child , which torn off head of the Barbie and put it on Hulk.

" This time it's a cutie-boy . Look at him ! Did he fight against flock of Pidgeots ?" As she says so she wiggles her two fingers before my eyes. Purely on reflex I slap them away.

"Ow , quite the character you've got. Okay , follow me guys to the medical ward.

With such procession I came inside the city.

Very soon we reached two-stories building . Then , we walked in one of the rooms inside. Convoy soldiers was left outside , so it was only me and Janice , one on one. Room was small only with table , bed , and one chair inside .

"So , tell this big sister , what really happened to you ?" she asks as she sits on chair.

"I don't have much to tell . Somehow I woke up in the middle of forest , all in blood and clothed like this " I point with my fingers at leftovers of my attire "In addition I don't remember anything , nor who I am , nor where I am or why . I walked for half a day and found this city . End of story. " 

"My poor boy . Okay , I understand everything . So lets proceed . Strip !"

"Huuuh ?"

"Did your hearing gone bad ?"

"No , I don't understand why should I strip "

"I need to check your body for injuries . Thoroughly. Sorry , I don't have a music . So , strip " 

With not many choices left , I do as she has asked. 

"Tell me if you feel pain anywhere " and she begins touching my body in different places 

"What does your tattoo mean ?"

"Until this moment I didn't know that I had tattoos. "

"Then congratulations, you have "7" inked between your shoulderblades. At last we reached the best part. Lower your pants and lean over. " says Janice still standing behind my back. 

"Is it necessary ? " I ask as I remember when previously someone asked me to lean over, I was spitted in the face. 

"To be honest, that's most important part" says Janice. She comes to the table and pulls out a scary medical tool from somewhere. 

"You should know that our city is at the frontline, so contraband of pokemons is a usual thing here. I have seen so many people with pokeballs in their asses , that I could fill a small stadium with them. "

" And what will happen if I refuse?"

"Then I will call boys standing outside the room and things will get rough. There was one case in which pokeball opened inside unlucky smuggler when he was resisting. Having butterfree in your belly has nothing to do with love , I can say that for sure. So be a good boy and just lean over. It's not that I like this procedure "

So she says but her smile tells otherwise. 

"Oh , god " with such words I have shown myself to her from the weakest side. 

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