Atheka: Beginning of a new dawn

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A fiery start

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Cool air blew past my cheek, I could hear the birds chirping, I felt the movement of grass rapidly moving along the direction of the wind. It was a lazy morning the sun was shining brightly in the sky the overall atmosphere made the air lazy.


As I yawned and the pleasant atmosphere made it as if I nothing in the world mattered not war, not killing or any conflict. The calm yet lazy wind blew all the suffering and pain away....

"I was searching for you"

I recognized whose voice was this, to thinks she followed me here. This girl really does know the meaning of resilience. With eyes still closed I gave a reply

"To think you followed me till here, you really don't know when to give up do you?"

Suddenly I felt a stinging pain in my left cheek, upon opening my eyes only to be greeted by a pinch by a soft hand.

"And whose fault is this huh?

Who separated from the group?

Who crossed the forest all the way from the mansion?

Tell me whose fault is this yours or mine?"

"Fine! fine! fine! It hurts! It's my fault's my fault for making you come here, I'm sorry please it hurts ..ahhh"

Finally, when my cheek was about to ripped off she let go of it. Jeez this sister of mine has some strength with my left cheek disfigured, I begin to rub it to the critical damage recieved.

Who would think a picnic would turn into a pinching fest free for all.

"So, what do you want?"

"Time to go back home its lunch time and Mom has summoned you"

As she waved her hand and started running in the opposite direction.

Maybe I should a runaway far from here, but mom herself being in a high post in the imperial force would hide me from the world and lock me away.

"Tch, what a pain it is."

I got up and began making my way back, I reached the dense forest that I crossed earlier.


The ground was covered with grass and sunlight reached the ground through the gaps between the leaves, there were some flowers beside a small pond that was flowing and the overall atmosphere was warm and peaceful.

Even though I escaped that place 6 years ago, I don't want my independence taken away from me. Honestly that place made me sick to a point where I despised myself to think I could live in that environment. That environment was not human, it was more of a lab subject environment.

Honestly, if it weren't for that woman that visited me and made small talk with me every other day, I would have definitely gone insane in that observation chamber they put me in back then.

I wonder what happened to her... I wonder if she is happy. The picture of that woman surfaced in my mind, she is a one of a kind you find among the crowd and the first person who tried understanding my feelings.

At that time a certain memory surfaced in my mind, it was regarding the last words she left me with before I departed the facility and to this day it still resounds in the deep depths of my heart. No matter what the situation I would always end up alone, sometimes it was because I wasn't able to match their level or I would stand out among others because of my own incapability to match their skills. Perhaps I was too much of a burden for them anyways, it probably for the better that I got kicked out. What was my purpose? Was it to outshine everyone? Was it to get my elder sister to accept me as family? I don't know... why didn't I die?


"Just what in the world is happening?"

As I reached the gate to the manor, I saw various MAVs and other heavy vehicles packed with soldiers. I was a bit surprised so as to what the situation was. I presumed the worst, was it something had done or elder sister is finally coming after my life.

As I reached the main door's handle entering the manor, I saw large number of soldiers armed to the teeth as if war would break out any moment,




They all glared at me as I entered and then soon losing interest and soon continued to what they were doing. As I proceeded to the corridor of the manor and walked towards the door took a deep breath.

"May Goddess of pleasure soothe and pour half a glass of mercy on my soul."

As I opened the main door to the office, a creak noise resounded through the whole room, as all the attention was diverted towards me as the first thing, I saw upon entering were 3 IMPERIALs who directed their gaze upon me.

And my mom who was closest to the door immediately smiled and hugged me

"Where were you, I was searching for you all over... looks like Lilly found you, that girl is clever as ever..."

"Yes! Yes! I'm sorry please stop, there are people in the room"

She finally separated from me and fixed her uniform and posture.

"Ahem! Anyway!"

Realizing the curious gazes casted upon me I turned towards the IMPERIALs and bow my head showing respect.

"Well ... so much for introductions, shall we start?"

"Oi, Oi! Let's get this started already!"


The two IMPERIALs ranted as the commander between them only gave a look towards mom.

"Yes! Ahem! Well for starters this is my son Hayden."

As she introduced me the gazes once again were casted upon me.

"Ah... My name is Hayden nice to meet you"

There was a brief pause after this, it was so awkward I could die of embarrassment.

"Hmm... At least she taught you good manners, much better unlike others."

"No Arrogance or Haughtiness, hm... good! I like it. It's an ok from my side."

Putting up a thumbs up as she said...hmm yes, I felt a bit of pride .... wait What on earth am I thinking!! And what is this situation?!!

Then the IMPERIAL commander lady who had an overcoat on spoke

"Hayden... was it?"

"Ah... yes"

"Please have a seat, before we start, my name is commander Scarlet and I have a few questions for you."

I nodded and she continued.

"Do you have any relations with the high command or any relations with the Chosen few of the high command?"

(Chosen few of the high command refer to young apprentices or young prodigy campaign run by the high command. These children possess high aptitude in areas of interest, mainly combat, espionage and other activities. These children are under direct control of the imperial high order.)

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Maintaining a cool and calm demeanor I answer.

"........ No"


Mom originally told me not to tell anyone about my past, as my existence itself is a scandal and can cause huge uproar. Not that I didn't know but just to be safe.

Scarlet stared at me intensely before looking at mom and speaking.



Mom didn't respond and averted her gaze towards the window

"Look Lilliana, not responding or lying here wouldn't help either. It's a simple question, answering it truthfully would make my job much simpler."

After a moment of more intense and overwhelming silence, mom spoke up with a sour yet regretful tone.

"I invoke the imperial seal of section 1-Ac216, and refuse to answer that question."

The atmosphere in room suddenly changed drastically as Scarlet looked towards mom in disbelief after what she heard and immediately points a gun to her.

"Lilliana! Do you know the gravity of the words you have uttered just now! I won't be able to help you beyond this point if you decide to down that path. You will be getting the whole Internal Affairs of the Imperial military getting involved! So, think carefully because you can't come back from this!"

"....... Scarlet we all have secrets that we keep locked up deep inside, this happens to be one of mine. I'm sorry......"

Scarlet grits her teeth and lowers her gun, then looks towards me and then says

"Hayden Scolentia! I am bringing you in accordance by the seal issued by your mother, as of now I strip you off any rights that you possess!"

She gives a look towards one of the captains siting and the captains then nod their heads, immediately the room is filled with a bunch of imperial soldiers.

"Escort him out and put him in the MAV."

"Yes Mam!"

As I get escorted by bunch of imperial soldiers, I give a last look around towards the room, my mom who is now talking with Scarlet and other captains, the worried look on my sister's face and the end of my peaceful life. They attach a collar around my neck and handcuff me, with a guard now escorting me to my seat in the MAV which coincidentally happens to be between the two captains from earlier. Well, it's not that bad other than a weird collar around my neck and handcuffs, the seat happens to be very comfortable though. To think the MAV, I designed would get such modifications......hmm one shouldn't underestimate the capabilities of the Imperial Research and development department. As the hatch is closed the engines fires up and we slowly rise up from the ground and start gaining forward momentum simultaneously the direction of the engine changes and we're on our way towards the high order HQ.

Well, if I were to talk about the MAV that I designed it originally under the false name of GOLDEN FIG and submitted the designs to the R&D department when I was under observation. Problem was I couldn't submit it directly so I had a scientist who would sometimes regularly play chess with me to take credit of the designs, but she was too kind and refused. So, a bit of negotiation here and there I created what was a second phantom identity that would take credit along with her. I think by the time I left she was assigned a pretty important post in the imperial R&D department, so increased the work load, from once every few days it turned to once or twice a week and after sometime it turned to once every few months. After sometime she just stopped coming, I guess work level increased a lot after I gave her the MAV blueprints I designed. I designed the MAV on the basis of wings of various birds I observed. Main part that makes the MAV so advance is that it has capability of linear takeoff and landing hence making it a really useful Aircraft addition to the Imperial millitary. I'll add a juicy detail...(in a hoarse voice) it has retractable wings..... hehehe.

**About 30 to 40 min passed**

After a rather quiet and tense MAV ride, we reached the High Order HQ. Where they brought me out of the aircraft. We were in a landing pad or a small patch of strip to be exact. Several other MAVs followed us landing in their corresponding Landing pads. This was a rather big area as lush green vegetation covered around the landing strips. After that we reached the nearby building, the captains did a security entry, and led us inside a gate. It was a bit dark as I could feel the grip of one of the captain's hands tighten on my shoulder. You see I wouldn't run away even if I could because I am not in a position to soooooo......... wanna make ice cream together?

As I tried shrugging off the hand on my shoulder only to receive a death glare from the captain. What a life I live, the ice cream had already melted before we even started making Tch!

As light from the other side of the gate intensified revealing a huge white Federal style building with 4 Huge pillars on either side which were further connected to the main building with several other small pillars and each of them having the flag of the imperial military. The path leading to the grand entrance of the main building had a huge staircase leading to it. As we were ascending the steps, the soldiers that were escorting us stopped in the middle leaving only the 2 captains. As we reached towards the entrance of the of the building the captains stopped and in front of us dressed in clad black robes and having the insignia of Imperial IA (Internal Affairs) department.

......Oh no, not this.........

Oh, I am so fucke-

"The seal's legit, we appraised and verified it, IA will handle it from here."

One of the figures in black robe said in a rather commanding tone. That's not important here whether its commanding or not it's the fucking IA my worst enemy. These bastards really gave me a hard time back when I was in the program. I have a personal long-standing grudge against them. The number of interrogations and personality test these bastards conducted.... Fuck youuu I hope IA bastards burn in hell and your intestines are made into hot dogs and fed to--

"What are you glaring at huh? Want me to knock you out and drag you unconscious?"

"S-Sorry, I apologise"

As I was about to be given a heaven punch by the IA official her subordinate stopped her, looked towards me for a moment only to look away and continue the conversation.

"So, we will take it from here. Give this to the captain as proof of handling."

As the talks finished, I was officially handed over to these guys and the whole little militia that came to throw me to these dogs finally departed.

We went further inside the building. Imperial insignias of designated departments, separate offices, ooohhh! It even has a mechanical department and multiple hangars. As expected of the imperial Headquarters its big and has everything in it to summarise. We passed through a hallway lined with flags of imperial military and its sub branches and finally arrived at entrance to a room with a name plate. Written on the name plate were the initials IR-1. The door was opened with a key card that one of the IA personnel escorting me had.

Inside was a table, 3 chairs and huge mirror on the wall adjacent to the table. As soon as we reached the table, my cuffs were removed and the collar around my neck was still attached though.

"Take a seat." Said the IA officer pointing towards the chair.

As I complied without any resistance, the muscular IA lady who was threatening me earlier after escorting me left the room. Soon the other official followed but before closing the door he left me with these words-

"Don't do anything foolish or stupid and stay seated." Before shutting the door with a click.

The small click resounded in the empty and rather quiet room like an aftertaste from an expensive wine...

Seriously? Wine? That's what I compare it to... jeez anyways, this does take me back.... How did I end up in this situation anyway? Oh yeah, its cause mom covered for me back then. Come to think of it, it's always me who is causing trouble or something relating to me that is. Even though doctor always told, "Being alive is something to look forward to."

A feeling of dread and loneliness overcame upon me, reminding me how much my existence is a pain towards others. Perhaps after all I—

Suddenly the door opened with a loud clicking sound.


The earlier woman from IA surveyed the room as if scanning for something and then she looked towards me. Since I was looking in her direction our eyes met, after a brief moment of eye contact her turned away from my direction and with her one hand on the door frame and other on the door handle. She leaned backwards and shouted—

"All clear."

I realized at this moment, someone troublesome was going to come as I yet had to realize the gravity of situation I was in, but to my powerlessness all I could do was wait helplessly for the individual to arrive.


"This way ma'am."

The IA official from earlier said in a respectful and polite tone leading a women Clad in red uniform with a Black briefcase. The uniform is plain and simple and having an additional red robe on top of the uniform with several imperial Patches on the shoulder of the robe extending to the arm. The insignia of the fearsome imperial unit 'LUNAR U—282' on the back of the robe. The insignia is itself designed to carve fear into the general public. It is fearsome enough when their motto itself shouts "We don't mess around..."

This itself is enough for the normal person to steer clear when seeing this insignia, but for an imperial officer it is to show utmost respect and gratitude. It is rumored within the imperial military that officers in Lunar U—282 are handpicked, multitalented individuals who exceed the normal person. Their tests, screening and overall grade requirements are so strict that they rival that of the special forces. Some even compare the unit to stand almost toe-to-toe to the infamous GOLDEN BLOODED unit.

The woman walked towards my opposite seat, pulled the chair and gave a final look towards the IA official.

The IA official lowered her head and spoke

"Please let us know when you are finished." Before closing the door.

The surrounding became extremely silent once again. The woman in front of me removed her imperial peaked cap, gently keeping it aside revealing her shining silky blonde hair, her milky white skin for a second, I was convinced that she was the decedent of an High Angel. She looked at me sharply and made eye contact with me. I could see her beautiful facial features, they were in perfect symmetry and I who was on the receiving side was sort of dumb founded by her beauty and thus, was my first meeting with the woman—

"Chief Sub head of Lunar U—282, Alina Furderich. Nice to meet you Hayden Scolentia or should I call you MER—2168101003."

As she finished her sentence, a devilish yet alluring smile appeared on her face and the words I hadn't heard in over 4 years, brought my old self back to the surface.

Haah... This is going to be so much of a pain.

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