Atheka: Beginning of a new dawn

Chapter 9: Chapter 7: The Will of Sun

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Let’s say, a situation where someone requests something in the middle of an uneven and destroyed area due to a certain ‘incident’ is not ideal to say the least. What’s even worse is the one who is requesting, as he appears to be the student of that demon who tormented the battlefield by her blood arts.

“P-Please! Help me bring down the Bonnents.”

“Hmm…. Well, are you willing to do anything?”

“Anything it takes!! I will bring those fools down to the ground!!”

“Even if it KILLS You?”

He doesn’t reply but instead casts a wide smile on his face, in face of even death he prioritized his sister and he doesn’t care even for his life but what matters to him is only his objective. I like it, I can trust him.

I pump Atheka into the imperial sword and slash the ropes binding him precisely so as to not hurt his wounds. His eyes widened, due to my actions and his eyes reflected my image as if something shook from his very foundation.

“What I need is a person who I can trust and rely on not some ‘meat shield’ or a ‘Yes Man’. You are a person and you are alive, always remember that.”

The sister he had referred to earlier had passed out due to the encounter and the situation she was put in.

As I delivered the strike from the imperial sword on the ropes, the sword shattered from its core and broke into several pieces.


I sighed, its still the same. For some reason Atheian weapons still can’t handle my Atheka, After all my Atheka—

“Um, Excuse me.”

“Hmm, what?”
“ Does that mean, you will help in my mission to take them down?”

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“Yeah, I will.”

“I am grateful from the bottom of my hea—”
“What’s your goal? After bringing down the Bonnets, what do you intend to do? Do you intend to become an Atheian sword’s man?”
“No, what I desire is what lies at the end of this sword’s journey with me.”

“So, you want to pass it down to someone? But tell me, didn’t that demon bitch give you the damned sword for it to be used by you?”

“No, first off SHE is not a BITCH, also the sword has a name.”

Olympus gets up and dusts his wounded body, but at the same time the wounds from his body started to heal and disappear as if nothing ever happened.

Wait! This could only mean one thing!!!

“My name is Olympus Doxos and I am the last and only member of the great and revered CLAN OF HANUMAN. The only weapon I ever vowed to use is a Mace. The reason Master accepted me as her pupil was because of the reason I refused the offer of taking the sword she offered in a test. My goal is to rebuild Clan of Hanuman and until I can find a suitable Mace, I refuse to use a weapon.”

Clan of Hanuman, to think it still existed. I was awe struck to be honest, because they had disappeared long into the shadows along with the extinction of the ancients. They were one of the strongest clans of their time, as their clan members were blessed with ability of not being affected by conventional Atheian weapons. But their decline occurred due to the invention of un-pure ropes or malice ropes introduced by the Angels. They interfered in the fundamentals of the blessings to some extent, but had a huge impact on developing young members. Due to that reason, the Angels successfully killed the future generation of the clan, which in turn lead to their downfall.

He lowers his head and brings his hands together.

“As a member of Clan Hanuman, I vow my loyalty and trust towards you.”

Somehow, a person who I had never even met before in my life had somehow touched my heart in the very first few minutes of meeting them.



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