Avalon Academy

Chapter 2: chapter 1: Parental issues

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Chapter 1

It's never easy being alone. I’ve spent most of my life that way though. From the moment that I first opened my eyes to now, I’ve always been alone. 

No parents, no friends, no family to speak of. I wasn’t bothered by it though. It got easier after a while. Enjoyable even. I realized that being alone was more peaceful. Calmer. 

I never had to worry about what people wanted from me, or what tomorrow would bring. When I was alone, I had free reign over myself. Over tomorrow's plans, over everything in my life. I only ever had to meet my own standards. I didn’t have to work to fit myself into a niche that I didn't want to be part of to begin with. But one day that peaceful lonesome life came crashing down. 


Stats and level









Race and Class


Race: Fenrir/Fafnir hybrid (adolescent)

Class: Dianthus dwarf white (Harbinger)


Titles and Skills


Titles:Harbinger of Nature, Beloved of Ether, Beloved of the Natural World


Skills:Harbingers breath (lesser), Nature’s healing touch, Ether absorption (passive)




Increase level to unlock your Evolution Path


My name is Celestine Angelique, but Celeste is easier to remember. For the longest time, the place I called home was a simple cottage, isolated in a small patch of woods. I was constantly surrounded by nature, and I loved the beauty of it. The nearby brook that I washed clothes in, the trees that seemed to touch the sky, there were even nearby caves I had only begun to explore.

The cottage was small, only containing a bedroom and a kitchen. Regardless, I never wanted to live elsewhere. This was a peaceful place, no amount of coaxing could make me leave. Even the occasional hunter who tried to kill the local wildlife was swiftly removed by me.

This day however would be quite different, it would ensure that my peaceful life entered a period of non-stop bothers. Calamity, and boredom at the same time. My freedom that I had so enjoyed would be shattered like glass, all with three “simple” words.

“Daughter, we're ho~ome!!!”  The singsong voice split my peaceful silence like warm butter.

Who on earth? Confused, I jumped up from my bed where I had been deciding whether or not I should bother moving today, ran around the corner and, standing there at the door, was a tall thin woman, and a short, but broad shouldered man.

The two simply looked at me, and I at them. The woman while thin had a healthy complexion and an unrealistically curvy body, the man while short seemed to me mostly muscle. The woman wore a leather overcoat and a sunhat, while the man wore a beige suit and tie. The woman sported a pair of horns and wings like mine, while the man sported a furry tail that paired well with his wolfish grin and long claw-like nails. The lady wore layers of makeup and enough perfume that I could smell it from the other side of the hall, while the man had his head covered with a top hat, presumably hiding similarly wolfish ears?

My parents? … yep no doubt about it. There were too many similarities to say otherwise. I had my mothers wings and horns, as well as my fathers sharp eyes and furry tail. Oddly enough, my horns and wings had taken on the red of my fathers fur, whereas my tail was of the same cyan blue as my mothers horns and wings.

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My father approached first, arms flung out for a hug, “Celeste you’ve grown! Ya used to be only as tall as me tail, though that aint sayin much aye? Hahahahaha!”

He seemed jovial enough, the stereotypical Ice cream man if you will, however I noticed something off. Was it the fact that my mothers facial features seemed to drift in and out of focus? Was it the overwhelming scent of blood that came off of both of them? Perhaps it was the fact that my father wore chains around his mouth and his jovial voice seemed to speak directly into my mind? Whatever the case was, deep in my soul I could tell. I couldn’t trust these two no matter what!

My mother placed her hand on fathers shoulder saying, “dear, she’s already seen through us both. There's no reason to pretend anymore, you know?” she suddenly appeared behind me before I could run back into the house.

The hands she laid on my shoulders had spindly, spider-like fingers, and were laden with shackles much like my fathers.

“Now I'm aware our presence causes you some discomfort my darling girl, so why don’t we go inside and talk things through.”

I felt sick to my stomach as her sweet yet gag inducing scent like funeral flowers wafted over me.

“I'm sure you must have many questions for the both of us after all? Spinning away, I backed toward the kitchen.

“What do you want?” I asked coldly.

“Only to get to know our daughter of course. And to get you to understand us.”

“We've been gone for so long, isn’t it time we taught you who you are?” my father said, switching out of his fake accent into a deeper but smoother tone.

His voice reminded me of dark chocolate. Sweet, soft, but within it? Pitch black. My mother waved her hand, and the constant interference that had been covering them both disappeared completely. Now unhindered from seeing what was really there, my eyes widened and my mouth dropped open.

Before me stood a woman of unparalleled beauty. Her hair black as night went down to her heels, her eyes black with glowing blue irises. Her skin was pale but not deathly so, while her horns were a deep dark blue, like the evening sky. Her thin frame was wrapped in a frilled red wine dress, decorated with blood red feathers. On her feet she wore red stilettos that looked like usable weapons.

My father was taller than he had first appeared to be. He wore a black victorian double breasted suit-coat and a scarlet velvet top hat. In his hand he held a cane seemingly made out of mahogany. He had shoulder length stark white hair, with red streaks, and slit pupil, scarlet eyes.

Astounded by their appearance, the only suitable thing I could say was, “oh” before my knees collapsed, and my vision went blank.

(Fenrir’s POV)


My wife and I had been sealed away for many years. We had managed to escape more than once, but found each time, the world we knew had changed beyond recognition even more than the time prior.

The latest change however had been a welcome one. I had escaped my bindings on that accursed island and made my way to shore when I realized that what I had hoped for for the longest time had happened!

Humanity was gone! Whatever the cause had been It was a clear improvement and I wasn’t the type to look a gift horse in the mouth. It didn’t take me long to meet up with my wife who had also escaped her prison recently.

We met up in a place people were calling “New York?” it was an odd place filled with buildings taller than they had any reason to be. We were attacked by some oddly dressed people asking for something called “doll ers?”We wiped them out and continued along our way when suddenly I was hit by a sweet scent. I had been with my beloved for many millennia already, so there was no questioning what the scent was. Hormones.

We were sealed away this time for quite a while, so it was no question that we were both somewhat pent up. Naturally we disregarded time and place and made love on the spot. The result? A wonderful baby girl.

We named her Celestine Angelique. She would indeed be our celestial angel. We built a house out in the middle of nature away from the odd changes in the world. I didn’t want my daughter anywhere near those people, who attacked innocent people for these “doll ers”. It ended however all too soon as we were once again captured and imprisoned for years to come. 

(Fafnir’s POV)

Upon making my escape from my prison in alfheim, I headed straight for the home I had built for my daughter. Upon entering the woods my nose caught the familiar scent of wet fur. My lips formed a smile as I realized that my husband must have also broken free.

He hadn’t even taken the time to dry his fur before heading straight here. The door to the cottage was locked, but for a supreme being such as myself, opening it was no issue.

“Daughter, we’re ho~ome!” quickly throwing my most powerful illusion magic over my husband and I, I smiled as a now-somewhat grown celeste slid around the corner in panic.

For a moment my daughter simply looked at us. I could tell she was distrustful despite knowing who we were.

It should come as no surprise of course. She was the daughter of two legendary beings after all. It only made sense that she would see through my hastily crafted illusion. It didn’t seem like she could see through it completely however. Just enough to have doubts about our nature.

“Dear, she’s already seen through us both, there’s no reason to keep up the act.” I swept away the illusion with a sigh.

I had wanted her to be open to us, instead of immediately perceiving us as evil, destructive beings, (even if that was what we were) and refusing to hear us out.

My husband and I had already come to a decision when she was first born. For her, we would throw away our nature. We gave her time to grow before coming to introduce ourselves, but from what we could see, (from her passing out when seeing our true appearance) perhaps not enough time?


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