Avalon Academy

Chapter 4: chapter 3: Summoning 101

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“Summoning, is the celestial art used to call and bind a spiritual entity to your soul.” 


While my fathers lessons were as hands-on as possible, my mother greatly enjoyed talking. Her lessons were always double the length or more of my fathers. 


“Most people require a circle and some artifacts in order to perform a summon, but you needn’t go through the trouble. spiritual entities are made out of pure ether, and as such are attracted to those with large amounts of it. I would think that if you simply give your ether a few pulse’s, something in the area will respond.” “Go ahead and give it a try.”


I sat down and closed my eyes to concentrate. Search arts could be used by pulsing your ether, and then pulling it back after the ether had reached a certain radius. The ether would collect information as it rolled out, and relay that information when rolled back.


 If I pulsed my ether without pulling it back, it would go for a ways before simply dissipating. This could be used to alert allies of your location, among other things. In this case however I would be using it to attract A spiritual entity. 


What kind of summon would I want? I’d heard that some are judged quite harshly depending on what their first summon was, so perhaps I should… pull out all the stops?


 Stamping my foot, I channeled the ether in my body to build, but didn’t let it pulse just yet. I felt it build, growing physically hot. “Oh daughter of mine~ please refrain from blowing up the home I painstakingly built for you.” my mother could clearly sense that I was allowing my ether to build without allowing it to release.


 I visualized the ether inside me as a sparkling orb of light, that lots of smaller lights flowed to; strengthening and growing that orb. I visualized cupping my hands and applying pressure on the orb, condensing it to allow more ether to rush in.


 “Umm, dear? Perhaps you should shield the house. Just in case?” my mother called out to my father, who nodded before taking a stance between me and the house. I smiled, with no need to worry about destroying my home, I could finally let this building bomb blow. 


Naturally ether is influenced by your perception of it, so its effects would change depending on what you visualize. In this case, I visualized a wave. I had spent a lot of time watching the tiny waves in the brook, with this image in mind, I released my hold on the orb of ether i had been forming. 


Silence. For a moment I was confused as it seemed nothing had happened, but that confusion lasted for only a moment before the air seemed to ripple for a moment. Just a small ripple, like the waves of that brook. Then a low growl, so deep I could feel the ground vibrate beneath my feet. 


The growl rose to an all-consuming howl that resonated within me. It sounded… sad. The space in front of me ripped open as an eye peered through. An eye the size of our home, with slit pupils wreathed by a Deep gold iris.


 It's cold gaze that seemed to harbor a deep sadness, bordering on despair, focused on me. The air was physically heavy, the presence of whatever being the eye belonged to was so deeply profound that it warped reality around it. 


The eye blinked. Once, twice, three times. Then it arched a bit, as if the being on the other side had smiled. The ground shook and a fierce wind rose around me as the eye moved away from the tear in space, and instead, two long, spindly fingers poked through. Between the two fingers, was a small egg. 


Deep evergreen with gold spots here and there, the egg was a pretty thing. It reminded me of the sun shining through the leaves of the treetops that I had spent so much time under. I had no doubt in me at that moment. No question of what I must do.


 I knelt and held out my hands above my head, cupped as if to catch some drops of rain. I felt a cool and smooth sensation as the egg was placed in my hands. Then just as it had appeared, with a low growl, though now slightly less sad, the fingers retreated through the tear, and the rip in space closed. 

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That day would mark the moment I lost the chance for a normal life. And that egg would be both my greatest boon, and yet… it would cause me more trouble than i could possibly imagine.


Stats and level









Race and Class


Race: Fenrir/Fafnir hybrid (adolescent)

Class: Dianthus dwarf white (Harbinger)


Titles and Skills


Titles:Harbinger of Nature, Beloved of Ether, Beloved of the Natural World


Skills:Harbingers breath (lesser), Nature’s healing touch, Ether absorption (passive)


Contracted Summon

##### egg




Increase level to unlock your Evolution Path

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