Áz – Battlefield

Chapter 11: Chapter 10 – The Servant of the Lord of the Dead

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North of Aggron, Outskirts of Valk Forest.



In the center of a forest, a bald man over two meters tall was calmly dragging the trunk of a tree, the small animals around him hid at the sound of it as he passed and he looked a little displeased. Walking for a few minutes the big man came across a river, beside it were several other tree trunks that he had brought all cut. What appeared to be a small, almost complete raft could also be seen there as well as a woman with bright yellow hair tying the tree trunks together with a rope.

— Is ready? — Asked the man leaving the trunk on the ground.

The woman looked in his direction and extended her hand as if asking the man for something.

— What? Am I more beautiful than usual today? — He asked, looking at himself.

— Your axe, Dun… — She replied with a sigh.

— Hahahaha... Here it is. — He replied, pulling a bright red glowing ax from his back and throwing it at her. — Are you sure this will buy us time, Elín? They won't fall for that so easily.

Ignoring his question for now he with several axes finished the raft he was making in a few minutes, then she alone pushed the raft about two meters into the water following her Dun, or rather Torodun while carrying a large leather bag. on his back he carried her weapons in one hand and dragged that log in the other hand.

— Do not go. — She replied after some time. — However, they know we're heading towards Aggron, but… they don't know where there.

Climbing onto the raft in response, Elín turned to the shore as from there across the water Torodun climbed onto the raft handing over her weapons, pulling the upright torso up.

— Do the honors, Dun… — She said as the raft started down the river, still slowly.

— I'll leave that pleasure to you. — Torodun replied, closing his arms.

Without answering, Elín took his large dark red shield and from the top of it, from the shield compartment where a sword hilt could be seen, withdrew his long dark sword and stood on the raft putting the shield on the ground. .

Putting her sword forward and pointing towards the shore the environment around her seemed to start to cool down as if all the heat in the place was being taken away, almost a minute later she pulled her dark sword back and on repeating the previous movement for the forward pointing to the coast quickly, from the tip of his sword came a reddish cloud that slowly traveled towards the coast, the water below where the heat cloud passed quickly evaporated and seconds after that the cloud arrived on the coast, all the ground where there were several signs of various human actions was burned leaving nothing behind, meanwhile after the river returned to normal on that shore the raft descended with the two quickly.

The short and spacious vegetation near the river made it easy to see ahead, now and then medium and small animals were seen by them near the shore as they retract their auras, running their hand through the water Elín turned his attention to Torodun.

— Because? — He questioned him calmly. — We've always been alone… with no apparent plan, doing what we wanted. So why did you accept?

Silently, Torodun looked up at the sun high in the sky.

— I know what you're thinking… Someone like that could just be using us, no. It's really using us for something, we know that.— He replied seriously. — But if we continue like this we won't last, he said something will happen... He didn't say why or what, and yet we can guarantee at least that maybe it's something we've never seen in our lives.

When answering her, Torodun got up slowly, she was going to ask why this, but soon she could see why.

It was getting cold, very cold, colder than the temperature could naturally drop.

— We are not strong enough against dangers like this, we may not be able to solve everything ourselves, we may not be able to proceed alone. — Picking up his axe, he looked down the river.

The river at one point further down was completely frozen, the trees also looked the same and the poor animals had been motionless they had become ice sculptures, a valley of pure ice was what was left in front of them, nor the common winter in many places. would produce that much ice.

What has changed all this? It was no secret to have been a Lord.

Among the trees "that" walked slowly, it was not human or any living race, perhaps once it had been more now only death reigned its existence.


His teeth chattered as he walked, even though they had their own rationality, such creatures were just guided by their destructive instincts most of the time. A black skeleton covered in ice holding a staff made of bones, the hole of his eyes whose eyeballs were no longer glowing an ice blue hue showing that in life he had been a lord, more precisely someone who had reached the limit of a lord. could reach.

— That's... By the Red Goddess… —  A little scared, said Elín. — A Lord… Undead… The Lord of the Dead released his… servants...

Quickly she was also ready with her shield in front of her and her sword behind her in the other hand.

— I hope we can get out of this alive... — She told Torodun.

— Let's go out. — Torodun replied seriously.

As he spoke, the river that had stopped due to being frozen began to heat up a little and the ice prevented the passage to melt even if it was only in that place and so the raft started moving much slower now.

— We know it is. Let's live… — He finished as his ax gleamed in the sunlight.

After that, in a cut in the air using the ax a beam of yellowish light came out towards the undead melting all the layer of ice that was in that direction.


An explosion was seen as the beam reached its target, water vapor left the place in heaps where nothing else could be seen by the two, in a matter of seconds thin ice sheets normally imperceptible to the naked eye due to their super small size flew away. from there towards the two of them. Torodun was not seeing the life of such an attack, but he was not alone.

The air in front of Torodun trembled as if it were burning, and in fact it was, the small blades that hit the "wall" lost their strength, but they still stuck into Torodun's chest causing him to bleed.

— It's very strong. — Commented Elín putting his sword on the ground and ducking after seeing his wounds. — I need coverage.

— Leave it to me. — He replied confidently.

A huge ice spear came out of the steam which ended up showing the undead intact with an ice shield on his left arm, the spear was bigger than a big tree and flew with great speed towards them.

— That's wasting power, you icy idiot. — Said Torodun as he channeled the sun's energy back into his axe.

When the spear was already in front of him, the same in a raising of the ax, as if it was cutting in the opposite direction, caused an explosion of heat that altered the course of the spear of ice a little upward passing through them.

You are reading story Áz – Battlefield at novel35.com

However, that was not the end. When Torodun set his sights on the undead again three more of those huge ice spears were coming towards them, the worst part was that they didn't melt easily, making it difficult to use the heat against them.

Difficult, not impossible.

With his empty left hand, Torodun created a sphere of scorching energy, like a small sun of fire, and launched it forward as he ducked.

When approaching one of the spears, the sphere kind of "attracts" all the others to itself, with that an explosion occurred and the shock of it threw them in different directions, one of these almost touched Elín and even with that she didn't move from the place.

Seizing the moment, Torodun would not expect another attack, with his body on fire in the literal sense of the word he radiated heat in all directions as he ran towards the undead.

The undead, who seemed to have no real weapons other than the bone staff, barely moved from where he was, he hadn't moved from the beginning. Dropping his shield to the ground, the undead grew a large curved blade of ice from the tip of his staff, seemingly transforming the staff into an icy scythe and hurled it spinning towards the approaching Torodun.

Torodun in turn plunged the scarlet ax into the ground, blasting the ground in front of him, throwing earth and rocks upwards while a beam of scorching light scraped the ground and at the same time went towards the undead.

It was a half-suicidal attack, but it was his best chance against an unarmed enemy, even if it didn't solve much at least it would give him time.

[Ka-kaka... Ha-ha-ha…]

The undead seemed to be laughing at the attack that had come before his eyes, at this instant the ice shield he had thrown on the ground crumbled into a thin wall. of ice that looked like glass covering the front of the undead. When Torodun's destructive and scorching attack met the thin and fragile wall of ice, it destroyed it, but it also disappeared right there as if it had used all its energy for it.


On the other hand, Torodun's situation was not so good, when the scythe went against him, he used his ax against the scythe, hitting its blade with his, only it was too strong for him to stop. When his ax hit he started to be pushed back tens of meters, even the scorching yellow flames that were being released by him were not melting the blade imposed on the staff.

— Shit! — He said imposing force on the ax, however more and more he was pushed. - Shit!!!

Noticing with a glance how close he was to Elín he realized he would hit her if he continued in a few more seconds.

— Not that! he complained, turning his gaze to his ax against the scythe's ice blade. — Go!!!

With his own feet he made an explosion on the ground, it lifted him a few meters off the ground along with the scythe that propelled him.


It had been enough, going over Elín while losing much of his strength to resist, Torodun was sent spinning with that blade.

It was at this moment that Elín opened her eyes which glowed a yellow-scarlet hue, raising her longsword a little and digging it back into the ground she continued with a few words.

— Feel the ground melt under your damn undead feet… — she said quietly.



Two explosions occurred, one behind her and one from the ground below the undead. In the second all the melted ground exploded as everything around it melted, what was left of the layers of ice after the complicated clash between the undead and Torodun had completely disappeared with it while earth, stones and frozen trees, as well as poor animals also frozen small ones melted completely. The undead was launched upwards and fell towards the molten earth that resembled lava.

Elín didn't have time to check if he had died, the chances were slim and she knew it. Turning with her weapons in the direction where Torodun went flying, she ran as she saw a crater made in the ground hundreds of meters away.

Noticing the distance she began to exhale magical energy in the form of heat, this with an orange hue surrounded her body and made her become lighter. With that she began to send waves of heat from her feet that propelled her upwards towards the crater she had seen.

Arriving there it looked like a small meteor had fallen on the spot due to how devastated was the line in which Torodun had been dragged to the ground. Quickly going to the main point of impact, Elín could see Torodun covered in flames trying to get up and remove that ice blade from his left shoulder which had been left on the ground next to the blade.

— I'm alive. Do not worry about it. — He spoke when noticing her approach, still burning that blade of ice that now at least seemed a little smaller than before.

— Stop burning it. I'll try to take it! — Elín said, dropping to the ground and putting his shield-sword on two backs.

Elín helped him while he stopped exhaling flames, and ignoring any complaints from him, he pulled the blade straight from his shoulder and from the ground, with a little effort he had managed in a few moments.

— I'll pretend it didn't hurt. — He complained in a smile getting up.

The wound on his shoulder was big, yet even while it was on fire he didn't feel any pain from it. It looked like his left shoulder had been partially frozen along with the wound by the ice blade.

— What a power huh... That wretched skeleton. —  Torodun complained when he didn't feel his shoulder. — Do we take this scythe? — Such a weapon is on par with a Weapon of the Weapon Lord and probably won't melt for some time.


However, after his comment, the handle of the scythe that was the bone staff began to shake and the weapon went flying quickly as it turned in the direction Elín came from.

— Did that answer your question? — Let's just leave before he decides to come after us. she complained, helping him to his feet and also taking his scarlet ax as she took off the same way she came while supporting him.

— Ha ha ha! Undead sucker! Can't catch us! Next time I'll catch you and show you who's boss in this land! — Exclaimed Torodun as he looked back.

Faster and faster they escaped through the sky, although the effort of flying was quite exhausting for Elín, yet for the moment it was the best they could do without committing themselves to a fight to the death.

Elín thought about doing the whole trip flying before, but she couldn't fly for a long time and every time after that she was extremely exhausted. Now heading towards the capital of Aggron the two were wounded and worn out, but still alive considering they were fleeing a Phase 5 with the two being only Phase 3.

As he was carried, Torodun looked up towards the Sun, the wound made in his body. shoulder was aching causing an icy numbness even though he was using his Authority inside his body.


The sun high in the sky was slowly being covered by clouds and yet he was looking in her direction. He more than anyone wanted to know because for almost a year he had had a certain fear, a bad feeling and in the last week that feeling was getting worse and worse. If it was a warning from the Authority of the Sun, what was so important to affect even this?

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