Back To My Youth

Chapter 10: 10

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BTMY Ch10 - computer city - Chrysanthemum Garden

 loachpearl [Translator]14-18 minutes

Guo Jingyu thought it over, asked him: “You actually want to go?” Seeing him nod, he said: “That also works, you tell ayi, after two days when we’re leaving I’ll come find you.”

Guo Jingyu’s father borrowed a friend’s pickup truck, planning on personally driving over to drag the computer back, at this point in time wages began in the thousands, one computer costing at least ten thousand was a big ticket item. vXhdeR

Guo Jingyu’s whole family sprung into action, they would also visit friends and family since it was convenient, so the pickup truck’s bed was full of grains and local specialties. His mother had even brought a natural silk quilt for the elderly relatives, this was what her work issued during New Year’s to all employees working on innovative items. Guo Jingyu’s mother couldn’t bear to use it herself, so this time she especially brought it back for them.

Guo Jingyu gave Li Tongzhou a call. When the car drove over there, from a distance they could see a tall youth wearing a white shirt and jeans, athletic shoes. He stood by the road waiting with a sportsbag slung across his torso. Guo Jingyu waved a hand towards him, Li Tongzhou quickly came over.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Guo Jingyu’s mother saw him and smiled as she said: “Wow, xiao Zhou must have discussed this with Jingyu today, you two are wearing the same thing!”

Li Tongzhou was a little reserved around older generations, Guo Jingyu hauled him onto the car, sat with him in the back row and said: “Ma, look, aren’t we well matched?” fY58EM

Guo Jingyu’s mother happily replied: “Well matched!”

Off to one side, Guo Jingyu’s father drove while he cautiously ventured forth his own opinion: “Wife, isn’t this phrase not very suitable?”

Guo Jingyu’s mother wished her son would become a dragon, these past few days she hadn’t spent just a little time accompanying him as he worked through literature test papers, she was led astray promptly, and asked, glowering: “Guo Jingyu, did you not memorize essays last night? What sort of adjective did you just use, is there such a saying?”

Guo Jingyu: “….”


His mother: “Chinese literature wasn’t learnt well, English is even worse! Tell me, xiao Zhou goes to class the same as you do usually, but how come he studies so well?”

Guo Jingyu wasn’t shamed, rather he had some notions of pride, and that was because his little boyfriend was so extraordinarily talented!

Some people, their brains were just naturally formed differently from normal people, it was impossible to even admire!

On Guo Jingyu’s side, he was blissfully content, there was no difference between his mother praising Li Tongzhou or himself, listening to it, he felt entirely comfortable and at ease. tuZoIy

His mother sat in front and couldn’t see this, or else she’d be enraged until she fell over backwards, face-up.

Li Tongzhou shielded him, he found an opportunity to interrupt and said: “Jingyu’s improvement is also quite big this time.”

Guo Jingyu’s mother doled out punishments and rewards fairly, she nodded as she said: “That’s right, he has improved a lot this time, so I decided to reward him with a new computer, originally wanted to buy you a small gift too, this grade of Jingyu’s is all because of troubling you, when I heard you were coming I was very happy, xiao Zhou, when we go over there you pick your own gift, ayi’ll give it to you!”

Just as Li Tongzhou wanted to refuse, his arm was bumped by Guo Jingyu, so he slightly hesitated and then said: “Okay, thank you ayi.” u89ejJ

Sure enough, Guo Jingyu’s mother wasn’t just a little happy.

Going to the provincial capital by car took about two hours, Guo Jingyu could see Li Tongzhou so he didn’t think it was boring at all, on the way they conversed in lowered voices, the pickup truck was an old car that had run for many years, the windows and doors weren’t sealed very tight, the wind came in from everywhere, it was very loud when running.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

When Guo Jingyu spoke, afraid he couldn’t hear him clearly, Li Tongzhou came very close to listen and just happened to do so when the road was uneven and the car jostled, Guo Jingyu didn’t sit stably and tilted over towards Li Tongzhou’s side, his hand propped against his arm, his lips brushed against the other’s cheek.

Ol Kbcuhtbe reqqbgafv tlw, tlr mbecafcjcmf ecmtjculcu, jcv egufv tlw rboais: “Jjgfoei.” FcdCNn

Xeb Alcuse’r ojmf tfjafv, j uera bo tba jlg yblifv eq ogbw tlr mtfra bcab tlr ojmf, klrtlcu la mbeiv qbeg bea bo tlr tfjv jr rafjw.

Fq ogbca, lc atf qjrrfcufg rfja, Xeb Alcuse’r wbatfg tfiqfv xffq jc fsf bc atf gbjv mbcvlalbcr, mbwqijlclcu ab tfg teryjcv lc j rwjii nblmf atja tf tjvc’a cbalmfv atf tbif jtfjv, “Aera cbk P abiv sbe, rb sbe jnblvfv la, atlr alwf P vlvc’a gfwlcv sbe rb sbe qgfrrfv vbkc lcab la?”

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Guo Jingyu’s father felt especially wronged: “Didn’t we agree you’d help me watch the road?”

“Ai, are you going to be reasonable or not, which family’s driver drives while the passenger’s seat nags them the whole time, you father and son duo let me worry a little less, okay!” DBPuxJ


In the backseat Guo Jingyu rested his chin on his palm, tilting his head as he looked outside the car window, the tips of his ears turning red.

Just as his palm covered a bit of his lip, he tried hard to suppress the flustered beat of his heart from earlier, but regardless of how hard he worked to admire the scenery outside, what he thought of internally was always Li Tongzhou’s cheek was a little soft, a little cold, when he swayed then it seemed he’d also accidentally brushed the corner of his mouth……..

The side of his ear suddenly felt slightly cold, Guo Jingyu flinched, turning his head to look, he saw Li Tongzhou passing over an earbud, his hand lifted to signal they listen together. o A2EN

Guo Jingyu wanted to receive it, but Li Tongzhou didn’t allow it, he personally put it in for him. The two once again got somewhat closer, Li Tongzhou said: “Zhou Jielun’s song.”

The wire of the earbuds stretched out of Li Tongzhou’s backpack, one dividing into two, the two people shared one pair together.

The song was also split into two, it just happened to play until 《Third Year Class Two》, it sang:
“My side profile as I concentrate while playing basketball is quite good looking
The blackboard is the place to absorb knowledge
Only the classroom’s sunlight
I don’t really like that color
It’s not as natural as on the sport’s field
Why is it that the prettier ones are all in the class next door
And also all the answers on the exam paper that I just happen to not know how to calculate…..”

Li Tongzhou let out a short laugh, Guo Jingyu, a little suspicious, cast him a look. j1CYZM

Li Tongzhou let out a hai and said: “I wasn’t laughing at you, I was laughing at He Xiangyang.”

Guo Jingyu became angry: “My grades are higher than his by ten something points!”

This time Li Tongzhou really started laughing, his eyes bent into crescents, and the corners of his mouth tilted into a pretty curve.

Having rushed along the road, they arrived at the provincial capital. S4zi I

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Guo Jingyu’s mother saw that it was still early, and wanted to bring them to eat a meal at Kentucky Fried Chicken, at this point in time KFC was considered a trendy fast food place, the price wasn’t inexpensive. Guo Jingyu stopped her, saying: “Ma, let’s not go, it’s both pricy and doesn’t taste good.”

Guo Jingyu’s mother was just feeling a little touched when she heard the stinky brat slap his leg, two eyes glittering, and say, excitedly: “Let’s go eat at Flourishing Spring! That restaurant’s signature secret recipe dish is bone-off chicken feet, one suck and the meat comes right off, it’s stewed to the perfect moment, let’s go let’s go, we’ll go eat that!”

Guo Jingyu’s mother poked his head, smiling: “You and your mouth, just like a gluttonous kitten, whatever’s tasty you’ll eat that!”

They rarely made the trip here, and also brought Li Tongzhou, Guo Jingyu’s mother generously brought them to the restaurant. p4b5l

Flourishing Spring was Furong street’s hundred-year-old established business, located at the tail end of the street in an unremarkable spot. After pushing the door open and passing through the lobby, they found a private room on the second floor.

Guo Jingyu and his father were both good at cooking, and eating, they loved eating, father and son got together and analyzed Flourishing Spring’s menu for a short period, then ordered a few meat and vegetable dishes in high spirits, Guo Jingyu urging: “Ba, Li Tongzhou can’t eat fatty intestines, don’t order that one.”

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“ Rosy nine turns fatty intestine isn’t the same, how about trying it….”

“Let’s not, why force other people to eat, switch to something else, I think this salt and pepper shelled shrimp looks decent, so just this then.” ZpwaW

Li Tongzhou sat there not saying a word, already properly taken care of by Guo Jingyu, who arranged everything frankly.

As a person he was quiet. Towards the older generation, if asked he would absolutely reply, although his attitude couldn’t be said to be warm, it was especially respectful.

The Guo family of three was used to joking around every day, especially Guo Jingyu with his transcendental, breaking free of outmoded ways of thinking type, personality. At home, as long as his mother wasn’t present, then there would definitely be play struggling to be king of the mountain, Guo Jingyu’s mother knew, so usually she would especially appear somewhat stricter. This time Li Tongzhou shared a table with the family, Guo Jingyu’s mother was embarrassed to be more severe, Guo Jingyu also restrained himself quite a bit, smiling as he served Li Tongzhou dishes, taking care of his preferences.

Guo Jingyu liked to eat bone-off chicken feet, after a little pot was served, as soon as the lid was removed one could smell the rich fragrance, the claws were stewed until they were succulent and tender, the meat was silky, soaked in soup. Once they were removed the first thing to do was to slurp, tasting a mouthful of the freshness of the soup, then sucking with a little more force, all at once the meat would fall into one’s mouth as well; chewing it was incredibly appealing. vOqN0U

Li Tongzhou tried one.

Guo Jingyu’s father enthusiastically served him some more, halfway there he was intercepted by Guo Jingyu, “Ba, he’ll eat on his own, you shouldn’t keep giving other people things they don’t like to eat.”

“Ah? But you also gave him some just now?”

“That’s not the same, that’s trying it out, give this to me, I like it.” ca1dCP

Guo Jingyu’s father felt it was a little unfathomable, his family’s foolish son was always previously carefree, when did he ever know to take care of a person? He asked: “xiao Zhou, you don’t like to eat chicken feet?”

Li Tongzhou politely said: “Somewhat.”

To one side, Guo Jingyu was incredibly smug, his dad’s understanding of Li Tongzhou was definitely inferior to his.

Li Tongzhou saying “somewhat,” that meant can eat, but doesn’t enjoy. gi3yIj

If he came across something he liked, then it would absolutely be “tasty” “like” that category of phrase, just like the dishes he usually made, Li Tongzhou would systematically nod and approve, and furthermore would eagerly ask him if he was coming over tomorrow to cook or not!

Guo Jingyu ate as he analyzed the restaurant’s secret recipe with his father, he wanted to take this opportunity to steal teachings and learn a few things and go back to make them for Li Tongzhou to eat.

Wasn’t it already said, if one wanted to capture a man’s heart, first capture their stomach.

Guo Jingyu felt he’d already walked half of the road to success, the following move was to continue advancing, advance his cooking skills to an incredibly awesome level, so when Li Tongzhou ate his food, he would want his person, unable to even leave him for a single step. ghVsdW

After eating, the Guo family and party rested slightly, then headed directly to the electronics mall.

Guo Jingyu’s uncle’s surname was Gu, his name was Gu Benshu, back then grandma Gu found someone to name her children, the older brother and younger sister were named Gu Benshu and Gu Changqing The two siblings of the Gu family both met expectations, they’d both made it into professional training college, were distributed jobs. Uncle Gu worked for a few years, then, taking advantage of the circumstances surging, he took the plunge and began doing buying and selling, business could be regarded as decent, for the past many years he’d been able to set aside a considerable amount of savings; while Gu Changqing steadfastly worked from the basic level, these past two years had been promoted rather quickly, just when her enthusiasm for work was at a hundred percent.

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If the Gu family’s siblings had anything in common, it would be they both had a good spouse

Gu Benshu’s wife was nimble and competent, Gu Changqing married into the Guo family, her husband relied on her for a hundred things and went along with her in a hundred ways, cooking and child raising without a little bit of complaint, every day he was all smiles and gentle laughter, and it was also because things were like this that she could be at ease and work hard, to get to the accomplishments of today. yz65fN

Guo Jingyu especially liked his uncle, upon meeting there was at once an enthusiastic hug: “da shu!”

Gu Benshu held a cigarette in his mouth as he first hugged him and spun in a circle, laughing loudly as he said: “Good kiddo, you still know to see your da shu, let me see, not bad, grew again!”

Guo Jingyu smugly said: “Right, yesterday I measured one hundred and eighty seven centimeters!”

Gu Benshu was also a tall guy, hearing it he smiled and nodded: “Like me!” DAfPNM

Guo Jingyu’s father followed them over and said in a small voice: “da ge, Jingyu resembles me….”

Gu Benshu grandly waved his hand grandly, “Ai, sister’s son resembles his uncle, what do you know!”

Guo Jingyu’s father: “….”

—- wVgkE1

The author has something to say:
Guo Jingyu’s father: feels like my son’s been snatched away QAQ

T/N: Love Guo Jingyu’s parents’ dynamic as always, malewife ftw, congratulations again to Gu Changqing for finally becoming a named character, and for indirectly making your son kiss Li Tongzhou on the cheek because you didn’t warn his father about the pothole. Funny how life makes a Rube Goldberg machine out of all of us sometimes.

See you next week!! If you like my work, consider supporting me with a kofi TT summer’s hot and I need a cold drink orz


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