Back to the Peak

Chapter 17: CH 17

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In response to Yin Jinru's sudden jousting, Cheng Ran was irritated, which made him ruthless in his choice of clothes.

He was anxious about Shi Qingyang. Although he usually didn't dare to actively talk, he had Shi Qingyang's affairs in his eyes. Of course, he discovered that Shi Qingyang's clothes were not only old, but also too small. He himself had a lot of clothes and was never without something to wear.

At this time, he was busy helping his friend choose, and he selected ten sets at once.

Shi Qingyang watched Cheng Ran choose clothes for himself based on his height after scanning his body data in front of the machine. The bad mood that had been triggered by the arrival of Yin Jinru and Ping Haiyan had long since faded away. He couldn't stop smiling.

He remained unconcerned with what he was wearing. After his parents died, he had never gotten new clothes. His clothes no longer fit his height. In fact, even though he didn't lack money in his previous life, he would buy something in batch that fit and that was it.

This was the first time he discovered that shopping for clothes and strolling around the mall with other people could be an enjoyable activity.

Initially, he accompanied Liang Liang to the mall, but watching Liang Liang try on clothes and endlessly toss in indecision bored him. On the contrary, he hopes to buy clothes with Cheng Ran every year in the future.

Of course, this may also be attributed to the pace at which Cheng Ran chose. Cheng Ran was not someone who cared about fashion and style. He didn't care about expensive suits and like most men, he thought plain men's clothes were fine. He only paid attention to the fit and how many he should buy.

"Ten sets are sufficient, and I will pay more."

After selecting ten sets, Cheng Ran was a little entangled. Although the weather in the city was relatively consistent nowadays, and the same clothes could be worn all year, Shi Qingyang was now sixteen years old, and would most likely grow out of them soon enough.

Now the country urged people not to waste anything, and no one should buy needless items, even though they have money.

"It's fine; you can purchase my clothes one size bigger.” Shi Qingyang spoke up.

He was growing at a rapid rate. Before, his mother purchased him clothing, she would always buy them one size bigger so that he could wear them for a longer period of time.

Cheng Ran was never short of money. He had never thought that clothes could be purchased in a larger size. At this point, there was a sense that the door to a new world had been opened.

“Why didn’t I think of that? Should we also buy a set two sizes bigger?”

"It's not necessary. We shouldn't take too much advantage of the situation. Besides we won’t lack money later." Shi Qingyang smiled, thinking about the rich future.

Yin Tiancheng had been following Gu Changjin aside with low eyebrows, attempting to suck up to him. The corners of his mouth twitched as he heard Shi Qingyang's words. What does it mean that you won't run out of money? Would someone with a lot of money even think of purchasing clothes that were one size larger? Why shouldn’t he take advantage of it? Could he buy like this without taking advantage of the situation?

Amidst Yin Tiancheng's complaints, Shi Qingyang chose 20 sets of clothes, and Cheng Ran also chose 20 sets for himself. Gu Changjin selected 20 sets next door as well.

Gu Changjin was initially uneasy about Cheng Ran's approach. He purchased Cheng Ran clothing, which were fashionable and fit perfectly. He'd never bought a larger size like this.

Still, considering Cheng Ran's parents' stance toward Cheng Ran, he didn't say much at all. In reality, it would be beneficial if Cheng Ran had a better understanding of money. If he leaves Cheng's house in the future, he will be able to live alone.

All of those sets will be delivered to the villa by someone from the shop. After all of this, Cheng Ran and Shi Qingyang felt refreshed, while Yin Tiancheng and Yin Jinru were the opposite.

Today, they invited these teachers out to eat and brought people to buy thing in order to have a good relationship with the school teachers. Yet they did not expect to be unable to speak with these teachers in the end.

Why was 5th-level rad-Warrior waiting on the boy? Who was this Cheng Ran? Yin Tiancheng assisted in the payment and smiled to mask the yin gloom in his eyes.

He didn't seem arrogant in front of Gu Changjin. He procrastinated and attempted various tricks, but Gu Changjin didn't even make a sound towards his attempts…

"Master Yin, we’ll be heading to visit other locations. Master Yin doesn’t need to accompany us any longer.”

Gu Changjin disliked people who had ulterior motives, so after Yin Tiancheng paid the money, he remained silent. Therefore, when people began to talk about him, he started to drive them away.

"Senior, please."

Yin Tiancheng's expression was devoid of any signs of discomfort. As Gu Changjin and the others left, he turned around and gazed at the Spark Academy teachers who were standing next to him. [TN: I just feel second hand embarrassment myself imagining the scene where the two tried on clothes while a group of teachers and two sour faced classmates watched them.]

“It's all my fault. I'm sorry if I offended any of you."

“It’s none of your fault!” The teachers spoke quickly, believing that Yin Tiancheng was outstanding while his brother, Yin Jinru was unreadable as a wall made out of mud.

This time, Yin Jinru was to blame, but Yin Tiancheng had to accept guilt while the culprit was still just rubbing his arm… A sixteen-year-old boy who had yet become a Rad-Warrior had grabbed it. How hard could he have squeezed? Could it really still hurt so much?

"No, it was indeed all my fault." Yin Tiancheng received several shopping cards from the mall. “Please accept these cards as a form of compensation and apology.”

The Yin family sent the shopping cards, and they believed that the face value was not negligible, giving these teachers a more positive view of Yin Tiancheng.

Sending these teachers home, Yin Tiancheng took Yin Jinru and two of his men into his car. As soon as he got in the car, he slapped Yin Jinru's face. [TN: I'm not sure if I'm the only one who feels sad for Yin Jinru. He exhibits all of the typical symptoms of low self-esteem that result from being unloved, feeling unsafe in his own family status, and having been expected to meet expectations that he cannot reach. His rude and angry attitude is nothing more than a self-defense mechanism.]

Yin Jinru trembled and didn't dare to say anything. Yin Tiancheng, on the other hand, looked at his subordinate, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat.

“You must go over the details about Class 10 that the teacher gave me. Find out the origin of those two individuals.”

"Yes, master."

"Brother, these people are so hateful…" Yin Jinru spoke in hushed tone.

"You take care of yourself; don't bother me." Yin Tiancheng grinned at Yin Jinru. As the car was heading down an empty lane, he abruptly said, "Stop."

"Brother..." Yin Jinru trembled.

"You get out of the car and walk back yourself.” Yin Tiancheng said it lightly, but there was no resisting it.

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Yin Jinru shrank and hurried out of the car. When he exited the vehicle, the individual in the co-seat pilot's finally found the needed information.

"Master, except for his name, the individual named Cheng Ran had no other details. The person next to him was called Shi Qingyang. This information seemed vaguely familiar…"

"Make things clear." Yin Tiancheng frowned as he examined the two documents shown on the handheld device.

"Yes, master."

Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran had already strolled through the mall and gotten into Gu Changjin's car when Yin Jinru didn't dare to take a taxi and limped back home.

As soon as Cheng Ran got in the seat, he pressed against the window. Shi Qingyang felt strangely ignored. He grinned as he put a bottle in Cheng Ran's hand.

This was a lovely glass bottle filled with bright rainbow colored candies. He lied when said about going to the toilet and spend several day’s wages at the sweets section.

Cheng Ran was taken aback. He saw the bottle as soon as he lowered his head, tilted his head, and smiled at Shi Qingyang.

After that, he kept touching the bottle with tenderly while smiling, oblivious to the scenery outside the window.

Gu Changjin snorted as he gazed at back view mirror. Shi Qingyang, did he brush up on his existence?

It was already late when they returned to the villa. Shi Qingyang wanted to turn on the computer and see what was going on, but realized he hadn't practiced all day, so he settled down and began turning rad-power in his body. Repeatedly practice the gesture of mobilizing radiation energy.

While he had practice the gestures so much he could never fail, if he didn’t exercise more, his pace won’t rise. The higher the speed, the better the chance of survival. He practiced at least two hours a day in his previous life. Now the habit was so ingrained he couldn’t relax without doing it.

After practicing rad-power, Shi Qingyang went to the nearby practice room and did physical exercise for half an hour.

Downstairs, Gu Changjin, who had answered a call from Cheng Hong, looked up at the lights upstairs, thoughtfully.

Shi Qingyang went to bed at eleven o'clock and got up at six o'clock the next morning to wash up and go downstairs to help Gu Changjin prepare breakfast.

Gu Changjin didn't object and gave Shi Qingyang the grilling job as usual while he steadily cooked the porridge beside him. After a while, he unexpectedly said.

"Rad-power cultivation should not be hurried. For people who have recently gained rad-power body exercise is more important…"

Gu Changjin seemed to unintentionally discus the foundation and practice of rad-power.

Shi Qingyang had heard the instructor mention this knowledge once at Spark Academy, but he wasn't really clear. Moreover, Gu Changjin added a lot of his own insights into it.

Shi Qingyang did not lay a stable foundation from the start, and as a result, he suffered from a shaky foundation in the end. In reality, lot of what Gu Changjin said was already familiar to him, but when Gu Changjin said it and clarified it, it deepened Shi Qingyang understanding.

Of course, this was not the most important thing. The fact that Gu Changjin was helping him was invaluable!

Shi Qingyang, understandably, had no idea what was good or bad; he listened intently and referred to what he had already known.

Gu Changjin spoke softly, and when he finished making the porridge, he immediately said, "Today, I will assist you in obtaining a training card, and in the evening, I will take you to the training room to experience the radiation energy."

It was necessary to train rad-power. There were training rooms in several locations in the city where there was radiation energy, and it, of course, cost money.

"Thank you, Grandpa Gu!" Shi Qingyang was very grateful.

Gu Changjin didn't respond, instead sniffing the air, he said, "You burned the meat."

This morning, Cheng Ran drank porridge, Gu Changjin roasted himself a small piece of meat that wasn’t burned and Shi Qingyang ate two mushy pieces of meat.

Of course, it was decent meat for Shi Qingyang, who could eat nutrient meal box with relish!

"Why are you eating paste?” Cheng Ran inquired, perplexed.

"I like to eat a little paste." Shi Qingyang answered casually.

His thought were on the evening when he’ll go to practice rad-power.

"Oh." Cheng Ran made thoughtfully.

On this day, when Shi Qingyang was doing a part-time job, he especially practice rad-power. When transporting supplies, he made sure to use numerous movements to mobilize the rad-power in his body.

When he got off work, he also chose some leftovers for the purpose of making dried meat sticks.

He'll run around in the morning, train in the afternoon, and work in the evening. Despite the fact that Gu Changjin provided him with plenty of food, he was occasionally hungry. He'd be less worried if he had any dried meat on hand.

Cheng Ran and Gu Changjin were waiting for him when he returned to the villa at noon. Shi Qingyang felt warm again, and then noticed that the barbecue in front of him this time was much larger than usual.

"Is this amount enough?” Gu Changjin inquired, realizing Shi Qingyang's appetite was greater than he had expected after watching Shi Qingyang eat so much this morning.

This guy could really eat! [TN: Also known as: he sure eats lika a pig XD]

"Enough, thank Grandpa Gu!" Shi Qingyang smiled broadly and ate all the meat in Cheng Ran's admiring gaze, while not deliberately changing his facial expression.

Shi Qingyang felt very energetic and enthusiastic after eating and drinking. He was in a particularly good mood. When he returned to the room, he finally switched on the computer.

But he soon realized that his grin had to be flipped upside down.

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