Back to the Peak

Chapter 32: CH 32

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Chapter 32: Educational Film

Although Shi Qingyang thought the current Cheng Ran was very cute, he couldn’t deny that he also hoped Cheng Ran would become more mature. But the change Cheng Ran underwent the next day was really too big…

Shi Qingyang had taken the initiative to help Gu Changjin make breakfast when he saw Cheng Ran come downstairs with his head bowed. Cheng Ran was always very warm when he faced Shi Qingyang, but this time, he was exceptionally silent with his eyes skittering away, and he didn’t dare to talk with Shi Qingyang at all.

“Ranran, are you not feeling well?” Shi Qingyang asked. He glanced at Gu Changjin again. Even if Gu Changjin lifted the content shielding, it wasn’t like Cheng Ran would take the initiative to investigate those kind of things. How could he undergo such a big change overnight? Did Gu Changjin do something?

“No, I’m fine.” Cheng Ran shook his head and almost buried his head in the bowl.

“Alright, what are you asking on about. Hurry and finish eating, and I’ll take you to school,” Gu Changjin said, feeling somewhat proud.

Yesterday, he specially checked for details on information shielding on the internet. Once done, he broke out in a cold sweat. This kind of information shielding behavior was actually the first in the top ten sinful parent actions!

Fortunately, Cheng Ran never went out before and didn’t know anyone, so he didn’t know that his contact terminal and computer were blocked…

After thinking about it, he ultimately chose not to unblock Cheng Ran internet access. However, Gu Changjin discovered that schools would teach children how to protect themselves in kindergarten, and at the age of 11 or 12 would be taught sex education through special teaching videos. Knowing that, Gu Changjin became more deeply aware of his dereliction of duty.

He used to be busy cultivating and hadn’t had any children of his own. He didn’t know that he had to explain those things. Now he could only make up for it in a hurry. Last night, he gave his young master an educational film on how to protect himself, the same one that kindergartens showed to children.

His young master had seen these documentaries. Now he should know how to protect himself, right? He should recognize the problem and stay far away from Shi Qingyang.

Cheng Ran didn’t say a word the entire time. He used to like to squeeze into the back seat of the car with Shi Qingyang, but this time he even took the initiative to sit in the passenger seat.

Gu Changjin was very proud of this, but Shi Qingyang only felt sour.

As for Cheng Ran, he kept holding the rabbit in his grasp, silent with his head lowered. Yesterday, the imitation fur of the robot rabbit Shi Qingyang bought him was rubbed into a mess.

Today was Spark Academy’s official opening day. Many people crowded the gate, so Shi Qingyang took the initiative to hold Cheng Ran as he turned on the navigator on his contact terminal and walked towards the dean’s office.

The dean’s office was located at the top of the best building of Spark Academy. People could freely climb to the roof of this buliding. Now it was closed, making people feel that as long as they raised their hand, they could touch the protective cover above Spark City.

“Today is the first day of school. What are you here for?” You Liangping asked, his eyes turning on Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran.

“We want to apply for a ‘freedom pass’,” Shi Qingyang directly said.

“You’re just a first year freshman. Do you think that because you’re a bit stronger, you don’t need to continue studying?” You Liangping looked at Shi Qingyang. Though Shi Qingyang’s performance was excellent, he was too arrogant. In fact, he wasn’t even qualified to have such arrogance.

Even if he was excellent now, he would probably encounter trouble in the future. At least, the Yin family would not let him go.

“I have someone to teach me.” Shi Qingyang was very sure.

“Gu Changjin? Did he agree?”

“Grandpa Gu has agreed,” Shi Qingyang said.

“I will help you enter the information, and you can come to get your pass at noon.” You Liangping tapped on his desktop. He could not issue a free pass alone, as it required the consent of others.

“Cheng Ran too,” Shi Qingyang added. Attending school would be a waste of time for Cheng Ran, and he might be bullied.

“Cheng Ran doesn’t have your ability.” You Liangping frowned.

“But no matter how much Cheng Ran attends school, he can’t learn to use radiation energy.”

You Liangping hesitated. Cheng Hong had asked him to watch Cheng Ran study hard at school, and he couldn’t disobey orders.

At that moment, the contact terminal on You Liangping’s hand rang. He glanced at Gu Changjin’s message.

“Then I’ll also give Cheng Ran a freedom pass, but you both must take the exam. If you fail the exam, I’ll take back your pass.” Now that Gu Changjin had promised to fill Cheng Ran in on all the courses, didn’t it no longer matter?

He was also frightened that Cheng Ran might be wronged at school. No matter how incompetent the child was, he was still the eldest young master of the Cheng family.

“No problem,” Shi Qingyang immediately agreed. He had recently solidified his foundation, and it wasn’t difficult for him to pass. Not to mention for Cheng Ran, his written test results would no doubt be excellent.

At You Liangping’s office, Cheng Ran still kept his head down and didn’t say a word like in the morning. However, when they walked out of the dean’s office and came to a deserted corner, he pulled on Shi Qingyang’s sleeve.

“Ranran? What’s up?”

“Qingyang… That, that, I really am not… Not a pervert,” Cheng Ran said, stuttering.

“Who said you were a pervert?” Shi Qingyang was angry, did anyone say something to Cheng Ran?

“Well, in the educational film, it said that if someone groped another person, and touched their upper body, they were a pervert…” Cheng Ran thought of the educational film he saw last night and felt extremely tangled up.

It was very clear in the film that if someone touched them indiscriminately, or touched places that were forbidden to touch, such as the chest and lower body, then this person must be a pervert and they needed to call the police immediately.

Cheng Ran had never met such a person himself, but not long ago, he had touched Shi Qingyang all over.

He didn’t mean to. It just felt very good when he touched Shi Qingyang, and then he didn’t want to let go…

“What educational film did you watch? Who let you watch it?” Shi Qingyang asked impulsively.

Cheng Ran turned on the contact terminal: “Grandpa Gu asked me to watch it.”

On Cheng Ran’s terminal, the characters of “Children’s Sexual Safety Education” were very clear. This was a cartoon specially produced by the country to teach children to protect themselves. Every kindergarten would broadcast it.

It’s just that most people would learn how to guard themselves after watching this cartoon? Gu Changjin asked Cheng Ran to watch this, likely because he wanted Cheng Ran to have his guard up against others?

However, Cheng Ran even substituted himself in the role of the pervert preying on children…

“I really didn’t know it was bad. I just wanted to help you wipe the medicine. I……” Cheng Ran knew for the first time that it wasn’t good to help others take off their clothes. He thought of Gu Changjin’s face when he opened the door and saw Shi Qingyang in his room. He thought of Gu Changjin deliberately having him watch this educational film. All of this made Cheng Ran feel more and more ashamed.

He’s been molesting people!

“It’s okay, it’s just as you said, you just helped me apply medicine, I also wanted to thank you for that.” Shi Qingyang was now in a much better mood, and even wanted to know what expression Gu Changjin would have after he learned about this.

No, better to not tell Gu Changjin about it and let him think he succeeded for a bit.

After comforting Cheng Ran and telling him that his unintentional mistake wasn’t perverted behavior, Shi Qingyang took Cheng Ran to the pharmacy teacher.

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In Spark Academy, every student could choose some ways to make a living, such as making potions, repairing urban buildings, and breeding exotic beasts. Shi Qingyang once chose exotic beast hunting and learned a lot about hunting exotic beasts. Now he had more experience than the old teacher of the school, so he didn’t need to continue learning.

However, while he may not need to continue studying, he planned to let Cheng Ran get to know the pharmacy teacher. Although Cheng Ran could ask questions online, if others knew that Cheng Ran entered Spark Academy to study pharmacy, they wouldn’t have so much prejudice against Cheng Ran.

Yesterday, the students and the teachers looked at Cheng Ran with strange eyes, which made Shi Qingyang feel a little uncomfortable.

The corridors inside Spark Academy were no different from a maze, and were very dark. Although sunlight could be felt in the underground city, the protective cover blocked any from reaching. Because of this, the buildings above ground were often connected together without care for lighting.

The building that paid the most attention to lighting was probably the Crystal Mansion in Central City. The building was entirely made of glass and other transparent materials. In the building, everyone’s behavior was exposed to everyone.

That structure was also a restaurant. When it first appeared, everyone thought that no one would go there to dine, but in fact, it was loved by many public figures. Many politicians liked to go there for dinner, saying they were not afraid of being seen by others.

Cheng Ran might like to see the Crystal Mansion, which looked like a light-filled palace of crystal at night1. While thinking about the Crystal Mansion, Shi Qingyang escorted Cheng Ran down the long corridor.

When they reached the end of the contact terminal’s navigation, they stood in front of a door.

Today was the first day of school. Everyone was in their own classrooms as they didn’t have to take elective courses. Naturally, the pharmaceutics teachers stayed in the office.

When Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran entered, the teachers all looked surprised. Ning An, the leader of the pharmacy group, stood up and said, “What issue have you come here for?”

“Hello, teacher. We want to learn medicine.”

“If you want to learn pharmacy, you can sign up for the elective course.” Ning An frowned slightly. The teachers didn’t like Cheng Ran, who came out of nowhere. As for Shi Qingyang, after seeing his performance yesterday, some teachers appreciated him, but many didn’t like him and thought he was too arrogant.

He was just a level-1 rad-warrior, but he was so arrogant and overestimated his strength. Such a person was doomed to not go far.

“Cheng Ran’s situation is somewhat special. I’m afraid he can’t directly touch medicinal herbs containing radiation, so he can’t take elective courses.” Shi Qingyang explained that at home, Cheng Ran had a full set of tools to help him deal with medicinal herbs, but the school had students process the materials by themselves, which was obviously not suitable for Cheng Ran. “I hope the teacher can give us a set of pharmacy course materials.” As long as someone took pharmacy as an elective course, they would get a copy of the course materials. The information inside was very detailed, but not valuable.

Ning An was an intermediate pharmacist. Although she had just entered the intermediate level, she was also respected. Most of the rad-warriors in Spark City wanted to befriend her, and her husband was also Spark City’s judge. Even Yin Tiancheng didn’t try to sell his face to her, so she was even ruder to Cheng Ran: “Cheng Ran? Someone without radiant energy can’t learn medicine at all. Are you joking?”

So what if Cheng Ran had some background? Just from seeing how his family ignored him and the Dean didn’t show up when he was bullied, they knew his family had given up on him long ago.

And he had no radiation energy, but he had to come to a radiation energy college. Obviously this was something he had requested himself! Ning An once saw someone who was originally a favored son of heaven abandoned because he measured poor talent at 16. Cheng Ran was such a person in her eyes.

“According to the regulations of the Academy, a teacher can give the course materials to a student as long as they guarantee not to pass it on,” Shi Qingyang added. He always felt that things were becoming more and more similar to what he had encountered yesterday.

However, while Yin Tiancheng was his enemy, the teacher in front of him at most just didn’t like him.

“If I say I won’t give it, I won’t give it. What’s the point of learning medicine for a person who can’t even touch medicinal herbs?” Ning An looked contemptuous.

“What’s the point of learning pharmacy? Head Professor2 Ning thinks it’s meaningless to learn pharmacy?” Shi Qingyang looked at An Ning and several senior students who came here to copy the teaching materials: “Also, compared to you, Cheng Ran’s ability to learn medicine might be even better.”

“Is this a joke?” Ning An frowned at Shi Qingyang.

“I remember that all pharmacists need to learn the Encyclopedia of Medicinal Herbs. Leader Ning, why not compare with Ranran to see who’s more familiar with the Encyclopedia of Medicinal Herbs,” Shi Qingyang said directly. “If Head Professor Ning doesn’t dare, that’s fine.” If Cheng Ran showed his talent, his situation in school wouldn’t be as terrible.

“There’s no point in trying to provoke me. I’m an intermediate pharmacist. Can I compare myself with a child?” Ning An frowned. She couldn’t be more familiar with the Encyclopedia of Medicinal Herbs. After its revision every year, she would look for a new version to study. Who could be more familiar than her?

“The magnolia, which grows on spreading trees, does not experience withering and thrives all year round. Its leaves are as hard as iron, and can be used to forge weapons… It can bear fruit without flowering, and its fruits can be utliized with a variety of medicaments…” Cheng Ran suddenly recited.

In fact, he didn’t know why Shi Qingyang brought him here, but he listened to Shi Qingyang. Now Shi Qingyang wanted him to show his talents in this field, so he will naturally do so: “The summer cypress grows close to the ground, commonly near grass next to streams…”

While Cheng Ran recited the book, he didn’t have to consider what other people were thinking, and he spoke very smoothly. Seeing Ning An’s face change, he started to stop in his reciting, and he pointed out, “The edition I’ve learned by heart is the 281st, and I can keep going.” After that, Cheng Ran smiled at Shi Qingyang.

“No need to recite. What is indigo naturalis?” Ning An asked.

“Indigo naturalis was discovered in 2789. It can detoxify, is most suitable for treating reptile bites, and can be equipped through insect repellents. Several well-known drug formulations are…” Cheng Ran was not good at other things, but was the best at recitation.

Ning An’s face changed again and again. After she asked several questions that had nothing to do with the Encyclopedia of Medicinal Herbs, Cheng Ran could answer them with the information recorded in the books, she finally changed her views.

Though she had some knowledge, if someone asked where she learned it from, she couldn’t say it off the top of her hand. Cheng Ran, however…

“What does it mean if you can only recite, you still must have radiation energy to prepare medication,” a teacher said. Suddenly put on the spot in comparison to Cheng Ran, all of them were dissatisfied. Moreover, there were several students in the office.

Cheng Ran glanced at Shi Qingyang. Seeing that Shi Qingyang smiled at him encouragingly, he said, “I can make potions.”

“Level 1? How long have you been practicing?”

“Level 2, and I can configure those.” Cheng Ran pointed to a pile of herbs beside him.

For teaching, the office has prepared several kinds of medication. Cheng Ran has seen the preparation method, but he has not tried to prepare them because he couldn’t touch the medicinal herbs.

“A basic antidote?” Ning An frowned. The basic antidote was indeed a drug that could be prepared without using radiation energy, but the configuration method was relatively complex.

This kind of medication was generally configured by machines. They were used for teaching simply because the configuration method was very special. Some techniques could be used to configure more advanced medication.

“Yes.” Cheng Ran nodded. Seeing Ning An staring at him, he began to worry about whether something was wrong with him. He shrank behind Shi Qingyang.

“Come on, go configure it!” Ning An opened her mouth and looked at Shi Qingyang at the same time.

She refused to be mislead. Surely Cheng Ran couldn’t excel just as much as Shi Qingyang?

The author has something to say: 

Cheng Ran [uneasy]: Qingyang, what will you do if I become obscene? Will you call the police?

Shi Qingyang [undressing]: Come on, continue.


Cheng Ran [terrified]: I think I’m the same as the pervert in the film. What should I do?

Shi Qingyang [evil smile]: No need to worry, I can definitely repay your perversion and won’t suffer any losses!


1 – Crystal Palace: Shi Qingyang compared the Crystal Mansion to “水晶宫” which is a term for the Crystal Palace that hosted the Great Exhibition in London in the 19th century. While I don’t think he’s referring to that actual building, the imagery of the Crystal Palace filled with light at night was probably what the author wants to convey. Basically, it’s a beautiful romantic sight in this dreary dark world. [return]

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