Back to the Peak

Chapter 35: CH 35

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Chapter 35: Digging a Pit

Shunfeng Logistics, named from the phrase yilu shunfeng (一路顺风) meaning “May a favorable wind send you safely home”, was the largest shipping and logistics company in the country as well as the country’s official property. The government owned half of the shares and several other families owned the other half.

This logistics company even had many mobile towns of its own, which aided in transport. Its security and confidentiality were far better than others.

Of course, even the top logistics company in the country still has problems. After all, there were too many mutant beasts. So now, there were often experts employed in Shunfeng Logistics’ mobile towns.

Shi Qingyang sent a confidential express package. Although he would spend extra money, it was guaranteed that his information would not be discovered by people in Spark City.

And those big families who can even investigate these things can’t monitor him, an orphan in a third tier city, at this time.

There were nine bottles of medicine in the box. Once he set a password, the package would destroy itself when the password was input ncorrectly, which would further ensure the safety of the medicine. After Shi Qingyang paid the money, he watched the medicine be put into the mobile town.

Spark City was a third-class city within the jurisdiction of Yangtze City, and it was also closely connected with Yangtze City. However, things sent from Spark City often had to be sent to Anhang City first, and then to Yangtze City. Therefore, it would take at least two days for Cheng Xuze to receive them.

After delivering the potions, Shi Qingyang returned to the villa with his stalker.

These days, someone had been following him. Obviously, some people couldn’t wait.

“Qingyang, did you give the potion to others? What on earth does this potion do?” Seeing Shi Qingyang coming back empty handed, Cheng Ran asked him. He was repellent to radiation, so of course, Cheng Ran couldn’t casually try out the medicine.

“This medicine is something good. Ranran, in the future, I will drink a bottle of this medicine every day. Would you please prepare some for me first?” Shi Qingyang touched Cheng Ran’s hair.

“I will.” Cheng Ran nodded without thinking.

“Thank you.” Shi Qingyang smiled and said that this medicine, named the Almighty Elixir1, was very good for a rad-warrior’s body. With this medicine, the hidden dangers in the body could be completely eliminated.

“Dinner.” Gu Changjin opened his mouth and saw Shi Qingyang again. He was very satisfied with Shi Qingyang’s performance these days, as these days Shi Qingyang knew his place and didn’t step out of bounds.

After dinner, Shi Qingyang went online again and found Cheng Xuze.

He again thought about getting revenge for his parents. In his previous life, he clearly did not know about his parents’ affairs, yet some people still attacked him when he was 18 years old. This time, even if he did nothing, others would not let him go. In another two years when his strength rose even greater, would he be stronger than a big family?

There was also Cheng Ran. He had to pay attention to Cheng Ran’s safety… There was still a lot to do after he had been reborn, and he didn’t want to lose himself in revenge.

“Not starving, long time no see!” Just after Shi Qingyang said hello, Cheng Xuze’s message had already been sent.

“We haven’t ‘seen’ each other at all,” Shi Qingyang returned.

“I haven’t seen you, but haven’t you seen me?” Cheng Xuze, who opened the video, was obviously helpless.

“How are you doing recently?” Shi Qingyang didn’t intend to continue this pointless topic.

“My body has recovered very well recently.” Speaking of his body, Cheng Xuze’s spirits had also turned around. He had asked Ran Xue to help him prepare several bottles of potions. He would surely die of ripe old age in his life.

“What about the pharmacy factory? How are its preparations?” Shi Qingyang asked again.

“I have purchased the machine, but the production line has not been debugged because I don’t know what the specific medicine is,” Cheng Xuze responded. If someone had told him that he would spend this much money because a stranger on the internet had asked him to, he would probably laugh. But now, he had done it.

Everything was ready, only Dong Feng… Shi Qingyang suddenly asked, “Is Cheng Hui in charge of the Cheng family now?”

“Yes, there was a problem with my body before. Though he took care of the Cheng family, he listened to me very much.” Cheng Xuze said directly. He had exposed his identity and had said something about himself before, so he was not afraid to say this.

“Where is your second son?” Shi Qingyang asked again.

“Xiao Hong is not as talented as Xiao Hui. He is not close to me. I’m afraid he will stay in Anhang City.” Cheng Xuze sighed. His eldest son had natural aptitude, and later, measured double A qualifications, so he had great expectations for his eldest son since childhood. He let him train before the age of 16, and let him practice his radiation energy after the age of 16.

Cheng Hui himself was also very hardworking. If he hadn’t been injured when fighting with mutant beasts later, he might have reached level 8 now.

Cheng Hong, on the other hand, lead a life completely opposite to that of Cheng Hui. His wife hurt her body when she gave birth to Cheng Hong and couldn’t recover, so she spoilt Cheng Hong too much. She wasn’t willing to let Cheng Hong exercise as a child like Cheng Hui did. In the end, he could only give in.

Cheng Hui followed him everywhere since childhood. The father and son had a good relationship, but Cheng Hong was not close to him. After his wife died when Cheng Hong was 14, the relationship between him and his son was more like a deep canyon.

“Cheng Hong has an eldest son, Cheng Ran.” Shi Qingyang tapped down a line of words.

Cheng Xuze was always friendly toward Shi Qingyang, but this moment, he suddenly became alert: “Not starving…” the other party suddenly mentioned Cheng Ran, what did he want?

“Don’t worry, I have no malice. Even if I had malice, I wouldn’t target a person who doesn’t even have radiation power.”

“Who the hell are you?” Cheng Xuze was even more worried. Cheng Ran had been in poor health since childhood, and Cheng Hong didn’t let him contact the Cheng family. Therefore, few people outside knew the existence of Cheng Ran. How could I don’t want to starve possibly know him?

“I’m nobody much, I just happen to be in Spark City.” Shi Qingyang carefully studied Cheng Xuze’s expression and finally determined that Cheng Xuze had no malice towards Cheng Ran.

In fact, he had been beating around the bush with Cheng Ran for a long time. Only when he was sure that Cheng Xuze had no malice towards Cheng Ran would he mention him.

Although Cheng Xuze was still worried, he had also relaxed a lot: “Master, how do you know Xiao Ran?”

“You will know later.” Shi Qingyang didn’t say much.

Cheng Xuze was curious. Cheng Hong didn’t have a good relationship with him. He often said that the Cheng family may implicate Cheng Ran, so he had little contact with Cheng Ran. He only knew that he was a child who didn’t speak and had some mental problems. Was there perhaps a deliberate reason behind not mentioning him much?

However, he thought that an expert like I don’t want to starve would be in Central City. Unexpectedly, he was in Spark City?

“I sent you a box of medicine. After you read it, you can contact me,” Shi Qingyang responded, and then terminated the contact.

After learning that there would be a small box of medicine sent to him, Cheng Xuze was as uneasy as when he was waiting for Ran Xue to prepare the level 8 soothing agent.

Fortunately, he didn’t wait long to get the box. After entering the password, Cheng Xuze saw nine bottles bottled with the most common medicine.

Although Cheng Xuze believed that I don’t want to starve would hurt him with this medicine, he found Ran Xue to be safe, and asked Ran Xue to help check it.

The Cheng family spent a lot of money to build a laboratory for Ran Xue, which made Ran Xue want to stay in it all day. Moreover, because of the agreement, she could not disclose any information about the level 8 soothing agent, but after learning the formula thoroughly, she could try to improve it by herself…

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Because of this, this woman didn’t want to waste a minute except for necessary meals and sleep these days. When Cheng Xuze found her, she looked worse than last time.

However, now that she has taken the Cheng family’s money, Ran Xue would do her duty: “No problem, I will check the medicine immediately, but this medicine looks very common…”

“Please help me see if this bottle of medicine is harmful to human body. If not, I will take it. You can record my body data,” Cheng Xuze said directly, gave the medicine to the other party, and then watched Ran Xue start playing with machines that he could hardly understand.

“I don’t feel radiation energy in this bottle of medicine, so theoretically this is a medicine that can be produced by machines. The composition of the medicine is unknown, which is different from all the drugs on the market. The drugs are mutually neutralized, and the stimulation to the human body should be very small. Harmful substances account for 0.034% of the medicine…” Ran Xue analyzed the medicine with an instrument, and soon came to the conclusion that this bottle of medicine was harmless to the human body.

“Let the machine record my data.” Cheng Xuze paused, laid down in the machine next to him, connected to various data lines, and soon recorded the state of his body at this time.

His body had suffered a lot of damage

After the drug they were testing entered his mouth, Cheng Xuze closed his eyes and began to feel it slowly.

This medication seemed to have a little calming effect on the radiant energy, but it was very little. Besides that, Cheng Xuze detected nothing else.

Cheng Xuze didn’t feel anything. He stared at Ran Xue, who kept looking at the detector, her eyes getting brighter and brighter. With her wide eyes and thick dark circles beneath, it even gave people a feeling of horror.

“How is it?” Seeing the data cable being taken off, Cheng Xuze asked.

“This kind of medication can repair damage to the human body and restore a person’s state to the best condition. It has a good effect on damage caused by radiation! Of course, according to my guess, it must be taken for a long time to achieve the best effect, but as long as the medicinal materials are not difficult to find, it can be mass-produced. It is no problem to take it for a long time!”

Cheng Xuze looked at his body report, and his hands could not help shaking. He was 70 years old, could he still absorb this medicine to improve his body?

In this way, apart from living longer, could he still use radiant energy in the future?

“Mr. Cheng, where on earth did this medicine come from?” Ran Xue was so excited that she suddenly felt that entering the Cheng family was the wisest decision of her life. Of course, it would be better to know the pharmacist behind Cheng Xuze!

Now which radiant warrior didn’t worry about his body? This bottle of medicine was incredible for their health!

“I don’t know…” Cheng Xuze laughed: “Ran Xue, let’s keep going!”

Holding the medicine box in his hand, he left Ran Xue’s lab without looking back and went back to his room.

In order to contact I don’t want to starve, Cheng Xuze recently upgraded his networking device. When he came to the computer, he was ready to wait for I don’t want to starve, and found that the other party was online.

“Master Not starving, did you develop that potion?”

“I should be the only one in the world who knows this medicine,” Shi Qingyang quickly replied, “Are you satisfied with the medication?”

“Satisfied, very satisfied!” The wrinkles on Cheng Xuze’s smiling face were all wrinkled together: “Will you continue to provide this medicine?”

“No, I won’t continue to provide this medicine, but you can make it yourself,” Shi Qingyang responded.

“The master asked me to prepare the machine for setting up a pharmacy, just for this kind of medicine?”

“Yes, it was prepared for this medicine. This medicine was named the Almighty Elixir by me. It can prevent radiant damage to the body, as well as cure previous radiant damage suffered. Most importantly, it’s very easy to find its medicinal materials.”

“What do I need to do?” It took Cheng Xuze a long time to calm down.

“You provide the equipment, I provide the prescription, and I need 40% of the net profit.” Shi Qingyang gave the answer directly.

“No problem,” Cheng Xuze immediately agreed and asked cautiously, “Master, do we want to talk face to face?”

Shi Qingyang had planned to let Cheng Xuze come to Spark City. Now Cheng Xuze took the initiative to mention this, but it was just fine with him: “If you come to Spark City, we will make an appointment to meet outside the city, but don’t let others know.”

Cheng Xuze has long wanted to see Shi Qingyang with his own eyes. Naturally, there was no reason why wouldn’t go.

He specially found a map of Spark City’s surroundings, took the driving road of the mobile town as the axis, found the agreed place, and then asked Wang Qing to prepare things for going out.

“Old man, are you going to drive a mobile fortress or an armored car?” Wang Qing asked hesitantly.

“Drive an armored car. I haven’t been out of the city for a long time…” Cheng Xuze took a deep breath.

When Shi Qingyang heard news of Cheng Xuze’s movements, he soon contacted He Lan.

“I’ll be out of town alone the day after tomorrow.”

“Are you going to use yourself as bait to lead people into a trap?” He Lan’s eyes lit up. Some of her people were active outside the city all the year round, and were very familiar with the environment.

Shi Qingyang left the city. Those who were staring at him would certainly want to make a move, and could be led into a trap at that time

“No, there is no need to set up a trap. I just hope you can find someone to follow me and ensure my safety.” Even if Shi Qingyang wanted revenge, he didn’t intend to take risks.

“What are your plans?”

“You just have to cooperate,” Shi Qingyang said directly.

He Lan was silent for a while, then smiled with all kinds of feelings: “No problem.”

After everything was arranged, Shi Qingyang turned off the computer and went to the practice room. At this moment, Cheng Ran was there preparing medicine.

Without disturbing Cheng Ran, Shi Qingyang trained on a nearby machine.

The Yang family had become more and more alert to him. If he didn’t take Gu Changjin with him and went out alone, they would find a way to deal with him.

It was normal for a person to go missing outside the city. Even if Gu Changjin wanted to help him, he wouldn’t find evidence. Moreover, how long had he known Gu Changjin? Those people surely wouldn’t think that Gu Changjin would go that far too help him, right?

But what if Cheng Xuze saw an attempted murder outside the city?


1 – Almighty Elixir: 全能药剂, the names various translation services gave are omnipotent potion, all-rounder potion, and google spat out this high-and-mighty sounding ‘almighty elixir’ that I picked. I can’t read Chinese so whatever the machine-learning algorithms pick is what we get… [return]

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