Back to the Peak

Chapter 50: CH 50

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Chapter 50: Thank You

Cheng Hui had indeed made a breakthrough. He had wasted ten years stuck at level-7, and it was considered impossible for him to ever progress to the next level. However, on this day ten years later, he suddenly made a breakthrough.

Rad-energy levels were mainly divided according to the amount of radiation energy one had. This was especially the case for rad-energy warriors level-3 and below, whose levels were evaluated entirely by machine.

However, differences occurred when rising beyond in levels. After level-4, the radiation energy in the body would be quite full. If someone wanted to make a breakthrough, they had to compress their energy. After compression, their level would naturally rise.

Cheng Hui had excellent talent. He was a natural radiation user who had already reached level-7. However, he had no way to make a breakthrough because of the hidden injuries in his body. He tried to compress the radiation in his body several times, but failed. Instead, he hurt his body and damaged himself even more.

Facing such a situation, Cheng Hui became desperate. Because everyone thought he could not break through, his mood became more and more pessimistic. But now, this man had risen a level!

Cheng Xuze was so shocked he almost hung up the communicator, and immediately looked at his granddaughter: “Sisi, are you telling the truth?”

“Grandpa, what would I lie to you for?” Cheng Sisi said loudly, her face full of excitement: “Dad really broke through!”

As soon as Cheng Sisi’s voice fell, the noise outside became louder and louder. Wang Qing also came in from the outside: “Master, level eight, level eight…”

Wang Qing had always been calm. Today, he walked much faster than usual. Although there was no expression on his face, there were tears in his eyes.

Wang Qing was actually the son of one of Cheng Xuze’s comrade-in-arms. His comrade-in-arms died in battle, and his wife remarried. At that time, Wang Qing, who was 15 years old, was brought home by Cheng Xuze.

At that time, Cheng Xuze was still young and active outside. Cheng Hui was still a child… In order to repay Cheng Xuze’s kindness, Wang Qing had always been responsible for taking care of Cheng Hui. They had a deep relationship. When Cheng Hui was rendered unable to break through further, Wang Qing always felt it a pity, but now Cheng Hui had done it!

“Ha ha! I said that fellow wouldn’t deceive me!” Cheng Xuze said excitedly, “We must go and see Xiao Hui. The Cheng family has hope now!” Now there were only two level-9 masters in the whole country, but there were many level-8 masters. He was not the only one in Yangtze City. There were even more masters who were level-7.

If Cheng Xuze was gone, the Cheng family would only have a level-7 master. It was hard to say whether he could keep the pharmacy going. But now, Cheng Hui was also level-8!

Cheng Xuze quickly walked out of the room, and his hands shook when he swiped the contact terminal to enter the basement.

When the door of the basement opened, Cheng Xuze felt a strong momentum. The radiant energy intensity was really level 8!

“Dad!” Cheng Hui was now exhausted, but he was in good spirits. Standing in the Cheng family’s practice room, he had a huge grin on his face.

“Xiao Hui!”

“Dad, I reached level eight.” Cheng Hui’s voice choked up. Cheng Xuze had great expectations for him, and had always told Cheng Hui that he had a chance to become stronger than Cheng Xuze, but he could not even reach level 8 before.

“Good, good…”

“Dad, we really have to thank him… If it weren’t for Master, I wouldn’t be able to advance again,” Cheng Huid said. He had been desperate before. More than a year ago, an inkling of hope had rekindled. Unexpectedly, now that more than a year had passed, he really broke through!

“Yes, we must thank him well!” Cheng Xuze was also very excited. In the past two years, using rad-energy soothing agents and Almighty Elixirs, his life had been much easier. Since the Cheng family obtained the Almighty Elixir, their family business grew bigger and bigger. All these were brought about by I don’t want to starve.

At first, Cheng Xuze had doubts about I don’t want to starve. He had suspected that the other party was trying to find a way to deal with the Cheng family. Now, he was very ashamed of his past doubts.

I don’t want to starve had helped him so much. He should no longer doubt him all his life!

“Big brother advanced?” a voice spoke. As soon as Cheng Xuze turned around, he saw Cheng Hong come in. The expression on his face was very strange.

“Yes, your eldest brother has reached level-8,” Cheng Xuze spoke excitedly, but soon thought that it would make his youngest son unhappy, so he didn’t go on.

Cheng Hong was really unhappy. He never thought that his eldest brother would advance.

Were those strange moves really useful? If not because of that set of movements, was it because of something else? But he obviously practiced with his eldest brother. Why didn’t he show any sign of promotion? In his current situation, if he wanted to forcibly compress the radiation energy in his body, the only result would be to explode and die!

They were obviously brothers, so why was the gap so big? They were obviously brothers, so why was he lower than his eldest brother since birth? In the past, when his eldest brother was at level-7 and leve-6, others would feel pity when they mentioned Cheng Hong. Now his eldest brother was at level-8 and he was still at level-6. Who knew what those people would say in the end!

Cheng Hong’s face changed again and again. Finally, he said, “Brother, congratulations.”

“Thank you,” Cheng Hui said. Although Cheng Hong was often jealous of him, Cheng Hong was his brother after all, and this blood relationship could not be wiped out. Moreover, Cheng Hong was just jealous, and had no ideas to do anything extreme.

Many times, for this brother, Cheng Hui would regard him as a rebellious child.

“Dad, what was it that brother did to advance? Was there anything else besides that?” Cheng Hong couldn’t help asking.

Cheng Hong was obviously suspicious. Cheng Xuze frowned: “You’ve been at home these days. Wouldn’t you know if there was anything else?”

Cheng Hong frowned more tightly. These days, he had been practicing that set of movements with Cheng Xuze and Cheng Hui, but Cheng Xuze didn’t treat the two of them equally. At least Cheng Xuze and Cheng Hui knew about the medicine, but no one told him anything about that matter. Although he could obtain the medicine as he wanted, he couldn’t learn more and he couldn’t even get into Ran Xue’s lab.

Looking at Cheng Hong’s indecipherable expression, Cheng Xuze’s face became more and more ugly. Was Cheng Hong doubting him?

His son was always like this, so that he could hardly bear to talk to him. Cheng Xuze had always wondered how Cheng Hong could have become the Vice Mayor of Anhang City like this.

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Or was it that he was only so indiscriminate when facing his relatives?

“Let’s go out and celebrate. Xiao Hui, let’s contact the liaison right away and test your radiation level tomorrow!” Cheng Xuze said. After Cheng Hong’s strength increased, it had to be tested. After the test, the information in his contact terminal would also change.

“Alright,” Cheng Hui immediately agreed. He couldn’t wait. At the beginning, he and another person two years younger than him in Yangtze City were the city’s top young talents. Now, seven years had passed since the other party reached level 8, but he had always been level 7… Thinking of this, Cheng Hui became more grateful to the master whom his parents highly praised: “Dad, I want to give a gift to the master.”

“That’s as it should be!” Cheng Xuze also had such a plan. After all, they had received too much from Not Starving over the years. However, for more than a year, I don’t want to starve had never made any other request except to let him prepare an anonymous account to make money. They didn’t even know what the other party liked

While Cheng Xuze and Cheng Hui were grateful to Shi Qingyang, Shi Qingyang was surprised.

The set of movements he taught had no other function except that it could move every joint of the body. At most, it could only be regarded as a set of aerobics. How could Cheng Hui finally break through by practicing such a set of skills?

No, it shouldn’t be this set of skills that let Cheng Hui advance, but a combination of various factors…

Cheng Hui actually had a chance to advance, but failed because of his body’s injuries. And after a long time had passed, even if his injury had healed, his mentality hadn’t recovered…

When a person failed many times and the people around him thought that he would fail, he would find it even harder to succeed. This was the case with Cheng Hui.

Now, the Cheng family had recruited Ran Xue. Ran Xue had helped Cheng Hui take care of himself. Not only that, as the owner of the Cheng family, Cheng Hui also drank the omnipotent potion prepared by Ran Xue every day. His physical condition was naturally taken care of.

At this time, someone tricked him into saying that he could be promoted by doing a set of movements, which just gave him confidence…

Cheng Hui’s promotion had little to do with the radio calisthenics Shi Qingyang had given him. It was mainly a resolution of his own issues. If Cheng Hong had practiced radio exercises all his life, then unfortunately he would have had no chance to promote.

However, this was what Shi Qingyang knew, but others had no idea at all. Cheng Xuze insisted that his body improved each time he practiced the broadcast exercises, and he likely absolutely no doubts about what he’d told him now..

Shi Qingyang guessed right. After dinner that day, he turned on the computer, and Shi Qingyang saw that Cheng Xuze had sent countless words of thanks to him.

“You’re welcome. Your son can get to this point because he was already in very good shape,” Shi Qingyang typed a line of words.

“How can you say that? Before, everyone said that he couldn’t raise his level again, but now he has advanced! I’m so happy!” Cheng Xuze laughed.

“Congratulations,” Shi Qingyang said again.

“Master, you really cherish words like gold. Besides, we have known each other for so long, and you are so secretive about your identity.” Cheng Xuze’s face was full of contempt.

“My identity is very special.” Shi Qingyang treaded the line between half true and half false.

“Master must be a powerful figure.” Cheng Xuze sighed and made up a lot of things to put in his brain. For example, I don’t want to starve was in fact, a baby picked up by a family, raised to be cultivated as a substitute for their young master. Or I don’t want to starve was, in fact, a brilliant genius, but had been framed and had to leave his home…

I don’t want to starve. Seeing this name, one would know how miserable his life was.

Shi Qingyang didn’t reply. Now he had the best resources, and he had reached level-2 with hard work. In terms of the amount of radiant energy, even Yin Tiancheng couldn’t compare…

“Master, Xiao Hui wants to give a gift of thanks for his breakthrough. What would you like?” Cheng Xuze asked.

“A thank you?” Shi Qingyang was curious. In fact, the Cheng family had given him a lot in recent years. His detector was the one Cheng Xuze gave him, and he didn’t have anything in else in particular that he wanted..

“Master, do you want a mobile town? With a mobile town, you can go where you want to go and see the scenery outside the city…” Cheng Xuze recommended, if nothing else because he had always wanted a mobile fortress that only belonged to him.

The Cheng family actually owned a mobile town, but its purpose was to serve the family. Cheng Xuze couldn’t use it all for his own, and he didn’t have so much money that he could just buy whatever he wanted.

But now things were different. After the Cheng family started up the pharmaceutical factory, they had money flowing in every day. Now he could afford to buy ten mobile towns.

Shi Qingyang was moved. He had a lot of tanks in his last life, but had never owned a mobile town. After all, mobile towns required a lot of energy, and the maintenance costs were also huge. At that time, even if he was not short of money, he couldn’t burn his funds at will.

But now things were different, and he received 40% of the net profit of the Almighty Elixir, and had a lot of money entering his account every month. However, he had no place to spend his earnings. It was really nothing to upkeep a mobile town.

Tanks were really good, but mobile towns could crush everything in the wild. They could go anywhere. They were much more powerful than tanks.

“Get me a mini mobile town, a family mobile fortress,” Shi Qingyang finally said. He couldn’t make use of a large mobile town with tens of thousands of people at all. The smallest mobile fortress was good. This kind of mobile fortress had an area of about 200 square meters and was round. Apart from the control room and the machine room which held various spare parts, machines, and weapons, it could still comfortably hold a family. It was really a good deal to exchange a set of radio exercises for a mobile fortress!

“Alright, I’ll do so right away, but how should I send it to you, master?” Cheng Xuze asked.

“I have no need for it. Just give it to Shi Qingyang,” Shi Qingyang said directly.

“Master is really interested in your apprentice… Master, are you interested in taking another apprentice?” Thinking of his grandchildren, Cheng Xuze couldn’t help asking.

“Not interested,” Shi Qingyang replied. He then navigated to and started to browse through the posts.

Who knew if it was a coincidence, but as soon as he started browsing, he saw a post asking to become a master’s apprentice floating on the home page.

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