Back to the Peak

Chapter 88: CH 88

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Chapter 88: Poison

That night, Shi Qingyang learned the intention behind why Qin Liu had come over from Cheng Xuze.

Cheng Xuze had been looking for the person standing behind the Yin Family all this month, and had also locked onto several candidates. Unfortunately, they couldn’t be sure who it was. But Qin Liu’s visit this time brought them something good.

A kind of poison aimed at a person’s brain, forcing them to tell the truth.

“Who knows where Qin Liu got this medicine. If the effect was as good as she said and its source was normal, it would have been a good thing.” Cheng Xuze looked at ‘I don’t want to starve’ opposite him. Although he didn’t know the identity of the other side, he told the truth.

“Does this medicine have any side effects or damage the brain?” Shi Qingyang settled down and typed a line of words.

“Yes, Qin Liu said that this medicine has a great chance of damaging the brain, so I must be careful when I use it, and can’t let anyone know to use against me.” Cheng Xuze nodded: “Cheng Hong’s life hasn’t been very good for over a month. Qin Liu and their two children have also been affected. It’s likely that this is why she came to me. However, I don’t know where her medicine came from. Can you really buy such things on the black market?”

Shi Qingyang saw Cheng Xuze’s serious expression on the other side of the screen, and his face became more and more solemn. “If I guessed correctly, this medicine should have come from the Feng family.”

“The Feng family?” Cheng Xuze said. “Feng Yunhong’s family?”

“That’s right. There is a research institute in the imperial capital, where many illegal drugs have been studied. This drug should be one of them. I don’t know how your daughter-in-law got it.” Shi Qingyang typed a line of words. He was actually familiar with this medicine, because he had taken it before.

By that time, this medicine had been improved. At least, the damage to the brain had been reduced. If it hadn’t been for this, the side effects wouldn’t have only been a long period of confusion after he took the medicine in excess.

This kind of medicine couldn’t be resisted. As long as he maintained an outstanding willpower, he could at least keep a bit of control over his own mind. In the beginning, Feng family wanted to know the reason behind his growth in strength. After giving him the medicine, he still had some control of his thoughts. In addition, he wasn’t very clear about why he became stronger at that time. Finally, he insisted on not telling the story of the ant nest.

Later, the Yin Family didn’t find out anything from him, and since he was confused, his care was relaxed a lot… If it weren’t for this, he would never have discovered the prescription of the Almighty Elixir.

Shi Qingyang thought of the events at that time and looked pale. He knew that the Institute had given this medicine to many people, but such things were forbidden by law, so without a special relationship, no one could get such medicine from the Institute. How did Qin Liu get it?

Was Qin Liu related to that research institute?

“How could the Feng family study such things?” Cheng Xuze was also shocked: “If I use this medicine, others would find out about it…”

“It’s all right. It’s difficult to discover this medicine. As long as you are careful, it should show no flaws. You can use it. However, you should pay more attention to Cheng Hong and Qin Liu.” Shi Qingyang continued to type. Under the current situation, this medicine was the best. It made the person voluntarily feel like they wanted to reveal everything, and he was more than clear on just how well that medicine worked.

“I will.” Cheng Hong nodded. If it hadn’t been for ‘I don’t want to starve’, he might not have doubted too much. But now, he had made up his mind to keep careful watch of his son.

Cheng Hong wasn’t smart. If he was used as a cannon fodder… 

Shi Qingyang soon ended the call with Cheng Xuze, but for a moment, his expression could not calm down, not until Cheng Ran came in from the outside: “Qingyang, why is your face so ugly?”

Shi Qingyang turned off the computer in his hand and smiled: “I was thinking about something just now. Ranran, is the medicine prepared?” Recently, Cheng Ran had to train every day during the daytime. He had left the study of medicine making in the evening. If he hadn’t arranged his time so tightly, he wouldn’t have fallen asleep when Shi Qingyang had rubbed his back…

“Today, I learned another medicine that needs to be prepared through adding radiant energy, but it almost failed…” Cheng Ran yawned and wanted to lie down. However, he thought of Shi Qingyang’s excited appearance when he returned to the city: “Qingyang, do you want to?”

“No, let’s sleep.” Shi Qingyang kissed Cheng Ran on the face. Cheng Ran was already so tired. Of course, he would not do anything crazy.

Although he wanted to know who the man behind the Yin Family was, Shi Qingyang also knew that it was urgent. So the next day, as usual, he entered Zheng Gaoyuan’s room early in the morning and dragged Zheng Gaoyuan out of bed.

“Qingyang, if you want to go hunting today, let Wang Qing follow you,” Cheng Xuze said at breakfast.

In this regard, this was just what Shi Qingyang needed: “Thank you, grandpa! I’ll be troubling Grandpa Wang, too.”

“It’s good to go out of town.” Wang Qing nodded.

They arrived at the entrance of the city very early, but Sheng Lin and his group of Wu Siwen and the others, as well as Li Jiajia and Ye Jinyu, were already waiting there. They were still full of equipment. Once they caught sight of Shi Qingyang, they were even happier.

Shi Qingyang didn’t rush out of the city. Instead, he looked around at the gate of the city. At last, he saw a thin man in rags: “Are you looking for a job here? Would you like to go out with us and help us collect prey?”

In fact, it wasn’t easy to just be wearing rags these days, because many people donated clothes they didn’t wear anymore. But Fu Xiaohua’s clothes could definitely be called rags. Of course, it was also because he wasn’t wearing ordinary clothes, but an outfit that couldn’t be obtained through donation channels–he had layered on five-to-six worn-out combat suits over himself.

Fu Xiaohua was a native of Anhang City. He lived with his grandmother. Although the two of them had a hard life, his grandmother had a pension, and it wasn’t too hard to have a living. Unfortunately, his grandmother had Alzheimer’s disease. Her entire person had become a little strange, and she had forgotten many things.

Fu Xiaohua spent all of the old woman’s pension to buy medicine for her. Though she still didn’t make any progress, they were almost unable to eat. Moreover, although he was still in school, he was already an adult, and he had no way to get financial relief assistance…

After much deliberation, Fu Xiaohua decided to try his luck outside the city. However, he wasn’t brave enough. He simply found many battle suits that others did not want and wore them on his body, with six layers, in order to increase his defense.

Because the combat suits were airtight, there was a small temperature control system on each of the combat suits. The system on the damaged combat suits had long been useless. Fu Xiaohua was now wearing six pieces in total, sweating heavily, and looked like a loser.

With Shi Qingyang suddenly approaching to talk to him, Fu Xiaoyang obviously couldn’t understand what was going on. He pointed to himself in surprise: “Me?”

“Yeah, I want to find someone to help me pick up the prey. Would you like to?” Shi Qingyang asked again.

“Yes, of course!” Fu Xiaohua immediately said. He was the only one who dared not even go out of the city. Now that someone was willing to take him, he couldn’t be happier.

“Master Shi, I’d like to. I’m much stronger than this little man. You’d better find me!”

“Master Shi, I, I know the wild very well and have rich experience. I can definitely do this job well!”

“Master Shi, take me with you. I can not only pick up prey, but also hunt!”


As soon as Fu Xiaohua agreed, many people crowded over and introduced themselves to Shi Qingyang.

“No, I only need one, and his family doesn’t seem to be in a very good state.” Shi Qingyang smiled and rejected the others.

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Fu Xiaohua was one of his comrades-in-arms in his last life, so since he had suddenly spotted him, he wouldn’t bring anyone else.

Moreover, he had to do this now. In his previous life, Fu Xiaohua didn’t hunt in the beginning. He could only live by picking up mutant beasts left behind the crazy Ye Houan and treating his grandmother along the way. But now Ye Houan wasn’t crazy at all. Not only was he not crazy, his career had also improved…

If he didn’t take Fu Xiaohua with him, he might run out alone and face danger…

Those people looked at Fu Xiaohua’s ragged clothes, and finally they reluctantly withdrew to the side. Fu Xiaohua was still at a loss.

At first, Shi Qingyang asked him if he was willing to follow him. In fact, he didn’t recognize Shi Qingyang at all. It was not until he found that other people were extremely enthusiastic that he suddenly realized that he had been hit by a pie falling from the sky.

He was so lucky that Shi Qingyang fell in love with him at first sight!

“What are you thinking? Aren’t you going to hurry?” Shi Qingyang urged.

“Heehee, I’m just wondering why you have a crush on me?” Fu Xiaohua was excited.

“…” Shi Qingyang glanced at him, speechless. “I don’t like you that way.”

“Ah?” Fu Xiaohua looked puzzled.

“Boss Shi is already taken. You have no chance.” Li Jiajia patted Fu Xiaohua on the shoulder. [Calls him Shi laoda = boss, leader; he’s now their hunting group leader]

Fu Xiaohua thought about it for a while and hurriedly ran up: “Boss Shi, Boss Shi, I didn’t mean that. You certainly wouldn’t like me. How could you like me? I mean I…”

“Is this the latest style of combat suit?” While Fu Xiaohua was scratching his ears, Zheng Gaoyuan finally couldn’t help asking. He remembered that a person he knew in Central City liked to wear such clothes. He said that this was the latest trend. At that time, after being called a fool, he asked Zhao Li to do the same for him in order to catch up with the trend.

However, his clothes at that time were obviously not as natural as those on Fu Xiaohua.

“Ah?” Fu Xiaohua looked at his battle suit with embarrassment. He was too embarrassed to wear so many layers…

“How much did you pay for this outfit? I also want to buy one,” Zheng Gaoyuan said again, the battle suit looked broken, but the layers were very thick. It must be able to block mutant beasts!

Fu Xiaohua didn’t know how to answer at all. In the past, when people teased him like this, he would have turned over and left a long time ago, but now he was reluctant to find a new job…

“If you keep your mouth closed, you won’t be mistaken for an idiot!” Ye Jinyu glared at Zheng Gaoyuan.

Zheng Gaoyuan shrunk his head into his body and stopped talking. These days, under the supervision of Shi Qingyang, he completely said goodbye to the games he used to like to play. Instead, he watched many teaching videos, and someone told him what the mobile town had been all about…

Since then, when he saw Ye Jinyu again, he always felt guilty.

Other people didn’t know that Zheng Gaoyuan had a problem in his mind, but Ye Jinyu knew. She pulled the corner of her mouth and handed Zheng Gaoyuan a handheld computer. This handheld computer was her mother’s, and it was filled with various dog blood TV dramas. The protagonists were basically born poor and lived in poverty.

Although this method was very unreliable, Zheng Gaoyuan should understand something after watching it. At least, he could also figure out that not everyone was as rich as he was.

Zheng Gaoyuan liked watching TV very much. He lookd down and watched half of it, and his eyes were red because he was watching too intently.

Unfortunately, before he could see the protagonist’s happiness, Shi Qingyang suddenly appeared, carrying him and throwing him down the mobile fortress.

The hunting started.

The mobile fortress was actually a big weapon. With this thing, even if they saw a mutant insect nest, they could directly crush it as long as it wasn’t particularly difficult to roll over and crush everything.

However, Shi Qingyang came out this time to let people exercise, so of course he wouldn’t use such means. So, in the end he chose a big tree with several mutant beasts on it, and then he beat down all the caterpillar beasts and ladybugs on it to make them come down, and let the group hunt them. He even specially assigned a caterpillar beast to Zheng Gaoyuan.

The caterpillar had a soft body and couldn’t break Zheng Gaoyuan’s anti-radiation suit. Zheng Gaoyuan didn’t have enough methods of attack, so he could only shout and cry. In the end, he came up with a strange trick, pressing himself on the caterpillar and abruptly crushing it to death…

Shi Qingyang finally praised Zheng Gaoyuan, who was covered in green juice, but when he bent down to give him a pat only to see Zheng Gaoyuan laying on the ground pretending to be dead, he didn’t dare to do it in the end.

He’d never experienced something like this himself, and in fact, he didn’t think it was too disgusting. But when he saw that Cheng Ran’s face was pale, he stopped himself.

If Cheng Ran didn’t let him go to bed because he touched something so disgusting, how bad would that be?

Zheng Gaoyuan laid on the ground alone for a long time, but he was helpless to find that everyone had gone to the mobile fortress and ignored him. It seemed that it was time for dinner…

He finally got up, cleaned himself with the cleaning robot, and then went back.

In the future, he must hire several people to carry him back after Shi Qingyang forced him to train!

In the morning, Shi Qingyang hunted, and he generously explained his fighting skills to the others. In the afternoon, the group of people went to the swamp and began to exercise.

Sheng Lin and the others didn’t feel anything when they watched it yesterday. Now that they were in the swamp, they found that it was really difficult to walk in the mud. Fu Xiaohua, who had no prior experience, was almost unable to walk.

Because of this, they had more admiration for Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran, who could move freely.

After the training, Shi Qingyang generously divided the prey captured in the morning to Sheng Lin, Wu Siwen, Fu Xiaohua and the others, and even gave Fu Xiaohua a brand-new combat suit, so that he could change out of his beggar’s clothes that hurt the eyes, and said that the money would be deducted from his salary–helping too much would only breed grudges. Shi Qingyang knew this best.

As a result, Fu Xiaohua had just taken off his ugly clothes excitedly, but he didn’t expect that when they returned to the city, they would see a group of people in ragged combat clothes wandering around the city entrance, while several people who might have come from other cities were shocked and talking about whether Anhang City was really this poor.

Shi Qingyang looked around silently. Cheng Ran, who had a good memory, pointed out a person: “Qingyang, look, is he the one who wanted to join the team this morning? He was originally wearing a combat suit worth 200,000 yuan, but now he has also changed into a ragged combat suit…”

“They had just found out that Shi Qingyang would let someone join the team if he pitied them. Therefore, the price of worn-out combat suits today is the highest they’ve been in history.” Wang Qing put down his handheld computer.

Shi Qingyang took a lot of effort to return. When he finally got back, he discovered that Cheng Xuze’s expression was somewhat ugly. Unfortunately, Cheng Xuze didn’t want to talk to them. Finally, he put on his online persona and went to find Cheng Xuze. Only then did he find out why.

Ao Zhi had confessed after taking the medicine, and it turned out that the person behind the scenes had been Li Rong!

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