Back to the Peak

Chapter 94: CH 94

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Chapter 94: Closure

When they stayed outside the city, Shi Qingyang and the rest would hunt for food to eat that day. Even if they had extra food left over, Fu Xiaoyang and the others would take it back with them. Therefore, the kitchen of the mobile fortress only had vegetables.

The people who kidnapped them were all gangsters and didn’t have the patience to cook fancy food. So they just cooked the vegetables and the queen ant meat in one pot. After cooking, the group of people divided into two groups to eat in turn.

At this time, Shi Qingyang didn’t even have time to care for Zheng Gaoyuan’s reaction. Instead, he focused on Li Rong, fearing that Li Rong would not eat.

Fortunately, those people gave Li Rong the first portion of food after they cooked it, and even baked a piece of meat in the oven for him.

The flesh of the queen ant would make people’s body irradiate and go into riot, and the whole body would ache. But it took a while for the attack to happen. Shi Qingyang sat quietly aside. After the second batch of people ate the cooked meat, he saw Li Rong suddenly cover his stomach: “This soup is poisonous! Who did this?”

Li Rong’s face grew more and more wretched with each word he spoke, and after him, the other people covered their stomachs. “Who poisoned it?” Li Rong once again gritted his teeth and spoke. At first he suspected his subordinates, but then he looked at Shi Qingyang.

At that moment, Shi Qingyang’s bomb suddenly lost its effect with a ‘di’ sound. He jumped up, picked up Zheng Gaoyuan and threw him into the next room: “Ranran, do it!”

The bomb on Cheng Ran’s body had also been damaged by his radiation energy. However, he didn’t hide Wang Qing, who was with him, into the other room like Shi Qingyang did with Zheng Gaoyuan. Instead, he ran to the other side of the room, toward Gu Changjin and Cheng Hong.

At the same time, Wang Qing unexpectedly stood up, broke the ropes tying his hands, and then kicked a guard beside him. The man had just eaten and wasn’t undergoing the meat’s effects yet. He aimed his gun at Cheng Ran and was about to shoot, but he lost his aim from the kick and struck the ceiling.

When Shi Qingyang saw this, he knew that it was mostly Cheng Ran’s efforts that helped Wang Qing remove the medicine from his body. He was surprised and happy. Although his own radiation energy had changed, it was still violent and harmful to the body. It didn’t matter if he used his radiation energy to run through his own body, but he had no way to help others. But Cheng Ran’s was different. His radiation energy was extremely soothing…

Shi Qingyang didn’t delay and kicked another person who was firing a gun. Then he saw that Cheng Ran had caught Gu Changjin and thrown Gu Changjin into another room.

“Cheng Ran, what are you doing?” Cheng Hong was shocked and angry when he saw this scene. In his opinion, since Li Rong did not intend to kill them, they shouldn’t resist in order to avoid being in danger. As a result, Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran rebelled. Not only that, Cheng Ran saved Gu Changjin first when he was saving people!

He was Cheng Ran’s father!

“If you still want an antidote, you’d better not shoot!” Shi Qingyang shouted.

The people who ate the meat in the second rond hadn’t yet gotten sick. At this time, they had taken out their guns, but after hearing this, they hesitated. They didn’t know what poison they had taken, but from the reaction of Li Rong and others, they knew that the poison was very strong.

No one wanted to die. At this moment, everyone hesitated for a moment.

However, while other people hesitated, Li Rong did not. He had installed a bomb on the mobile fortress. Originally, he had intended to disembark with Shi Qingyang and the others once they’d gotten closer to the city, and then blow up the mobile fortress to destroy everything. Now, he planned to detonate it ahead of time–even if he died, he would bury them all with him.

Li Rong’s hands trembled and pressed against the nearby bomb. Shi Qingyang and Wang Qing shot him in the arm at the same time. His arm was punctured by the bullet. The arm was so powerless that it fell to the ground. An enormous amount of blood appeared all over his body. The blood oozing from every pore instantly changed him into a bloody man. After struggling several times, there was no more movement.

“Kill them. They don’t have an antidote for this poison!” Upon seeing Li Rong’s death, some people screamed. Even Shi Qingyang was shocked when he saw it happen. He knew that the flesh of the queen ant would make people feel pain and undergo a change, but he’d never imagined that Li Rong would die so quickly.

By contrast, the symptoms the other people experienced were lighter. Although those who’d eaten at the same time as Li Rong were still rolling on the ground, they didn’t die. Just like Li Rong, they had countless spots of blood on their bodies, and had no strength to resist.

Although Shi Qingyang was puzzled, he didn’t hesitate. He directly took a gun and shot at the people who hadn’t yet attacked. Those people naturally also resisted, and some people threw grenades at them.

Out of precaution, those people had opened the doors of all the rooms. With this, Shi Qingyang directly blocked the grenades thrown at him with radiant energy and sent them to the next room –this mobile town was made of excellent materials, and grenades like these wouldn’t ever be able to break the walls!

However, though he could do this, Wang Qing couldn’t, as his radiation energy was too overbearing. In the end, he could only use the radiation energy in his body to break a grenade in advance and defend himself at the same time.

There weren’t only these two grenades, but also another one flying towards Cheng Ran and Cheng Hong. Shi Qingyang had no time to stop it, so he could only say in a loud voice: “Hide!”

Cheng Ran ran quickly and dodged to the side. It wan’t until halfway through that he remembered that he’d forgotten about Cheng Hong. When he pulled Cheng Hong down, he rolled to the side. Although his internal radiation energy covered his body, even then, his body was sliced apart. Cheng Hong, who couldn’t move at all, was even bloodier.

At that moment, the protective cover on top of the mobile fortress broke with a ‘bang’. Cheng Xuze, full of grief and anger, appeared in front of everyone: “Li Rong! Stop!”

Without the protective cover, the radiation from the outside suddenly poured in. At the same time, the huge pressure brought by Cheng Xuze also made the people below unable to move.

Although he had arrived in a powerful burst of wind, Cheng Xuze was soon stunned into speechlessness. After killing the witnesses, he had followed the mobile fortress. He saw that the mobile fortress suddenly stopped, and with the sudden explosion, he rushed over. He thought it was Li Rong who wanted to kill people, but unexpectedly he saw a shocking scene–Li Rong died just like this? All the gangsters had collapsed?

Yes, now all the people on Li Rong’s side had collapsed. Shi Qingyang’s pain had been so extreme that he couldn’t even climb and fell down in the ant nest. However, each of these people in front of him were in more serious condition than him. Judging from the current situation, the more powerful people were, the more serious the situation was.

“Shi… Shi Qingyang, what happened?” Cheng Xuze asked. When he broke the protective shield, countless scenes had run through his mind. He’d thought he would see Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran fallen in a pool of blood. He thought he would see all the people on his side killed. Unexpectedly, the final situation was just the opposite.

The pain and sadness on his face instantly solidified, and Cheng Xuze could not even react.

“Grandpa, they’ve eaten poison,” Shi Qingyang said while running to Cheng Ran: “Ranran, are you all right?” Since Cheng Xuze had come, he didn’t have to worry about anything else.

Cheng Xuze followed Shi Qingyang’s line of sight and saw Cheng Ran and Cheng Hong. Cheng Ran had a wound on his back. At this time, he had already sat up, but Cheng Hong had fainted. Compared with Cheng Ran, who used radiation energy to protect himself, his back was bloody and his leg was broken. The wounds looked extremely miserable.

Cheng Xuze’s heart skipped a beat with a ‘clang’ until he sensed Cheng Hong’s breath and heartbeat. He was relieved and looked at Cheng Ran with guilt: “Xiao Ran, are you uncomfortable? Grandpa was so reckless that he broke the protective cover…”

Cheng Ran was an ordinary person. He hadn’t put on a combat suit yet… Cheng Xuze looked at Cheng Ran anxiously and took out a bottle of medicine to give to him.

“Grandpa, I’m fine. Does the protective shield cost a lot of money?” Cheng Ran’s body ached badly, but he suddenly remembered the amount of money in Shi Qingyang’s account and the price of the mobile fortress cover he saw when they registered for marriage this morning.

“Ah? Haha… Grandpa is planning to put a new type of material into production soon. I’ll replace it for you then.” Cheng Xuze smiled awkwardly and took Cheng Hong to the enclosed medical cabin at the top of the mobile fortress.

Seeing that Cheng Ran was all right, Shi Qingyang didn’t continue to ask, but immediately opened the door of the next room. He’d always thought that eating the meat of the queen ant would throw the body into pain, but also be beneficial. That was why he let those people feed it to Zheng Gaoyuan. But now, not only did Li Rong die, but even the other people didn’t survive…

Even though Zheng Gaoyuan’s symptoms were lighter than those of the other people, he was still very worried.

If something happened to Zheng Gaoyuan… Shi Qingyang frowned and opened the door, only to see the round Zheng Gaoyuan rush out, laughing and saying to the gangsters, “I let you kidnap me, I let you beat me, and I didn’t even say anything when you poisoned me! Now you die from the poison!”

“…” Shi Qingyang suddenly felt that he had a lot in common with Cheng Xuze, who fell from the sky only to discover that they were all right. “Are you doing okay?”

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“I’m fine. It was just a little painful at first. It was as painful as how my stomach feels after I eat something bad.” Zheng Gaoyuan waved his hand and didn’t care: “Doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Shi Qingyang glanced at him in surprise, and then went to see the other people lying on the ground.

“The radiation energy in these people’s bodies has rioted. This is a poison that works against rad-energy warriors. It seems that the stronger the warrior, the easier it is to cause a deah.” Wang Qing looked at a man who had just died beside him. “Zheng Gaoyuan is fine, likely because he isn’t even a radiation warrior?”

Shi Qingyang was shocked when he heard this. He had guessed a little before, and knew that he shouldn’t eat any more of the queen ant’s meat. Now, seeing this scene, he was even more sure of this.

No wonder in this life, it was much more painful than in his previous life. No doubt, it was because his strength in this life was stronger than that in the previous life.

In his previous life, when he fell into the ant nest, he had only been level-1. After eating the ant eggs, he became level-2. Then he worked hard with the queen ant to exhaust the radiation energy in his body, and then he ate the meat of the queen ant. Although it was painful in the end, because he had eaten ant eggs before as a buffer, his situation was similar to Zheng Gaoyuan’s, but he didn’t feel that anything had changed afterward. In this life, when he entered the ant nest, he was already a level-2 rad-energy warrior. When he ate the meat of the queen ant, his body also had ample radiation energy.

As for Gu Changjin, although he was level-5, he had no radiation energy in his body after he’d used the potential potion. He also ate ant eggs as a buffer, so after eating the meat of the queen ant, although he had suffered, he didn’t experience any major problem…

“Among these people, the level-4 rad-energy warriors have all died, and the remaining level-3 rad-energy warriors will also perish. This poison is really domineering!” Cheng Xuze settled Cheng Hong and took note of the situation outside.

Those level-3 rad-energy warriors had already fainted. Shi Qingyang thought that as a level-3 rad-energy warrior, he had eaten a lot of ant queen’s meat carelessly, and suddenly he was afraid.

If he hadn’t eaten a lot of ant eggs in the beginning, and if Cheng Ran had not used radiation to soothe him later, he might have already died now.

“Old Sir, how is the Second Master?” Wang Qing looked at Cheng Xuze. Although he didn’t like Cheng Hong, Cheng Hong was the most injured person here.

“His leg has completely rotten. He’ll have to install a prosthesis, and he has suffered a lot of injuries. Judging from the current situation, I’m afraid he won’t be able to do strenuous work for the rest of his life.” Cheng Xuze sighed. He should feel very sad because his son had been hurt like this. But this time, it wasn’t like this situation had nothing to do with Cheng Hong. It was Cheng Hong who exposed their plans that eventually lead to this disaster. Though he felt sorry for his son, he also felt that he deserved it.

Now that something like this had happened, Cheng Hong would probably find it difficult to return to politics again. Maybe he would settle down.

“Grandpa, it was because I hadn’t paid enough attention…” Cheng Ran was frustrated, but he wasn’t sad. Cheng Hong and Gu Changjin had been together. It was really normal that he would subconsciously save Gu Changjin first. After all, it was Gu Changjin who took care of him for over ten years. As for Cheng Hong… He couldn’t feel close to him at all. He was even afraid of him. Naturally, he wouldn’t try to save him first

“It’s all right, Xiao Ran. It’s fine if you’re not hurt… Xiao Ran, are you not afraid of radiation energy?” Cheng Xuze suddenly discovered a problem–Cheng Ran was an ordinary person, and yet he had no problem being exposed to radiation energy!

“Young Master has radiant energy?” Wang Qing also expressed his doubts. He and Cheng Ran had been put together and poisoned. At that time, he had been very worried about Cheng Ran for fear that Cheng Ran might have an accident. Unexpectedly, Cheng Ran held his hand and helped him remove the radiation energy from his body.

“But now Ranran is blessed with energy.” Cheng Ran was still in a daze now, so Shi Qingyang simply explained the matter: “When he came out of the ant nest, he’d gained radiation energy.”

“What in the world happened?” Cheng Xuze asked in surprise.

“Because Ranran ate the queen ant’s meat…” Shi Qingyang explained everything that happened in the ant nest: “After eating the queen ant’s meat, we all received benefits. I thought these people would only experience some suffering just now. I didn’t expect that for them, the queen ant’s meat was no different from poison. Grandpa, fortunately, we were worried about any problems that might occur earlier and didn’t give any to you.” Cheng Xuze’s strength was so strong that if they really gave Cheng Xuze the meat of the queen ant, he might die immediately.

At first, Cheng Xuze wasn’t happy about Shi Qingyang’s concealment, but when he thought that Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran had used some means to encourage him to eat the ant eggs, his displeasure immediately disappeared.

In the eyes of these children, it was obvious that he was very important… Cheng Xuze’s heart warmed up. Looking back, he even thought that it was most appropriate for Shi Qingyang to have done this. After all, if such a thing became known, it might cause great trouble: “You’ve done good work. Xiao Ran’s blessings must be concealed.”

“Grandpa, I think the meat of the queen ant is strange. Can we find some people to study it?” Shi Qingyang added. He had always intended to find someone else to do research, give it to the National Research Institute, or choose a research institute outside his home city. Now thinking about it, which research institute could be better than his own?

Now that Cheng Xuze had discovered the unusual features of the queen ant’s meat, he would naturally be more careful in the future and never let anyone know about it. With the Cheng Family’s current situation, it wasn’t impossible to build a research institute.

“If the meat of the queen ant is really as magical as you said…” Cheng Xuze looked complicated.

“Grandpa, maybe you could have a chance to break through to level-9,” Shi Qingyang laughed.

“What are you talking about? I, your grandfather, am in my early 70s this year… Rad-energy warriors usually break through by the age of 40, and few can advance after the age of 50. No one has ever increased their level after the age of 70… If it weren’t for the prescription given by your master, I might have even died because of a rad-energy riot,” Cheng Xuze said, full of emotion, but he couldn’t deny that he was still very interested in this: “But that’s only the case for me, for you, it’s fine. Level 9…” Cheng Xuze’s heart became hot.

Wang Qing stood to the side, looking equally excited.

However, at this moment, Zheng Gaoyuan suddenly shouted again: “Everyone’s dead! All these people are dead!”

Shi Qingyang turned his head and saw that Zheng Gaoyuan’s face was white, about to cry. While they were talking about the ant nest, everyone who’d eaten the ant meat had all died.

Most of the people brought by Li Rong were level-4 rad-energy warriors, and some were level-3. According to the strength of their radiant energy, all of them died.

“Grandpa, there are several copies of the videos in their hands, but they can’t access the network now that we’re outside the city. As long as they’re destroyed, there won’t be any problems… Will there be any issues when we go back now?” Shi Qingyang asked.

“Li Rong destroyed the city network, kidnapped you out of the city, killed those witnesses, and was killed by me in the end,” Cheng Xuze smoothed things out. Under such a framework, there would be no problems as long as he filled the the gaps in well.

“Yes, that works!” Shi Qingyang said.

“Shi Qingyang, when the matter here is over, you can follow me back to Yangtze City. In the future, you can use the resources of the Cheng family. And as for Xiao Ran, now that you have radiation energy, you can learn how to make advanced medicine with Ran Xue. I believe Ran Xue will not tell anyone about this.” Cheng Xuze thought of the mention of becoming a level-9 rad-energy warrior from earlier.

Level-9, that was level-9… At present there were many level-8s in the whole country, but there were only two level-9s! It was said that the Feng family had produced another genius, but he couldn’t be compared with Shi Qingyang

“Grandpa, I wanted to discuss something with you, too,” Shi Qingyang suddenly said. “Grandpa, I want leave and head out for training.”

“No, it’s too dangerous,” Cheng Xuze immediately said.

“Grandpa, Li Rong is gone now. As long as I hide my name, I’ll be fine. Even if there are too many people who know me here, I can go north.” Shi Qingyang had known the importance of strength for a long time, and what happened now reminded him of this.

“Xiao Ran…”

“Xiao Ran will go with me.” Shi Qingyang smiled and said, “My master also asked me to try to develop my power.” He knew a lot of matters from the future, and he wasn’t short of money now. As long as he held onto it well, he could build his own power.

When Cheng Xuze heard Shi Qingyang mention his master, he thought of how Shi Qingyang had suddenly searched for Fu Xiaoyang and the rest to cultivate them. He nodded: “Since your master has said so, then so be it… When we return to the city, I will talk to your master with you, and the three of us will discuss a feasible method.”

“…” The three of us will discuss it?

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