Back to the Peak

Chapter 96: CH 96

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Chapter 96: Birthday

After saying goodbye to Cheng Xuze, Shi Qingyang directly went back to his room. As soon as he entered, he saw Cheng Ran lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.

Cheng Ran was now twenty-four years old. After training with Shi Qingyang, he was no longer as thin and small as he used to be. He also had muscles on his body, but they weren’t obvious. There wasn’t a single scar on his body, and his skin looked fair and pure.

Cheng Ran had used his own medicine to keep up his skincare… Shi Qingyang leaned down and kissed Cheng Ran on the face, remembering the past.

After they got married, the two of them had close contact, and Cheng Ran also saw the scars on his body. Shi Qingyang didn’t think there was anything wrong with those scars, but soon after, Cheng Ran came to him with some medicine.

In his last life, he’d had scars all over his body to record his achievements, but in this life, under the effects of the medicine, there wasn’t a single scar on his body, and even problems like larger pores were gone.

Shi Qingyang himself was like this, not to mention Cheng Ran; now Cheng Ran’s skin was absolutely a matter worth envying!

When Shi Qingyang thought of this, he couldn’t help kissing again until Cheng Ran stirred. Then he finally released his hold and went to take a bath as quickly as possible.

He wasn’t tired now, but when he saw Cheng Ran sleeping, he also felt sleepy… Shi Qingyang gently lifted the quilt and was about to lie down, when unexpectedly, he saw a scene that makes his blood pump faster–Cheng Ran had no clothes on!

After taking off the pajama pants he was wearing, Shi Qingyang quietly laid down, and then couldn’t help but embrace the person in his arms, kissing him over and over. He didn’t know why, every time he saw Cheng Ran, he wanted to kiss him. Sometimes he could not help but wonder whether it was Cheng Ran or himself who had been touch-starved…

It felt very good to hug tightly like this, but it was simply a bit too good… After a while, Shi Qingyang had no choice but to climb out of the quilt and put back on his pajama shirt and pants, and then fell asleep next to Cheng Ran.

After a long sleep, Shi Qingyang didn’t open his eyes until there was something moving around him. Then he saw Cheng Ran looking at him in a daze, those confused eyes making him unable to resist kissing him again.

“Qingyang, are you back?” Cheng Ran asked in surprise, rushing up, only to discover that he wasn’t wearing any clothes. “I’d been too tired after taking a bath before, and I was in a hurry to sleep…” For a moment, his whole face was red.

“It’s alright, we can sleep like this all the time in the future!” Shi Qingyang immediately said.

Cheng Ran’s face reddened.

Shi Qingyang kissed him a few times, as usual: “Ranran, you slept for a long time. Do you want to eat?”

“I ate before I went to bed. I’m not hungry.” Cheng Ran shook his head.

“You ate before you went to bed? Ranran, have you been staying up late lately?” Shi Qingyang hugged Cheng Ran. When he had been young in his last life, he didn’t pay attention to his body. Later, it was too late to regret. Because of this, he had always been very careful to take care of his and Cheng Ran’s bodies.

“This research is very important. I definitely won’t do this in the future.” Cheng Ran felt guilty.

Cheng Ran obediently admitted his mistakes, so Shi Qingyang couldn’t blame him anymore. “I will definitely pay close attention to you in the future!”

Cheng Ran was eager for it. He nodded and talked about what he wanted to tell Shi Qingyang: “Qingyang, these past few days we have finally developed a substance from the queen ant’s body. The substance is very strange and cannot be synthesized artificially. We suspect that it can be used as a radiation energy inducer.”

“Radiation energy inducer?” Shi Qingyang asked subconsciously, but he couldn’t concentrate–Cheng Ran was naked on top of him now!

“Yes, this radiation energy inducer, which stimulates radiation energy to appear in the body, is more gentle than usual… It’s just that my situation seems to be a special case.” When Cheng Ran talked about professional problems, he wasn’t very attentive and didn’t notice anything unusual about Shi Qingyang.

However, Shi Qingyang only felt that he should stop earlier: “Ranran, let’s get up.”

“What’s the matter?” Cheng Ran asked curiously, but soon blushed again–he had already felt the ‘reason’.

“It’s time for dinner, too.” Shi Qingyang kissed Cheng Ran. Although he wanted to do some things, he felt less inclined after knowing that Cheng Ran was tired.

“Qingyang, I recently mixed a kind of ointment. We can try it…” Cheng Ran suddenly said. Their first time, he and Shi Qingyang had no experience, so it was really a bit tragic. Later, he learned to make some ointment to ease himself.

This man who had just been blushing was so proactive now. Shi Qingyang looked at Cheng Ran who was eager to try, and felt that he no longer needed to hold back

In the end, Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran didn’t get up. After eating the food and water Shi Qingyang brought with him, they went to sleep together. When they got up again, it was the afternoon of the next day. Tomorrow was Cheng Ran’s birthday.

Cheng Ran didn’t pay much attention to his birthday until he was 18 years old. However, after he was 18 years old, he began to attach great importance to this day. Of course, although he attached importance to it, he didn’t like it to be rowdy. So every birthday, he only shared a meal with a few close people, and then began to spend time alone with Shi Qingyang. This time, naturally, it was no exception.

Cheng Xuze, Wang Qing, Gu Changjin, Zheng Gaoyuan and Ran Xue were the people Cheng Ran invited for his birthday. They were also the people who fully knew his and Shi Qingyang’s secrets.

Although he had always followed Shi Qingyang’s team in action, because the radiation energy in his body couldn’t trigger the radiation energy in the air, he could never participate in battle. Naturally, other people wouldn’t know that he had radiation energy. This was actually to protect him. After all, his radiation energy was too special.

Because his radiation energy was too special, even the medicine he prepared was different.

“Xiao Ran, the research has come to an end. Do you have time to prepare some medicine?” After finishing the sumptuous meal prepared by Gu Changjin, Ran Xue asked: “Recently, the medicine you prepared for our place is almost exhausted, but people are still competing for the ones you made.”

“Teacher, I’ll mix some when I have time,” Cheng Ran said.

“You can rest for a few days. It doesn’t matter if the medicine runs out,” Shi Qingyang couldn’t help speaking. He was thinking about having fun with Cheng Ran for a few days…

“If it really runs out, those people will definitely make a scene… Now Xiao Ran is almost the most valuable pharmacist. As soon as I go outside, someone will catch me to ask about the mysterious pharmacist of the Cheng family.” Ran Xue felt helpless.

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Six years ago, she was suddenly told that Cheng Ran had radiation energy, and then she signed an agreement with the Cheng family to start teaching him how to make medicine. At first, she felt very excited because Cheng Ran was a good student. Not long after, she began to be shocked because some of Cheng Ran’s performances were too special. Now, she had no energy to be shocked.

Cheng Ran’s radiant energy was very stable. The medicine he has prepared was naturally more stable and safe than others. In particular, the radiant energy soothing agent he had prepared was far more effective than others.

That by itself wasn’t all, but just two years ago, Cheng Ran, because of the advantage of his radiation energy, was able to configure advanced medicine. In order to “support the family”, he specially entrusted her to sell some medicine he couldn’t use after he’d mixed them.

In the beginning, people thought that those medicines were prepared by her, but soon they discovered the problem–though they were the same level-7 radiant energy soothing agent, the ones Cheng Ran had prepared were twice as effective as hers, and the damage to the body was less than half!

Thus, in just two years, Cheng Ran had many loyal customers. Now, outside, as long as the mysterious pharmacist of the Cheng family was mentioned, everyone was full of praise.

Many of her former friends thought that she had made so much progress because of the advice of the pharmacist, but absolutely no one would have thought that the mysterious pharmacist was taught by her.

“I’m fine and I don’t feel tired. I always like to prepare medicine,” Cheng Ran looked at Shi Qingyang and explained. He had always wanted to make money to raise Shi Qingyang. Hunting was not good, so naturally he had to prepare medicine, which was not difficult for him.

If changed to another pharmacist, even if they successfully prepared medicine one time, they might still fail next time. However, Cheng Ran didn’t have such problems, and the success rate of his mixing was very high. On the one hand, it was because of his good memory, and on the other hand, it was because he had very strong control over his radiation energy.

Now, the amount of radiation energy in his body had reached the rank of level-6. He didn’t feel tired when he configured some medicine, it just took a little time at most.

“That’s good. It doesn’t have to be too much anyway.” Ran Xue smiled. Cheng Ran often went out of the city, or studied the queen ant in the Cheng family’s Research Institute, and the inventory they carried wasn’t much. “By the way, Xiao Ran, when are you thinking of going to Central City?”

“Central City?” Shi Qingyang asked curiously. He had never heard Cheng Ran talk about it.

“Qingyang, I want to test for a doctorate in Central Academy.” Cheng Ran suddenly thought of this and immediately looked at Shi Qingyang, “I’ve only just been thinking about it in the past two days. We discovered that the substance is similar to a radiation-inducing agent, but we are not clear about the specific composition of the usual radiation-inducing agents. Several people in the research institute have not learned this knowledge, so I want to go to the Central City… Qingyang, I don’t need to be there all the time. After I have the status of a doctoral student, I can access the database of Central University and completely write down some information before moving back to research on the mobile fortress. Even if I have questions, I can also ask through the network. “

The Cheng family set up a research institute six years ago, but there were only about ten people in the Research Institute. These people only studied the queen ant. Now the research had made a breakthrough, and a substance had been developed from it. At the same time, it had also fallen into a bottleneck, because no one knew how to use this substance.

In fact, if it weren’t for the help of Li Rong and others in “drug testing”, then unfortunately their data collection wouldn’t have been complete now.

“Ranran, we really know each other well. I also plan to go to Central City. After you get a doctorate in Central Academy, you can stay there and I will accompany you.” Shi Qingyang smiled.

He had visited many places in the past six years, even Central City, but he never stayed much. This was mainly because he thought he was not strong enough, but now he was almost there. More importantly, in half a year, he would go to the Rad-Warrior competition held every four years.

The year he was reborn, a martial arts competition had been held. Because he had never remembered the winner of the competition that year in his last life, he did not participate at all. Four years ago, he instructed Cheng Xuze to bet on the right person and make a lot of money, but he only watched the fights on the Internet. But this time, he wanted to see it.

Not only did he want to see it, he also planned to let Zheng Gaoyuan participate in the competition. Only young people under the age of 30 were allowed to participate in the competition. Zheng Gaoyuan might not be the best among them, but after six years of training, he should be able to win the top 100.

In his last life, he had spent the last ten years of his life in Central City. Now, it was time to go back and have a look.

“Xiao Ran, if you want to go to the Central City, Grandpa will help you. Now your two cousins are studying in the Central City. If you want, you can go to them to take care of you… No, you should let Wang Qing accompany you. Your father went to the Central City a year ago. In this way, if he bothers you, you can have Wang Qing come out… It’s still not enough. I’ll go with you so that I can take care of you!” Cheng Xuze thought it wasn’t right no matter how he planned, and finally decided to go with him. There were too many big families in Central City. What could be done if Cheng Ran and Shi Qingyang encountered any problems?

As for Cheng Hong, he didn’t worry about him for a long time. Now that Cheng Hong had become crippled, he didn’t think he would get into trouble again.

“Grandpa, the Cheng family is in Yangtze City…” Shi Qingyang hesitated.

“In fact, they don’t need me to do anything at ordinary times. Your uncle will take care of everything. What’s more, isn’t the Rad-Warrior Competition about to start? I can still go to relive old memories for myself. You know, I once won the second place!” Cheng Xuze suddenly found a reason for himself.

“That’s good. Let’s go together! When we get to the Central City, I’ll treat you to delicious food!” Zheng Gaoyuan had been buried in eating before. When he heard other people mention Central City, he raised his head.

“Then we’ll wait!” Shi Qingyang smiled.

“Master, Master’s Husband, Central City is a good place. There is everything there. When we get to the Central City, I’ll send you the latest Huofeng tank!” Thinking of the place where he grew up, Zheng Gaoyuan felt his heart warm.

In fact, Shi Qingyang told him long ago that even if he planned to follow Shi Qingyang in the future, he could go home and have a look. But he finally refused, for nothing else, than because he hoped that he could become better and better, so that he could return home in prosperity.

He used to be a little stupid and fat man. He was laughed at a lot in the Central City. Those who laughed at him, he didn’t understand them before, but now he could completely recall everything. He just didn’t know how those people would react if they knew that he had become a level-5 radiation warrior…

Thinking of this, Zheng Gaoyuan couldn’t help laughing proudly.

Zheng Gaoyuan used to call Cheng Ran ‘Master’s wife’ outside the city. Now, in front of Cheng Ran, he immediately became ‘Master’s husband’… Shi Qingyang knew Zheng Gaoyuan’s character long ago and didn’t feel it strange, but he decided to tell him some unfortunate news at this time: “Central City is really good. I heard that you were wronged there before? My disciple, if you were looked down upon, that would be too bad. This time, when you go back, you will immediately register for the martial arts competition. If you don’t get to the top 20… Hmph!”

“Master, are you joking?” Zheng Gaoyuan was stunned.

“Of course not,” Shi Qingyang affirmed. Although he expected Zheng Gaoyuan to be in the top 100, the target should be set higher. As for punishment, it was fine to just make Zheng Gaoyuan go hunting more in the future.

Zheng Gaoyuan saw Shi Qingyang’s serious expression and felt like crying without tears.

After Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran made a decision, they began to pack the things they wanted to take to Central City. They weren’t in a hurry, so they planned to go slowly by their mobile fortress. At the same time, Shi Qingyang also gave his subordinates a holiday so that they could go home for a few days.

After all this, Shi Qingyang took Cheng Ran to the largest Qinghe Hotel in Yangtze City the day before they left the city.

The name of the hotel was taken from a character from his own name, as well as a part from the word ‘Cheng’, and he naturally had special feelings for it.

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