Back to the Peak

Chapter 98: CH 98

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Chapter 98: Feng Linqiu

When Shi Qingyang was outside, he’d already thought that Yumixiang was enormous. After entering, he discovered that it was even larger than he’d imagined.

There were three floors above ground. The floor underground was the kitchen, the first floor was the lobby, and the second and third floors were the private rooms, of which who knew how many there were.

The private room was on the third floor. It was very large and has all kinds of facilities. It does not look like a box, but a presidential suite without a bedroom.

Feng Linqiu was obviously familiar with this place. He was also very enthusiastic and even took the initiative to make tea and pour water for the people present.

“Captain, let me do it,” Seeing this scene, Cheng Sisi said hurriedly.

“Today all of you are my guests, so of course I’ll entertain.” Feng Linqiu smiled softly, and Cheng Sisi’s face turned red again.

“How unusual, Sisi actually knows how to pour water for others, too,” Cheng Xuze smiled and said. Cheng Hui’s two daughters had grown up in front of Cheng Xuze, and he knew them very well. Cheng Shanshan was very gentle, but Cheng Sisi was very violent. He never saw Cheng Sisi like this: “After coming to Central City, Sisi, you’ve learned a lot.”

“Grandpa, wasn’t I well-learned before?” Cheng Sisi looked at Cheng Xuze angrily, which made Cheng Xuze laugh.

Cheng Xuze didn’t think much about his granddaughter, but Shi Qingyang was very clear about Feng Linqiu’s style. Feng Linqiu generally didn’t promise anything to others, only making some ambiguous moves. In the end, other people’s feelings were deeply rooted, but he could say that he had no intention of treating others as anything more than friends…

Now it seemed that he has not had too much close contact with Cheng Sisi, and it was likely that he did not intend to have too much development with Cheng Sisi, but Cheng Sisi was obviously interested in him.

After all, Cheng Sisi was Cheng Ran’s cousin, so Shi Qingyang couldn’t really let her get mixed up with Feng Linqiu. If that happened, not only would the girl get hurt, but Shi Qingyang might be in trouble if he wanted to retaliate… On this thought, Shi Qingyang sent a message to Cheng Xuze.

Cheng Xuze looked at the contact terminal in his hand and was surprised–Shi Qingyang asked him to explain that Cheng Sisi did not have the right to inherit, and check Feng Linqiu’s reaction… But Feng Linqiu was so extremely talented, did he really need to use these kinds of underhanded means?

Feng Linqiu made some tea and served it. The first cup was given to Cheng Xuze: “I’ve long wanted to visit Elder Cheng. I’m lucky to have this opportunity now.”

“Is this Shi Qingyang? I heard that you’re already a level-5 rad-warrior. When can we exchange ideas and learn from each other?”

“Are you Cheng Ran? I’m afraid I’ll be using some tacky words to strike up a conversation with you–I feel like you look familiar.”

“Zheng Gaoyuan, we’ve met before. I wonder if you remember? Now that you look like this, Grandpa Zheng and Grandma Zheng will be very happy to see you.”

Feng Linqiu spoke as he brought tea to others, and finally let Cheng Sisi “take” the work he was doing and send tea to the other people who followed him.

“Can I call you Linqiu? Come and sit down. Why are you so polite?” Cheng Xuze addressed Feng Linqiu.

Feng Linqiu took the opportunity to sit down: “Elder Cheng calling me Linqiu couldn’t be better, except if you could give me some pointers.”

Cheng Xuze was flattered and smiled: “What can I point out? In a short time, you will be better than me.”

“Elder Cheng’s skills were praised by even my grandpa. It’s my honor to get Elder Cheng’s advice,” Feng Linqiu immediately said.

Cheng Xuze laughed again, and then asked about the previous matter: “Mr. Feng asked you to bring me a message?”

“Elder Cheng, my grandpa has something to ask.” Feng Linqiu’s face was a little embarrassed: “I’m afraid this would be an unkind request…”

“Just say it,” Cheng Xuze said generously, but did not agree.

“Well, Elder Cheng, my grandpa has been taking all kinds of radiation soothing agents over the years, and the soothing agent made by the mysterious pharmacist of the Cheng family is the best one he has ever drunk. My grandpa wants to ask him to prepare the soothing agent. Of course, we would provide the prescriptions and medicinal materials. If the master wanted to mix some for others, we would not object.” Feng Lin Qiu smiled.

Providing prescriptions and medicinal materials, asking someone to prepare medicine, and letting them prepare the medicine for others… This was not an ungrateful request at all. It was clearly sending benefits to their door. Could the prescriptions prepared by the Feng family for Feng Yunhong possibly be any bit bad?

Cheng Xuze was shocked for a moment. Fortunately, he restrained himself from glancing at Cheng Ran: “I need to ask the master about this first.” He knew that Cheng Ran’s medicine was very good, but he never thought that it would be sought after by the Feng’s family.

“I’ll trouble Elder Cheng. Elder Cheng, the prescription my grandpa asked me to give Elder Cheng is here. Could you accept it?”

“At the moment, the master has not agreed…”

“Since we want to ask the master to help us, naturally you should first show the prescription to the master.” After Feng Linqiu said this, he connected to his contact terminal, and the prescription was directly sent.

Cheng Xuze received the prescription, glanced at it, but immediately stopped. Wasn’t this prescription the one that ‘I don’t want to starve’ gave him in the first place?

“Elder Cheng is also a level-8 radiant warrior. This prescription should also be useful to Elder Cheng.” Feng Linqiu smiled. Although the Cheng family had developed rapidly, its foundation was shallow. Although their pharmacists were very skilled, he never sold the level-8 radiation soothing agents. They only sold level-7. Obviously, they had no level-8 prescription.

Cheng Xuze was full of doubts. Feng Linqiu was so enthusiastic. He thought that Feng Linqiu wanted to win over the Cheng family. After all, the Cheng family had developed very fast in recent years, but now… How could these two prescriptions be identical? ‘I don’t want to starve’, was he Feng Yunhong?

“Linqiu, does your grandpa have anything else to say?” Cheng Xuze asked curiously, speaking with a lot of sincerity.

Feng Linqiu saw the change in Cheng Xuze’s attitude, and thought that the medicine prescription he sent had worked: “My grandfather also wants to talk with you. I wonder if you are free?”

Shi Qingyang had been observing Cheng Xuze and Feng Linqiu. Seeing the changes in Cheng Xuze’s expression, he naturally thought of how he’d given Cheng Xuze the medicine prescription Feng Linqiu gave him. He also thought that Feng Linqiu would send the same one. He could only send a message to Cheng Xuze quickly under the cover of Cheng Ran.

Cheng Ran helped him block the sight of others very well. He didn’t get out of the way until Shi Qingyang finished sending it.

“Well, I’ll be there tomorrow.” Cheng Xuze nodded and agreed. Just after he agreed, the contact terminal on his hand rang. This voice was specially formulated by him.

Sure enough, as soon as he looked down, he saw a message from ‘I don’t want to starve’. When he opened it, he also saw an unexpected sentence– “I’m not in Central City, but since you have arrived in Central City, you should be careful about getting too close to the Feng Family. The medicine prescription I gave you was stolen from the Feng Family.”

For a moment, Cheng Xuze was frozen on the spot. ‘I don’t want to starve’ had stolen the medicine prescription from Feng’s family? What the hell was going on? Moreover, why did this information come after he promised to help the Fengs?

When Cheng Xuze looked up again, he couldn’t adjust his expression. He didn’t know how to face Feng Linqiu.

Feng Linqiu was also a little confused. Fortunately, at this time, the waiter came.

It wasn’t unreasonable for Zheng Gaoyuan to praise this restaurant. The food in this establishment seemed to be excellent in color, aroma, and taste.

However, by this time, Cheng Xuze was not much interested in eating. Only Cheng Sisi was very happy. She always helped him with the dishes, and she also talked about many things that happened after she joined Feng Linqiu’s team.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Xuze immediately thought of the message Shi Qingyang sent him at the beginning.

If the Cheng family didn’t give Cheng Sisi anything and Cheng Sisi didn’t have the right of inheritance, would Feng Linqiu still be so enthusiastic about Cheng Sisi?

“Well, these things are very good. Try them.” After Cheng Sisi brought him some dishes, Cheng Xuze immediately brought some to Cheng Ran, and then looked at Cheng Sisi: “Sisi, how are your studies recently?”

“Grandpa, they’re fine.” Cheng Sisi smiled.

“You can’t slack off. You must study hard and learn from your sister,” Cheng Xuze opened his mouth: “Your sister is growing medicinal herbs, so when the pharmaceutical factory next opens a branch here, you can purchase some goods at a low price.” By saying so, he was also showing that everything about the Cheng family’s business had nothing to do with Cheng Sisi.

“I know, Grandpa.” Cheng Sisi’s mind was not on this, and she didn’t notice anything at all.

“You’re a girl,why did you stil join a team? A girl should take good care of her husband and children at home. What else would she have to do?” Cheng Xuze said again. 

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“Grandpa, don’t talk nonsense!” Cheng Sisi looked at Cheng Xuze discontentedly. If Feng Linqiu hadn’t been here, she would have fought with her grandfather! [T/N girl same lol]

Seeing Cheng Sisi’s appearance, Cheng Xuze didn’t know what to say for a while. He didn’t want to really push his granddaughter, so he looked at Cheng Ran: “Xiao Ran, have you been contacted by the master recently? How is his medicine mixing?”

Cheng Xuze asked as if the medicine master wasn’t him. Cheng Ran quickly responded: “Grandpa, the master has prepared a lot of medicine these days. He said he would send it to master Ran Xue soon.” While they had been on the way, he had been able to mix many potions on the mobile fortress.

“That’s good. Did the master say anything else?” Cheng Xuze and Cheng Ran talked about the latest research of the “pharmacy master” and the new products of the Cheng’s pharmaceutical factory.

Cheng Ran was already familiar with these things and naturally could talk about them. When Cheng Xuze talked with him, he didn’t forget Feng Linqiu, and even sent him some new medicines produced by the Cheng’s pharmaceutical factory.

After receiving this autumn harvest, Feng Linqiu joined the conversation. When he was young, he had been taught face-to-face in all aspects, whether it was medicine or other subjects. He was very enthusiastic about Cheng Ran: “Cheng Ran, you are much better than me in terms of medicine. Have you received the guidance of that master?”

“Yes.” Cheng Ran nodded casually. He felt that Feng Linqiu was familiar to him, but since Shi Qingyang did not like Feng Linqiu, he was unwilling to speak to him.

Feng Linqiu didn’t care about Cheng Ran’s indifference: “Cheng Ran, I don’t know why. I always feel like you’re a little familiar. We haven’t seen each other before… I don’t know if this is fate.”

Cheng Ran was a little surprised. Feng Linqiu said this at the beginning. He only thought it was him being polite. Now Feng Linqiu said it again… Just thinking about it, Cheng Ran felt Shi Qingyang’s hand sliding back and forth on his thigh and poking it again and again.

Was Shi Qingyang acting flirty? Cheng Ran lost all interest in talking to Feng Linqiu. He smiled at Shi Qingyang and held Shi Qingyang’s hand.

Feng Linqiu was ignored, but he didn’t take it seriously. He also introduced several kinds of unique Yumixiang foods to Cheng Ran, as if he wanted to make friends with Cheng Ran.

For a time, with the efforts of Cheng Xuze and Feng Linqiu, Cheng Ran unexpectedly became the focus of everyone. Shi Qingyang immediately felt like he had lifted a stone and hit his own foot.

He had asked Cheng Xuze to talk to Feng Linqiu to let him know that Cheng Sisi’s value was not great. He gave up Cheng Sisi, but unexpectedly, after Cheng Xuze did this, Feng Linqiu’s sights were set on Cheng Ran

Judging from the fact that Feng Linqiu appeared so quickly today and sent medicinal prescriptions when he met him for the first time, he was afraid that he must have known about Cheng Xuze coming to Central City from Cheng Sisi long ago. He must have investigated the whole Cheng family’s situation. As long as he investigated the Cheng family, he would know the importance Cheng Xuze attached to Cheng Ran.

Over the past few years, Cheng Xuze had sent things to Cheng Ran and Shi Qingyang from time to time. As long as Cheng Ran returned to the city, Cheng Xuze would let him live in the Cheng family mansion. Moreover, if you looked closely, you would find that half of the profits of the industries Cheng Xuze had invested in these years would be paid to Cheng Ran.

Cheng Xuze made this payment because Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran used a shared account. However, in other people’s eyes, this was a sign that he attached great importance to Cheng Ran.

By contrast, although Cheng Sisi had a level-8 rad-energy warrior as a father and did not lack pocket money, she knew nothing about the Cheng family’s pharmaceutical factory and material factory, and had never touched the core of the Cheng family power…

Feng Linqiu may have changed his target by now. It looked like he’d been attracted to Cheng Ran!

Shi Qingyang felt depressed when he thought about it. He kept pestering Cheng Ran more and more, and making small moves. Cheng Ran felt sweet in his heart, and focused all his attention on him…

Cheng Xuze knew that Shi Qingyang was jealous and was speechless. Fortunately, although the meal was slow, it ended quickly.

Feng Linqiu said goodbye after dinner, but Cheng Sisi stayed and took Cheng Xuze to the villa they had found in advance.

Cheng Sisi, who had been chattering all the time, was very silent along the way: “Grandpa, why did you say that earlier?” Feng Linqiu’s changed attitude towards her may not have been noticed by others, but she had felt it.

“Sisi, Grandpa just tried him to see if he was sincere,” Cheng Xuze immediately said. Feng Linqiu was too young after all. Although he had performed very well, he still fell short on the subtlety of his shredness. His different attitudes towards Cheng Sisi before and after the reveal seemed obvious.

If Shi Qingyang hadn’t reminded him at the beginning, he would not have noticed this. Even if he did, he would only feel that it was his granddaughter who had a crush, but now it was different.

Cheng Sisi bit her lip and didn’t speak. Although she was bad-tempered, she respected her grandfather. After listening to Cheng Xuze’s words, she thought about it and understood–it was clear that Feng Linqiu had noticed that Cheng Xuze attached more importance to Cheng Ran and forgot her, so that he could get closer to Cheng Ran…

It couldn’t be denied that she was jealous of Cheng Ran’s good fortune. However, considering that Cheng Ran had not said anything from beginning to end and instead, was flirting with Shi Qingyang, she felt that there was a problem with Feng Linqiu: “Grandpa, that man asked me a lot about my family…”

“I’m afraid he has ulterior motives for you, Sisi. Be careful with him in the future.”

“I see.” Cheng Sisi nodded. In the past, she thought that Feng Linqiu inquired about her family because he valued her. Now it seemed that Feng Linqiu didn’t like her at all!

On such a thought, she had a lot less favorable feelings for Feng Linqiu. Of course, she was not so disappointed as to completely give up on him so soon. She just made up her mind to watch Feng Linqiu’s next performance.

The place Cheng Xuze was staying at was full of men, and Cheng Sisi naturally couldn’t stay for a while, so she sat down for a bit before returning to school. After she left, Cheng Xuze immediately called Shi Qingyang: “Qingyang, what is the matter between your master and the Feng family?”

“Grandpa, I don’t know either,” Shi Qingyang said with certainty. He was thinking about discussing with Cheng Ran about the matter of ‘I don’t want to starve’. He believed that Cheng Ran would not betray him. If Cheng Ran knew, there would be one more person to help fool Cheng Xuze in the future.

Cheng Xuze had known for a long time that he wouldn’t find out anything, so he could only sigh: “Your master told me something too late. I promised to go tothe  Feng’s house, and he told me that he had bad blood with the Feng family…”

You’d promised too quickly… Shi Qingyang felt helpless: “Grandpa, it should be fine for you to go to the Feng’s house.”

“Of course I know it’s fine… Speaking of which, Feng Linqiu is far worse than you are,” Cheng Xuze said angrily.

Shi Qingyang liked to hear this, but he also knew that after his rebirth, he had actually learned a lot from Feng Linqiu on his methods of dealing with people and matters.

However, even if he used his means, he would not harm others. Feng Linqiu, on the other hand, never cared about other people.

Although Cheng Xuze was unwilling, the next day he still went to visit the Feng family. At the same time, Zheng Gaoyuan had to return to the Zheng family.

“Master, come back with me to meet my grandparents! Please! My grandparents are very good. They will definitely give you a big red envelope.” Early in the morning, Zheng Gaoyuan blocked the door of Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran.

Shi Qingyang held Cheng Ran’s hand and had been thinking about how to love him well. When he came across such a door god blocking his path, his face nearly darkened. “If you want to go bring someone to meet your parents, go find someone else, what dooes it have to do with me?”

“Zheng Gaoyuan, can you think about the occasion when you speak?” Even Cheng Ran was not very happy. For nothing else than because Zheng Gaoyuan’s words were like those one would say when begging his girlfriend to go back to see his parents.

“Master…” Zheng Gaoyuan’s voice wavered several times.

“You’re doing well, why don’t you dare to go home? Did you still chat with people last night?” Shi Qingyang asked. Zheng Gaoyuan had been chatting excitedly with someome last night. He seemed to be talking about fighting with rad-energy. It couldn’t be that he was chatting with his grandparents?

“Yesterday I was chatting with Ye Jinyu…” Zheng Gaoyuan whispered. Although Ye Jinyu and Li Jiajia had joined Shi Qingyang’s team, they were different from other people. They were both students of Anhang Academy and were still girls. Naturally, their family did not want them to run outside all the time, and then they quit. They also went to Central City to study together, saying that they intended to join Shi Qingyang’s team after they returned from their studies.

Because Ye Jinyu had come to Central City, Ye Houan, who regarded his daughter as his treasure, also went to Central City to develop.

“…” It turned out that he had gone looking for a beautiful woman. No wonder he had been so excited. “Did you tell your grandparents about your arrival?”

“No…” Zheng Gaoyuan lowered his head.

“Don’t you like your grandparents?” Shi Qingyang asked.

“Grandpa and grandma are very good, but there are still my parents and younger brothers and sisters in the family…” Zheng Gaoyuan looked at Shi Qingyang pitifully. His grandpa and grandma were really good to him, but they were full of guilt to him, while others…

His father was a workaholic, and he basically didn’t care about him. Although the stepmother who killed him had been sent to exile, her son was still there. Later, he also had a new stepmother and younger brothers and sisters.

“Master, my grandparents have a lot of connections, whether it’s Central Academy or Central Radiation Energy College… Master, please follow me!”

“Alright, I’ll go,” Shi Qingyang said. Although he had always liked to snipe at Zheng Gaoyuan, he had also developed feelings over the past six years. Since Zheng Gaoyuan had asked him, of course he couldn’t really not go.

In any case, he had to support Zheng Gaoyuan.

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