Barbarian Chef

Chapter 23: Chapter 23 – New employee arrives

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“Chad, I have someone I would like you to meet,” Koshiro announced.

I was so focused on getting the new arcane cooler stocked the way I wanted it that I didn’t hear anyone approach.  It startled me into standing straight up, which caused me to slam the back of my head into the stone top of the cooler.  “Fuck!”

“Chad!  Are you okay?” Koshiro asked frantically.

I squinted my right eye and rubbed the back of my head.

“Chad! Talk to me!” Koshiro shouted.

I put my hand on the apprehensive kitsune’s shoulder.  “I’m fine, I’m fine.  It was just a bump on the head.”

Koshiro breathed rapidly and placed her hand over her heart.  “You scared me.  I don’t like you getting hurt.  I can’t let you get hurt.  I won’t let you get hurt.”

I pulled her in for a hug and softly rubbed her back.  She was shivering, as if she just saw a ghost.  I couldn’t understand why she got so upset over such a minor accident.  Koshiro was never boring, that’s for sure.  She surprised me day in and day out.  She had her quirks, and I loved them all… some more than others.  Who wants a boring girlfriend?  Right?

“I’m sorry.  I saw you get hurt, and I just lost it a bit.  I overreacted a little, didn’t I?”

I kissed the gorgeous girl on the forehead.  “You don’t have to be sorry about anything.  I appreciate your concern about my welfare.  It means a lot to me.  Now, you wanted me to meet someone?  I assume it’s the nice lady standing a few feet behind you, looking uncomfortable right about now.”

Koshiro giggled and released her grasp on me and turned to who I assumed was Claire the holstaur.  She was a beautiful girl with long, black hair.  The tell-tell signs that she was a holstaur were the cow horns, cow ears, and cow tail on her super curvaceous body.  She wore tight blue jeans along with a black tank top that was way too small for the gigantic rack she was blessed with.  These breasts were the largest I had ever seen in person.  

I heard fingers snap, and I awoke from the boobie stupor I was in.  Koshiro had a huge smile on her face.  “Chad, come in Chad.”

“Yes, I’m sorry.  I’m not sure what happened.”

“I know exactly what happened.  Claire’s jugs got your attention and wouldn’t let go.  I told you she had some big ones, didn’t I?”
“Yes, you did,” I stammered and extended my hand to the holstaur. “Nice to meet you, Claire. I’m Chad… Chad Stone.”

Claire giggled as she took my hand.  “It’s nice to finally meet you.  I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Good things, I hope,” I joked.

“There are only good things.  If anyone ever hears any bad things, I want to know immediately,” Koshiro said sternly.

“Um, yeah, I will let you know,” Claire replied with a dash of confusion.

I felt the need to move this conversation back in the right direction.  We wanted to hire this girl and hopefully she was here to accept the position.  “So, Claire, would you like to come work with us?  We’re going to need some help.  I think business is going to be booming soon.”

“Yes, I’ve wanted to work here for a while.  Unfortunately, Betty hasn’t been hiring.  Koshiro and Muni are cool and we get along well.  I can’t wait to get started.  When? I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be pushy. I’m just excited.”

“We open for business tomorrow.  Can you be here first thing in the morning?”

“Sure.  What do I need to wear?  Is there a uniform?”

Koshiro cupped her hands around her mouth, creating a megaphone. “Muni, did you get the uniforms?” 

Muni walked in the door toting something. “Fuck, Koshiro.  I’m just a room over.  Why are you screaming? Oh hey, Claire!”

Koshiro rolled her eyes. “Did you get the uniforms?”

“Yeah,” she nodded and tossed a sack on the kitchen island.

“You have me something for me?  How did you know I would accept the job?” the holstaur wondered.

Koshiro giggled.  “Because you’re breathing.  Psh, you’ve wanted a job here for years.”

Claire’s face turned pink as she laughed.  “Guilty.  Let’s see the uniforms.”

Muni pulled out three navy blue dresses.  Which were all one piece with short sleeves.  The dresses were low cut and would show ample cleavage.  These women were all blessed with mammoth tits, so the male customers would get an eye full of breasts.  I wasn’t sure if I liked that or not.  I didn’t really want the restaurant to turn into a Hooters.  There was a cute little white apron that would be tied at the waist of each dress.  The length of the dress looked to be just above the knee.  However, each of the women had beautiful, plump asses, so that would probably cause the dress to raise mid-thigh.  

Koshiro grabbed one and held it in front of her to see if it was the right size. “Wow Muni, I’m impressed.  These turned out great.  I was kind of worried about you being in charge of the design.  Your fashion sense is hit or miss most of the time.”

Muni rolled her eyes. “Thanks.  I’m glad you approve.”

“They look great.  They are definitely sexy.  I’m not too keen on you guys being ogled by other men, but we’ll see how it goes. Hopefully, I don’t have to kill anyone,”  I chuckled.

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about.  Humans make up most of the population of this town.  They aren’t prejudiced, but they usually like sticking with their own species romantically,” Koshiro shared with a shrug.

“Well, I’m human, and I think you gals are the hottest women I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Koshiro patted me on the cheek playfully. “Aww, thank you, my perfect Chad.”

I turned to Claire and cringed.  “Eh, I hope you aren’t offended.  Calling co-workers hot is probably not the most professional behavior in the workplace.”

Claire chuckled, and I couldn’t help but notice her mammoth breasts jiggle. “No offense taken.”

“Ha, you’re totally watching her boobs bounce up and down,” Koshiro announced while pointed at Claire.

“Fuck, do you see everything?”  I blurted.

“Well, am I wrong?”  

I closed my eyes and exhaled.  “No.  I’m sorry Claire.”

“Don’t be.  My breasts aren’t hard to miss.  They distract a lot of men and women.  I’d be shocked if you didn’t stare sometimes.”

“Ha, staring? I think I see some drool,” Koshiro teased.

Muni broke her silence and put her arms around me.  “Koshiro, if you keep teasing Chad, he may decide to move out of your apartment and stay with me upstairs.”

“Oh shit,” I mumbled to myself.

Koshiro’s face almost burst into flames.  “What?  Chad isn’t going anywhere!  Let alone live with you upstairs with your grandmother.  It won’t be very erotic banging each other with an old lady in the next room.”

“I heard that,” Betty shouted upstairs from her apartment.

“Goddamn she has good hearing for someone in her golden years,” Koshiro grumbled.

“Still hearing you,” Betty retorted from a distance.

Koshiro shook her head.  “Okay, where was I?  Oh yeah, Chad isn’t going anywhere, Muni.  That’s final.  Right Chad?”

I cleared my throat.  “Yes, that’s correct.”

“We’ll see about that,” Muni joked.

Koshiro kicked the closest chair over and growled at the catgirl.  “Next time, that chair will be your ass.”  The Kitsune motioned for Claire to follow. “Let’s go to the kitchen. I’ll show you around before I get angry.”

I coughed. “BEFORE, you get angry?”

“Chad, just stare at our bouncing asses and be quiet.”

“I can do that.”


“I don’t think you’ve ever been here before,” Muni observed as the wind blew through her striking blue hair.

“I haven’t,” I replied with wonder.

We were on the roof of the restaurant overlooking the town.  I could see all the way to the ocean too.  There was a stationary swing set up facing the ocean.  Muni sat down and patted the space beside her.  I sat down and we swung gently.  We stayed silent for a couple of minutes, just taking in the view and the fresh air.  I placed my hand on her knee and softly patted it.  We locked eyes and kissed for a few seconds.  She laid her head on my shoulder.  A few strands of her hair blew into my mouth.  I tried to blow them out discreetly, but it didn’t work.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to spit on you.”

She squeezed my arm tighter and press her head in to my shoulder with a little more force.  “That’s okay.”

“This is a magnificent spot.  Why haven’t I been up here before?”

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“We’ve been so busy.  This is the first time I’ve been up here in a month.”

“Really?  I’d be up here every day.  Look at this view.”

“You’re welcome to come up here anytime you like.  Well, only if I’m allowed to come with you, of course,” Muni snickered.

“I can agree with that,” I replied with a kiss on the top of her head.  At the angle her head laid, the point of her left ear went right into my nose when I kissed her.”

“Well, that was smooth. I’ve not only spit on you, but I’ve shoved your ear up my nostril.  Luckily, I don’t see any snot.”

She laughed, and we stopped talking once more.  A couple of minutes later, Muni broke the silence. “This may be prying, so you don’t have to answer.  Do you miss Earth? You had family and friends there… right?”

“That’s a good question and I don’t mind answering. I hadn’t really thought about it all that much.  I’ve been so overwhelmed with learning about this new world.  I’ve not had time to think about my old life.  In all honesty, I had very little life to miss.  I miss my parents’ some of course.  I mean, they’re my parents, but our relationship had become strained over the past few years.  I can’t blame them.  I was lazy and a drain on them, mostly.  I was unemployed, and I played games most of the day.  I probably miss my best friend, Fred, the most.  He was a good friend to me.  I don’t know how I would have gotten through each day without him.  I had little friends, but I had him and that was enough.”

“Did you have a girlfriend?”

“No, I mean there was a girl that I had a crush on, but I was firmly in the friend zone with her.”

“What was her name?”


“So you never told her how you felt about her?”

“No, I’ve never been great with the ladies and she was out of my league.  She would have probably had a stroke from laughing so hard.”

“You should have told her.  Her response may have surprised you.”

“I doubt it, but all in all, I’m glad I didn’t.  It would have been more traumatic leaving her on Earth.”

“That’s true, I suppose.”

“I just hope my family and friends can move on.  One day, I was there are the next day I just disappeared.  They aren’t going to have any closure.  I wish there was some way to get them a message that I’m okay.”

“Hmm,” Muni mumbled.


“I have an idea.  Maybe there is a way to get them a message.”

“Really?  How?”

“There is a mage tower in Broadburn.  Someone might be able to help there?”

“A mage tower?”
“It’s literally a giant tower.  It serves as an antenna that can draw mana from all over.  Alot of mages live there year round.”

“How can they help?”

“I don’t even know if they can, but I think it’s possible that someone there might know what to do.”

“I think it’s worth a shot. Don’t you?”

“Yeah, I’ve got nothing to lose.  How far is it from Summerstar?”

“It’s about three thousand miles away.”

“Wow, that’s a long walk,” I joked.

“Silly, we do have faster modes of transportation.  A skyflyer comes through here once a month and offers transport to anywhere in the country… for a small fee, of course.  The next one should be here next month.  The skyflyer came a couple of days before you arrived, so it should be due then.”

“What about the restaurant?  I can’t leave.”

Muni laughed and patted my stomach.  “Well, if you want to get your friends and family anytime soon…you will.  The restaurant will be fine.  After a month of operation, it should run like a well-oiled machine. Either myself or Koshiro will go with you.”

“Psh, are you and Koshiro going to arm wrestle or duel? She’s not going to just give up her seat on the skyflyer.”

“Well, we’ll see what happens.  She may surprise you.”

“I doubt that, but stranger things have happened.”

“There you are!” Koshiro shouted from the top of the stairway.  “I thought I was going to have to send out a freaking search party.”

“Sorry, we just came up here to get some fresh air.  It’s awesome,” I said.

“Does fresh air require catgirls attached to your arm sensually?  Well?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, it does,” Muni confirmed as she kissed me on the cheek.

Koshiro scoffed.  “You guys do know that this place opens for business tomorrow… right?  Do you think you have time to sit up here just looking at the seagulls?”

“Just relax,” Muni insisted.  

“Relax?  I’m relaxed.  Maybe you should relax.”

The sound of footsteps caught our attention.  Claire, in all her glory, exited the stairway first, followed by Betty.

“Betty said she wanted to talk with us about something,” Claire informed.

“I’m glad I got all of you together for once.  We’ve been running around like a kobold with his head cut off over the past couple of weeks.  I just wanted to say so long for a while.”

Muni leaped from the swing and spun around.  “So long? What the heck are you talking about?”

“I’m going to be leaving town for a while with Nellie.”

I raised my hand.  “Nellie? Whose Nellie?”

“She’s my best friend, of course.”

Muni was clearly in shock. She moved closer to her grandmother.  “You do know that we are opening a restaurant tomorrow…YOUR restaurant?”

“I’m well aware, granddaughter. I’m leaving it in excellent hands.”

“What are you going to do?  Are you and Nellie lesbians?”  Koshiro wondered.

“Koshiro!” Muni shouted.

Betty laughed. “No, no, we’re not lesbians.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.  People can have sex with whoever they want and it’s fine by me.  We’re just taking a vacation and I’m going to go get some supplies and ingredients while we’re out.  We have a lot, but with Chad’s cooking skills, we can do even more.  So I need to pick up some ingredients that we’ve never used before.”

“Should we just wait to open when you return?” I asked.

Betty locked eyes with me and shook her head. “Absolutely not. This place opens tomorrow morning. No exceptions.”

“When have you ever been on a vacation?” Koshiro asked with a cocked brow.

“It’s been a long time, so I’m overdue by a lot of years.  Another reason we’re going now is that we don’t have to worry about the Big anymore.  It was always dangerous to go out on your own.  You never knew what those assholes would do. Anyway, I didn’t come up here for your permission.  I’m just letting you know. As a matter of fact, Nellie should arrive any second now.  We’re leaving this afternoon. I don’t want to be in the way tomorrow morning when the restaurant opens for business.”

Muni embraced her grandmother and cried.  “I’m sad you’re leaving, but I understand.  We’ll be fine.  I just want you to be careful.  When will you be back?”

“It will probably be a couple of months before we return.  Is that okay?”
“That’s fine with me.  Get out there and see the world and bring me some good stuff to cook,” I replied.

Betty chuckled.  “That is my plan.  I need you to take care of my girls, and that includes Claire now.”

“I promise.”

Betty gave her goodbyes and rode off with Nellie on something that looked like one of those prairie schooners on the Oregon Trail except this one was being pulled by a couple of large iguana looking lizards.  We waved goodbye and watched them all the way to the horizon.

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