Barbarian Chef

Chapter 29: Chapter 28 — Up,up,and away

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I leaned on the rail of the balcony and took in the view as we soared over the world below. “This is beautiful.”

I saw almost every natural wonder that you could imagine: rolling hills, winding rivers, sparkling lakes, and giant mountains.  This was a gorgeous world.  It made Earth look like Mercury. “Koshiro, where the hell are you?  You’re missing the view. You said you haven’t been on one of these things before.”

“I’m here.  I just wanted to add to the view for you.”

Koshiro stood at the balcony door completely naked.  She was a perfect creature.  The sun shining on her divine body added to the perfection somehow.  My eyes almost popped out of my skull, and I wasn’t able to speak. She sauntered over to the railing and placed her hands on the wood.  She admired the view of the world below as I admired the view of the kitsune that stood beside me.

“Do you like what you see?” she asked, looking straight ahead.

“Yeah, you’re gorgeous,” I stammered.

She turned toward me, leaning on the rail with her elbow.  The wind made her hair flutter in the sexiest way imaginable. “What are you going to do about it?”

I grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her in for a forceful kiss.  She gasped at the unexpected and aggressive move.  She was probably expecting a slow sensual acceleration, but I wanted to fuck her right then and there.  I wasn’t interested in foreplay this time.  Our tongues fought each other like two lions fighting over desired territory.  I grabbed her ass and pulled her closer, smashing her huge breasts against my chest.  “I’m going to make you feel good.  That’s what I’m going to do about it.”

“Show me,” the kitsune whispered.  “Show me right here on the balcony.”

I pushed her away and took my clothes off, then pulled her back with force.  “I’m in charge.”

“Fuck, yeah. Do with me as you wish.”

“I plan to.”

I took a knee and wrapped my lips around one of her nipples and pinched it with my teeth.  I twirled my tongue around the nipple and sucked it hard.  She put her hands on the back of my head and moaned.  I began to slowly pinch her other nipple as I went to work on the other.

“Chad, fuck.”

The pressure of the pinch became stronger and stronger as her breathing increased.  I lifted her onto the table and spread her legs. My tongue traveled down slowly until I reached her pretty pink nub.  I slowly fondled it with my tongue, causing her to squirm in ecstasy.  I inserted my index and middle finger slowly into her sopping wet canal as my tongue explored her sensitive button.

“Goddammit Chad, I’m going to come already.  Fuck.”

I increased the speed of my tongue and fingers, bringing her to a violent climax. Her body convulsed, and I thought she was going to fall off the table.  She covered her mouth to stifle a scream of ecstasy.

I pulled out my fingers and lapped up her sweet juices with my tongue.

“That was amazing, my gods,” Koshiro panted as she continued to squirm from aftershocks from the insanely powerful orgasm.

“Phase two,” I said as I jerked her from the table to the rail.  I forced her hands on the smooth wood rail and pulled her ass to me.  I explored her butt cheeks with my mouth.  I kissed, and I sucked the plump flesh.

My thumb traveled down her crack, then lightly circled her asshole that was now drenched from the waterfall of cum from her pussy. I softly pushed my thumb in the forbidden entryway.  

“Oh my gods, Chad.  Fuck.”

“Does this hurt?”

“No, it feels fucking good.  Fuck.”

I slowly moved my thumb in and out of her tight hole.  I moved my other hand under her and played with her nub once more. 

She fought to catch her breath. “Goddamit, Chad, I’m gonna come again.  You’re driving me crazy.”  Koshiro white-knuckled the railing as she climaxed again, more violently than the first one. “You’ve never played with my butt before.  I liked it.”

“I told you.  I was in charge today.  Now I want you to suck my cock.”  I pulled my thumb out of her ass and stood.  Koshiro licked her lips and dropped to her knees.  She grabbed my cock and began to slowly stroke it.  

I tilted my head back and closed my eyes. “Fuck, Koshiro.”

She licked the tip as she stroked.  She kissed the tip and took it inside her mouth, twirling her tongue around it. She pulled her mouth off and kissed the side of my shaft.

“Do I please you?”

“Fuck, yes.”

She released her grasp on my cock and grabbed my balls.  “Do you like your balls squeezed?”

“Yeah. Fuck.”

“Harder?” she asked.



The pain was getting intense, but the pleasure matched the intensity. “Yeah, a little more.”

She cocked a brow and compressed my sack more.

“Now I want your mouth on my shaft.”

“Do you want me to stop squeezing?”

“No, don’t you fucking dare.  Suck me now.”

She grinned and complied with my lewd command.  Her head bobbed slowly at first, then promptly increased speed.

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“Fuck, Koshiro.  You’re amazing.  Don’t stop.”

She squeezed my balls even harder, which brought me to the ledge.  “Look at me.”

She opened her eyes and did what she was told. 

“I want you to look into my eyes as I paint your throat with my seed.”

I played with her ears, then moved my hands to the back of her head.  “I gonna come.  Fuck.”

A couple more bobs later, and I exploded into her mouth.  I clenched my fists and hammered the wall behind me.  “Fuck.”


An alarm sounded, bringing us out of our nap.  Naps after sex were one of my favorite things. Koshiro’s ears perked up, and she sat up in the bed quickly.  She hammerfisted me on the chest. “Get up Chad.”

I wiped the sleep from my eyes and stretched.

“What is that all about?” I asked with a yawn.

Naked, Koshiro jumped from the bed. “Is it a fire alarm?  Is this thing on fire? Fuck!” 

Just as I opened my mouth to console her, an intercom sounded.

“Attention guests.  Please lock your doors and stay in your rooms.  Pirates have stopped us and they are attempting to board the vessel.  You must stay in your rooms.  Please barricade the doors as an additional method to secure your room.  We have contacted the authorities and they will be on their way shortly to assist us.  Don’t panic.”

Koshiro frantically began to put her clothes back on. “Don’t panic?  What the fuck?  They’re telling us pirates are coming to kill us.  Yes, I’m going to panic!  Chad, help me slide the dresser in front of the door.”


“No? What do you mean, no?”

I accessed my inventory menu and equipped my best armor from Stonerock Dungeon, along with two battle axes I looted.  “This is one of those times that being a S-rank barbarian is actually useful.  Lock the door behind me and get in the closet. I’m going to go check it out.”

“You’re right, I’m an idiot.  I’d begun to see you as just a hot chef with muscles.  These douchebags are boarding the wrong fucking ship. Go get’em Chad.  Are you sure you don’t want me to help?”

“No, I want you to stay here.  Some of the passengers will probably need your healing when it’s all said and done.  Everyone doesn’t have a room like us.  They’re just out in the open. I’ll come get you when the coast is clear.”

Koshiro jumped into my arms and kissed me.  “Ouch.”

“What’s wrong?”

“This breastplate hurt my ta tas.”

“Oops, I’m sorry.”

“Go! Get these guys!”


As I walked down the hallway, I heard the door to our room latch and something slide in front of it.  Since we portalled directly into our room, I wasn’t familiar with how this thing was laid out.  Luckily, when I got to the end of the hallway, there was one of those ship diagrams with the “You are Here” on it.  We were on the highest floor and the deck to the Skyflyer was just a flight of stairs up from my location.  From my short analysis of the Skyflyer, I determined that the deck was the only place that made sense to board.  I just needed to get on deck, and I could stop this little hijacking quickly. As I approached the top of the stairs, I could hear screaming.  The scene was more horrible that I could have possibly imagined.  These pirates were killing passengers left and right.  There was blood everywhere. My stomach sank. I should have acted sooner. 

From a quick scan, I estimated that there were around twenty pirates on the deck.  I had to move. They continued to kill with impunity.  I was expecting them to just rob the people and leave, but I was wrong.  They were interesting in killing first, then stealing later.  I noticed that a few of the women were being spared.  I guessed it was because they had even more depraved intentions in store for them.  I ran toward the scene as fast as I could.  My eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw one of the pirates toss a little boy over the side of the ship.  The mother and father screamed in horror as their child fell to its death.

The clanging of my armor caught the attention of several of the pirates immediately.  Five of the dirtbags charged toward me with short swords and enraged expressions, and the others were extremely hesitant when they saw my size and armor I wore.  It had to be pretty intimidating seeing a battle ax in each hand as well.

I ducked the first pirate’s swipe and spun counterclockwise with both of my arms outstretched.  I spun, slicing each pirate in half.  Their steel swords clanged against the deck as they were released from their dead hands. Body parts and loose flesh plopped and spattered alongside the steel.  The metallic smell of blood filled my nostrils, which was followed by the stench of shit-filled intestines piled on the floor. The remaining pirates stood frozen as they tried to process the gruesome scene, knowing that their blood would soon paint the Skyflyer as well.

“Everyone, get behind me!”

The passengers that were left darted to the other side of the deck out of harm’s way.  Several of the people just sat beside the corpses of their loved ones.  

“Well, what are you waiting for, assholes? Come get some.”

None of the pirates made a move.  Several of them dropped their weapons and held up their hands in surrender.

The one that looked like a leader spoke up.  “We’ll go. We’re done.”

My eyes were drawn to the corpse of a teenage boy.  One of these cunts had stabbed him in the chest. “Nope, you all are dying here. I’ll be damned if you’re going to do this to anyone else.” I replied through gritted teeth.  Saying those words surprised me. I wasn’t the violent type back on Earth.  I didn’t care about violent films or video games, but now I was slicing people into bits with no fucks given.  This world was beautiful, yet violence was prevalent.  Even though I wasn’t a violent person, this was a situation where it was required.  Justice had to be served, and I was going to be the one to serve it.  If I hadn’t been here, these bastards would have slaughtered and done God knows what to the women.

“We surrender!” the pirate leader yelled. “We’re going to hop on our ship and leave.  No one else will be harmed. You have my word.”

“You cocksuckers are going to be harmed.  You’re not going anywhere.” I tossed my ax like lightning toward the leader.  It flipped end over end, slicing through the air.  Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. The cruel blade sliced the man in half vertically and stuck into the wood behind him.  Whoever was flying the ship pulled away from the Skyflyer, leaving all the pirates to die. The remaining group of men gasped and called out to the driver, but it was futile.  They had been left to die.

The men scattered, but there was nowhere to go unless they jumped to their deaths.  A few of them came to the realization that they would have to fight to have any chance of survival. They lifted their swords and crept forward.  They formed a semicircle as they approached from the front.  Three other pirates just sat on the edge of the deck in terror.  One pirate tried to pull my bloody ax from the wood to use, but he wasn’t strong enough to remove it.  I chuckled and shook my head. “Give up, pick up one of your pussy swords.  You have to be a man to use an ax like that.”

The semicircular group of pirates attempted to take advantage of my distraction and charged with their swords raised in the air.  When they were only a few feet away, I hammerfisted the deck.  The shock wave knocked them back on their asses.  One man whose wife was dead picked up a sword and began stabbing one of the supine men closest to him.  It was heartbreaking and disturbing all at once, seeing the rage in his eyes.  His life would never be the same after today.  After the man killed two of the pirates, he slit his own throat and fell to the deck.  He didn’t want to live another moment without his companion.

“Goddamit, no!” I extended my hand, palm out as if that would stop him. It was too late to stop him. I hoped they were able to be together in the afterlife.

I clenched my fists and went to work on the remaining pirates.  I slashed and sliced each of the men to pieces.  The only pirate left was cowered in the corner, begging for his life.  I recognized him immediately as the pirate that tossed the young boy over the side of the Skyflyer.  I grabbed him by the neck and threw him as hard as I could overboard.  He screamed in terror as he plummeted to his death. I turned back and saw the carnage.  It looked like bodies had been thrown in a huge blender then dumped out on the deck.  In the distance, I saw Koshiro standing with her hand over her mouth.  I hated she had to see this, but more importantly, I hated she saw what I was capable of doing.  I hoped it didn’t freak her out.  I hoped she understood.  I had a feeling that she would.

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