Barbarian Chef

Chapter 32: Chapter 31 – Living on the edge

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“Have you ever climbed a mountain before?” Koshiro wondered.


“What happens if we hit a dead end on this road?”

“We haven’t yet, maybe we won’t.  Maybe it’ll take us right where we need to go.  Put those positive vibes out there in the universe.”

We were fortunate that there was a small path that was taking us up Grandomeer.  The pathway reminded me of one you would find at a national park back on Earth.  It was rocky with roots we had to climb over, but we weren’t technically climbing. We were just hiking up a mountain at the moment, and that was fine by me.  I loved watching documentaries about mountaineering, but I’d never actually climbed anything with a rope.  Well, that’s not true. I went to one of those indoor climbing places where they put a harness on you.  I made it halfway up before I slipped.  Of course, I didn’t have this body with these muscles, so things would have been a lot different if I tried to climb the same obstacle now.  I had a feeling that this path would wind around the mountain and eventually end up at the summit.  Maybe we would get lucky and find some of this frosliorgus a little further down.

Koshiro was determined to walk in front of me.  At first, I was against it because of the dangers that Bernard spoke of, but the benefit of watching her ass in that skirt outweighed any danger.  Sometimes the path would get steeper and I was able to get a nice shot of her panties.  The kitsune knew what I was doing, but she said nothing.  I was convinced she planned her steps to give me the best panty shot.  There was a good chance that we’d make a pit stop to make out before we arrived at our destination.  If she kept showing me her ass like she was, I would bend her over a log and pound her right here on the mountain.

“I can feel your eyes on me, Chad.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked with a crooked smile.

“You’ve been drooling over my cute little ass all the way up this mountain.  Am I wrong?”

“No, you’re not wrong.  It’s pretty distracting. I’m not gonna lie.  I could have walked right past a grizzly bear and not noticed.  Your ass is driving me insane.  I’m going to take the lead soon.  Otherwise, I’m gonna get killed by an animal or walk right off a cliff.”

Koshiro giggled.  “My ass is really that distracting?”

“Yes, it is one of the most distracting things I’ve ever seen in my life.  All I can think about is fucking you doggystyle against a fucking tree trunk.  I’m sorry for two f-bombs in the same sentence, but I’ve got a boner as big as that fucking mage tower right now.”

Koshiro giggled and stepped off the path.  She placed her hands on the trunk of an enormous oak tree and poked her ass at me.  “This tree maybe?”

“Shit, you’re going to be the death of me.  I’m serious.”

I walked behind her and ran my hands up and down her outer thighs.  “You know we need to be fast.  I don’t want to spend the night out here.”

“Good, I just want to get fucked right now. I don’t need any extracurricular activities.  Put your cock in my pussy and fuck it hard and as fast as you can.”

“Damn, you know exactly what to say to get me going. You’re like a damn succubus.  You aren’t a succubus, are you?”

“I can be whatever you want me to be.”

“You being you is more than enough.  You are a damn perfect creature.”

“Thank you, now fuck me.”

I lifted her skirt up and gave her a couple of ass slaps. The cotton panties were soaked with her sweet juices.  Her pussy was ready to be taken right now.  I unbuttoned my trousers and dropped my pants to my ankles.  I slid the crotch of her cotton panties over to the side with my thumb, revealing her shaven pussy.  I wasted no time inserting my shaft into her wet canal.  

Koshiro gasped. “Oh fuck. Chad. Gods.”

The slapping of our bodies echoed off the mountain.  If there were any animals close by, they were definitely tilting their heads to the side, wondering what the hell that strange sound was.

“Is this hard enough for you?”

“No, I want you to punish my pussy.  Fuck me hard.”

I gripped her hips and began thrusting harder.  “Koshiro, fuck.  You’re driving me crazy.”

“Harder.  Fucking fuck me.”

I gnashed my teeth and began pounding harder and harder.  I had to be careful that I didn’t go overboard and hurt her.  However, she sounded to me like she wanted to get hurt.  

“Oh fuck, Chad. I’m gonna come. Fuck me goddamit.”

I grabbed her long red hair, jerking her head back as I thrusted even harder. “Rub my chest with your tails.”

“You like that?  How does this feel?”

“Yes, fuck. I’m going to fill you up with my seed.  Is that what you want?”

“Yes, that’s what I want.  Fuck, I’m coming. Yes,” Koshiro screamed and her perfect body convulsed against the tree trunk.  Her legs went completely limp, and I had to hold her by the hips tight to prevent her from falling to the forest floor.

It was a new sensation, fucking a limp body, but she kept screaming in pleasure.  “Are you okay?”

“Shut the fuck up and come deep inside me. Now.”

That small morsel of dirty talk did the trick. “Oh, fuck, I’m coming,” I thrust my cock as deep as I could go, and I painted her cervix with my cum.  

“Aren’t you glad I came with you now?”

“Yes, I am.”

She turned around and leaned against the trunk.  She grabbed my shirt and pulled me in for a kiss. “I’m yours. You can take me whenever you want, wherever you want.  Understand?”



“It looks like a dead end up ahead,” Koshiro sighed.

“Nope, that’s not a dead end… look,” I motioned to the small ledge on the side of the 90 degree smooth granite wall. “That’s the path right there. We’ll have to shimmy on that ledge.”

Koshiro looked closer and her jaw dropped. “You’ve got to be kidding me.  We can’t do that.”

“I’m not asking you to do it, but I’m going to do it.”

“No way, you’ll fall.  We’ll just find another way up there.”

“The climb is straight up.  It looks like fucking El Capitan… don’t ask. That ledge is clearly part of the path.”

“We’ll just go somewhere else to find this frosliorgus stuff.”

“I’ve looked in my interface.  This is the only location for hundreds of miles that we can find this stuff.  I’ve come this far, and I’m willing to go a little further.  I’ll be fine. I promise.”

Koshiro sighed.  “Let’s go then.”

“No way, you just stay here.  I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“I’m not staying here by myself.  Do you want something to eat me alive?  You remember Bernard saying how dangerous this mountain was?  He said something about owlbears and necromancers. Remember what I told you earlier?”

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“You go wherever I go?”

“You do listen,” Koshiro grinned.

Suddenly, I heard a bizarre growl back from how we came.  Koshiro spun around and pulled her butcher knife.  The small steel knife shook in her hand.  “What’s that noise?”

I shrugged.  “I’m not sure.  It doesn’t sound friendly.”

“I’m definitely going with you. No more discussion.”

I nodded.  “Understood. I’ll go first though, and you stay right beside me.”

The ledge was roughly a foot wide.  For Koshiro and her dainty feet, the ledge was very doable with a bit of focus.  However, it was a different story with my enormous feet.  Part of my heel would hang off the ledge. You aren’t supposed to look down in these situations, but it’s impossible not to.  It was a terrifying sight; it was an endless fall. 

“I heard another growl.  We’ve gotta go,” Koshiro warned.

“Fuck, should I go facing the wall or my back to the wall?”

“I’m not a mountaineer, but I think you should go facing the wall. I think it would be less terrifying because you aren’t staring at a deadly fall.  That’s what I’m doing.  Plus, I think my tails will be in the way if I try to go with my back facing the wall.”

“I think you’re right.  Face first it is.”

“Do me a favor and don’t look at my ass when you’re on the ledge.”

“Umm, why is that?” I asked with bewildered eyes.

“If you look at my ass, there is a chance you’ll get a boner and knock yourself off the ledge. That sounds stupid, but it could happen.”

I laughed.  “Koshiro, I’m pretty sure that my dick hiding from everyone deep in my abdomen from being scared shitless.  You’re sexy as hell, but I think the ledge will be a boner-free zone.”

“I’m just saying, that’s all. I’d feel terrible if my cute little ass caused you to fall to your death.  I don’t think I’d be able to get over that. Curse my ass!”

There was more of the odd growling again, which seemed to get closer and closer. I wondered if it was one of those owlbears that Bernard talked about. I placed my foot onto the ledge and began to slowly shimmy my way toward the other side.  From my estimation, it looked to be one hundred feet to the other side of the chasm.  I made the mistake of looking at my feet only seconds in.  I saw my heel over nothingness, and my stomach churned and I grew dizzy.  “Oh, fuck.”

“What’s wrong, Chad?”

“Just give me a second, and I’ll be fine.”

“Sure.  Just breathe.”

“Why are you so calm?  You were the one that was freaking out earlier.”

“Well, luckily I have tiny little feet and I’ve got plenty of room.  It’s not as scary now.  Isn’t that great?”

“Yeah. Terrific,” I grumbled as I hugged the wall.

“I didn’t think you were all that afraid.  What changed?”

“I’m fine. Just stop talking to me.  I need to concentrate.”

Koshiro sighed.  “Okay, I’ll be quiet, but there’s no need to be mean.”

I grumbled as I shimmied again.  My nausea was still bothering me, but I couldn’t just stand there and hope for it to go away.  I needed to get off this ledge as soon as I could.  I closed my eyes and pretended that I was on a plank on the ground with only a three-inch fall.  Luckily, Koshiro listened and stopped talking to me.  

Suddenly, I heard a crack and a scream.  “Chad!”

A piece of the ledge broke and Koshiro fell.  By the grace of the Nine, she was able to grab the ledge.  It was terrifying seeing the woman I love dangling off the side of a mountain.  I had only a second to react.  I squatted to grab her wrist.  My knees hitting the wall almost pushed me off. I jerked her up onto a safe part of the ledge.  

“Are you okay?”  I asked through rapid breaths.

“Gods, yeah.  I’m okay.  Thank you.”

“I’m going to hold on to your wrist as I shimmy down the ledge. Okay?”

“Yes, thank you.  Fuck, I almost died.”

“Don’t think about that.  Just focus and we’ll be over this before you know it.”

The ledge breaking under Koshiro’s feet was probably the last thing that I expected to happen.  I prayed that the rest of the ledge would hold together.  

“We’re almost there.  You’re doing good, Chad.”

I cracked open my right eye and saw that she was right.  I was one step away from safety.  

“Fuck, that was scary.  Much scarier than I expected.  Hell, I don’t know what I expected,” I uttered.

Koshiro embraced me and kissed me on my neck.  “You saved my life.  Thank you so much.  I thought I was a goner, and it was all over.”

“I’m glad I was there.  I can’t imagine this world without you in it.”

“That’s so nice. I love you.”

I lifted her lips to mine for a brief kiss.  “I love you too. I’m sorry for putting you through all of this just so I can send a message to my parents.  I’m being extremely selfish.”

“Listen, anything that is important to you is just as important to me.  I’ll follow you anywhere and I’ll do anything that you want to do.”

I kissed her on the top of her head between her fluffy ears. “Man, I hope there aren’t any more ledges.”

“Chad, I just thought of something.”


Koshiro cringed.  “Don’t we have to go back across to get down the mountain?”

I chuckled.  “Shit, you’re right.”

The kitsune giggled and patted me on the cheek.  “I’m glad you think this is funny.”

“We’re going to find another way down or we’re just going to live on top of this mountain. Deal?”


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