Battle Academy’s Cannon Fodder

Chapter 1: Prologue

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Daniel had no place to go after 'that incident'.

His house was burnt down, and it wasn't like there was an insurance that paid for a monster invasion.

The only thing he could do was… his best.

Even if he became homeless, he had to something about it. The once youthful face hardened.

Eyes looked up to see the pink tinted clouds.

Years later, Daniel was sitting on his desk. He no longer had to scavenge the broken stores anymore.

Civilisation had fallen apart for a time after the invasion of 'Demons', but humanity had endured.

Now, they were the 'Hunters'.

The academy he was assigned to protect had been established by the government and given priority.

Parents willingly sent their children to these institutions. Even if they differed in ethnicity.

The reason was obvious.

"Demons must be cleansed…!" Literally every single top religious group hated these 'monsters'.

It caused many to fall into a homicidal fury.

There was panic at first from these new breed of animals and their 'contagion'. Able to multiply itself.

Then the true conflict began.

Those filled with a sense of duty immediately mobilised themselves when someone said 'Demon'.

Citizens were stronger than expected. Even if they weren't provided weapons or any combat training.

Teenagers doing better than even their parents…

It was a strange scene.

"Son, you better not hesitate!" A man spoke out.

Daniel was there to see the scene firsthand.

A priest who had been sweeping the church and keeping things tidy… 'cleaned up' a Lesser Demon.

Smashing the blue monstrosity's skull in with a broom, and urging his son to the same thing.

Patriotism and faith was more contagious than the demonic taint that was turning friends into foes.

Many had lost their minds that day, and that did not only include those who had been infected by them.

That scene had burnt into his head.

A child picked up an electric fan and beat the woman that was once his mother on her head.

Again, and again… and again…

Then stood up when his father came over to finish her off. The old figure crushing the woman's skull.

Scarring his son for life.

Daniel witnessed firsthand how many were able to retain their sanity that day after hearing the priest:

"Do not blame yourselves. The ones who need to be punished are the Demons! May the souls of those who had been lost rest in peace. We shall take revenge on their killers with our own hands!"

Truly remarkable.

The younger Daniel of back then felt at awe. A few words were all that was needed to turn these traumatised citizens into bloodthirsty hunters. The eyes of his son also tinted red in pure hysteria.

Enough rage to make the rabid dog roar…

The world had gone crazy.

Lesser Demons were recklessly hunting Humans.

But they didn't realise… Humans were much scarier. Much more vicious and crueler than others.

They rose to the top of the food chain for a reason.

Duct tape was used to stick anything with a razor edge onto bats. Metal pipes taken out of the floor.

Who needed plumbing in this situation anyway?

That once unknown priest wasn't the only one that had lost his marbles that day. Another incident also happened not far from them. When they got to the nearby mosque, they saw a similar scene there.

Except the women weren't walking forward into battle, but supporting by throwing glass bottles.

They started off highly disorganised and clumsy.

Many had died just from making wrong decisions.

Others having hesitated to kill an 'infected'.

But the mistakes of others imprinted on survivors.

When they saw firsthand when a hesitant bystander was bitten to death by a zombie-like Lesser Demon, their hesitation faded away. The words of priests becoming their only solace.

"THEY are the enemies. Kill those evil creatures that have possessed our own." A line was drawn.

And a bloodbath commenced…

Houses we're both burnt and put out. Those who were on the verge of transforming were put down.

Molotov Cocktails burnt zombies to the ground.

It was like a cleansing of a plague. Many wore masks while moving. Saving many in the process.

Finally, the military moved in.

Gunning down the remaining enemies with what they had on hand. Taking in civilians to safe zones.

But the damage was done.

Even after having cleaned out the 'infected', the root cause they called 'Patient Zero' had escaped.

The hearts of many citizens were forever changed.

An aftermath similar to what wars of old had occurred. Humanity gained a clear enemy.

This one having the benefit of being an 'other'.

Which gave ample reasons to fan the flames of hate. To never forget their grudge at 'Demons'.

Patriotism of this nature became too heavy…

Too many were trying to enlist into the army solely to act against Demons. Even the old and wrinkled.

Daniel joined that group.

Since the government had no choice but to accept the sentiments of the majority, especially those that were in their upper echelons, they started to devise measures ordinary people could use.

The finest countermeasure created from reverse engineering the alien technology was called…

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…'Gift Seeds'.

They took the nano-machines that were in Lesser Demons and uprooted them, then distilled them into using different methods. Each one creating varied effects… to the point 'Demon Blood' was recognised as a new element on the periodic table.

The most curious reaction came with fire…

It became well-known that flames were the best countermeasure against demons and their kind.

As nano-machines could also 'burnout' like regular mechanical appliances, but not be totally broken.

Daniel heard this from the researcher that implanted the 1st Gen 'Gift Seed' in his arm.

"The problem wasn't the hardware, but the software inscribed into these things. We're trying our best, but this is the best we could do for your strengthening. Ahem… Cadet #5 of the Hawkeye Platoon, you will now be injected with our best."

The white-coated researcher spoke while applying a seed into his temple. Yes. A literal seed was used.

Although they were able to find the radio frequency that could help 'connect' with Demon Blood, they were unable to do it good enough to create something usable. That's why they all… 'cheated'.

Vitamins and energy foods were altered, then concentrated into the seeds of certain flowers.

This was what a 1st Gen 'Gift Seed' was.

Daniel felt his body convulse. This procedure was much more dangerous than the other platoons.

Others, such as the 'Godhand Platoon', had the seeds applied to their hands. A much safer route.

Although connecting Gift Seeds to the nerves on the hand was dangerous, it wasn't as much as the head and heart. There was a chance this experiment could cause cerebral haemorrhaging.

Turning his brain into mush.

But Daniel was willing to take on that risk, and so was the rest of his other four platoon members.

They'd already given their lives to the cause.

The white-coat watched him with anxiety…

Daniel's right eye was the fire to be 'connected' to the Gift Seed, which then followed onto the next.

He could feel the nano-machines flowing throughout his body, and a new sense opening.

Almost like a second pair of nerves were 'installed'.

This indeed caused some complications.

'Maybe I should have given up earlier…' He thought to himself, but there's no going back at this point.

He had to go through physical therapy to get back his motor skills after finding his body immobilised.

Too many signals being sent all over his body.

This was what those of the barracks liked to name as a 'Foundational Trait'. It was even given a code.

They called it: 'Physical Trait- Post Reflex'.

The other platoons seemed to have gotten a different set, but his squad gained this power.

It wasn't anything special.

Rather than gaining superior strength, this was one of the four 'traits' his platoon members used to move quicker. Because their nerves were enhanced greatly, their reflex and action time was now zero.

As in, 0 seconds for the brain to pass on motor skill instructions and act upon them in the moment.

But the name didn't sound cool enough, so his platoon decided to call this trait 'Bullet Time'.

They sometimes felt the world slow down, at least.

But that wasn't the point.

After going through physical therapy, Daniel finally unveiled what 'type' of Gift he was able to form.

But had become disappointed by what it was.

Since he was allowed to give it a name, he decided to call it: 'Gift Trait- Visionary Transcendence'.

By keeping his body immobile, Daniel was able to expand the range of his vision in different ways.

Even having an infrared capabilities. 

Able to use 'thermal vision' to see heat signatures.

It was too bad this ruined his chances to show off.

As this ability was clearly unfit for combat.

But who would've thought… that a weakling like him would be the only active platoon member left.

Years later, he sat in the security room with a friend of his. Doing a 'regular job' that others would hate.

But maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

'At least they let us bring in snacks.' He thought while opening a bag of chips. Daniel heard a sigh.

The man next to him was bored out of his mind.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked leisurely while munching on some snacks. Completely relaxed.

The man next to him just frowned.

"Jake, you have to talk if you want anyone to know anything." Daniel made sure to point it out clearly.

"How the mighty have fallen…" Jake spoke.

"You mean us by that?"

"Who else?"

"1st Gens like us aren't used to the strongest, but now we have to rely on little children…" Jake scratched his forehead. There was an empty area where his Gift Seed was once installed. A scar…

Daniel felt emotional looking at that closed wound.

He patted the man's shoulder.

"At least they're not 'flawed' like we were back then." If it wasn't for that, there would be more of the first generation around. Most of them either died a heroic death, or took out their implants.

Unable to reinstall anything other than initial Gift Seeds. Thus, giving them no choice but to retire.

Only few being able to get them under control

Daniel didn't feel like he was lucky. He'd always felt disconnected, and this job perfectly fit that feeling.

The only thing that made him worry was…


Was it right to give such power to them?

They wouldn't misuse it, right?

Just as he was thinking that, an explosion rocked their quiet camera room. Speak of the devil…

Looked like things were getting heated.

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