Beast's Flower

Chapter 25: 25

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Upon giving a definite answer to Cecil about attending dinner with Bioust, Layla closed the door. The nanny’s eyes were wide with shock. What Layla did not like was when Cecil, who recovered from the shock, began to grin.


There was no one in the world that Layla harboured fond feelings towards.


Once Cecil was kicked out of the room, Layla then took off her skirt and tossed it aside. There was a book which lay on the floor not so far from her underskirt.


She picked up the book and placed it on a nearby table. Noticing the dust that had gotten on her hands from picking up the book, Layla shook her hands and dusted the book as well.


<< ‘Orlion Empire Basic Spelling’ published by Alend Wernaldo, a renowned intellectual who publicizes knowledge of the world in an orthodox method for the growing children of Orlion, the empire’s hope. >>


However, there was no way that Layla would have been able to read the title of the long book.


She had unintentionally picked it up when she was cleaning the first bookshelf, drawing a conclusion that it was probably the first book the Crown Prince had read in his early learning years.


Although Layla was illiterate, she was able to recognize that the book was for young children since the contents of the book were filled with drawings and words. As there were words listed under each picture, it could be assumed that it was a book for children who were learning to write and spell.


“There’s nothing much to it,” Layla flipped the book over.


“I can do it on my own,” Layla muttered to herself and threw the book onto her bed before resuming stripping off the rest of her clothes.


‘My body aches after cleaning the library all day. Soaking in the hot bath will make me feel drowsy… But after a leisurely bath and delicious meal with Bioust, I’ll learn to write on my own. Well, that is after Bioust leaves, of course.’


‘Mm… Who knew that Bioust’s decision of having me clean up the library would work out so perfectly?’


Layla entered the bathroom with a satisfactory smile on her face.


‘Everything is going smoothly.’





About a week later, the entirety of the library was almost cleaned.


The shelves that were once coated with settled white dust were now cleaned. As the sun rays streamed into the library, no dust particles could be seen floating around in the air. Books, shelves, desks, and chairs were now spotless and even glistened.


“Uh…” Layla groaned.


For the past week, Layla has been diligently cleaning the library during the day and studying letters during the night. The problem was that despite there being progress in the cleaning task, she was not showing much headway in learning.


Then again, such an outcome was to be expected since children were usually guided by their nannies, parents, and tutors when they first learn to write. Layla, on the other hand, had no one. As she had no idea what the letter ‘a’ was, let alone pronounce it, she was unable to proceed any further than the first page.


“I really can’t do it,” Layla sighed in defeat as she put down the book.


The library was already cleaned and there was nothing more she could do. When Layla was unable to organize the books as Bioust as asked for, she became anxious and had a finger in her mouth out of habit.




Before Layla could bite on her nails, a strange taste spread across her tongue, causing her to spit in disgust. It was from the cosmetics she had applied after taking a bath and washing her face.


Even so, it was because of this that Layla does not really bite her nails now. Her nails are no longer painfully short and brittle as before.


However, it was not just her nails that have changed.


The frequent warm baths and application of perfume have made Layla’s stiff blonde hair soft and her skin supple.


Moreover, the better lifestyle has rendered Layla’s initially scrawny body to put on a bit of healthy weight.


No longer was she the same sickly, skinny kitten that wandered around and shivered whenever it rained.




As Layla was not even sure if she was holding the book upside down, she decided to just cover the book.


‘I’ve finished cleaning up the library, but I’ve no choice but to tell Bioust that I won’t be able to organize the books.’


Since Bioust had dinner with Layla nearly every evening, there was no need for her to come up with a way to meet him and talk.


‘But I’ll need to think of an excuse that I can use…’


‘I hate the idea of admitting that I’m unable to organize the books because I don’t know the letters.’


“What should I say?” Layla groaned when she heard the door of the library open.


‘Who could it be?’ Layla wondered as she attempted to listen for any clues as to the identity of the visitor.


‘It’s a little early for Cecil to check in on me for lunch. Maybe it is Bioust since this is the Crown Prince’s library within the Imperial Palace.’


Thinking that it would be nice if it was indeed Bioust, Layla quickly got up from her seat and popped in front of the door.


“Oh my!”


However, it was someone completely different.


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A petite lady looked at Layla with a surprised expression.


“There is someone here…” the lady said in a voice that was as beautiful as her face.


Layla watched the lady with a wary expression and flinched without realizing it.


‘She should have smelled me by now but she doesn’t seem to be frowning or complaining at all,’ Layla thought to herself.


‘Is she unable to smell like Bioust or just someone who is okay with the smell like Cecil? To meet someone who does not point the finger at me…’


“No, it wasn’t a human but a witch?”


Layla, who was trying to think of a way to talk to the lady, the moment she heard ‘witch’. Despite the remark, the lady continued to smile sweetly at Layla.


“Do you mind leaving first? The stench is so bad that I feel like I’m going to die,” the lady continued.


Layla’s face instantly turned red. It had been a long time since she had heard that. It was humiliating to hear the same words that she had in the past.


“No, you get out of here,” Layla spoke bluntly.


“I’d like to but I have some matters to sort out with you.”


At first glance, the lady looked gentle and kind, but the more she talked, the more she resembled Ariadne. Although her appearance was nothing alike, her overbearing attitude and disdainful gaze were similar to that of Ariadne’s.


“Do you know who I am?”


“Do I need to?” Layla snapped back.


“I am Elizabeth, Duchess of Réemote,” the lady introduced as she looked arrogantly at Layla. “I am also the Crown Prince’s fiancée.”


At Elizabeth’s words, Layla felt her heart clenched and sank.


“Are you surprised?” Elizabeth accurately pointed out Layla’s feelings. To be exact, Layla did not know she was surprised nor the reason behind having such a feeling.


“No,” as always, Layla pretended to be calm and stared at the lady.


“Really? Well, I was a little surprised. Since I assumed that His Highness would have one or two concubines as the future Emperor, I was prepared to overlook that matter. However, I’d never had expected a thing as smelly as you to be brought in,” Elizabeth remarked as if Layla was no more than an abomination.


“Who wants to be that?”


“Oh my. Is that so? Are you saying that you’re going to be the Empress?”


“It means that I’m not going to be that.”


“Are you a child with no ambition? …or perhaps you’re pretending to have no ambition.”


Elizabeth then looked  at Layla from head to toe and nodded to herself as if she understood.


“Well, it can’t happen unless you’re ambitious. Honestly, what kind of Empress will be a stinky? Are you even bathing?”


At that insulting remark, Layla bit her lower lip and clenched her fists tightly, unable to rebut or retaliate.


Whether Layla liked it or not, Elizabeth was Bioust’s fiancée. That fact alone meant that Layla could not act recklessly.


“Anyhow, I will be marrying the Crown Prince in the near future. We will be making our vows to God. The reason I came here today is to inform you of that fact and also to warn you to not gallivant around being completely oblivious to the situation. Do you understand?”


Elizabeth spoke in a quiet voice as if she was an older sister informing an ignorant child about common sense.


Layla raised her head and looked at Elizabeth who brimmed with confidence. Layla, on the other hand, felt like a worthless insect.


For a brief moment, Layla imagined standing, her kind and gentle benefactor, standing next to her. Quite often, he would make her heart swell with emotions that she could not even begin to describe.


On the other hand, it was easy to imagine Bioust and Elizabeth getting along. They would make a beautiful pair.


However, it was clear to Layla that despite Elizabeth’s outward appearance, she was wicked at heart. After having to endure years of torment from Ariadne, Layla instantly recognized the evil heart that Elizabeth possessed.


‘Will Bioust be happy if he marries a woman like that?’ a small question arose in Layla’s head.


‘Will they be happy if Bioust loved Elizabeth?’


‘Will they be happy if Elizabeth loved Bioust?’


‘If they love each other, they will make a happy couple.’ 


Thus, if Bioust was happy, there was nothing more that Layla would wish for.


“Do you love him?”


There was a moment of silence upon Layla’s solemn question.




It was Elizabeth who broke the silence.

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